Random Short (and dirty) Story!

Story by Nightcoon on SoFurry

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Dreams... the fuel that drives my short stories. I may keep this one though. Kinda more of a real life story than a fantasy one. End of high school was so wonderful, wasn't it? Graduating soon, school doesn't mean much in the first place, and the sex. Lots of sex. Mhmm, a whole new style of writing for me. But don't fret! This won't be like those mopey drama saturated stories that makes you surprised a gay vampire wont pop out! This is totally different. Enter the life of Ica the wolf.... Also, I've been on a fucking wolf binge lately, idk why. If you're a wolf, and you read this, talk to me. Lol.



'Come on...'


A bead of sweat ran down the wolf's brow as his impatient foot tapped eagerly at the ground.


He was watching the analog clock like a hawk, just a few minutes away from getting out of his fourth period class.


'Just a few more minutes...'


A wadded up paper ball flew through the air and hit the wolf in the nose, making him nearly jump out of his chair in surprise. He looked to the direction it came from, seeing his red panda friend that was a few seats back looking at him with a smirk. The panda motioned him to open it. The grey wolf uncrumpled the piece of paper and read it.

'What's the matter Ica? Can't wait to see your bbbooyyy fffrrriieeenddd? <3 <3'

Ica smiled and crumpled the paper back up and turned around to throw it back at his friend, but his teacher, an older leopard male, stopped him in mid throw. The wolf looked up at him with a stupid grin on his face as his ears flattened. The leopard opened the paper and read it to himself.

"I will not tolerate any of this faggy behavior in my class, Ica. The next time I..."

The big cat was cut off by the loud bell, dismissing everyone from class for lunch. The wolf grabbed his binder and scooted by his teacher.

"Sorry Mr. Targus, I'll keep my 'faggy' behavior to myself next time." Ica said with a chuckle as he trotted out of the class room. Once he was outside his red panda friend caught up with the fast walking wolf.

"Dude Mr. Targus just called you a fag in front of the whole class, you can press charges if you wanted to!"

The wolf chuckled again as he made a bee line to the parking lot. "It's all good Zach. I only have to deal with him and his boring economics class for a few more months, then we're all out of here! Speaking of leaving... I'll catch up with you later buddy. Gonna go out to lunch with... Well you know." Ica said with a smile.

The red panda, Zach, gave him a pat on the shoulder and walked the opposite direction of him, rolling his eyes. Ica kept speed walking, cutting through the other furs to make it to the parking lot before too many got there as well. He finally made it, trying to look as casual as he could as he walked up to a black BMW 330 Ci with a black wolf leaning against it.

The black wolf was taller than Ica, who stood at 5'10, by seven inches. He was wearing a teal colored Volcom shirt and blue jeans, and a smile formed across his face when he saw his smaller wolf walking up to him. Ica walked up and looked in to the black wolf's golden eyes, then closed his own eyes as he planted a firm kiss on the taller wolf's lips. The black wolf kissed back, biting Ica's upper lip a little as he gave him a good sheath grope. Ica ended the kiss and groaned a little, then smiled.

"Hey Will, how's your day goin?" Asked Ica.

"Much better now that you're with me, sexy."

A tiger that was walking by gave them a disgusted look.

"Queers..." He mumbled under his breath.

Will growled and snapped back at the tiger. "You're lucky I'm not in high school or I'd smash your face in, punk." The tiger just huffed and walked to his truck, ignoring him.

"Well hun, where do you want me to take you for lunch?" Will asked as he got in the driver's seat and Ica walked around the car.

"I was thinking McDonalds." He replied as he got in the car as well.

"So romantic. How about a better place, I need to make up for the horrible things I'm going to do to you after school gets out."

Ica blushed under his fur and crossed his legs a little, feeling like a little school girl as he felt himself getting a little hard. He tried to think of a restaurant, to try to get his mind off of the tingling in his sheath.

"Umm, how about Venezia's? I feel like having myself a nice gourmet pizza. Although I don't think I'll have enough time to go there and eat since lunch is only 30 minutes...."

Will drove out of the parking lot and headed towards the restaurant, quickly shifting through the gears as he sped off. "Well, you're only a teacher's assistant next period, so he won't mind if you come in late. Right?"

Ica nodded at this. "You're right. I'm not really ever late anyways. Plus its Mr. Hutton, he loves me."

The black wolf gave him a glare. "Oh he loves you, hmm? I should have a talk with him, tell him to watch who he loves."

Ica giggled at this. "You're not serious, are you?"

"Hehe, no. I'm kidding. I know I'm the only wolf you need."

Ica stroked his knee as they continued the short drive to the restaurant. "Hehe, yes you are. No one can be better."

After another minute of driving they pulled in to the parking lot and got out. The pair of wolves went inside and enjoyed a fantastic pizza together. Ica was late heading back to class, but his teacher was ok with it like he thought he would be. The class after that flew by, and before he knew it he was racing back towards the parking lot. His friend Zach intercepted him before he got to the lot to talk to him.

"Hey Ica, wanna hang out in a couple hours?" The red panda asked.

Ica blushed a little and put his ears back. "I would, but today is the last day I get to hang out with Will until he leaves back to his hometown for a few days. I'll hit you up tomorrow though."

The panda sighed and started to walk off. "Ok bro, see ya later..."

Ica hit the parking lot and hopped in to the passenger seat of Will's BMW.

"So was your teacher mad?" The black wolf asked.

"No, he was totally cool with it. He just said not to have it happen again haha."

Will drove the short couple of miles to Interstate 10 and merged on to the busy freeway.

"Well, I'm glad hun. I don't want him calling your mom or something dumb like that."

"I'm 19 years old, there's not much my mom can do to me anyways."

"Except for kick you out." Will replied.

Ica thought about this for a second. "This is true. Oh well. I doubt she would. I'm too much of an asset to my mom."

Will nodded to this.

Before Ica knew it they had already driven over 45 minutes and headed in to the upscale area of Chino Hills, one of the many cities in the Los Angeles area. Within a few more minutes they pulled in to the driveway of Will's house. The house itself was mediocre compared to the others in the area, but to Ica it seemed like a mansion compared to his house. They walked in and Ica said hi to his roommate, a red border collie, and then followed Will up to his room.

When they entered Ica instantly jumped on to his bed and kicked off his shoes and socks, laying belly down. He moved his legs to perk his butt up a little and turned around and gave Will a teasing look. The bigger wolf pounced on to him and bit down on his shoulder, growling lightly. Ica gasped and lightly murred at the biting, arching his back and wiggling his rump in to Will's clothed crotch.

Will let go and flipped him over, undoing his pants and quickly pulling them down with his teeth, trying to act like a feral. Ica giggled and took off his own shirt, leaving himself in just his boxers.

"Mmm, much better my little wolf." Will growled with a toothy grin. "But I think we need something that covers up just a little more..."

The black wolf reached in to a drawer next to his bed and pulled out a pair of leather cuffs. He then glided back over Ica's body and nibbled on his neck as he pinned him down to the bed, expertly clasping on each cuff as he continued to nibble. He then got up and reached under his bed to reveal the end of a rope, which he tied to Ica's left cuff. He then went to the right side of the bed and did the same to the right cuff, restraining him to the bed.

"Mhmm, now just one more finishing touch."

The wolf went back in to the drawer to fish out a black and grey collar, which he clipped tight on to Ica's neck. The smaller wolf whimpered and put his ears back, not being able to move. The black wolf let out a deep murr, and then got off of the bed. He took off his shirt, then slowly took off his pants to reveal a large bulge already formed in his boxer/briefs. Ica shuddered at the sight of the outline of his large knot through the fabric, making him drool a little.

Will reached back in to the drawer and pulled out one more thing, but Ica couldn't figure out what it was. The bigger wolf smiled as he began to creep back over Ica's fit body, stopping at his boxers. He then ran a claw along the outline of Ica's sheath through his boxers, and slowly pulled them off. Now that he was fully naked, Will gave a look over of his grey sheath, darker grey colored wolf balls, and red tip peeking out of his wolf's sheath opening. He couldn't help but give it a little lick, tasting the salty juices that had already formed. The lick sent shivers through Ica's body, and Will didn't stop there.

The black wolf licked over his tip again, then up his pelvis, along his belly button, all the way up to his chest, and then stopped at his neck to bite it again to show his dominance. Ica relaxed, fully submitting himself to the much bigger wolf. Will let go of his bite and sat on top of Ica, resting his balls (still in the boxer briefs) on Ica's chest. Ica couldn't help but notice the dark stain on the black fabric where the tip of Will's sheath was.

"Today..." Will began as he covered up Ica's eyes with a blindfold. "You will lose sight of things for a while."

"But... But..." Ica whined. "I really want to see your hot body."

"Too bad." Will said sternly.

Ica whimpered and laid there as Will got off of him. Ica could hear him rustling around for a few minutes, and wondered what he was up to. Finally he felt Will's paws running up his legs, and then felt them running over his own balls.

The big wolf trailed a claw around Ica's sheath with one paw, while reaching between his legs and lightly rubbing the area below Ica's balls, sending waves of pleasure through him. He then began to lightly graze over his sheath, and then softly grasped it. This made Ica hump in to his paw a little bit, and Will quickly let go and bit him hard on the shoulder, making Ica yelp quite loudly.

"Did I say you're allowed to get your own way with this?" Will growled.

"No... No Sir." Ica said with a whimper.

"Don't do it again, that's your only warning."

Will went back and grabbed Ica's sheath, firmly this time, and pulled it back a little. His red cock tip glistened in the natural light of the room, leaking a little bit of pre cum on to his belly fur. Will smiled and grabbed on to his bare cock, pushing back his sheath a little more.

"Now thrust a little more for me, wolfie." He told Ica. Ica did just that, pushing past his slightly swelled knot. Will used this opportunity to slip on a loose cock ring past his knot.

Will formed a devious grin across his face as he held on to the base of Ica's knot and held it tight, making him swell up very quickly as well as making his little wolf moan in pleasure. The loose ring suddenly got much tighter as his cock swelled and turned from a red/pink color to more of a pale blue color as his whole length glistened in the light. After a short time of being held he swelled to his full 6 ½ inch length, with his knot the size of a lemon. The black wolf let go of his cock, knowing the ring will do the rest of the work.

Ica moaned and squirmed as Will began to stroke himself, coaxing his big length out of his own sheath. After a few moments he was finally fully exposed and fully erect over Ica. He slid his wolf cock over Ica's, which wasn't much longer, but very much thicker than the smaller wolf. His shaft was about ¾ as thick as Ica's knot, and Will's knot was the size of a small grapefruit. Ica smiled as he felt the big wolf cock dwarf his in size, as it slid easily over his and their juices combined and flowed together.

Will enjoyed the feeling of his slick cock rubbing over his smaller wolf's member. He also enjoyed the look of pleasure on his wolf's face as he frotted him. On Ica's end, he was in pure bliss. The grey wolf whimpered and moaned as he was getting pawed off, already feeling himself getting quite close to the edge, sending out loads of warm pre to further slicken the slippery mess that was happening below. Despite what Will said, he began thrusting again, and before he knew it he was right on the edge, and was just about to let go when suddenly Will stopped.

Ica gasped and thrusted the air a little, panting. He felt the blindfold come off but didn't open his eyes quite yet.

"What did I say about thrusting, hmm?"

He opened his eyes and nearly came at the site before him. Will was kneeling down, and had a full white leather harness on, which looked very tight over his big chest and black furred abs. Ica looked a little farther south to see the wolf holding his huge red cock, dripping loads of pre on to Ica's pelvis and belly area.

"I... I'm..." Ica started, but was cut short by Will moving towards him and shoving his wolf dick in the smaller wolf's mouth.

"Shush. And finish me off."

Ica let out a loud moan as he tasted the delicious wolf meat. He began to lick it and swirl his tongue around the head of his cock. Meanwhile, Will untied his left cuff.

"You know what to do." Ica nodded and grabbed behind Will's knot and held it tight as he continued to suck on the black wolf's cock. The bigger wolf began to murr and thrust his hips, trying to get a little deeper as he felt his climax rapidly rising. Pre cum began to drip down Ica's throat as he struggled to swallow it, and then he felt Will's thrusting getting a little harder as his knot swelled just a little bigger. He then closed his eyes as he felt a big jet of cum hit the back of his throat, and closed his maw to try and keep it all in. He was hit with another big jet, and another, and another, and then it started to slow down a bit, leading to just a little trickle. Ica was left with a mouth full of salty cum as he looked in to the bigger wolfs' golden eyes.

"Swallow it."

Ica pulled back a bit on his cock, and swallowed Will's big load.

"Good boy."

Will withdrew from his maw and went down and gave the already super horny wolf a few hard strokes on his cock, sending him over the edge. Will smiled as his little wolf shot all over his own chest, bucking his hips in pleasure and moaning loudly. After he was done, Will began to rub the head of Ica's cock, making him shudder and flinch in over pleasure. He knelt in and gave Ica a long kiss on the lips.

"You're so damn cute, Ica."


To be continued....? :3