The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 1-Murrells Inlet,2014

Story by Steven Dalma on SoFurry

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After the crazy adventures Stevo got in over a year ago, things have changed a lot.

He lost his granddad to a heart attack,

he had his first kiss at his senior prom,

he graduated from high school,

& now, in the summer of 2014, he is in a rented beach house in Murrell's Inlet, getting prepared for his graduation party... when he received a text from his girlfriend Katie.

He walked over as his cellphone continued to vibrate loudly against the glass nightstand in his bedroom. He pressed the button and looked at the bright screen:

Where r u? Its almost time 4 the party 2 start.

He started texting to her with his wet thumbs, then pressed send to her.

On my way rite now.

As he walked down the stairs and out the door, he nearly stepped out when he saw and grabbed the ring from the bowl of spare change. He got in his Honda Element and started backing out, nearly missing a mother pushing her child and it's carriage. He continued to back out, put it in drive, and started heading towards the party.

About 10 minutes later, he drove up into the oystershell-paved parking lot at Russell's Seafood Raw and Bar. He parked near the redwood stairs and got out to walk up the steps to the upper bar, thinking of the times when his family used to eat in the lower grill. He came in front of the door, opening it to see most of his classmates chatting around the room, the walls were lined with wood, the lighting light yellow, the walls lined with pictures of fishermen and model replicas of fish and ships, when he heard someone call his name.

"Stevo! Over here!" He looked around seeing where it was coming from, then saw Katie near the end of the room waving for his attention. He walked through the crowd, trying to get to her. He bumped into a few people, but finally got to the bar where she & the others were. He sat near her & his friend Richie, and saw that not only them, but his other friends were with them as well: Scotty, CJ, Daulton, Blake, Chase, Perry, and his old middle school friend, Macky.

"So Stevo, what's been happening?" Richie asked him while he sipped his drink.

"Um, nothing much really. Got attacked by ducks this morning." Richie and a few others looked at him & laughed while Katie chatted with her friends beside her.

"Ducks you say?! I've seen a harmless snake attack a dog, but you attacked by ducks?! Man you must've been dreaming while smoking that weed!" Perry told out at him, they all laughed together at the joke.

"Oh cut that out, I wouldn't do that!" Then, for the next few hours, they've chatted, laughed, drank (don't worry, all the drinks are non-alcoholic), and so forward. Around 9:45, as most people left after saying their final goodbyes, Stevo was a little dazed when his girlfriend shook him up a little by his shoulder.

"Wh-what now, Katie?"

"Stevo, I'm gonna leave now, I got to get to work around 9 tomorrow morning. See ya." She told him, then gave each other a little kiss before heading out the door.

A few minutes later, something really bad began to happen: a bar fight. Chairs and bottles flew everywhere hitting the walls as Stevo was drinking a non-alcoholic cocktail when his classmate Michael tapped him on the shoulder. Stevo turned and CRASH! A big wine glass Michael was holding shattered on top of his head, knocking him out cold. Stevo's mind blacked out and began visioning his childhood when...

He smelled strong saki (liquor with rice juice). He woke up and looked at himself, seeing that he is wearing 1930's clothes, a striped suit and pants, leather shoes, black socks, and a black fedora. He looked around to see where he was, seeing a dull-lighted room similar to Rosie's Bar. But then, a middle-aged Chinese woman stood in front of him, wearing an angry face.

"This isn't going to go well. *gulp*"