Dolphin Dreams, Chapter 4

Story by zoobird on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

When I awoke, it was mid-morning, the sun already halfway up the sky. I thought I remembered an odd, powerfully erotic dream, where I was making love to a mythical creature, before I realized it was no dream. She had come to me, and given me what we both needed, it seems, an unselfish gift in all respects.

A sudden wave of irrational guilt washed over me, quickly killing the erection I had woken up with. I had been unfaithful to Sara, part of me was screaming. Forgive me, love! It was too fresh for me, still, and tears came to my eyes again. Sara and I had been really good together, soul-mates, and I would always miss her. How could I have enjoyed such intimate contact with another -- no matter what species! -- while her memory was still so strong?

Yet I knew, for certain, that Sara would never want me to grieve for her forever. In my head, I imagined I could hear her sweet voice, saying, It's okay, love, let me go. Find happiness again, however you can. And I will always be with you. That thought brought more tears, and it was a few minutes before I could compose myself. But life would go on, Sara would want that, I was positive. I wiped my eyes, and faced the new day...

As I swam through that nightcycle into the next light, I knew that something had changed in me, forever. I found myself wanting to be with the man again, and wondered at this strange longing. We had shared a very intimate time, more than simply the rubbing of bodies together, yet I knew not what.

The man did need to have a name, I felt certain. My lost mate had been called WaveDancer, after his powerful fluke that let him rise up on the water so beautifully. After some thought, I decided to call the man DeepSinger, both for his low and soothing voice, and for the glorious song we had made together. The memory warmed me, and I hoped he would like the name I had chosen for him...

...I had gone to bed without eating anything last night, and now my belly was rumbling to prove it. So the first order of business today was grabbing something quick to fill me up. As I wolfed down my simple breakfast, I remembered my promise to find a name for the dolphin, so I located a box I knew contained some books, including an old set of encyclopedia. For whatever reason, it seemed fitting to look for a name associated with some classical god, so I located the volume covering the Greek pantheon, and began looking through it. There were so many of these major and minor deities, I knew I would find one that suited my new friend. And there it was, it stood out clearly: Galene, the Greek goddess of calm seas. Galene it was. I might eventually come up with something to call her other friends, too, but they could make do with lesser names.

With the set of encyclopedia out, I also did some "refresher" reading on dolphins. I thought I had a pretty good handle on the anatomy -- from first-hand experience! -- but it helped to see it in a diagram. I was right... the dolphin's clitoris is positioned very similar to a human one, hiding in the folds of flesh at the upper end of her slit. They are indeed very sexual creatures, often engaging in it for extended periods of time. I also learned that despite its rubbery feel, their skin is extremely sensitive. It functions for them the way our hands do, helping them make sense of their surroundings. So I guess a pat on the head might mean more to Galene than I thought. I was also reminded that dolphins are easily identified by their dorsal fins, which are almost as unique to them as fingerprints are to us. I made a mental note to be a little more observant, the next time any of them came around.

Speaking of which... I stepped out to the deck and looked out into the cove. Sure enough, there was my little pod, out there in the sparkling water. I pictured them chattering to each other, Galene telling them all about last night, and the thought made me chuckle.

There was a hodge-podge of deck and beach furniture out here, some of which I had brought with me, some of which was left here by the previous owner. So far, I hadn't used much of it, but suddenly I decided the deck needed to be settled, just like the rest of the house was getting to be. After all, this was a wonderful place to relax in the early morning and the late evening. So I started taking stock of what was there, and did a quick "decorating" job. There was too much for all of it to be out on thet deck at once, so I took a few pieces down to the sand below, including a comfortable-looking armless lounger. The rest I stowed underneath the other end of the house, where the car was parked.

After just that little bit of effort, I was sweating once again, in the rising tropical sun. Is it always sunny here? I thought, and laughed at myself for the stupidity of choosing a sunny paradise spot to retire to, then complaining about all the sun. It was just something to get used to. And besides, the blue water was always close by... a most pleasant way to rinse off, which sounded pretty good at the moment...

Splashing into the water, I wondered momentarily if I would even see Galene again, or if our intimacy was the dolphin equivalent of a one-night stand. After all, as nice as last night had been, she had to prefer her own kind... didn't she?...

...the light was growing strong and warm, when I felt him splash into the water once more, and I swam to meet him with gladness in me. I could sense his pleasure at my approach, and I called to him before coming to nuzzle...

...the question was quickly answered when, not long after my noisy entrance, Galene swam over to say hello. (I remembered that little scar on the left side of her dorsal fin, and the way its tip was slightly crooked, now that I thought about it.) She called to me once, and then came over to nuzzle between my legs. "Good morning, Galene," I said, trying out her name as I stroked her head. And then she rolled over, offering me her belly...

...he began caressing my skin with his fingers, and I gave him my underside -- belly, he calls it, my belly -- with no hesitation. The tingling began immediately, this time, his touch so pleasing to me...

...Well, I guess she remembers me fondly... This time, I remembered what I had read about the sensitivity of her skin, and I spent a long time carressing her belly with both hands, lightly kneading and massaging with my fingers. And of course, I was eventually drawn back to the smooth folds of her slit, which looked slightly swollen this morning, from last night's workout. (I was hard again, just thinking about it!) Yet she welcomed me touching her there, and as I softly played with her, she shuddered with pleasure again, with no indication that she wanted me to stop. In fact, after a few moments of this, Galene started lightly humping against my hand, again... female parts were still swollen from our joining, but at his gentle touch, the motion came without any thought...

...I could almost feel her eagerness, even more than seeing it. Hell, I wanted it too, all of last night's aching pleasure rushing back to me. But also remembering the awkwardness of trying to half-float with my head above water, I had a sudden inspiration. "Wait here, girl, I have an idea," I said, patting her lightly on the belly. As I stood up. she rolled over, curious as to what I was doing...

...I could feel his response to me, both the warming of his spirit and the hardening of his shaft, and so it puzzled me when he stopped caressing me, speaking to me as he left the water...

...I ran up the beach, grabbed that lounger, and brought it down into the water. It had a metal frame, so I was able to set it on the sandy bottom next to Galene, reclining it nearly all the way back. I stretched out on it, leaving my head above water, and reached over for the dolphin, coaxing her to me... was not until he returned with the strange thing and positioned himself on it, that I understood... he was trying to find a solution to our floating awkwardness. The thing held him in a better position, and might make it easier for us both. Gladness leapt in me...

...she grasped the meaning almost immediately, paddled backward a foot or two, and then swam up into my arms. It took just seconds for us to get lined up, and... ummphhh, God!...

...sensing his happiness with his choice, and his eagerness for what I also wanted, I swam into his embrace, and happily took his... GODS!!... hips arched upward involuntarily as she sank down on me, taking my cock smoothly into her warm body again, God, she felt so good...

...that fat male hardness felt so GOOD as it pushed into me, stretching my opening tight again, the song rising in us both...

...both of us immediately began humping, but with the lounger under me, I was much better prepared, this time. The vinyl webbing cradled me comfortably, with just enough give to let me bounce back for the next thrust. I was able to feel Galene's weight on me, now (heavier than a woman, but not uncomfortable at all), as she rode me there in the warm water, the lounger keeping us together perfectly...

...even before any water splashed around us, I could feel the deep pleasure from both of our minds, our bodies joining more easily now, good, GOOD, I shuddered as he thrust that hard shaft deep into me, clinging tight as he stretched me filled me the song the SONG_.._..

...God, her sweet, powerful pussy was so good, so oily and muscular around me! I was in no hurry, this time, and Galene sensed it, our thrusts deep and deliberate, her body and mine finding a smooth rhythm and staying with it...

..with DeepSinger positioned on his new body-holder, we were able to stay together a long, long time, finding pleasure with each other, drifting from one summit to another, the singing never stopping. At our peaks, the water would splash around us, but I almost did not notice, so rich was our joining...

..."mmm, so nice, my sweet girl," I half-whispered to her, little nothings, as I stroked her head and her dorsal fin with both hands. It was nice not to have to hang on for support, and I was able to simply hug her from time to time, another way to show my affection for this amazing creature...

...over and over we thrust together in joyful union, his limbs wrapped around me to hold us close. This last was a new thing for me, and I decided that I liked the way it made us feel joined more fully. Our song went on and on, and I found that I wanted it never to end...

...we made love for what had to be a good few hours, that time, the hot sun rising in the sky while the water kept us from getting too warm, our thrusting sometimes slow and gentle, sometimes feverish... now and then, the water would splash around us, as the lovemaking rose in pitch, one or the other of us cumming in a furious flurry of thrusts... By the time we finally eased to a stop -- with my more-than-satisfied cock still buried inside her, just gently holding her in my arms -- it looked to be almost noon. Incredible...

...with the sun high above, and many summits behind us, our thrusts finally slowed and then stopped, the song gradually deepening to an undercurrent as our blood cooled, still locked together...

...and I knew, at that point, that my life had changed. It felt like Galene and I had formed a bond with each other, something that transcended the differences between us. She had come to me, sensing a need inside me that she could try to fill...

...I was becoming more attuned to the man's thoughts, and I could feel his deep contentment. I also sensed that he was becoming aware of my own feelings, that he was beginning to understand the need in each of us. And this, too, made me glad... the same time, I felt a need in her as well, a hunger for the intimacy we were sharing, although I didn't understand why. Perhaps she had suffered a loss, too, and was finding comfort with me; I didn't know, and might never. But for whatever reasons, we seemed to be drawn together, and I felt as sure of it as anything I'd felt in my life, as crazy as it would have sounded to anyone else...

...but for now, a more basic feeling was taking shape in us both: hunger. DeepSinger and I both needed to feed, and I was not surprised when he gently pushed me away, speaking to me again as he did so...

...for now, my stomach was reminding me of the time, and I was sure Galene needed to eat, as well. "Let's go take care of our bellies, girl," I told her gently, kissing her on the head and patting her fin, before slowly and reluctantly rolling her off me. "I'll meet you back here later."

...I bid him goodbye for now, and we both went off to attend to what life demanded, whether in the sea or on land. she once more righted herself in the water, she gave a little squawk, then swam off, in search of her own lunch. I grabbed the lounger (oh, what a good idea that had been...) and dragged it back up onto the sand... it wouldn't do, to have that wash out to sea, at least for now. Although, having made such good use of its position in the water, other possibilities were clicking into place. Hmmm...