Dolphin Dreams, Chapter 3

Story by zoobird on SoFurry

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#4 of Stories

It was later that same evening, the sun almost down, when I finally came across a box of pictures. I should have known right away that I was headed for trouble.

Here was Sara standing by a waterfall, on our vacation 3 years ago. There she was sitting in a boat, that summer we went up to Lake Placid. Here was one of the two of us, taken at that scenic overlook near Asheville, by a willing stranger. Sara holding a puppy. Sara on a beach blanket. Sara and her brand new car. Sara, Sara, Sara.

I couldn't help it, the tears just came, as the memories flooded over me. Blindly, I kicked the box away from me, scattering some of its contents. You should be here with me, Sara, it's not fair! I stumbled out to the deck, and onto the beach, inconsolable with the sudden weight of my loss, all over again. Hardly paying attention to what I was doing, I slogged out a little way and sat down in the shallows, miserable. I was in about 20 inches of water, and it softly sloshed around me as I wept...

Late in that same daycycle, I heard what was becoming a familiar splash, and knew that the landwalker was back. With an odd feeling of gladness, I swam to meet him.

But this time was different, I knew it immediately. The creature was sitting in shallower water than before, and his head was down. But the biggest change was the way he was feeling... I sensed a great weight on him, a sadness deeper than before. It was so powerful that I even caught shreds of images in his mind. A face -- his mate? It was someone he missed terribly.

Wife_, he calls her. It was his_ wife_. This must be what the landwalkers call their mates._ Man_, I also caught, he calls himself a_ man_. And he misses his wife._

Now I understood, and pitied this creature -- this man -- whose loss was so like my own. And I understood why I felt the deep connection I did. Perhaps the gods had brought us together for a reason...

...I must have sat like that for several minutes, oblivious, when I realized that something was gently nudging me. Opening my eyes, I found one of the dolphins looking up at me. I was fairly sure it was the same one which had cuddled with me earlier. She had quietly paddled over and was rubbing her snout against the inside of my knee, almost as if she had heard my distress and come to console me. "Thank you, girl, that's nice of you," I said, sniffling, and stroked her on the head. She nuzzled in closer, essentially easing into my lap, and we sat together like that in the water, her gentle weight comforting in some way I couldn't define. I put my right arm around her, grateful for the contact, any contact. My left hand went to her head, patting and cradling her in a sort of hug...

...he had not noticed me approaching, but now I nudged him, and he looked up with tired-looking eyes and spoke to me, stroking my head. His sadness was so like my own, and we both needed comfort. So I paddled closer, to place my body next to his. He wrapped his two skinnier limbs around me, and held me close. I could feel his heartbeat now. We rested like that, drawing comfort from each other, two creatures as different as nightcycles from daycycles, but the same inside...

...I had never been this close to any of the dolphins before, and in another part of my mind, I was taking note of new things. For one, with her snout nuzzled up to my left shoulder, I became aware of her steady respiration. Dolphins breathe through that blowhole on top of their heads, and I was right in the path, each time she exhaled. As you might expect, her breath was a bit fishy-smelling, but it didn't really bother me. It simply reminded me that this was an air-breathing mammal, just like me, who happened to live in the water. I decided she really needed a name, but I was in no mood to come up with one just now.

As the water slowly undulated around us, my dolphin friend naturally slid back and forth a little in my lap, her smooth skin slippery between my legs and against my belly. It was soothing, like the knowing embrace of an old lover. Despite my frame of mind, I once more developed a good hard-on, which now pressed against her slick body, slipping gently back and forth as she almost imperceptibly paddled in place, holding her position...

...with the two of us in this embrace, I could feel his male hardness return beneath me, and its gentle pressure on my underside began to make me tingle again, memories of joining with my mate coming back to me. How we had loved that pleasure, the joy of our togetherness! With those good memories strong inside, I naturally began to rub myself against the hard shaft beneath me... fact... it felt like... she almost seemed to be deliberately rubbing her skin against me. What...?

Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures, everybody accepts that. What is less-publicized -- a fact I had read once, now that I thought of it -- is that they are one of the very few beings other than humans who will engage in sex just for fun. Male dolphins in captivity have even been observed masturbating, rubbing their erect penises against the walls of the tank. It suddenly occurred to me that this dolphin probably knew exactly what she was doing, and was providing the only kind of comfort she could think of. And in fact, I found my morose mood lifting, as this sensitive creature ministered to me in her own odd but tender way.

This is nuts! Yet I found myself wanting to return the gentle affection she was showing me. I began to stroke her belly again, reaching down toward where I remembered her slit to be. When I found it, down past my knees, I started caressing it, just as she was "caressing" me with her body, letting my fingers slip gently through the folds...

...I could feel the man's sadness start to lift, and he began to stroke my skin with his fingers. The tingling rose higher in me, and when his fingers found my female parts, they were already swelling with my arousal...

...she pressed herself against me a little more firmly, and holding her with the other arm, I let myself relax into our odd, intimate cuddle. It was very soothing, sitting like that with her in the tropical water. But the dolphin's body, just like mine, seemed to be warming up to our contact... it felt like her slit was opening up more, swelling slightly to form definite lips. As one finger slid through the slippery folds and into her heat, I noticed that her oily juices were making her much more lubricated than before... and as I brushed against that hard nubbin, there was an immediate reaction, a full-body shudder which startled me with its power. Then, with a deft flip of her body, she drove herself down against my hand, burying my finger in her hot flesh, and then started... humping it... one of the fingers probed me, and slid over my hard pleasure-nub, I was helpless to do anything but swish my fluke and bear down, the sudden motion pushing his finger up into my body. The tingling sang in my ears, it had been so long... my body began the motion it remembered so well, the pleasure as familiar as life itself...

...I held onto her, incredulous, but there was no doubt in my mind, now, what this dolphin wanted. She had sensed my despair, and was offering to console me by making love to me! I had no time to consider the craziness of the situation, she was already straining forward in my lap, basically stretching me out beneath her slick, undulating body...

...the man knew, and began to extend himself to meet me, suddenly removing his finger and placing his male hardness at...

...suddenly, my hard cock was at her eager slit -- I pulled my hand out of the way, and... UNNNGGHHH!!! She shoved me hard into her hot insides, the slipperiness of the salt water and her oiliness combining to bury me to the balls in one smooth stroke...

..._GODS!! the thick shaft sank into my slippery body, the feeling so close to having my mate back, I could see him when I closed my eyes..._

...I was having sex with a dolphin!!! But even as that thought flashed through my head, the pleasure of our crazy union took front and center, it was suddenly all I could think about...

...but this was not the mate of my memories, this was a man, and his hardness was very different. Shorter, but so much thicker, stretching me tight as its heat filled me...

...I immediately felt the fire of her, that hot, muscular love-canal rippling around my shaft like a velvet glove, much more powerful than any woman's...

...and hard_, hard as the rocks at the sea bottom, gods, I had never felt my mate so HARD inside me!..._

...Christ, the dolphin was good at this, her body working me, it was almost... like being in someone's mouth, with an agile tongue expertly teasing you. She humped her body against me hungrily, hammering my butt against the sandy bottom... without even thinking about it, I wrapped my legs around her and began pushing back. God!... her nimble muscles gripped and pulled at me, and I found myself eagerly driving into her, our thrusts falling together easily, like we were made for it...

...the man wrapped his longer limbs around my body -- legs, he calls them, I could hear it -- and accompanied me in the glad joining that was as old as the sea itself, the water splashing around us, his body beginning to sing with mine, oh gods how I had missed this...

...the dolphin's body was about a third above water, which began to splash around us as we took each other, harder and faster by the minute. The feelings were so overwhelming, our feverish thrusting very quickly pushed me to the edge -- my hips suddenly arched upward and I exploded into her...

...and then he reached his summit, gripped me, cried out in his pleasure, his body arched upward against mine...

...I yelled out, wordlessly, I couldn't help it, gripping tightly to her with all four limbs as I came, helpless in her smooth, muscular grip, what felt like gallons of my cum spraying into her body...

...he released his seed into me in a hot torrent that went on and on and on, its steaming heat splashing inside me, never so much before, so GOOD... God, this was good!! She felt it, because she pushed down hard and held me, her muscles milking me, pulling every last drop of cum from my pulsing shaft, my balls aching with the intense release. She even folded her flippers gently around me, holding me in a tender embrace, as I clung to her...

...I knew this was a sensitive time for the male, so I forced myself to cease the motion, to breathe, only kneading his shaft inside me as he trembled with pleasure so strong that I could share it...

...we stayed like that for a little bit, as the peak subsided, my body weak and trembling from this powerful, unexpected encounter. I felt no trace of my earlier sadness. "Thank you, girl,", I whispered hoarsely, "You knew what I needed, didn't you?" I stroked her smooth head with my hand, trying to show my appreciation for her tenderness...

...after a brief time, the man spoke softly to me, and I knew from his thoughts that he was thanking me. How strange his language was! But his overwhelming feeling of gratitude for our joining was unmistakable. He also stroked my head with his flip-- no, they were his hands_, that is what he calls them, his_ hands -- which I found soothing...

...but the dolphin wasn't done, yet... I realized I didn't recall her reaching anything resembling a climax, and wondered what it might feel like, if she did...

...the singing had never stopped in me, only quieted a little as we rested. My arousal was still strong, and his thick shaft was pressing directly against my sensitive pleasure-nub, stretched as I was. I could feel the man's hot blood coursing through his swollen hardness, and I badly needed to reach my own release. Slowly, I resumed the motion, pushing him deeper into me with each press of our bodies...

...almost without me noticing, she started slowly undulating against me, pushing my still-hard cock a little deeper with each twist of her body. I held on, joining with her in this slow, gentle lovemaking...

...the man joined me, his own pleasure still strong in my mind, the combined singing rising like waves over me...

...this time, I tried to concentrate on her, pressing deep into her on every third or fourth lazy stroke, and was rewarded by her shivers, her muscles gripping me each time. Eventually, our slow lovemaking became more deliberate, the dolphin seeming intent on every arch of our bodies. I stayed focussed on those warm folds around my shaft -- Your turn, now, was all I could think -- making each thrust of my hips count, as the water began to splash around us again...

...this time, our joining was more of a slow rhythm, our bodies responding to each other, his hardness probing deep into me... teasing my pleasure-nub, filling me, getting harder to think about anything but his shaft his seed in me his skin our skin together two bodies one...

...all at once, her body went into a frenzy of humping, slamming me hard into the sand...

...our song rose to its loudest, and with sudden energy from the gods, I thrust that hard shaft into me again and again and AGAIN...

...and then with one final stroke, she went stiff, her muscles squeezing me tightly, her body trembling...

...suddenly I was at my own summit, my whole being part of the singing sea, pushing down hard on the man's body, letting it all wash over me shivering in the ecstasy we had found together gods oh gods GOOD GOOD_..._ this is a dolphin orgasm, I thought, contentedly, as she held me deep inside her twitching, muscular pussy... Not so different from mine, after all...

...breathe, have to breathe...

...the joining was stronger than I had ever known, and all I could do was remain clamped to his throbbing shaft, the song loud in me and my blood pounding, too weak to move yet...

...both of us more than satisfied, now, I just held onto her gently, as the sun sank below the horizon, the rich blue water slowly turning to ink around us as the tropical night deepened. Neither of us seemed willing to break the spell, just yet...

...the man and I stayed locked together, as our blood slowly cooled. We had shared an intimate bond, and I knew it had been as rich for him as it was for me. The sadness had been banished in both of us, at least for this daycycle...

...but there was a limit to how long I could remain in this awkward position. Her slow paddling and our natural buoyancy helped to keep both of our heads above water, but just barely... different as we were in body, there was physical fatigue for each of us, from our strange joining, and I did not think it odd when he rolled me gently to the side and pulled out of me...

...patting her on the head, I reluctantly rolled her away from me and pulled out, the cooler water a slight shock to my penis, after her body heat. "Thank you, girl, thank you so much," I told her softly, before she flipped over on her belly and swam off...

...again, he spoke in that soft, strange voice, trying to communicate the gratitude that both of us now felt. I left, knowing that together, we had done a good thing.

...and I vowed that as soon as possible, I would come up with a name for this tender creature who had come to me, sensed my pain, and had given me the greatest gift she knew.

Dazed and weak in the knees, I found my way back to the bungalow, gave myself a cursory drying, and flopped onto the bed. I don't think I've ever slept so soundly in my life, as I did that strange and incredible night.