Running away to the Circus

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#4 of Transformation Stories

So here we have my entry for the Hypnosis Story contest run by Zsisron on FA

A Teenager struggling against the constraints of his parents finds an unexpected welcome at the Cirque du Koneta a welcome that completely changes his life.

The Icon I used is from a picture Zsisron had done of Ola and one of his monkey characters by Jailbird on FA

Story & Characters (C) Russet'12

The Cirque du Koneta was a bustling morass of people, a crowd of pleasure seekers, thrill seekers, entertainers and carnies all moving around having a good time. There were brightly coloured stands were people tested their luck or skill at a variety of games, tents with signs promising wonders inside; psychics, acrobats, musicians or wild animals. The scents of frying food, burgers and hot-dogs warred with the sickly sweet smell of cotton candy and the hot earthy aroma of roasting chestnuts. Dominating the sky-line was the roller-coaster, a towering edifice of wood and steel were train cars rattled their way around the tracks accompanied by distance screams. Standing tall in the centre of the fairground was the big top with its green and purple striped canvas walls sitting at the heart of the circus. Every road led toward it and plastered on the walls of the sideshows where posters displaying the acts that would be performing inside that tent tonight.

Josh's trainers clunked on the inter-connected wooden boards that formed the walk-way between attractions goggling at all the side-shows and events he could pick from. It was impossible to decide what to look at first, what to give his attention. Should he go play some games or join the queue for one of the rides or visit a performer's tent? Pausing outside the Hall of Mirrors he looked left then right trying to decide what to do before his reflection caught his attention. He laughed at what he saw, and then scrubbed a hand through his scraggly hair as the distorting effect of the mirrors changed the shape of his body. He was a lanky five foot something teenager with short curly red hair, cheeks and chin smooth and clear of stubble. His dark hazel eyes were the only thing not changed by the mirrors as they stretched and shrunk, squished and broadened his body. Grinning he patted his pockets and pulled out one of the ride tokens his dad had given to him and offered it to the guy manning the stall. The chap had black hair and several days of stubble but his smile was inviting and he waved Josh through with an admonishment to enjoy himself.

The inside of the hall of mirrors was brightly lit and the corridor opened up into a large rotunda that threw back his image a thousand fold from all directions. His blue jeans rumpled unzipped hoodie and scuffed high-tops marched off into the distance in a manner that was slightly unnerving. Holding still Josh grinned at himself, admiring his clothes. It was a look his parents described as un-welcome, un-civilised, if it hadn't been a weekend they'd never have let him wear it.

"Shows what they know," Josh muttered to himself as he reached a hand up to adjust his base-ball cap, making sure the peak was straight and poking out from under his hood. Satisfied that his look was still cool the teenager picked a direction at random and plunged into the maze. The first corridor undulated up and down under his feet, with every step his weight shifted the boards and changed the angles of the mirrors to either side. Laughing at the ridiculous images thrown back Josh staggered forward, bouncing off the slick glass as he lost his footing until he was able to stagger into the next junction. This time the images that marched off in all directions showed him as a dwarf, thick shouldered, stubby torso and a squashed face. Smirking at what he saw the kid looked at the two doors on either side of the room and frowned. One of them had a pick-axe engraved above it and the other a single circle filled with coloured lights.

"Lights or mine... lights or mine..." Josh muttered, looking from one to the other, undecided. Some noise behind him heralded the arrival of a group of shouting, laughing ten year olds who jostled with each other for a good look at themselves in the mirrors. Jeering one another at how funny they looked the group picked the corridor that led to the mine section and ran off squealing at the show. "Lights it is then," Josh said as he watched the noisy brats race off, he'd already ditched one set of noisy kids when he managed to escape his parents without his kid sister. Passing under the archway marked with lights he reached out for the handle on the door that stopped him from seeing what this next part of the maze looked like.

The room was dark except for the light shining in from the room behind him. Frowning Josh took a step forward and jumped as the door behind him click shut cutting off what light there had been leaving him in darkness. He was about to turn around and leave when six glowing balls of violet light sprang into existence. One of them span in a circle about four feet in front of him whilst the others span in duplicate patterns in five different directions. As he watched another ball, this time glowing green joined the other. Shortly there were red, orange, yellow, indigo and blue ones. Every colour of the rainbow was spinning in the air all around, circles of light that slowly shifted and sped up, forming into a figure of eight, whirling and dancing, spinning and tumbling in every direction. Josh couldn't take his eyes off them. It must have been another mirror room, the lights in the centre had to be the real ones and the others reflections but... he couldn't work out how they were flying! Watching in awe Josh didn't notice at first as other lights started to come on, slowly illuminating the room. His eyes were fixed on the spinning circle of colour, lost in the whirl of lights so much that his eyes didn't register the figure now revealed by the room's lights until he spoke.

"Welcome you are to be being to Koneta's Hall of Mirrors, what is the name I am to be using my friend? I am Olaniyan, Juggling master extraordinaire."

Focussing his eyes past the whirling balls of light Josh took in the strange juggler. Dressed entirely in black he looked like a regular guy except for the way he made the balls spin through the air with casual movements of his hands. Clean shaven with bright blue hair and a ready grin that complimented his green eyes he seemed friendly enough. "I'm Josh... do you have.... a tail?" The jugglers' hands were in constant motion as he kept the balls in the air but he was also aided by a sleek blue monkey like tail that darted back and forth behind him.

Laughing at the question the juggler's snatched the balls out of the air with hands and tail and bowed. "It is indeed, being a part of this costume it is, just the little extra show to entertain the little ones." Lifting his head and smiling Olaniyan spread his arms, "What can I be saying, I live for juggling and when I heard about these tails I could not let it be passing me up to try one out." He swayed on his feet, tail swishing from side to side, as he showed it off "Now then Josh how can I be entertaining you today?"

"Er... more Juggling, can you do it with the lights down Mister Olaniyan? That was cool," Josh said enthusiastically and the circus performer grinned at him and nodded in response. "No mister though, Just Ola is to be being fine now watch." he pressed a switch on the floor and the room lights faded and the coloured balls of light sprang back up into the air. Seven balls, a rainbow of lights whirling endlessly without end before his eyes reflected in the mirrors on the walls so that it looked like there was a host of them marching off into the distance. Josh lost himself in them, eyes crossed, unfocussed in the darkness which turned the solid spheres of light into smeared trails that seem to weave around one another.

"You are to be liking the juggling then Josh?"

Olaniyan's voice, the blue-haired juggler... trying to shake off lassitude that was blanketing his mind Josh answered though he wasn't sure what, all he could seem to do was stare at the moving lights.

"This is to be being good Josh, you are to be enjoying the juggling... good... keep watching, maybe... you will be to seeing it in the Circus today... keep watching... keep watching."

Josh didn't hear, not consciously at least he just stood there, hands tucked into the pockets of his hoodie, following the lights until suddenly they vanished and with a blinding FLASH the lights came on! Staggering and cursing, hand shielding his eyes from the bright white glare Josh blinked rapidly to clear his vision and looked around in surprise.

"What on" Josh blinked frowning and moved into the middle of the mirror room. It was empty and the door on the far side and as he stood in the centre his image was reflected back at him, marching off into the distance for eternity. "Well this is neat not sure what the symbol outside meant though" Smiling Josh took the exit from the room and soon found himself back outside the Hall of Mirrors. Glancing over his shoulder he frowned, there had been something inside that

The beeping from his watch made him jump, pulling his sleeve back he stared at the digital display and cursed, "Noon, shit it can't be noon," ignoring the startled looks from people who over-heard him swear he started to push his way through the masses toward the food-court, he was meant to be meeting his parents for lunch!

"You knew what time we were meeting for Lunch! Keeping us waiting around like that it just isn't on Josh!" His father had started ranting the moment he was in ear-shot and so far Josh had been good and just stood there silently staring at the ground. "Now look at these queues we'd have been fine if you'd been on time," A quick glance at the queues of people wending their way out of the various food tents easily poked a flaw in his dad's argument. The lines were huge and had probably been just as bad five minutes ago but obediently Josh mumbled an apology. If he pointed out the obvious he'd get cuffed around the head and accused of 'talking back'.

"If you can't follow a simple instruction then you don't deserve to go off on your own."

"I'm nineteen," Josh protested and wished he hadn't said anything, so much for not talking back. From the expression on his father's face he was seconds away from hitting him so he clammed up again quickly.

"I don't care how old you are, as long as you are under my roof, using my money you'll behave yourself. I should make you stick with us all afternoon, or babysit Charlene so your mother and I can have some time to ourselves." Josh nodded his head and mumbled the expected reply, doing his best to let the tirade was over his head as he let his eyes drift over to were his mother and Charlene were waiting just out of ear-shot and looking at one of the menus. Behind them the food-court a heaving, people would buy their food from the various stalls around the yard then hunt about for a free table so they could watch the stage show. The act was quite good, a blue haired guy with a fake tail and his ebony skinned companion were busy juggling brightly coloured balls between each other, dancing and bouncing around the stage. It was quite the act, it looked like they were trying to hit the other with the balls but no matter how they threw them or jumped and moved about the stage they managed to catch the incoming projectile and send it spinning back toward their "opponent" it was just a shame he wasn't close enough to hear what they were shouting at each other. Whatever it was had the crowd in stitches.

The sight of those whirling coloured balls held Josh's gaze for a moment; he stopped listening to his dad completely. There was something captivating about them, the bright colours continually dancing and spinning through the air. A hand slapping him around the back of the head jarred him out of it and he staggered sideways before rounding on his father.

"What was that for?"

"I said listen to me when I am talking to you Josh! I've a good mind to send you back to the car if this is your attitude but I'd be wasting the money I spent on tickets to the Big Show tonight."

"You got us Big Top tickets?" Josh was surprised; it was unlike his dad to splash out on anything at all, coming to the circus had only happened because his mother got a coupon.

"Yes, so buck up your attitude or I will send you back to the car and find someone to sell your ticket too. Now get," he shoved Josh toward the others and the teen was happy to hurry over to join Charlene and his mother and see about lunch. It didn't take as long as they feared to get through the queue though it was the chicken nugget stand that Charlene wanted and he'd been told quite firmly he'd be having them too and to go and find them a table. That at least turned out to be relatively easy to do so he sat around cooling his heels until his family turned up with food.

Josh spent most of lunch staring at the stage, just watching the jugglers and picking at his chicken nuggets and chips. He was also trying to ignore Charlene exclaiming over her kiddie meal and messing about with the tiny spinning top she'd got in her food. It wasn't that he disliked his sister she was just so... juvenile and foolish, always wanting to do little girl things and make him play along too.

As the jugglers made their brightly coloured pins and balls vanish out of the air and take their bows Josh roused himself and looked around at his family. Everyone else had nearly finished and he'd barely touched his, quickly stuffing a couple of chicken nuggets in his mouth he pushed back his chair and started collecting empty trays.

"So dad can I go back out now? Meet you at the big-top later?"

Looking up from his phone the older man frowned then nodded, "Yeah, be there at six thirty, and take Charlene with you; me and your mother need a break."

"Aw dad I..." Josh started then stopped at the look his mother shot him and quickly hurried around to help Charlene up. "I'll take her right over to kiddies' corner, see you later!"

The afternoon went quickly enough but Josh missed out on the roller-coaster and most of the performance shows. The kiddies' games were ok and he even managed to win a large red-panda stuffed toy that was nearly as big as she was!

"Thanks for the panda big brother," Charlene said, grinned at him as she hugged the stuffed toy tightly, making its stuffing shift about inside, "How did you win, I kept missing."

"You just need more practice is all and I got lucky, now let's go find mum and dad so we can go see the clowns and the acrobats."

"There she is, mummy, mummy look what Josh got me," she hurried over to their parents and they both started making a fuss over how nice the panda was. For once Josh wasn't in their bad books and they got into the big top without any real fuss. The show when it began was spectacular; the ring-master was a tall man in a broad-shouldered red coat and black beard that seemed to know just what to say to carry the crowd with him! People cheered and whooped and roared and leapt to their feet in applause whenever he wanted. He had confidence, authority and a bit of a mischievous streak as he played to the audience and introduced the various acts.

The first act was set on a circular stage made to look like a kitchen. A slinky green haired chap dressed like a chef took the stage and bowed to the crowd before he got to work with knives, spoons, whisks and bowls. There were counters all around the curve of the kitchen and he moved around to use all of them so everyone could see what he was doing. At each station he would whip together a pie and flourish whatever he was using to fill the pie-dish. Juggling, tossing and whirling the kitchen tool about skilfully as he poured a variety of thick coloured liquids into the dishes. Whipping it up into a swirl he then tossed it carelessly at one of his "assistants" standing on the sand below the stage before moving onto the next station. The assistants seemed to always be caught off guard when the chef's creations were flung at them. This usually ended in disaster with the poor assistant taking it in the face or over the chest and the crowd roared and Josh laughed with them as the chef continued to create in the kitchen seemingly unaware of the chaos he was causing. Shaking his head as a guy in an over-all took an extra-large dish right over the head Josh wiped his eyes and tried to calm himself down.

Looking back at the stage ready to see what happened next he froze as he recognized the newcomer slipping onto the kitchen set behind the chef. It was the juggler from the stage at lunch, his bright blue hair made him stand out along with the vivid red trousers with a matching quilted sash he was wearing. His fantastic fake tail was now ringed by glow-bands and he started to slip around behind the chef, making over-exaggerated sneaking motion. He grabbed a seven multi-coloured pies off the counter that hadn't been tossed at the others and started juggling them! He then started dancing around behind the chef, keeping just out of sight and every time he finished a pie and picked it up to throw he'd snatch it away with a hand or that tail and add it to the spinning circle before dancing a jig around the chef as he span around to see who'd stolen his work. Josh was entranced, staring at the comic opening act in awe as those pies span through the air. He could almost feel his thoughts just fading away. He was unaware of eyes becoming unfocussed, jaw hanging partially open as he slumped in his chair and watched the show. A small part of his mind wondered at this reaction but he couldn't quite summon up the will to care, it was just good to watch the colours whirling through the air.

The spell snapped when the chef turned around suddenly instead of making a new pie. He made a mock show of horror when he saw the juggler and stepped forward, finger raised as if to admonish him. All six pies sailed up into the air over-head, as the blue haired performer clapped his hands to his cheeks in mock horror at being caught. Then both of them looked up and in exaggerated horror raised their hands as the pies crashed down over them both and the lights went out. Josh leapt to his feet and joined in the roaring cheers of the crowd as they applauded the act. Laughing the teenager grinned at Charlene as she jumped up and down on her chair whooping in excitement, even his parents were on their feet clapping. Spotlights illuminated the assistants so they could take their bows before focusing on the juggler and chef. They were both covered from head to toe in the multi-coloured foam and they turned a slow circle bowing to the crowd. After completing a circuit of all the stands the spotlight swept over to the ring-master Koneta and the crowd started to fall quiet so they could listen to him.

"They were really good," Josh whispered to his dad, "How did he keep those pies up and not get them everywhere?"

"I don't know, skill and practice, he's probably been doing it for years now shush."

Setting back into his seat Josh listened avidly as Koneta built up the next act. Four brothers who could defy gravity, four brothers who could swim through the air as easily as any normal human could through water! The four star acrobats of the Cirque du Koneta the Brothers Uxibarae!

More lights stabbed through the darkness of the tent and illuminated four figures that had just leapt from the highest crossbeam of the tent. Josh gaped in awe as they tumbled through the air and then at the last minute grabbed hold of nearly invisible trapeze! Their costumes sparkled, each one a different colour, white, black, yellow and purple. Swinging back and forth two of them leaped off of their trapeze and somehow caught the outstretched hands of their companions so they could swing back and forth through the air together. The brothers were marvels, tumbling and leaping between the tent-poles and the various trapezes and ropes that hung in the darkness. The props were only ever briefly illuminated as the spot lights swung around to follow the brothers creating the illusion that they were swinging through the air with nothing to hold onto.

At one point during the show they all clung to a large net that was hung vertically in the middle of the tent. For the first time Josh could make them out clearly, they were identical in every way except for the colour of their costume and hair. With their legs hooked into the rope net they let themselves drop down to wave at the crowd and the teenage boy leapt to his feet to cheer with everyone else. Then they started to swing the net, it swayed from side to side precariously until the white and purple acrobats leapt from the net and tumbled into the darkness. As the net swung back the other way the other two leapt free and the crowd held their breath, waiting to see were they would re-appear. Coloured spotlights started to whirl around the centre of the chamber forming a spinning ring of colour that illuminated flashes and glimpses of the brothers as they span and tumbled through the darkness. Sometimes they were just silhouettes; ghosting across the edge of the spotlight and other times they plunged straight through the heart of one of the lights briefly revealing their lycra clad body as they performed some sort of free-falling leap or sailed across it hanging from a trapeze line by their feet.

Standing on his feet Josh felt his thoughts slowing down again as he watched the spinning lights. The coloured spheres danced and whirled across the centre of the otherwise dark tent. The focus of his gaze shifted from trying to follow the brothers Uxibarae to just watching those whirling lights. For a moment he thought it was weird, he tried to shrug off the strange lassitude that was over-taking him but again he couldn't fight it so he just stood there and stared at the lights. Suddenly the coloured lights vanished and four bright, white spotlights illuminated a curving array of metal pipes that had descended out of the darkness. They were greased firemen's poles and the brothers dived out of the darkness to wrap themselves around them. Hanging on by just an arm and a leg they started to spin around their pole descending toward the floor below. They waved to the crowd and Josh joined in the riotous cheering and waving that the audience started as they plummeted toward the floor. Hitting the sand at the same time the quartet of acrobats rolled across the central ring and leapt to their feet, hands raised in triumph. The cheering trembled in volume as their audience roared appreciation. They bowed and waved and moved to stand together in the centre of the ring, joining hands they raised them over head in one final farewell and then the lights snapped out and Josh slumped back into his seat.

"You ok their son?" his father shouted at him.

Looking up he could just make out his father's features in the dim light and Josh returned a thumbs up. "I feel great; this is awesome thanks dad for bringing us!"

His father just grinned wider and turned his attention to making Charlene get down from off her seat now the act was over. Josh squirmed in his own chair, staring out into the darkness. He felt brilliant, his mind was on fire with excitement and he couldn't keep his feet still. The whole circus experience had just been an eye opener he wanted to see more and he found himself fidgeting throughout Koneta's next speech. The rest of the show was just as captivating a magician whose magic tricks defied sense and logic and had the entire audience sitting forward in their seats trying to work out how she was doing it. There was a strong-man show with impossible weights being lifted and tossed about the room and of course an animal trainer whose power over the wild beasts they let into the arena was almost eerie. In the end though the show came to an end, the performers thanked them all to rousing applause and the crowds started to file out of the stadium and head for home.

Back in the car, driving through the dark Josh sat staring out of the window, watching the lights of the town flash past, only half listening as his mother and Charlene talked to one another.

"I really liked the theme," his mother said, "It was an unusual motif but it really helped to tie all the acts together I thought."

Lifting his head Josh looked at his mother and frowned, "Theme? What theme is this?"

Laughing Charlene prodded him, "Silly, don't say you didn't see it, I saw it! The circle of spinning lights it was in every act."

"Oh yeah... I remember those I didn't really link them together. But I guess yer right Mum; it was a sort of common theme."

Turning back to the window Josh lost himself in watching the view zip past. He could remember the whirling lights, imagine them spinning around before his eyes. Bright coloured lines whirling and twirling before his eyes endlessly moving without pause. The car grinding to a halt jerked Josh awake, blinking he looking around he smiled at his sister and helped her out of the car.

"Did I fall asleep?" He asked her and she nodded with a giggle, "You did hehe more tired than me!" She scampered off into the house amused by the idea. Trailing after her he sighed and said his good-nights to his parents and trudged up the stairs toward his room. He often wondered why they had left a ten year gap between him and his sister but well none of his business really. Kicking off his sneakers and undressing Josh made sure his door was shut and flopped into bed with a heavy yawn.

"Man... not been this tired in... ages," stretching out he then rolled onto his side and stared into the darkness. His thoughts were drifting, he was thinking about the spinning lights again. Shaking his head he tried to focus on something else. It was hard however and as his mind drifted toward sleep they rose up again. He tried to push them away but well... why bother there was no need to resist, just watch... staring at the lights Josh slowly fell asleep, drifting off into a coloured dream-scape that plagued him throughout the night.

Monday morning at college found Josh slumped in a chair at the back of his advanced mathematics class listening to his teacher drone on about Trigonometry and angles. It was a boring class but his parents had decided it was the best one for his chosen career. Well the career they had chosen for him to follow rather, they had expectations so here he was listening to Miss Parker drone on about degrees and algebraic formula rather than being in an actual job earning money and doing something with his hands. So he stared out the window, thinking about the circus last night, the fun he'd had at the various side-shows and watching the performers in the big-top. Once more the image of spinning, coloured lights rose in his mind, the bright lights whirled before his eyes and he could feel himself retreating from the outside world again and not caring.

"Josh... Josh," the insistent calling of his voice jerked him out of his day dream and he looked up to find Miss Parker standing over his desk. "As you seem so intent on my lesson perhaps you can repeat to me what I just said or were you really staring out the window in the middle of my class?"

The question was a threat; Miss Parker was notorious for getting mean spirited on students she thought were wasting her time. "Er..." wracking his brains for what she had been saying he sat up straight as an idea came to him. "You were telling us about how trigonometry has no real application in the day to day life of an office worker normally. But for someone with an interest in the practical skills such as engineering or architecture it might be more important to us."

The thunderous look on her face was worth being told to stay behind after class and it got him a few grins and thumbs up from his friends as she stalked back to the front of the classroom. After that incident the rest of the class passed off without a hitch and Josh found himself weathering Miss Parker's tongue lashing without really caring. Even the threat to report his attitude to his chief tutor who'd surely tell his parents didn't faze him. He couldn't concentrate on schoolwork, on being scared of his parents it was like he couldn't focus on the mundane. Leaving the applied sciences building Josh left the campus and started down the street.

"Why can't I concentrate..." he muttered to himself, stuffing his hands in his pockets, frowning at the ground as he tried to make sense of how he was feeling. "Dad is going to rip me a new one if Miss Parker reports me... I...but..." sighing and slumping onto a bench he stared at his hands. "I don't care... yet I should care..."

Looking up his eyes fell on a poster plastered across the wall opposite. It was for the Cirque du Koneta and as he thought about the circus the strange feeling, the lack of concentration and tiredness that had fallen over him since he left the big top the night before started to fall away. An hour later and Josh was standing at the bus-stop looking at the main gate to the Cirque du Koneta. The circus was closed at this time of the day but Josh didn't let that stop him, he felt determined now, clear headed and he really wanted to get inside. Starting around the outskirts of the circus compound he watched small figures moving about atop the roller-coaster. They were starting to disassemble the circus, ready to move on to their next destination. Josh felt incredibly sad at the prospect of it leaving and started to walk faster, searching for a way inside.

He found a small side door about half way around the outskirts of the circus. Trying the door he was relieved when it opened and he was able to slip through into the quiet street beyond. Not one of the main thoroughfares; this road was just plain dirt with no wooden boarding over it and the tents and caravans to either side were small designed for two or three people at best. It was a big change from the open fronted stalls that sold food or offered games in the main part of the circus. Walking away from the door Josh ducked down a side street before anyone took notice of him and started to wander about, grinning to himself at being back in the circus. He passed water-tanks and electrical generators, skirted a large pile of crates and slipped out of a side road onto the wooden boarding that lined the main side-show route. Pausing to look around he was surprised to find most of the side-shows had been packed away, the tents and stalls stacked flat atop the back of a large wagon that was parked nearby. In the distance a group of men in large over-coats and beanie hats were lifting up the wooden walkway and storing it on another wagon.

Quickly hurrying down another side street before they spotted him, Josh only slowed when he caught sight of the outer wall and frowned. "Why am I here... what am I looking for... I,"

Turning to look back into the circus he gaped at the two figures walking toward him. All thoughts of why he was here fled as he watched them approach. "You... you're Jacobson and Whistler the acrobats!"

The men were over six foot tall and only dressed in a pair of tight speedos, towels draped over their shoulders. Apart from their different coloured hair they were identical and the look they gave each other before turning back to Josh was puzzled.

"Yes, we're part of the acrobat troupe... who are you young man and what are you doing here in the circus? We are closed..."

"I... I am not sure..." Josh admitted, squirming on the spot and feeling foolish, "I just... had to come back and see it, the... I..." he trailed off and shrugged, sure that they were going to laugh at him and kick him out. To his surprise they stepped closer and Whistler wrapped a damp arm about his shoulder.

"Well then let's make you comfortable and show you around a bit, there must be a reason you came back to us."

"Have you... been swimming? Where could you possibly go swimming here?" Josh's question rang Alarm bells in his head, he should have been leaving, should have been backing away but it was harder to think or care about getting away as he was guided amongst the tents.

"We have a small portable pool; we need it for some of our acts so we always have it set up in our training room."

"Oh... well erm, what's it like travelling with the circus? You must get to see amazing places all the time and meet new and interesting people."

"We do indeed," Jacobson added with a wide grin, "It's an adventure every day, for all of us performers and hands."

"What are hands?" Josh asked frowning as they passed a striped tent and turned left onto another street, "That's a bit of a weird job title."

"Stage Hands," Whistler answered prodding Josh up the steps toward the entrance to a caravan. "We call them hands for short; they are great guys and help to run the circus. Making sure everything is set up and put together; they are a tight knit community, some of the best guys you could ever hope to meet."

Opening the door and stepping inside Jacob motioned toward the figure sat in a chair reading, "And this is Ola, I think you already know him."

Staring at the blue haired man Josh grinned at him, "Hey you're the juggler from the pie-fight... that was really good how did you keep them aloft and not get covered." Last time he saw the performer he'd been covered head to toe in a slick of gooey foam now he was lounging about in shorts and t-shirt. His bright green eyes met Josh's as he was pushed further into the room and his face lit up with a bright smile before he started speaking.

"I did get covered, when they were all to be coming down at the end. And you are Josh, it is being good to see you again young friend."

"You know my name, how do you know..." Josh trailed off as the man put down his book and picked up a collection of coloured crystals and started juggling. It was distracting and Josh found his thoughts scattering as he stared at them unable to look away. The strange idiom of the other man's voice echoed in his mind and Josh let his hands fall to his side and stared straight ahead.

"Sleep now Josh, you are to be being asleep, quiet and restful, good Josh.... you have come back so sleep for Ola, let all fade.... let it fade, let your eyes to be being closing. Let your mind to be being mine, let your ears to be being only hearing what Ola is to say." watching the swaying human Ola stopped juggling and leant forward, speaking in a slow, steady rhythmic fashion. "You are to be sleeping now.... sleep, sit down in the chair and sleep now. You hear nothing, you are to be seeing nothing just sleep now... you will wake when Ola speaks your name. Sleep.... sleep..."

Turning away from the sleeping human Olaniyan offered a seated bow to the brothers. "I thank you for bringing him to me; Ola was not to be being expecting him to arrive so soon. I must have been having the greater effect on his mind than expected."

"You're welcome," Jacob said with a grin, "Always glad to help, who is he going to be?"

"Another Hand, Higear is to be wanting a new strong body on his team and I have to been picking this human. He is unhappy; his parents are to be being forcing him into things he does not want. He will be much better yes in the circus with us." Ola looked at Josh and grinned, "He is to be in for the surprise, thank you for bringing him I will see to him now."

The brothers nodded and left though Josh barely registered it, he just sat there mind fast asleep waiting for Ola to speak. When the juggler did speak he almost moaned out loud in delight at feeling those words slipping into his mind again. He didn't though, he'd told to be quiet and he obeyed but it felt so nice to hear him talk.

"You are to be wanting the job now Josh, to be working with the circus, to be travelling with us, is this not right?"

Ola's question was leading the young man only had one option; he nodded his head as he continued to watch and listen.

"You will join the Hands, you will become a hand... you will be accepting of this yes, embracing of their ways, their form."

"There form... I will be a Hand,"

Smiling gently at the entranced boy Olaniyan started to juggle again, watching and waiting, whispering the odd repetitive instruction. Once he was satisfied the idea of asking Koneta for a job had taken hold he manoeuvred the boy outside and pointed him at the big top. A single word snapped him awake and he started off down the muddy street without once looking back.

Retreating back into his caravan Olaniyan shut the door and stretched his arms above his head. Next time he saw the kid he'd be a Hand or at least ready for the final change. A day of working with the others would tire him out and then he'd be ready for what was to happen next when the circus got moving that evening. Yawning slightly the juggler clambered up onto his chair. Later he'd have one of the other Hands bring Josh back to his caravan to complete his conversion, but for now he was going to relax and save his energy, the method he preferred for changing someone all the way was very intense.

Josh had been surprised to get from the park gates to the tent without being stopped by anyone. But he had his dream and an idea of who he needed to speak too. His palms were sweating and his heart was racing but he was going to do it. He had to do it, joint he circus, run away, and find a life for himself away from his controlling parents. Ducking through the tent flap before him he entered the big top and paused, his gung-ho attitude faltering as he looked around. He'd only ever been in the big tent when it was packed to the rafters with people. It was rather spooky empty, the ceiling was lost in the gloom and the mighty poles and criss-crossing rafters and ropes used by the performers could barely be seen. Only the odd piercing beam of white light from a stationary spot-light broke the gloom. As his eyes grew accustomed to the darkness Josh realised that despite what he thought the Big Top wasn't empty, there were work crews disassembling things and taking stuff apart. They were all dressed in a sort of uniform; sturdy boots, black cargo trousers, white vests with an optional over-coat and beanie hat. One figure however stood out against the scurrying workers, head and shoulders taller than all the others. He was dressed in an amazing red and gold suit, complete with top-hat and epaulets. Waves of black hair spread across his shoulders and his tanned skin just accented his exotic look. Despite his imposing appearance his face was etched with laughter lines and the way he held his body made him seem open, friendly and approachable.

Taking a moment to draw in his courage Josh squared his shoulders, and walked out onto the sandy floor of the ring, approaching the Ring-Master Koneta. The heavy-set man was talking to a grey-haired chap dressed in the uniform of the workers, they both stopped to look at Josh as he approached and the teenager almost bugged out before taking a deep breath and walking over to stand in front of them.

"Yes young man, how can I help?" Koneta's voice was a deep rumble, welcoming and warm and he must have seen how nervous Josh was for he offered the kid a friendly smile, "I don't often get to meet my younger customers in here when we are closed. Did you get lost or get drunk last night and just wake up in a barrel behind a side-show?" The question was meant in a friendly manner and the grey haired chap chuckled and shook his head in amusement.

"No sir... I'm Josh and I want a job... I've heard that you'll hire anyone as long as they are willing and not a criminal."

The ring master sighed and glanced at the grey bearded man next to him then crouched so he was eye level with the younger man, "Running away to the circus is no escape from life's troubles son, how old are you?"

"Nineteen sirs, names Josh I'm well within my rights to do anything I want. My parents would rather I did what they want me to do, live my life according to their expectations." Drawing a deep breath he stood taller, "I refuse to live like that, it's my life sir I've always dreamed about this place. I won't go until you at least let me try and prove myself."

Rubbing at his chin Koneta nodded and stood back up, "Ok kid we'll give you a trial ok, you got any hidden talents I can use in my show?" he smiled as Josh shook his head somewhat sheepishly, "Thought as much, well then I'll turn you over to Higear here," he nodded to his companion who was grinning widely at the kid. Doffing his flat cap he ran a hand through his tangle of curly grey hair and gave Josh a frank and appraising stare.

"Well Josh been awhile since I had a new Hand to train," he motioned for Josh to follow and started across the tent.

The teenager hesitated for a moment and jerked a quick bow to Koneta, "Thanks... I won't disappoint you I promise," his piece said he hurried to catch up with the older man.

"Job's simple enough," Higear said as Josh caught up with him, "Koneta and the entertainers ask for impossible things we make it happen. We put the tents and stalls up, run the sideshows, police the show and make sure everyone pays at the gate or has a ticket."

Stopping in the shadows beneath one of the benches Higear regarded Josh again with that frank stare that made the boy fidget. "Those clothes will do for a trial; dump the coat though it'll just be in your way. Then we'll work you through your paces today and if you've got what it takes I'll offer to make ya one of us and job will be yours." He pointed a finger at a passing Hand, the young man with sandy blonde hair stopped in his tracks and turned to regard his boss, one eyebrow raised quizzically. "Colin this is Josh, he's yours today, put him to work start him up top and see how he does."

"Up... up there?" Josh asked as he tilted his head back to stare up into the darkness of the tent. When he looked down he found Colin and Higear watching him, both of them grinning widely.

"You sure you don't want to back out Josh, it's not an easy job and takes a lot of hard work and dedication." Colin said, "It takes guts and skill to be a Hand in the Cirque du Koneta, you sure you've got it in you?"

Hanging his coat on a nearby spar Josh turned to the other men and rubbed his hands together. The idea of hard work and grifting and mucking in to help out with the other Hands felt good. He couldn't put his finger on it he just knew that it was a good thing to do, "I'm sure... just show me what to do and I'll do it."

Clapping Josh on the shoulder Colin turned him toward one of the large tent poles, "That was the right answer Josh, now then let's see how quickly I can get you up top."

Higear watched the new-boy and his guide vanish into the gloom of the tent and grinned. Buck teeth showed for a moment and he squeaked softly before giving himself a shake. Looking around he caught the gaze of the ring-master and nodded his head in thanks before hurrying off to get back to work. Josh would be just fine, by the end of the day he'd be eager to join their ranks; he would become their newest brother.

Colin took him straight up to the dimly lit roof of the tent and put him to work untying ropes from the top of one of the huge poles. It wasn't easy and at first Josh couldn't decide if it was the stifling muggy heat or the dizzying height that he hated more. Colin was right by his side however and he soon had Josh focussed on the work at hand. The ropes holding the tent in place were big thick things and it took two of them to untie the large knots holding it all together. Gripping the webbing that wrapped the top of the pole like he'd been shown Josh felt secure at least to start with but with each rope they untangled the tent-pole swayed a bit more as the canvas slowly pulled back. Wiping sweat from his brow and glancing over at his new friend Josh found himself admiring the way Colin's sweat soaked vest clung to his chest. The thought made him stop and shakes his head in confusion, why was he thinking about Colin like that! He'd never looked twice at a guy before and now up here in the humid air, dripping in sweat he was finding another guy nice to look at Josh frowned, trying to reconcile himself with this when the other teen held out a water flask and distracted him.

"Is it always this hot up here?" Josh enquired as he put the cap back on the flask, plucking at his t-shirt feeling how it was sticking to his skin, "It's horribly sticky."

"Sadly yes, even on a cold day this far up there is nowhere for the heat to go and even a mild sun will warm the canvas," Colin rubbed a hand through his short cropped beard and winked. "But this is the hardest job, taking the big tent down. It's a real challenge and the boss thinks it's a good test for new recruits. If you can stomach this you'll be able to do anything."

Josh risked a glance down, from this height the ring was a tiny circle of light far away. Tearing his eyes away from the view Josh offered a tremulous grin to his partner, "I can do this... I really want this job. So what happens after we undo these ropes?"

"We let this down," Colin patted a large coil of hemp just below their webbed perch, "Then we hold on and let the guys below lower us down to the ground." Colin grinned as Josh's eyes went wide and he reflectively grabbed the webbing and held on tight. "Lower us lower us down! You are kidding right?" He watched as Colin put his hands on the second to last rope and undid the knot causing the pole to sway slightly as the canvas pulled away. "Yup that's the plan, now help me let the guide rope down and let the guys below take up the tension and then we release the last rope and they lower us down. It's safer than us climbing back down an unsecured pole." Josh nodded still looking frightened but he helped Colin lower the large rope down to the floor. Soon the rope went taught as the Hands on the floor took up the weight of the pole holding it steady. "See they have the others too," he waved a hand at the other three support poles that held up the tent. "We lower them all down together and bring the canvas down on top of us. Now move round here next to me so we'll be on top of the pole as it heads down."

Josh slowly picked his way around until he was pressed up against Colin's body in the tight webbing. The flexible neoprene gripped their frames and held them securely in place a Josh offered a nervous grin to his partner.

"Ready?" Colin asked as he guided their hands above their heads to grasp the last knot.

"What about the seats and everything?" Josh asked as a last distraction to delay the moment.

"Gone by now, loaded up onto their cart, most of the circus will have been taken down and packed up by now, so hold on." The guide rope to the floor twanged twice and Colin started to unpick the knot and Josh instinctively started to help out. As it came free the pole shifted and Josh groaned as it swung forward a foot then stopped. He could distantly hear voices down below calling out. Chanting a steady rhythm and the pole started to sink slowly toward the floor. Groaning softly Josh found he was pressing in against Colin, burying his head against the other boys chest as his hands had formed a death-grip on the netting under his fingers. His stomach felt like it was performing somersaults and as they rode down through the air the collapsing canvas caught up to them, pooling over Josh's back and making him squeak in surprise.

"Here we go," Colin crowed pressing against his partner's body, holding him tightly. Josh was terrified but as they continued to swing through the air he felt a thrill building as well as his body adjusted to the sensation. Interlocking his fingers with Colin he offered his new friend a grin as they swung through the air then yelped as the pole juddered and ground to a stop. The canvas settled in on all sides blocking off his view of the other hands he'd briefly glimpsed who were guiding the rope down. Slowly sitting up and untangling his limbs from the webbing Josh grinned as Colin lifted the canvas up so they could see each other. "So how you feeling Josh, ready to carry on working or you need some time?"

Stretching his limbs the red haired teen grinned at Colin and stood up, feeling his jaw and tapping his teeth, "That was wild how often do we have to do this job?"

"We are on a rotation so every fifth location or so we help out with the big top and Higear assigns some of us to the top of the pole," standing with his shoulders and arms above his head to hold the heavy canvas up he tilted his head as he watched Josh feel his teeth. "You ok there Josh?"

"Yeah just my front teeth feel funny is all, must have been the vibration as we landed, so now what? I really could do with a shower, I feel icky and sticky."

"No time for that my boy," Higear said as the older man ducked into the clear space Colin was making, "You can shower with the rest of us once we are set up at our next location. Now how did he do Colin has he got what it takes to be one of us?"

Smiling Colin nodded, "He was a star; he took to it easily and didn't freak out...much."

"Good news, now come on you two we've got to roll this up and stow it on its truck then Olaniyan wants to see the pair of you in his caravan when we get underway; follow me now." The grey haired man led the way through the folds of fabric and out into the sunny air. He set Colin and Josh to work alongside several other Hands; down on their hands and knees rolling the fabric of the big top up into a long fat cigar. It was then folded in half and lashed onto the back of the longest truck the circus owned along with the poles. Stepping back Josh ran a hand through his tousled hair and watched as some of the others double checked the straps, he felt sticky, tired and his jaw still ached but he felt really good. There was something really good about being in the company of the others, working together, hanging out and acting as a team to get the job done.

One of the Hands, Roger slapped him on the shoulder as he passed, "Good job lad, you'll be one of us in no time." Josh smiled and waved at them then glanced at Colin as he walked over to join him.

"Everyone keeps saying that," he commented as the blonde teen started to guide him over toward one of the waiting caravans.

"Saying what, that you've done a good job? It's true now come along Ola is waiting for us and he says it's important." He paused and waved at Higear as the older man walked past, "We're done here, we good to go join Olaniyan now boss or you need us for anything else?"

For a moment Higear looked at the two youngsters and a sly smile crept over his face as he shook his head and grinned, "Nah we are done here, you two go have fun. Wish I could join you but Ola made it quite clear I'd just be in the way. See you soon Josh, you'll be one of us very soon now I think."

Josh frowned after the boss as Colin started to lead the way down the long line of caravans all lined up ready to go. "See what I mean? Everyone has been making comments about me being one of them," He trotted up the steps of a caravan and walked through the door Colin was holding open for him. "What do they mean by it? I..." he took two steps and froze eyes widening, words trailing off as he looked straight into the whirling circle of coloured balls Olaniyan was spinning in a circle before him. He couldn't pull his eyes, way from them. The desire to watch them spin was too strong, that and the need to listen to the blue haired juggler's voice. He was vaguely aware of Colin closing the door and moving off to one side but all he was really interested in was the whirling circle of colours.

"I am to be being welcoming you back Josh... You have to have been working hard, you are now being ready so be listening to Ola's voice, be sleeping now, be kneeling before me and watch the lights." Josh happily obeyed, lost in the musical tones of Ola's voice as he repeated his instructions making him kneel and made him drop deep into a trance. He was unaware of Colin cutting his clothing off his body so as not to interrupt his view of the spinning balls. All that mattered now was watching and listening and obeying, nothing else truly mattered.

Peering into the vacant look in Josh's eyes Ola smiled softly and nodded to Colin before speaking softly in his soft accented voice. "Good Josh... You are to be being ready now."

Olaniyan kept Josh quiet and entranced for a few more minutes just to reinforce his hold on the boy before he sent him all the way to sleep. Making him close his eyes and sink into a deep slumber that would only respond to his voice. "Josh is a good Hand, a strong, eager to serve Hand, you want nothing more than to be serving the circus and working alongside your brothers..." the juggler waited, letting the teenager repeat his words. Once Josh finished speaking Ola repeated it again, then twice more before moving to kneel down before the hypnotised boy and placed his hands on either side of his head. Outside the caravan was moving, the circus was underway and Josh was ready to make the final transition from directionless human to one of the Cirque du Koneta's Stage Hands. Leaning forward Olaniyan whispered directly in his ear. "You are a rat Joshua, you can feel it deep inside you now, straining to be let out... let it flow to the surface, let it well up and subsume your body. You are a Hand, part of the Higear Nest; you are to being a part of his Nest."

As Ola continued to speak in his hypnotic tone, letting his voice tap into the power of the circus as it began to move. Harnessing the mystical force of being between locations and channelling it into the boy knelt before him. He felt it start, a spark under his feelings then got to watch as a change began to flow over Josh's body. His red hair started to grow down the sides of his face, spreading out and thickening into a beard that started to join up with the thickening hair growing down the back of his neck. Colin and Ola watched as the teenager's arm and leg hair started to grow thicker, spreading up to merge with the thick pelt of fur that was taking shape across his shoulders and groin. It was fur now of a light coppery tone that was spreading across his chest, back and stomach even as Ola continued to whisper in his ears. He talked of bunking with his nest brothers, of working side by side, eager and happy to work up a sweat to slick down his pelt. He spun tales of letting his scent mingle with his companions as they worked to make the circus a success. Josh's fur was thick and curly by this point as was Colin's, the other Hand was being swept along by the familiar tones of Ola's voice. Colin's control over his disguise was relaxing, his beard and hair growing out into fur, rapidly catching up with Josh so the two teenagers finished growing fur coats at the same time. Cuffs of fur lined Josh's wrists and ankles, leaving hands and feet bare though they started to change and shift, toes lengthening, third and fourth fingers merging, nails growing points then spreading, warping into claws as Ola continued to whisper. This time he was talking about team work, obeying Higear or Koneta, accepting his place in the nest. Satisfied that everything was moving along nicely Olaniyan took a deep breath and focussed his power on the boy's body, initiating the next phase of his change. The soft crick and crack of Josh's spine followed, his legs moved and shrank, bringing his carriage closer to the ground even as his chest swelled and he took on more animalistic shape. Fur crept up the length of his shaft, pulling it against his naval and his balls dropped lower, slowly stretching to take on a more rodent like shape. Ola had to pause to take a breath as he braced himself for the next part of the new rat's conditioning. Josh now had the body of a large, red furred rat but his head was still the same human face he started with.

Rolling his head from side to side Ola caught sight of Colin and smirked, the blonde Hand was staring vacantly into the far distance, his clothes now hung off his shorter, more animalistic frame. Shaking his head in amusement the blue haired Juggler leant forward and started to speak into Joshes mind again. He picked up where he left off, talking about days spent toiling behind shops or food booths, of hours spent hanging in the rafters by tail and claws to make sure the circus acts could be pulled off with finesse and skill. As he spoke the kid left the last of his humanity behind, his ears flattened and started to slide up on either side of his head, fanning out and growing thin and rounded. Josh's eyes slowly lost their whites, his hazel irises spreading out and darkening as his face pushed forward into a narrow muzzle tipped by a small pale pink nose. Buck teeth that had been trying to push out all afternoon finally had the chance to settle into place. The change was nearly complete, the human who had been Josh was gone, Ola took the time to take another breath, fingers resting on the new rats shoulders as he started to whisper the final set of instructions into his victim's supple and receptive mind.

"You are to be being Josh, Josh the Hand, your life before it is to be being of no consequence, you are to be being Josh the Hand, soon you are to be being waking up. The desire to join with your Brother's, to work with them is strongest of all. No longer will my twirling lights enrapture you. You are to be being a rat, part of Koneta's magical circus." As before Ola started to repeat the final line, watching as Josh's new thick, prehensile rat tail slowly grew in, the changed boy arched his back, gasping and letting out a deep squeak before he slumped forward against the juggler. Still lost in his trance Josh obeyed as Ola ordered him to kneel back up, he took a moment to admire the new rat then glanced over at Colin and ordered the blonde rodent to come kneel next to his brother. "You two are to be waiting there for Ola to change... then we will to be finishing up yes?"

Grinning as the boys obediently murmured yes the juggler stretched his arms above his head and closed his eyes and willed his disguise to fade. Blue hair rustled as if caught in a breeze before starting to grow, spreading and sliding down his neck to encompass his shoulders. He could feel his t-shirt bulking up and shifting against his skin as the blue pelt continued to grow and shift and flow across his body and it didn't take him long to wriggle out of his outfit and sprawl out on the floor.

"Never understood why we have to come to these human only worlds..." he complained to the pair of entranced boys who were obediently watching him. "I ooooh itches oooh oook!" Squirming back and forth Olaniyan continued to change, his face pushing out into a short muzzle, ears moving up across his head as his hair grew wild and thick. It was all happening quickly now, fur was spreading from his long ropey and very unfake tail across his butt and down his legs. It felt like someone was brushing him with a dry paint-brush, the itchy, tingling feeling of his fur growing back in coupled with the sensation of his limbs shifting and re-aligning always left him squirming. He could never decide if he liked it or not, one moment it was all fluid and tingly and left him groaning in delight and then something would snap or pop or shift in a most un-natural direction and he'd be gasping and whimpering.

Olaniyan squeaked as his spine cricked, vertebrae moving and changing to fit his new body structure. Then his toes, his short horrible stubby human toes started to elongate and the bones in his feet felt like they were melting and stretching as he got his nice grippy simian foot-paws back.

"Ah gods I... hate... this bit!" Digging his shoulders into the floor of his caravan Ola arched his back and whimpered as the last few twitching, shifting, popping sensations ran up the length of his body. Groaning he flopped to the floor, the tension draining out of his body as he completed his shift from human back to blue furred capuchin monkey. Sitting up Ola ran his fingers over his chest fur, ruffling it up and shivering.

"Damn it feels good to have fur again, stupid Circus..." he muttered, rubbing his ears then glanced at the rats and grinned. "The circus life is great, Colin here already loves it and you are one of us now Josh." Stretching Ola worked the cricks out of his neck and reached out to run a finger along Josh's muzzle. "Sadly it has a habit of picking a human only world at least once a year." He shook his head, "I guess I should teach you about how the Circus travels, how it is our curse and blessing. But for now.... well all you need to know is that the spirit of the Circus will always find a suitable audience." Standing up and stretching Ola reached over to press a paw to Josh's chest and peered into his eyes. "Sometimes we have to put up with being pink, hairless apes for a bit but for you... you're humanity still needs to be disposed of... this is the bit I love."

Satisfied and happy now he was back in his real body the blue capuchin monkey knelt down between the red and blonde rat boys and gripped their sheaths in his hands. Teasing them was easy, Ola had dextrous fingers and it didn't take long for the pair of rats to start getting hard. Taking a deep breath, inhaling their rich masculine scent Ola emitted a soft ook, his own sheath starting to plump up in response. "Now my rat boys... we are going to be making a monkey sandwich and soon... yes... you are to be waking up but first.... you are to be following Monkey voice... Josh rat down..." he tugged on the new copper furred rats cock, guiding him down onto his hands and feet. Josh obediently settled and went squeak as Ola used his tail to snag a bottle of lube from a drawer and pour it over Josh's rump. Groaning happily Ola wasted no time, he leant forward and started to push himself into the bronze furred rats tight virgin arse ooking and using his dextrous tail to soak the Colin's cock in lube as well.

"Mount Ola now Colin... oooh goo...good rat boy," moaning the monkey bucked his hips down, driving himself deeper into Josh as Colin eagerly clambered onto his back and slipped inside the blue monkey's rear. Ola wrapped his arms about the rat beneath him, holding him about the waist and started to thrust steadily back and forth between the rodents. Pushing his muzzle up against one of Josh's ears Ola bit his tongue as Colin started to move and shift on his own accord. The pleasurable sensations of taking Ola's arse were starting to wake the blonde rat up. This was good as it let the monkey turn his full attention to the still entranced ginger rat. "Josh... rat Josh...feel Ola inside you now yes, feel him sliding... mmf in and out... focus... all that was human Josh... let Ola pack and pump lower... lower ooook with each thrust." He glanced back at Colin who nodded and smiled at the monkey, his hands tugging on Ola's tail as he knelt up and dug his tapering, slick rat cock deeper with each thrust, helping the monkey to plough himself in turn deeper into the new rat beneath him. "Each... thrust Josh... pushes another part of your former life into your nuts. They are...ook heavier now... heavier and full and ready... soooo... soon you will release and ahhh fuck mff release and wash away...all that was human!"

Josh groaned beneath the monkey, squirming and squeaking as the monkey thrusting in and out of rump plunged deeper and kept speaking, slowly but surely forcing all that he had been down into his balls. He could feel himself starting to wake up, it was a slow process, his mind was filled with new ideas, new images and thoughts and he had a new body. A body with a monkey fucking it; thrusting in and out with powerful thrusts that caused as his nuts to sway back and forth. A tight warm feeling was spreading throughout his groin and as Ola gripped him tightly he hissed in his ear, "Release, cum rat and wake!"

Eyes bulging Josh squeaked and clenched down tightly on the cock in his arse as his balls emptied their load. Sticky jets of cum pulsed down his length causing it to jerk up, slap his stomach then coat it. Groaning as he threw off the monkey's trance the rat rode his orgasm letting a wave of bliss claim him as first Olaniyan joined him in orgasm shortly followed by some eager squeaks from Colin. Lost in the shared, sensation of bliss Josh had no defence against Olaniyan's final instructions. Moaning and laying under his two co-workers the ginger rat smiled dopily, flexing his arse around Ola's cock, just enjoying the slick feeling of cum inside him and over his underside. Slowly though he pulled himself free from Ola's dick so he could roll over beneath the monkey and look up at them. Dark rat eyes looked from the monkey o his blonde brother and he smiled at them both and squeaked, twitching his nose, feeling his whiskers move. The idea that soon he would get back to work and earn the right to join the pack in their nest caravan made his loins stir again.

"Have I told you how much I love being one of the Hands?" Josh murmured with a lazy grin as he flicked his tail a bit.

"Nope..." Colin said with a grin, reaching down to ruffle the rat boys hair, "But I can tell you one thing... you're going to be a great addition to the team, welcome home brother."

"Yes... you are to be being welcomed home Josh Hand... you are to be feeling good too," the monkey stirred his hips to drive home the sentiment which made Josh claw at the caravan carpet and whimper softly.

"Thanks... I am... as Ola would say," he paused to run his tongue against his buck teeth and squeaked with a happy grin, turning his head back around to smile at the monkey and other rat, "Glad to be being a Hand... it is to be being right and what I am meant to be being."

They laughed at that and Josh closed his eyes, resting against Ola's body, enjoying the feel of the monkey's fingers playing with his ears. He was home, he was where he belonged and he had a feeling life was going to be very good from now on.
