Search For His Happiness Chapter 2

Story by silverosiratus on SoFurry

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Chapter 2. hope it's good

A few hours later, the wolf that had startled the boy was sitting next to him, in a different surrounding. Instead of the cold night streets that he had remembered being near, they were both in a cozy house, made of wood entirely, but also firmly patched by brick and nails. He blinked slowly, wondering who the wolf was, and why he called him son.

More startling was the fact that he knew his name. The thought of someone knowing him even that much must have meant that this guy was definitely a friend of his mother, which, in general to Silver, made the larger wolf an enemy.

Before he could rise, the wolf gently layed him back down, shushing him as he rested a paw on the boys chest.

"Easy, son... It's ok.. I'm here now.." The wolf said in a purely calming voice, like the slow swishing of water in a river, and a pebble slowly dropping, making a small splash, but the ripple causing beauty among beauty. It was soothing, it was assuring, it was something he could not resist obeying.

Silver nodded slowly and layed down fully, staring at the larger wolf.

"A name would be nice, sir..." Silver whispered, unsure of who this wolf was still. He smiled, stroking the childs chest.

"My name is Sevren. And I know your name is Silver... After all.. That is what others call you.. BUT!" He exclaimed. " I bet you don't know the true name you were given at birth. One that your mother gave you, do you?" The boy paused, then shook his head. Sevren gave a small grunted sigh, nodding once.

"And she wonders why we broke up. Your name has, and always will be: Bale." The boy rubbed his belly in thought, a small murr rising in his throat.

"Mmmreowwrrfff... Bale... Is my name? And.." Bale paused for a moment. "How do you know that this is my name? Who are you, Sevren?" The boy asked cautiously. Sevren knelt down to nose Bale softly.

"It's not really that hard to figure out, my child.. Have you not heard me address you as my son?" A small smile pursed onto the larger wolfs lips, Bales eyes only widening.

"D...a...d...?" Sevren smiled softly, giving a small nod to say that he was there. Bale arched forward, slamming a fist into Sevrens abdomen, making him grunt in surprise, coiling back to control his somewhat rising anger.

"How DARE you even call me your SON!" The boy growled softly, his chest heaving in rising anger.

"You call me by my name, wolf. Silver, not Bale. I am not your son..." But before Silver could turn around and walk away, Sevren had caught him in a web of shadow magic, pulling him close as he wrapped his arms around the child, a tear shedding from the golden eyes of the father.

"You have no idea how much that hurts inside, child... But I cannot blame you... I was not there for you when you needed me. And for that.. I am truly sorry. But please understand, that I wish to make this right again. Please, Silver.. I'm not asking for forgiveness." The father paused for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"All I am asking for is a chance to make up for lost times, and be there for you now as your father." Silver froze, choking up inside as he struggled to fight the tears. He was at a loss for words. But more than anything, he just wanted to give in, cry into his fathers chest, and just forgive him. But he was also hurting too much inside to even think such a thought.

It was true that Sevren wanted to make up for the times he had not been there... But it was not like they could replace seventeen years of growing up so easily. He thought about this offer for quite a bit in his mind. The offer was a good one, one that he would not want to pass up on. But at the same time, he was still wanting to wail in agony, and say no.

"Son... Please... Papa loves you..." This made the tears leak out of Silvers eyes, turning as he wrapped his arms around the father. A small smile spreading on the wolfs face, wrapping his own arms around the child, taking his small sobs as a yes to the offer he had presented.

The whole scene was inundating to Silver. It was not easy for him to understand how his father could just walk in and try to be a part of the boys life again. But he did not care. He just wanted his father back again. And he was going to have him in his life. It was one of the two things he desired most.

"P-Papa?" The boy asked, his lips quivering. The large black furred wolf smiled and nodded.

"Yes, my child?" He replied.

" I love you..." He whispered, only to hold his father even tighter, shaking slightly from the fear of losing Sevren again. He did not want that; he feared that more than anything. But the arms around the boy tightened even more as well, assuring him that he was not going to go anywhere.

Silver smiled softly, idly licking his fathers silken furred chest, marvelling at how much he truly looked like his father. Sure his mother was a crimson ruby scaled dragonoid... But his father gave his body such illustrious a sheen. It was like his own... But compared to his dad.. His fur brought a shame to it.

Sevrens silken, yet somewhat rough fur, was a beauty that which would be unimaginable to be placed upon himself. It was a pelt of utter beauty.

Sevren chuckled softly, gazing at his son, as his son marvelled him.

"You like Daddies fur, little one?" He whispered, making Silvers head snap up to his voice, a small nod of his head showed while he swallowed for a moment.

"I love your fur, Dad... It's... So... Silky.." The fathers heart melted at these words, a blush spreading on his muzzle as he nuzzled his son.

"My sweet, sweet boy... Let us rest.. This has been quite an... Exotic experience..." He cooed to his boy, holding him protectively as he summoned a few abyssal beasts to surround the house while they slept in a comforting rocking chair, asleep in one anothers loving embrace.

"Daddy.. I.. Love you.." Silver whispered.

"I love you too, my son... I'll protect you... Papa is here..." Sevren whispered back, as they drifted off, to sleep that night.

Search For His Happiness Chapter 3

The child, Silver, opened his eyes a crack to see only the sight of Black fur in his vision. At first, he was startled, unsure if he was alive or dead, considering he felt something holding him tight. But then the memories flooded back into his mind...

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Search For His Happiness Chapter 1

The pup walked around aimlessly in the streets, unaware of the other wolves that eyes him aggressively. He had run away from his home, away from the people who treated him like shit. But the thing was... He had nowhere to go. No other family that would...

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