Dreams: Chapter 4

Story by Namyrolis on SoFurry

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Chapter 4 (Sorry for the alignment issue. I will try to figure out WTF)

I could not believe what happened last night. Marcus feel asleep in my arms as we cuddled in bed. We didn't do anything besides look at each other in complete bliss. It felt so right holding him close to me with my head on top of his, even if he WAS a guy. It didn't bother me in the least that he had a dick, a set of balls and a musty scent of a guy.

Though I'm still not sure if I'm ok with that fact since all my life I thought I would find the perfect girl to be with. I liked the idea of having a pup of my own one day with a happy family, living inside of a hetero-normative box just like my parents do now. I'm not saying that I'm not ok with it; it is just really sudden is all.

Marcus and I have known each other since we were about eight, and neither of us would have thought to happen. Hell I haven't even asked Marcus yet, well at least in detail. He did tell me that he always thought I would be a good mate and all, but still. Ugh this is all just so new and my head is spinning.

He left early this morning to avoid meeting my parents and so he could get ready for a day out. This was probably going to be the best Sunday of my life. He said he was going to take me somewhere special and that it would have all the food I could eat. He told me if I was going to eat something before we left to make it light because I would not want to miss anything in the buffet.

As I crawled out of bed I heard the front door open and the sound of my parents talking amongst themselves. It was only eight AM and I was not ready to get out of bed yet, but I knew there was no way I was going to go back to sleep with my parents back home plus having to meet Marcus at his house at eleven.

Marcus to look nice but not dressed up, and me being me didn't know exactly what that meant, so I rummaged through my closet and dresser looking for the best pair of blue jeans, white T-shirt, and overshirt I owned and laid them out on my bed. Taking a quick sniff of my fur indicated that it was too oily and that I was in need of a nice hot shower. There was no way I was going to go out like this, even if I was by myself.

Coming to think of it I think taking a shower is by far the best part of any day. Nothing beats the feeling of hot water running through your fur, and then have a hot blow dryer blow all the water out. It always felt good no matter how shitty the day may have been. A long hot bath of course was always better but sadly my bathroom lacked a tub due to its size.

I stripped off my clothes while stepping into the bathroom, my parents yet to be finished bringing in their belongings and started the water to get it all nice and hot. I took a look at myself in the mirror just for curiosity sake to see how I looked. I was definitely build and toned, but I wasn't overly big or bulky. A few veins on my arms were noticeable through my fur as well as my legs and paws.

Unfortunately the mirror started to fog from the hot steam and I didn't get to admire myself further. Sighing I stepping into the shower to have the water only burn for a split second before my body remembered how hot I liked it. I could not help thinking about Marcus and what we were going to do today. What where we going to do after we ate? Or What we were going to do before we ate?

I tried to keep my thoughts from becoming perverted but I just couldn't help it. I let myself think that Marcus was in the shower with me behind me and that my right paw was his. I slowly inched it closer to my sheath and I could feel it start to bulge. I slowly wrapped my paw around it and my dick immediately starting poking out. It felt so good, and I wanted it, the real Marcus.

Feeling to perverted and uncomfortable on my part I stopped myself and finished washing up. I was below me to defile a friend in such a way and I already felt bad about going as far as I did. I stepped into the blow drying cabinet and let it blow away the perverted thoughts with the water in my fur. The hot hair whooshing through my fur and reaching my skin always made my spine tingle from how good it felt.

As the machine finished its cycle I shook a little bit to make sure all the water was out before I wrapped the towel around my waist. I could no longer hear my parents so I assumed that they had went to their bedroom to rest from their stressful few days at work. They never complained though since they made a good bit of money and to be completely honest we were pretty well off. We weren't rich but defiantly a little more than middle class.

I made my way back to my room and closed the door behind me and started dressing in the clothes I had picked out. I had to admire how simplicity could look real good. I decided to toss the overshirt out of the equation because it seemed like it would be too much. It matched and still looked good but for some reason it just didn't look quite right.

I heard my phone vibrate on my nightstand knowing full well it was a text from Marcus and went over to answer it. It said he would be waiting at the bus stop to meet up and that he would be there in 5 minutes. I looked at the time seeing it was now 9:20. It felt too early to go out and start doing stuff but at the same time I didn't want to wait for it to get later. Hell I couldn't even remember the last time I had even left the house before ten except to go to school.

I didn't want to disturb my parents by going downstairs to go out the front door so I settled on jumping out of my window instead. Despite the fact that yes it looked high, it really wasn't that bad. Plus if I ran into my parents I didn't want to have to make up a story to where I was going or what I was doing. This was new to me so for now I wanted to keep it just to myself and Marcus.

I crawled out of my window and while hanging on the ledge with one paw I closed the window behind me with the other than landed with the grace of a crane. I stretched my legs a little bit and shrugged my shoulders before setting off to meet up with Marcus. The excitement I was feeling was just too unreal to be true, but I knew it was and that this for once was not a messed up dream. Sadly the bus stop was 15 minutes away from my house so I sent Marc a text saying I would be there more around 9:40.


"Lou!!! Finally you're here. I was about to give up."

"I told you 9:40 Marcus. You even responded to the text"

"Yea but it is like 9:42 now. So you are late and d you have any idea how long 2 whole minutes are?"

"I got stopped by traffic and you know how long that light takes to change on Vermont."

"Oh I know... Still though you could at least say sorry."

"Ok Marcus. I'm sorry the light on Vermont is a complete dick and takes too long to change. Do you feel better now?"

"Yep! Apology Accepted!"

"You are just too weird Marcus. So where are we going?"

"You know that buffet on the outskirt of town, The Chinese one?"

"Um, Token Hour?"

"Yea, I want to go there. Well I want us to go there. It's good plus it's cheap and they have some Thai and Japanese meals too."

"Yea that sounds great and I would have brought my car if I knew we were going out of town. That's like 15 miles away and on the other side."

"Oh yea... Good thing I brought mine than."

"Wait, you have a car? Why don't you drive to school if you have a car?"


"Eh? Well where is it"

"Huh? Right here in front of us. Who stands this close to someone else's car?"

I could not believe what Marcus was pointing at. It was a brand new 2013 Subaru BRZ is metallic white. I myself drive a 2010 BMW 328i but that because my family was well off, and it was a used one with only 17,000 miles on it when I got it. This car however looked like it had just rolled out of the factory, and still had the gloss on its tires with no traces of road grime or dirt.

"You own that Marcus?"

"Yea. It was a present from someone... sort of anyway. Anyhow lets get going, the doors are unlocked."

With that we both stepped inside and strapped ourselves in. I was surprised to find that it was a six-speed stick and even more surprised when I heard the sound it made starting up. It sounded a hell of a lot nicer than my BMW and even though the interior was mostly cheap material, it somehow looked and felt better and sadly a lot more functional and self explanatory.

"What's this thing got, an 8-cylinder?"

"Nope, it's got a 4-banger"

"In a sports coupe? There is no way that this thing..."

Dumping the clutch his whipped the backend around in a full 180 and took his foot off the break. It didn't stop barking the tires until he switched it into second and started driving like a normal person.

"What were you saying Lou? I couldn't hear you over the fact that there is and never will be a way your "Beamer" could ever accomplish that. The voices in my head were also laughing to loud at the fact the your "Beamer" is just that, all looks but no soul."

"Hey my beamer can bark it's tires... for a few seconds. But at least it has a six and no wimpy four"

"Whimper huh... See those oncoming cars off in the distance and this asshole going 35 about 3 cars in front of us"

"Yea, why"

"You might want to hold you crotch, don't want you pissing on my seat."

I looked over at him and with a sly grin on his face he downshifted 2 gears and floored it. I watched the gauges as he our speed went from 35 to 50 in a second and then he shifted to 4th and brought our speed up to 70 a few seconds later. All in all it took us about 8 seconds to pass all the cars and get back into our lane safe and sound well before the traffic reached us.

"Oh man wasn't that fun Lou?"

"Yea, a little too much. I think I will stick with my car."

"Well hey, it wasn't like I was offering you one of these. Too expensive"



"And that's how anal was discovered!"

"Really Lou? How did you find that out? Wait let me break out the "Gay" version of the history book. Hey wait a sec, what would you know about anal any way?"

"Just drive Marcus, I left it at home and what I know about anal is self explanatory."

"Damn it, I was hoping to read and drive as well as having a hot conversation. Oh well, food here we come!"

We arrived at the restaurant and managed to find a parking space right in front of the doors. I thought for sure with a car like this that Marc would park it as far away as possible, not front and center. Then again I guess if you had a car like this you would want to show it off.

We walked inside to the waitress who was apparently expecting us as we were immediately seated in a booth in the back corner of the building away from the noise and other Furs. She left and came back a minute later with a Coke for Marc and a Mountain Dew for me which I could only guess was Marc's doing.

"I hope you're hungry Lou. I'm fucking starving myself. Kitty has to eat more than once every twelve hours ya know"

"Yea, me too. What do you plan on getting first?"

"Hmmm, I am defiantly going to go for some pork fried rice, sweet and sour chicken, and that broccoli and beef stuff. You?"

"I am really craving some chicken lo'main on top of white rice and a few eggrolls. The Question is what should I save for last?"

"I don't know what you are going to have but I know for sure what I want. I'm just not sure if it is ready yet."

"Hmm, you special order something?"

"Something like that... Anyway come on time to eat!"

With that we walked up to the buffet where we proceeded to take a lot more food for our first course than we said we were going to. I walked away from the buffet with five eggrolls, three snow crab legs, half a point of lo'main and rice, hot and spicy shrimp, sweet and sour chicken, and three cookies. Marc walked away with so much different stuff on his plate that all I could make out was some crab legs, seasoned rice and broccoli. The rest of it was to mixed together to make out any definite details.

We both took our seats at the table and began chowing down on what we took from the buffet. Marcus just seemed to mix everything together in some sort of order that eluded me but it defiantly wasn't random pickings. My only guess is that he was enhancing the flavors of individual items, or that it was some weird feline things to mix your food together. I myself started with the crab legs, than an eggroll, than I began attacking the lo-main and rice.

"So how do you feel Lou? I mean about me, hanging out with me and such?"

The question caught me off guard more for the timing than the question itself. I knew that he was going to eventually ask but it seemed a bit too soon to ask at this moment. That told me that he himself was dedicated to be with me but wasn't going to put himself into that position unless he was sure about my intentions. I felt the need to be completely honest, and to be sincere and not hide anything from him.

"I really like you Marcus, but until a few days ago I never thought of myself as gay, or even bi. I mean sure I have said inside of my head that 'oh that guy looks hot' a few times, everyone does. I just never thought I would fall in love with one you know? It's like missing a turn and slamming on your breaks at 60 and going into reverse so you are going the right way. Right now I'm sitting at the fork in the road trying to know for sure which way I want to go, need to go. I love you Marc I really do, but I don't know anything about... the subject of dating a guy... Hell if we even got down to it, I'm not sure I could..."

"It's not about the sex Lou. Being in a relationship with a guy is the same as with a girl. It's about the love, caring, intimacy. Being able to hold the one you love, spend time with them, and even cuddle without feeling like you are crossing barriers or getting embarrassed."

"True, but pretending that sex isn't a part of what makes it all happen... I mean it can be so meaningful, joyful. And not just because of the way it feels, but because of the connection it takes to really enjoy it, to be happy and care free while doing it. To think that this is the one that you love and that you should never betray them."

"Lou have I ever told you how thoughtful you can be? I'm just saying because what you just said is very true. I need to give you credit more often for some of the things you say. What do you say we finish up here and head to my place? My parents are going out at around 4 and don't plan to be back until the early hours of the morning."

"I would love to Marcus."

We arrived and Marc's place after taking a drive around down and going into random shops to burn the few hours we had left until his parents had left. In the years I have known Marcus I had never once gone to his house directly, so I had really no idea about where he came from, how much money he had, or what he liked. Hell I felt at the moment we pulled into his driveway that I had neglected both him and I.

Walking into his house I felt the essence of pristine and calm. His house seemed to be about the same size of mine, but his furnishings were just a tad more upscale than my own, not rich but defiantly upper-middleclass. The other car besides his that was in the driveway was a 2012 Hyundai Equus, which I had never heard of before but from the looks of it, was a $50,000 plus car.

"Lou come sit down with me."

Turning my head I saw the living room fitted with a 70-inch Sony Vaio television with a full theater and surround sound setup. The floor was deep carpeting and was a wood brown color, complimented by the lighter brown leather couches and tables. All of the room was lit up by adjustable halogen track lights and silver floor lamps. It was obvious that this room was the most commonly used by how much money went into it, and by the fact that behind me the kitchen looked not much different than my own, and neither did the room to my left which appeared to be a den.

I took my place next to Marcus wondering what we were going to do. I felt uneasy and I couldn't stop looking at the floor or sit still. He on the other hand looked perfectly unphased from what I could see when I glanced up at him. It was then I felt a paw under my jaw turning me for face him. He just looked into my eyes with a deep stair that seemed to make time stop completely for a split seconds before your brain could go back to processing the reality of the situation.

He placed a paw on my chest and pushed me gently to lay down with my head on the armrest. He crawled on top of me with his muzzle right in front of mine, and with what seemed to be an instant connection with both began exploring each other's mouths. My mind was so caught up in the moment I didn't realize that Marc already had his paws in my shirt exploring my chest and stomach, encroaching closer and closer to my waist.

As I felt his tongue slip further inside my mouth and could feel one of his paws rubbing my crotch while the other slowly undid the button and zipper of my jeans. I could feel my dick slipping out of its sheath, hardening and growing every time Marcus rubbed my crotch. Before I knew it he had undone my pants and was pulling them down my legs, all while keeping me occupied by licking my nose and nipping my ears.

It was when I felt him pull at the waistband of my gym shorts that the alarms in my head got louder. Marcus must have noticed because he positioned himself sitting on my crotch and looked at me like he wanted to continue but wouldn't if I was unsure.

"Lou... Do you want to stop?"

I thought about it for a few seconds and noted everything that I did and did not like about what was going on. The fact that Marcus was a guy didn't even seem to bother me, it was just the rest of the things, including the fact that this was my first time doing something like this.

"No. But I honestly am not sure about what I am doing. I really don't know how..."

Marc cut me off but sticking his tongue once more in my mouth and I could feel him pulling my shorts off reveling my now rock hard canine dick. He continued to kiss me while one of his paws ventured off to my cock and started feeling it. I thought I was honestly about to explode right then and there but then he found my knot and gave it a gentle squeeze. It took everything I had not to bite his tongue from the pleasure but I could not stop the loud whimper that escaped my chest. I felt him chuckle through his chest even though it wasn't audible.

He sat up and took off his own clothes. I must have looked stupid just staring at his body, but I just couldn't help it. He certainly wasn't that big but his was cut and physically fit everywhere. It wasn't until he pointed as his own crotch that I realized he was completely naked. If it was rock hard before then my dick must have turned into solid titanium because it was just constantly throbbing.

Laying down between my legs, he paused for a second looking at me for confirmation. I knew what he was going to do, and I both did and did not want it. My mind was literally fighting with itself, but I nodded my head because I really did love him, and if this was going to be my first time I wanted it to be done by him.

His took hold of my dick in one paw and with a slow tantalizing lick to its underside, he put my whole 7 inches in his mouth. I could feel him wrapping his tongue around it as he moved his head up and down all the way from the top of my knot to the very tip. It didn't take long before I could feel my dick wanting to spray my cum.

"Marcus I... nnnngghhhhh"

He kept his head on my dick the entire time swallowing what seemed to be an eternity of ejaculating. It certainly broke all of my previous records with ease, including the one time I went a week and a half without masturbating. I forgot to keep track of how many times I sprayed but it was at least 6 full force ones with a few ones afterwards. I was watching him move his jaw around to accompany the load and I was even more turned on by that.

"Hmm Lou you taste so good. I can't help but to think I could have gotten more of you if I would have squeezed your knot."

"I might have had to go to the hospital; you would've broken my plumbing."

"Hmm I can't see how that would have been a bad thing."

"Yea... Um so do I give you a blowjob now"

Marcus looked at my with the most confused look ever and I felt so stupid until he broke out into a crazed fit of laughter.

"What? I'm suppose to do that aren't I?"

"Yes Lou but you actually asked the question. Hell we are already at this point aren't we. But it is seriously up to you. Nothing you don't want, I'm not going to force anything on you ok?"

"Well you are hard. Wouldn't help if I gave you one?"

"Yep, and I am sitting here. But like I said Nothing you don't want."

With a playful grin I pulled his legs out from under him slipping him on his back and crawled on top of him, making sure our dicks were on touching each other. I licked his nose a few time and then started kissing him. It wasn't long before we were exploring each other's mouths again, and I started humping him just enough to rub his crotch with mine. I could feel him murring deep within his chest and then I broke off the kiss and sat down on his thighs. He just put his paws behind his head and acted totally relaxed.

With that I moved my head in position to suck his cock and began teasing him with my paw, rubbing his sheath to expose his full dick and playing with his balls. When I heard him murring louder and took his dick in my paw, thought about what I was doing for a split second, and began blowing him. It was like instincts took completely over and it seemed so easy. I moved my head up and down wrapping my tongue around it and taking his whole 6 plus inch dick inside of my own mouth. I could feel him shudder under me and his breathing stop for a moment.

"Oh my god... Loud your mouth is amazing. Oh I can't keep this up too long. I planned on... ugggh holding out and teasing you"

With his dick still in my mouth I managed to mumble out "ass" which he apparently he got due to the fact that he both chuckled and than cummed in my mouth. I didn't know there could be so much cum but I managed to swallow it all and not let any leak out of my muzzle.


"Not today Lou. I think you should sleep on this. If you are comfortable with what you just did in a day or two, we can talk about that"

"No I meant you are an asshole, you didn't even warn me"

"Oh sorry. You got some cum on your nose. Here let me get that for you"

Marcus licked his own cum off my nose with almost sent me into a hormonal rage but I managed to think about two old otters doing it and that calmed me down pretty quickly.

"Come Lou. Lay down with me, let's watch some TV"

I complied getting behind Marcus and letting him lay down in front of me. I wrapped my free arm around him and held him. It wasn't long after we started watching Ghost in the Shell that we both managed to fall asleep in each other's grasp.