Nucleic Bonds

Story by Sonya Novelli on SoFurry

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#1 of Nucleic Bonds

Ok so this is just a little incest smut story i puddled out in like an hour and a half...I got bored one night. as always let me know what you think.

I Sighed as I made my way down the hallway with the last laundry basket.

"Hey you two did you finish your homework?" I called through Jessica's door knowing my oldest Hope was in there with her.

"Yes mom"

"Thank you....and stop jumping on the bed." I yelled stepping into the master bedroom and dumping out the basket on the giant four poster bed. I let out another heavy sigh as I picked up my husband's underwear and one my wife's sundress'.

"Fuck it" I mumbled dropping them back into the pile and slipped into the master bathroom.

The tall purple haired, purpled eyed wolfess stared back at me. I blushed under my dark grey fur and lifted my large 40DDD breasts and mushed them together before dropping them and pulling off my lime green tank top. I giggled at the small chill that ran down my back as twin bulges started to slide down my pant legs and quickly pulled them off.

I quietly murred as I gripped a cock in each hand and gently massaged them as they grew thicker and harder. Watching as my finger and thumb could no longer touch I brought my other hand up and gripped my top cock in both hands stroking gently as my long horse cock grew out and away from me the black and pink skin growing tight as they reached their full twenty seven inches in length. I gasped and shuddered as large glob of pre splattered on the floor.

"Guess....I can clean up one more mess today." I moaned gripping the base of my top cock in one hand and sliding my other up my hard length to the tip gasping as warm pre started to flow down over my hands and off my balls. "Hmmm gods I love these things" I moaned to myself as my balls swelled forcing my legs apart.


I stopped dead and stared at my cock watching it twitch as pre flowed out in a constant stream.

"Damn it" I mumbled and sighed. "GIVE ME A MINUTE" I yelled back as I left the bathroom holding up my still hard cocks. After a few moments of stuffing I managed to get my cocks into a pair of my boy shorts and pulled my wife's Sundress on over my head and after a quick adjustment to my tits and the large bulge in the front. I slowly made my way down the hallway pausing for a brief moment on an old photo of the three of us. Arti my husband sat in the center. The big black and blue dragon took up so much space in the picture. I smiled and glanced at my dear wife sitting on his knee the short petite titian furred wolfess with long red locks and bright emerald eyes smiled back. I sat on Arti's other knee with my arm around his neck holding myself close to him. I grinned and knocked on the door before opening it and stepping into my middle daughters room.

"What is it? Eeeep!" I squealed as I was shoved and tripped and before I could register what happened my wrists where slipped into hand cuffs and locked behind my back. "What the..." what are you two doing?"

"Shut up Slut" Jess growled before slapping me hard across the face and lifting me up by my hair.

I gasped as my naked twelve year old stood in front of me. Her large C cup breasts jiggled slightly as she jerked on her long thick cock. Eighteen inches of thick angry cock rammed hard into my mouth. I gagged and pulled back but soon another pair of hands gripped my head forcing me back down. I moaned and felt my cunny twitch just as her cock tip flared out somewhere in my throat. "See Hope....I....Told you...shed like it...gods mom you're a fucking slut"

I glared at my daughter who only smacked me harder and fucked my mouth faster. "Don't look at me like your know you like suck bitch" I blinked away the pain in my cheek and started sucking moaning as I realized Jess tasted just like Sunny.

"Oh wow" Hope mumbled playing with herself to the side of me her fingers making loud wet sounds in her cunny right next to my face. "She really is a slut"

"I pull down her panties." Jess moaned as a huge knot formed at her base pushing open my jaws just as I felt my panties yanked down to my knees. "Ohhh you fucking cock whore you're going to love this" she panted thrusting hard enough to slap my tits and neck with her oversized nuts. "Almost slut...Suck harder"

I moaned and nodded doing as I was told as she grunted and slammed forward. I felt a thick rope of cum rocket down her cock before she pulled it out and came hard against my face and tits still holding me by the hair. "Ohhh....fuck....fuck...fuck....take it...slut." She yelled with each salvo jerking her cum out all over my face. Panting hard after her last rope she smacked me with her cock again. "Now stay put" she growled walking to my back and smacking my ass hard before putting her tip against my cunt and pushing in. I gasped and moaned as her claws dug into my hips and pulled me back against her knot. I closed my eyes and moaned as Jess popped her knot in and out of my cunt as hard and as fast as she could. "Gods do you stay so tight...after I watched dad fuck you like this."

I opened my mouth to tell her how much trouble she was in when Hopes hand grabbed my head and pulled my cum drenched face against her soaked cunny. "She doesn't actually care slut...besides this is a much better use for your mouth" she murred gripping my ears and pushing her hips against me. I coughed for a moment but soon put my tongue to work in my daughters cunny she laid back and grinded her hips against me as Jess slammed her hips against my ass and came quickly flooding my womb and pussy with thick hot cum. She leaned down and bit into my neck just the way her father does sometimes. I screamed as my cunny locked around her knot and started milking her giant cock. "Haha no wonder...he...fuck...does that...gods...Get...used to this you fucking slut....I jerked off this morning and fucked Hope right after school..." She mumbled yanking her cock free and smacked my ass again as her cum drained from my cunt and pooled between my knees "Now" she growled grabbing my hair and yanking my head back. "Clean it" she said forcing her still hard cock back in my mouth and down my throat.

She moaned and sighed for a few moments while I worked dutifully on cleaning her cock. All too soon however she grabbed my hair and dragged me out of her room pausing just long enough to let Hope get the cuffs off before she smacked me hard across the face and started jerking on her cock. She grunted and pumped thick cables of cum out onto my face and hair laughing as she started to smack me with her cock sending cum down the hallway and across the wall. "I'm going to go back and play with my big sister" she growled holding my messy hair and squeezing the last of her cum out onto my face and down onto my tits. "I don't want to be interrupted by stupid questions about homework you fucking cum slut." She turned and slammed the door and soon a short cry came through the door followed by a long moan. "If mom can take all of my can to get to work bitch"

I stood on wobbly legs and whipped the cum from my eyes. "I....guess I could finish the laundry" I whispered.

An hour or two had slipped by before Hope came out of Jessica's room completely covered in wet and dry cum. She shuddered and smiled as she saw me and stepped into my bedroom. "I...I hope you're not mad at us. She mumbled. I got off the bed and hugged her tight giggling as her sister's warm cum squished into my fur.

"No sweetie just surprised is all. I did enjoy it but you two can't do that all the time." I smiled and guided her into the bathroom. "I know mom she was just....really insistent and after she took her pants off I smelled her and I got all....well...." She blushed and hugged me again.

"I know that feeling honey your father and mother do that to me too....every time I'm near them." I said poking the glowing orange holo pad and activating the shower. "Here hop in before they get home. There's a blue bottle with a tree on it in there. It's the best for getting cum out of your fur and hair."

"Thanks mom." She blushed. "I'm sorry if we went too far."

"No it's ok sweetie that was the best sex I had in hours hehe...just don' it too often." I smiled and shut the door behind me.


"Gah!!! OH... Jess you scared me" I gasped looking down at my naked cub as she stood in the door way resting her hand on the knob her soft heavy cock hanged heavily between her legs.

"I'm sorry I was wondering...if I could barrow...your underwear. It's getting too big for mine." She mumbled squeezing her large sheath. I watched as she shifted her weight to her other foot causing her balls to swing slightly.

"Umm no...I would but...only one pair is active at a time...we'll have to get you your own sometime." I mumbled and looked up into her green eyes. She nodded and stepped closer.

" I in trouble?"

I blushed and hugged her. " was just unexpected I liked it...I have a hard time getting your mom and dad to treat me like that when I'm in the mood for it. Then again I'm not always in the mood for it either.... We just got to work on your staying power."

Her grey cheeks turned bright pink as she looked down at the floor. Or the large bulge my own sheaths where making in Sunny's dress. I couldn't tell which. "Sorry it just felt really good."

"Hehe I know and you did great for only being twelve I was impressed." I smiled and lifted her limp cock to my mouth to lick away the bead of pre that had formed. Giggling at her shudder

"Come over here sweetie" I smiled leading her to the long dresser and opening my underwear drawer. "You can wear these tonight and tomorrow at school if you want." I said pulling out a pair of pink panties. Just make sure these three lights here on the ring are green." I said showing her the expandable plastic ring which held the temporal displacement portal to Gentech's vaults.

"Oh also your aunt Rachel works where your...on the other side of that gateway. So...don't be alarmed if you start getting a blowjob in the middle of the day." I giggled and kissed her on the head. "Now go get some cloths on mom and dad will be home soon and we got to get dinner ready." I said as I fixed my tits and hair in the mirror

"Mom... Will you suck me off really quick?" she asked catching me by surprise. "I got hard again."

I smiled glancing down at her heavy growing shaft and got on my knees in front of her. "Just really quick hun." I mumbled and opened my mouth. She gripped the base of her long fat cock and flopped the tip onto my tongue and started thrusting slowly. I blushed and gripped her shaft as I sucked and flicked her with my tongue slowly stroking her thick meat. "Ohhh Mom your soooo good at this" she murred pushing her cock deeper. I smiled and nibbled gently on her shaft as my fingers stroked up her leg and along her wet cunny lips. I...I saw you last...week when you thought we...where asleep...I watched what you and mom did to dad's cocks..... I jerked off as you guys took turns playing with them." She panted bucking her hips as her knot started to swell. "I...came like five times in the hallway bathroom each time I snuck out were still taking....his was soooo...amazing when he came...all that cum and you and mom where making out around his....cocks spreading his cum all over each other's faces and boobs...I was soooo...oh gods Jealous!" she grunted and rammed her cock the rest of the way down my throat and blasted her cum straight into my tummy. She hissed and grunted a few more times as she bucked her hips against my nose before pulling back and shooting her last two cum ropes across my tongue filling my mouth.

"I wanted to join you so bad...I was worried I'd get in trouble though." She panted and leaned back against the dresser as I stroked her softening shaft and worked the last of her cum into my mouth.

"You where afraid of getting in trouble...weren't you afraid just a little bit ago when you handcuffed and raped me." I asked after swallowing the last of her load.

"Yes...but I knew you liked being treated like that sometimes...and...I know you mom and dad didn't really get to mess around as much as you all wanted last night."

"You know a lot about stuff you shouldn't" I smiled standing and holding her to me. "Now go get ready for dinner...I'd like your help in the kitchen." I said poking my head into the bathroom "Hope are you getting it off ok?"

"Hehe yeah...its working ok." She called

"Good when you're done get dressed and come help me in the kitchen ok."

"Ok mum." I closed the door and walked back in front of the mirror again. I sighed and smoothed out the bright orange sundress before tugging it down slightly exposing a little more cleavage.

I giggled and hummed a little ditty as I paused to watch the little cleaning bots zip across the floor and up the walls cleaning up the puddles of cum in Jess room. The small chrome and black disks effortlessly moved around Jess as she pulled on my T.D.P panties and tucked her balls and sheath into the ring. The small green lights faded by the fabric where the only sign something was off about the underwear. Jess smiled and pulled on a pair of tight shorts that ended at mid-thigh and a black T-shirt that brought out her green eyes.

She hated dresses. A trait she picked up from me and my tom boy attitude toward clothing. I almost never wore dresses except on special occasions and those where always nice nothing comfy like the one I had on now the one I had stolen from my wife.

"Hehe these are great mom. Thanks for letting me borrow them." She giggled and hugged me as she passed and then hopped down the stairs.

Hope poked my ribs and took my hand as she led me down the stairs. "So what's for dinner mom." She giggled.

"Huh you know I have no all...your mother is the cook in the house."

"I know. Wonder why she doesn't just use the replicator." She mumbled stretching out her wings before holding them tight to her back.

"Your mom is much better at making a meal then that fact the only time I know it gets used is when your father cooks" I giggled squeezing her hand.

She laughed just like her mom and swept a strand of her dark red hair out of her eyes. "Yeah he told me he used to eat frozen waffles and cold beans when he was growing up. He can breathe fire but he can't about irony" she giggled blowing her own little yellow flame from her lips.

"Hey mom....what are we doing?" Jess yelled from somewhere back in the pantry.

"What sounds good?!"

"Frozen waffles?" Hope giggled opening the nano wall to the fridge and peeking inside.

"Hehe I was thinking something warm cooked waffles.....or maybe Italian." I said tugging Hope back by her tail and closing the nano wall.

"Hey what about Pizza?!" Jess called "We haven't had that in a while."

"Your mom was expecting a home cooked meal." I said peeking into the massive pantry.

"Right I found a frozen one" Jess called.

Hope snorted and started chuckling, her beautiful wings lightly bounced on her back. "Haha there you go we don't have to cook and dad can get nostalgic Hahaha!"

"You're horrible." I giggled playfully nudging her.