Sins Eden - Chapter 1: Winter Heat

Story by OldBlackCat on SoFurry

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A raven furred paw stood in stark contrast as it caressed the crimson silken sheets; the vixen absently smoothed the cloth against the bed where she sat perched on the edge in thought. So much had come to pass within the past few months, leading up to this day where she now lay back on a bed abundant with furs and finery, the air thick with the heady aroma of incense and perfume. Music chimed quietly from a room beyond scarlet gossamer veils embroidered with gold that hung from the otherwise empty door frame. Closing her eyes Viraelia let herself drift into the memories that flooded her mind.

The heat had been upon the women of the village that winter; she could still recall the crisp snow that came forth the night it had all begun.

~4 Months ago~

Soft white flakes spiraled gently toward the cold earth; the air was only occasionally disturbed by a fleeting breeze, though the chill that hung like a blanket of fog was enough to keep most indoors. Viraelia had just come to age of womanhood, and this was her first experience of being in heat, the sensations were foreign to her, nothing she had ever known before had been like this.

She was one of the only people outside that evening, she had always had a passion for snow, and it seemed the perfect place to get away from everyone. Her natural urges and instincts had been putting her on edge whenever she was around males today, so she preferred to be secluded as much as she could until the heat had passed.

The field seemed as nice a place as any to sit alone and enjoy the quiet night outside, it was along the edge of town, nearest the bordering forest and it was peaceful. The blanket of snow on the ground numbed her bare paws as she padded across the open expanse, her destination was the old oak tree that stood in the middle of the field, undisturbed after all these years.

Slipping her heavy black cloak from her shoulders, she let the light, brisk breeze whisk past her nude body, sending shivers at the sensations it left behind. Viraelia closed her eyes, stretching out her arms as if to welcome the wind that blew across her, she much enjoyed the natural freeness of being naked when she was alone, and the thrill of the cold air just added to the experience.

As she reached the old sheltering oak tree, she draped her cloak across one of the low branches. The caress of the falling snow against her dampened fur was exhilarating, more so than it had ever been before. Being in heat seemed to enhance her senses of physical contact, and being alone in her favorite place made her blood boil with unbridled need. Manual release was her only alternative to mating, and she was not yet ready to bear children.

The musky scent of the vixen's needy womanhood carried with the winds, disappearing into the grasping bare branches of the forest. Leaning back against the trunk of the tree, Vir faced the wind full on, letting it stroke her dark fur with its tender affections.

Her breasts were moderate in size, well proportioned with her body, she was a bit bigger than most girls in the village, she didn't care about being a little plump, it looked all the more voluptuous. The graceful curves of her body seemed like a fine art; as if she were crafted by a brilliant mind and skillful hand, leaving a strong effect of beauty that the petite city girls couldn't dream of rivaling.

Her pert nipples were stiff in the crisp winter air, and her pussy lips damp with the desire for carnal pleasure. Vir slid her soft furred paws slowly across her body, reveling in the light shutters that her own gentle but firm touch provided. Her paws slid up slowly, starting from her inner thighs, brushing gently against the tender pink lips of her cunt. Continuing upward she stroked up across her navel and slowly to her shapely breasts, massaging and squeezing gently at the soft furry orbs.

Quiet moans of lust escaped the vixen's throat as she delighted in her own attentions, her eyes closed tight and her head tilted back as she continued to tend to her supple bosom. Her ears lay flat against her skull and her long bushy tail curled itself loosely around her left thigh. Viraelia began to lightly pinch and squeeze her nipples, toying with the hard pink buds, sending tingles through her entire body, more passionate moans rising from deep within.

The feel of her soft breasts and hardened nipples against the palms of her paws was quite thrilling, and the dampness between her thighs continued to grow as she groped at her unbound breasts. One of her paws couldn't help but stray, wandering down across her belly and to her awaiting pussy, working a digit back and forth across her wet nether lips slowly. Her moans were steadily increasing in volume, but she was undeterred by this fact, she was alone, and she badly needed this.

Rubbing the wet finger against her clit lightly, she began a small circular motion, moving her other paw to lift her breasts, taking a stiff nipple between her lips and suckling at it lightly. Using her forearm to support the breast as she orally tended to the nipple, she used her paw to begin playing with her other nipple. Her back arched in pleasure, muffled moans emitting from deep within her as she licked and sucked at her sensitive nipple.

Moving her paw from her clit she slowly pushed first one, and then another finger into the dripping entrance of her fiery hot cunt, giving a louder cry of pleasure and beginning to pump the digits in and out of her tight hole. Using her thumb she rubbed at her acutely sensitive clit whilst her fingers delved deeply into her pussy; the walls clinging tightly to the pleasurable invaders. Curling her fingers upward slightly she let out a gasp as the tips of her fingers brushed ever so lightly against her most sensitive spot.

The pleasure was becoming almost unbearable now, with every movement of her finger she flicked her tongue across the tender nipple between her lips, suckling harder at it as her thumb worked on her clit and her other paw worked steadily at her right nipple.

Just as Viraelia felt as though her body would surely explode from the level of pleasure she threw her head back and screamed in absolute ecstasy, her body shaking as she rode the shockwaves of her orgasm. Her sticky juices suddenly squirted out around her fingers as she forced them as deep as she could, continuing to rub at her clit and pinching hard on her nipple.

It was as she slid down against the tree trunk, panting and gasping in attempt to catch her breath, her body still shaking lightly in the aftershocks of her climax that she noticed something was wrong. Viraelia could feel someone watching her, someone she didn't know, and who had no good intentions. Her empathic abilities had always been a gift, but now as she felt the darkness and cruelty that emanating from this presence, she understood that it was also a curse.

Evil, treachery, betrayal, pain, sorrow, rage, so many horrible emotions surrounded her as she huddled against the massive oak, she fought the urge to writhe in the terror that gripped her in such a beings presence. Closing her eyes the vixen tried to steady herself against the tree, overwhelmed by the aura that lurked so near she dared not look around. Opening her eyes Viraelia stayed still, hoping vainly that whatever it was would go away. Looking out over the town something nagged at her, it was dark, too dark. Where were the street lights and hearth fires? Darkness stood fast over the town, such unnatural darkness. Something was wrong.

Viraelia was scarcely able to cry out hoarsely as she felt a massive paw grab hold of her, gripping her tightly by her cascade of crimson hair and pulling her roughly to her feet before releasing its hold. Fear and exhaustion made it hard to stand, her knees wobbling beneath her, but as she turned to face her attacker, it was what she saw that caused her to stumble backwards and fall to the ground in a whimpering heap.

There stood the most brutish looking creature she had ever laid eyes on; he was large, by any standards, especially those of his kind, a rat. Muscles rippled beneath his stark white fur, his hair was like-wise white, cut short, to the length of his matted fur. A blue hued breast plate covered his broad shaggy chest, emblazoned with the symbol of a massive demonic beast, clutching in its maw the nude form of a woman. His appearance alone was enough to give her a strong idea of who she was facing now, but the crest on his armor left her no room for doubt.

Gaerindor GoarFang was one of the most feared mortals in all of FrostFall lands. If he was here, he wouldn't be leaving the village in tact, and he wouldn't be leaving any free survivors, save one, to spread the word of his power. He was a master slaver, training and trading only the finest slave women in the land for pleasure slaves, and the best of men for labor. His horde was known as The FrostFeind, most of his fighters were male, and the commanders were female, he was known to be very particular about his army.

Vir now knew with an icy certainty why the village was so dark and empty, the horde had already raided them, FrostFeind was known for it's abilities to take entire cities within an hours time, and never raise the alarm. All the rumors held true, and now Viraelia certainly wished that they didn't, she wished dearly that they were all just stories, and nothing more.

"I knew I smelled vixen heat. I owe you thanks little one, if not for you I'd not have stumbled upon your little town. Aye, a village worth of women in heat will fetch me a pretty penny on the salve market." Gaerindor sneered, his voice a heavily accented deep rumble.

Huddled on the ground, sobs began to wrack Viraelia, shame and guilt curling her into a ball on the cold earth. Her towns' fate was now her fault, everything would have been fine if only she could have controlled her urges. Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling down her cold cheeks and sobs tearing hoarsely from her throat, she lay on the snow covered ground, shaking violently as she sobbed.

"Pitiful tears vixen, your tears won't save your village." Gaerindor said, taking a large step toward the cowering vixen. "Such a pretty creature, mayhap I keep you for myself." He chuckled, a deep bass rumble deep in his chest, kneeling down next to her he pulled something from his belt.

"You're going to rape and kill them aren't you?!" Viraelia sobbed, trying to draw away from him as he kneeled beside her.

"Only the ones that fight. Damaged slaves are no good. If they try to fight back, then they are no good to me, and my horde has all rights to them. That is our way." The rat said, reaching his massive paws and gently, almost tenderly picking the vixen up.

As he brought her closer to himself, he held her hands together at the wrist, binding her hands together securely, doing the same at her ankles. Vir made no attempt at struggling, she was too weak, and the emotions she was experiencing left a sickness deep in the pit of her stomach. The rat seemed so gentle with her that for a moment she was confused, but then his words rang through her mind 'Damaged slaves are no good'.

"You are thirsty yes?" Gaerindor asked, not waiting for her reply as he reached beneath his heavy fur cloak and retrieved a wineskin.

Viraelia was could not deny how parched her throat was, and when the rat held the drink to her lips, she drank deeply of it. The liquid was cold and sweet, almost like honey, and despite it being cold, it felt as if it would burn the back of her throat, sending tingles of warmth and calm through her body. Gaerindor grinned broadly at the little black vixen, and she could not figure out why, she watched as he stood snagging her cloak from the dipping bough of the oak.

It was as he wrapped the naked fox within her cloak that she finally understood why he had grinned, colors began to bleed together, leaving everything blurred and out of focus. Lifting her gaze to meet his, she tried to speak, her words slurring incoherently. Viraelia felt dizzy and tired, perhaps she should take a nice nap, yes, that sounded pleasant. The last thing that she could clearly recall before passing out was the shifting of her body as she was hefted effortlessly over the rats shoulder.