The Walking Dead

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#1 of DigiDead

The Walking Dead

There had been bloodshed. For the first time we held a funeral for our fallen. It has been more than a decade since the incident accrued. Only trouble was is that one of their bodies was never found by us. I grew deeply concerned. I went back to the mansion to find the whole place destroyed. I had lost control over my capabilities to control this madness. She had done on her terms finally becoming the heroin she always wanted to be. The world was in awe back in but some time had passed and now everyone who remained in hiding. The humans had come back with so much force. The military had captured some of them. They most likely had him as well. They wanted to rebuild the world. They were using us as the tools to do so. It has been ten years since we had lost the darkness but in it we found a corrupt light. I found myself with only little company. We were hid in my hidden temple. No human could find us here we couldn't make changes without the mansion. They knew that and exploited us at every turn. The war we had thought we won only meant that a new war was waiting around the horizon. Seeing what I've seen war has changed and so did this world. It was out of my grasp and the people had developed so much technological advances in buildings, cars and military weaponry. All the creatures that were in here were either captured or were hiding. This was meant to be our world and now it was being taken over. There were constant patrols all over. This country had become a unified nation. There were no more states and the rules had changed plenty. The other world's portal was gone and everything there was ether deleted our brought here by force. We were criminals. I knew this wasn't the time humans had tried to do this but they had never come this close to having complete control. Within the ten years their population was in high numbers again. They had this world in their grasp. Very few of us were lucky to find locations untouched by humans. There was the ship Yill and Kiff had returned to it was so old and ported in a low slum rate area they were untouched. Very few places could hold up for a good lifetime. There was also Patamon he had become the ruler ofEgyptwith his queen Mikemon. Some others had made their way to the desert it was a safe haven and would most likely remain that way.Americawas the only country on lockdown. Creatures had to find other places to run off to. I moved my base of operation inChina. If we were going to survive this we were going to need a have a place of safety.

A good chunk of creatures had been captured by military force. They were subject to various tests. These men needed to use their behaviors and fluids to inject into kids. They wanted to see if they could completely transfer out count to increase the human population. They knew we could make children and they knew something about the rate of speed at which grew. They wanted to use that to reverse the aging process and slow it down for several years. They knew most importantly was that we lived forever and they wanted that same thing for humans. It was a noble purpose but we had to get used in the process. We had to be hunted down and hurt and even changed into their slaves. First they were going to expose how long these creatures could last it was another feature they wish to obtain from us. At this point no one else knew about this expect the military. They had four creatures in a room each. All the subjects were male at this point. All the females were no longer inAmerica. But by their calculation they wouldn't need a female anyway. They needed to understand our nature and why we could easily do it and then move on to another. Agumon and Shoutmon were the first to awaken. Those two had their own room. It seemed rather empty. Agumon starched his head, "Where am I?"

Shoutmon was a bit startled, "Agumon?"

Agumon turned back and hugged Shoutmon. They had not seen each other since the reset of the camping trip. Shoutmon could remember vague times and it sort of lead to a curiosity if they did it back then. Shoutmon didn't remember well enough and he didn't care to try he'd rather to create an experience here. He looked down and hopped off his bed he approached Agumon.

Shoutmon asked, "Do you remember anything from before?"

Agumon sat there but couldn't remember either he just shrugged. Shoutmon said, "Well we are all alone. And whether or not we did anything before doesn't matter now."

He hopped on Agumon's bed and kissed him. Agumon felt like he hadn't done this before but was more than willing to take on such sexual tension. Agumon just lay down and allowed Shoutmon to penetrate him. Agumon was more willing than ever before. He figured he was becoming all more like Veemon in that way. Shoutmon too was relieved that his hot rod could rummage through just great ass. Shoutmon too felt like this had never occurred any previous time. This allowed both of them full comfort in sort of a new thing. Shoutmon was relieved when his semen came out. He almost thought he was a virgin or something. Shoutmon then tended to Agumon orange member gripping sort of tightly. Agumon painted as Shoutmon continued his pace at working inside his asshole. Agumon was overwhelmed and quickly moaned out, "I love you."

Shoutmon already knew what that meant but he could care less. Shoutmon kissed Agumon as if that statement would remain true forever. Shoutmon worked on his new lover's member until he too ejaculated. Shoutmon never bothered to state the same.

Gaomon and Impmon were next to awake. Impmon was already in that status of mind. He couldn't stop thinking about DarkVeemon. The only Digimon in his room was Gaomon. He put his hand together and grunted. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold in such an urge. Right as Gaomon woke up Impmon rushed to his bed and toppled over him. Impmon searched Gaomon's deep coat of fur feeling for his member. Gaomon managed to role to his side then to the other rolling of Impmon and the bed. Gaomon rushed backwards against the opposite wall and asked, "What do you think you're doing."

Impmon said, "I was thinking you'd want to get this over with and have sex already. But I guess you just don't like things the easy way."

Gaomon said, "I already have someone else I love."

Impmon grunted, "Like that shit matters in here. Or even out there. You're stuck here with me and I hate that I'm forced here with you so neither of us have a choice in the matter."

Gaomon put his gloves up, "We could not even attempt this. There is no need to be sexual..."

Impmon interrupted, "Well I have every desire to be sexual with somebody. Plus I know someone is watching us. Somebody wants us to get it on otherwise we wouldn't be in this mess."

Impmon rushed in Gaomon tried to block him off. Gaomon's hands were up as if ready to fight. Impmon ducked down and right for the crotch with his tongue. Gaomon's hands came up a bit further as he looked down in shock. Impmon's hands came up blocking off Gaomon's hand from coming back down all the way. Impmon pressed his body in than shifted his way pushing Gaomon to the floor. Impmon took out his cuffs which were hidden under his red bandana tied around his neck. Impmon cuffed Gaomon to his bed. Impmon continued to work his down around Gaomon crotch until his member came from underneath it. Impmon went right to work. Impmon moved his hands to lift Gaomon's legs to stop him from kicking and also to penetrating inside. Gaomon howled and moaned he couldn't deny it with words. The pleasure was just too intense. Gaomon was finally realizing what moving on was all about. Gaomon was far from reaching his climax and just let muttered out, "I love you."

Impmon simply ignored that comment and worked until only he was settled. Impmon only took off one cuff.

Impmon said, "You can take care of yourself."

Gaomon had already felt too much pleasure so he tended his doggy cock until he reached his climax.

After days of relentless use of them and obtaining their fluids. It was time to move on. They collected D.N.A and would compile humans to attach them to. It was a sick process. Out of the base the world had moved so normally. Kids were focused on school while adults went to their normal jobs and no one knew or was ever suspicious of what was going on. Back in China Scourge looked out the window of our little house.

Scourge sat rather comfortable with a cigarette in his mouth, "War has changed."

I stared out the window placing my hand on my chin, "All of the heroes have fallen or fled. I've lost control, I allowed there to be no darkness for too long. And now we have to deal with them."

Scourge asked, "What will you do?"

I smirked, "Nothing."

Scourge stood up and came a bit closer and asked, "Are you serious? You're allowing them to succeed and mess with us."

I explained, "The creatures will survive it and soon they will have human counter parts. The humans will succeed to find out how bad it was to make humans like us. They will rip that plan apart. I'm counting mainly on Impmon. He was and will be the driving force. They'll be too busy destroying each other to notice us."

Scourge smirked, "You planned that far ahead. This is a whole new chapter what makes you thing this time it will be short."

I said, "Last time I checked I was still the creator. I might not be able to get rid of them without my mansion or create new creatures but I still have plenty of tricks up my sleeve. Sometimes doing nothing can be the strongest arsenal we'll have."

The military was in full operation and had taken all male orphan subjects to use to transfer the D.N.A into the creatures. They also obtained the body of both Veemon and Reemon. Their combination was being used in another subject. All the subjects would be moved to a private uniformed school. The objective was to move them into real world environments. The five subjects would be studied closely to see if the five of them would only interact with each other or more hopefully would interact with others and mate and begin the start of a whole new breeding process. Their worlds were starting over as five young students. The process was successful they knew the first kids eyes dilated from brown to purple. They saw it was Imp that was being transferred so they knew it was complete. The other kid's eyes also dilated as well. The five of them were held in portable sleeping chambers into arriving to the destination. The other kids never anticipated it nor did the entire school. It sort of seemed out of nowhere but still they proceeded to take the kids that had the creature D.N.A out. They put a device on each of their wrist so they could locate them at all times and watch them. The five finally awoke each of them brought into the school. There memories were going to be established soon enough. Not enough memory of the creature but just enough to know each other. They were put in the small class all together. The teacher sat down and said, "Well class it seems we have a lot of new students today. Why don't the five of you stand up and introduce yourselves."

They all came up the first was the boy from Veemon D.N.A structure he introduced, "My name is...Vince."

The boy from Agumon D.N.A structure introduced, "My name is...Andy."

Vince blushed when he looked at Andy and he didn't fully understand why. Andy glanced back and Vince quickly looked down.

The boy from Shoutmon D.N.A structure said, "My name is...Steve."

The boy from Gaomon D.N.A structure said, "My name is...Gabriel."

The boy from Impmon D.N.A structure looked at his wrist first then smirked, "My name is Indy."

The five of them sat down. The teacher stepped out briefly to look for them men that brought them here. After the class Vince was hit with a sudden urge while peaking at and away from Andy. He rushed to the bathroom Andy entered into the next stall. Vince looked down wondering why it felt so his member felt so strange. Andy randomly blurted, "So you're Vince."

Vince looked up and blushed he couldn't believe that someone was talking to him.

Vince shied away, "Uh yeah."

Andy pulled up his pants, "It's uh Andy. I was wondering why you were looking at me."

Vince looked to the wall and was shocked, "I didn't mean too. I was just looking..."

Vince couldn't help but really listen to the voice of the words. Know he was even more confused than before. Vince pulled up his pants too.

Vince muttered, "I guess I was curious to see everyone."

Andy ducked down and entered the same stall. Vince nearly jumped back to the other side.

Andy said, "Well here I am."

Vince blushed, "You're cute..."

Andy now was the one blushing, "What...I don't think that is something you should say..."

Vince scratched his head, "Well my father was like that. He said that stuff is ok. And he showed me and I think he's right. I do think you're cute."

Andy asked, "Is that why you looked at me so much?"

Vince explained, "Yes, it's because I find you attractive. I know it's strange to be so young but it's true. Even more so I think that from the moment I laid my eyes on you that I was in love."

Andy said, "I don't know what to say."

Vince went further, "I know this is all so knew. I found out that it's called homosexual. That is that when you love and have sexual intercourse with the same gender."

Andy looked away, "I think I should go now."

Vince rushed up, "Wait, just allow me this. I always wanted to try a kiss. Please I know it might sound weird but I really want to know. Wait, I guess I am rushing it. Please think about it.

Andy fiddled his hands, "This is just so overwhelming."

Vince was already lured in by the tension he placed his hand in the side of Andy's cheek. Vince came closer in Andy blushed but didn't move. Vince pressed his lips against Andy's kissing him for some time. Andy was so opened up already. Vince made that kiss last. His body reacted to this. So did Andy, Andy slightly brushed back, "I'm starting to feel weird."

Vince wondered if the same thing was happing to him. Vince lowered Andy pants Andy quickly asked, "What are you doing?"

Vince said, "Seeing if you reacting the same way I did."

Vince lowered Andy's underwear to his Andy member tingle. Vince said, "I was doing that too. Here let me have a closer look."

Vince took a hold of it than Andy moaned, "Ahhhh."

Vince quickly asked, "Are you alright?"

Andy closed his eyes, "It feels so good with you touching it."

Vince moved his way all the way down. He came in closer he licked against Andy's member. Vince did that recalling that licking his arm had a strange addicting taste to it. Andy's member had that same taste. Vince licked it several more times and moved his hand.

Andy's whole body squinted, "Ghaaaaaaaah."

Andy's came out and Vince tasted it. Vince lowered his pants and grabbed his member with his right hand and stroke off while also sucking on Andy's penis. Andy hands moved to grabbing Vince's hair. He gave a tug as his semen came out. Vince sat down focusing on his thriving member. Andy was curious to what Vince liked so much about the taste. So Andy dropped all the way down and moved Vince's hand and took Vince's member in. Vince quickly shot one right after the other.

Vince chuckled, "Looks like were both gay. Andy I love you."

Andy looked up and said, "I love you too."

Vince leaned in and kissed him one more time before getting up and getting dressed.

The next day Indy started off by standing up and saying, "This school is going to bow down to me. And you losers aren't going to do a thing."

Gabriel stood up, "Oh so you're a tuff guy. I challenge you to a fight."

Vince held Andy's hand and already the looks shifted from Indy and Gabriel to Vince and Andy.

Same gender relations were still viewed in such a bad way especially in this school.

Indy looked passed Gabriel looking at Vince and asked, "What are you gay or something?"

Vince firmly said, "Yes I am."

Everyone gasped expect for the others. Andy said, "I am with him."

Vince came up and kissed Andy which had the others in awe. Even Andy was surprised he never suspected such a public display of romance.

Indy said, "That is sick. I think I'm going make my own way."

His hands combusted with fire levitating over his hands he burned the watch. No one saw that coming. The military didn't think that their powers would transfer over as well. Indy said, "And Indy is such a stupid name I prefer something more demonic. I think I call myself Imp from now on."

The teacher came back in unable to locate the men. Imp stood on the table as the teacher was about to call him out he lit his hands flame up again and shoot at him. The teacher ducked under the table. Imp jumped down and walked out.

The operation was already in jeopardy. They needed their people back there now before more things fell apart. They came in with guns raised ready to kill Imp and capture the rest alive. They rushed into the room and yelled, "All right the four of you come with us."

They begin to but the over worried situation caused Vince to freeze the men feet and guns. They all ran. There was no looking back at that point. They had gone far out of their way to make sure they would never be found. Vince broke all the watches. They found a small house in the near the slums it had an underground level the led to the sewers. It was perfect Vince's and Andy's action led to Steve trying to get with Gabriel. When they were creatures they went to the last relationship they were in. They were going back to who they knew that felt right with. The house provided them with enough resources to last a while. The world was shifting into a more fearful place as the military went down all the busy streets. That peace that had been too well perched was being torn as they took more kids to experiment on. They needed to get a creature that still had evil in them to take out the creatures. It was a huge place to look around and no more creatures had remained. Sooner or later they would realize that they would need to expand their reach.

Andy asked, "What are we going to do?"

Vince searched around, "I don't know yet. But at least were safe and have each other. They haven't got us so were safe for now."

Andy overly stressed, "Just because we found this place doesn't mean were safe. They are going to look here eventually."

Vince said, "Then when that time comes we'll use the sewers. In the meantime we just last out here as long as we can."

Andy paced back and forward still so unsure, "So this is it. This is how were going to spend our lives, just waiting in this one place."

Vince seductively swayed, "We still have each other. We should be grateful."

Andy said, "I wanted to learn at school and do stuff."

Gabriel felt robotized and reluctantly stated, "It doesn't matter what you wanted, we are here now and we can choose to stay here or we can choose to fight back."

Andy asked, "Are you insane?"

Gabriel was full absorbed by the situation, "The truth of the matter is that they will find us eventually. They are not going to stop until they do. We have to take matters into our own hands."

Andy asked, "How do you suppose we do that?"

Gabriel rushed outside that led for the others to follow. They could not keep up to try and stop him. He stopped at a corner and saw a solider standing alone. The others caught up they he went in. He went for the hamstring and stuck with a kick. He jumped on a barrel and hung his arms around the neck before he could turn around. He was stumbled to the floor. Gabriel went at it chocking waiting for enough energy to knock him out. The man attempted to get up he managed to get is arms around Gabriel and grabbed him. As he attempted to throw him Gabriel lowered himself form the grip and took the knife. Gabriel pushed off and right as about as the man could call it in Gabriel slightly dropped the knife then kicked it so hard the sharp part drove right into the guard's knife. Gabriel took the handgun from the fallen solider.

Steve said, "That was awesome."

Andy asked, "So what do we do know?"

Gabriel stilled by his heavy brief stated, "We start picking them off one by one."

Vince said, "Is this really a good idea? They're going to be looking for this guy soon."

Gabriel punched one hand into the other with impact, "Let them come, we'll leave this spot."

Gabriel also took the communication device. The four of them made their way back to their hideout. At the same time Imp had done his fair share of damage, the men going after him shooting off every so often to try to scare him out. The man Gabriel killed was found they took the rest of his gear.

One of soldiers asked, "What exactly are we dealing with here? I thought these were just children."

The general said, "It would appear is if they were also able to carry some of the abilities from the creatures. This experiment should have been kept under closer wraps."

The soldier asked, "What should we do? Shut the program down."

The general said, "We actually just found the body of a new Creature. I want him revived first. He was the one who had the situation under control last time."

The soldier said, "Yes sir."

Gabriel would go out at night when Vince and Andy were at it and while Steve was asleep. He went on the rooftops he found more troops whenever he got one alone he took the shot. Suddenly a helicopter shined a spotlight on him. The light nearly blinded Gabriel and he was told to not move. Coming down was the army's newest member. It had been Monodramon back from the dead and right back to his old antics.

Monodramon said, "You're coming with us."

He took hold of Gabriel and they went off to a new base. He was put in a chair, and tied down to be questioned.

Gabriel gasped, "What are you?"

Monodramon said, "I ask the question here. Now where are you friends?"

Gabriel lied, "I don't know. I was on my own."

Monodramon said, "Don't play games. Can you not see that I am a monster? I've done terrible things and then I died. And now I'm back and I want to know were the others are. You see believe it or not we want the same thing you do: A good life. We can give that to you. And we know you want love. We're offering that for you."

Gabriel said, "You tried to kill us."

Monodramon said, "If we wanted to kill you then they would have destroyed your original bodies. But they want your D.N.A. With it they can change their world. It's your D.N.A in combination of blood and new D.N.A you've been breed into that interest them."

Gabriel said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Monodramon pulled at Gabriel's arm, "Then I'll just have to show you."

As soon as Monodramon left Gabriel pushed himself back. His small allowed for him to squirm his arms out of the tight ropes. He looked up at the vents and put the chair back up and opened the vent and climbed in. He crawled his way to a new room. He got out a made his way outside. He was on a rocky hill to what seemed to be like the middle of nowhere. He ran to the end of the cliff and started taking off in a new direction. He snuck by some soldiers in training. One of the bullets ricocheted off a metal plate and caught Gabriel right in his left eye. Even after that he was alive. The bullet didn't go in deep enough to kill him but his eye was gone. He got up and ran off and shortly after a siren sounded off. He ran along the cliff as the soldiers were going to the trucks and tanks.

The general said, "The situation is already out of hand. A kid, a small kid managed to escape from one of the biggest military felicities we have. We have to shut the program down."

The soldier said, "What about the possibilities of cures and their aging ability we could have all that."

The General said, "Where is Monodramon?"

They ran to the place where the creature's bodies were stored. All of them were taken.

The General said, "That son of a bitch."

Gabriel managed to make his was down the mountain. He found a small village. He stole some food and cloth. He wrapped the black cloth as an eye patch and ate the food. The military did expect for him to go to the village. They spent in the special suited soldiers whose uniforms could blend in with the environment. Gabriel found a cave near the village and hid inside.

Mono got on a chopper with the bodies and made his way back to the base inAmerica. Mono went to the underground part of the facility. He pressed the hub screen and saw a map out of the world. There was a blinking red dot. Mono couldn't believe this. In case of the creatures escape the military had prepared a zombie break out to eradicate all ofAmericaand start over from scratch. They had been hiding that one of them remained but it was the only B.O.W. the military was working on. There were files on a whole task force of different B.O.WS, to handle any mishaps.

Gabriel saw that one solider came in and took of all his gear to take a piss. Gabriel quickly took his handgun which was silenced and shot the guy. He took the rest of the gear. He took the knife and cut out the suit to fit his size and put it on. All the functions still worked as he checked against the cave wall the suit turned a dark brown to blend in. As he went off it went to its natural black color. Gabriel had now become a young rebellious war-driven boy. He knows had a way to fight back.

The General said, "I have no choice."

The solider asked, "Sir?"

The General went to the underground facility alone. He propped up the hub and then took one fine look.

The General said, "One outbreak will set things right. Hopefully it will take out the boys and then we can sweep up and take this back."

As soon as he released the zombie Mono saw that it was let go as well.

Mono said, "He really did it. He has no idea how much things are going to get out of hand."

Just like that one became two and two became four. It started off in the west and who spread it in each direction. The cops would be dispatched when they got a call from a consider citizen. It didn't take too long but already the count of infected was way over thirty. The news wouldn't be able fast enough to report it to the rest of the world which would have might to find it a joke anyway. Gabriel would back to the village at night and take more supplies when no soldiers were about. After that he made his way to the water. He ran across and found a boat. A task force was finally launched to handle the outbreak. It was already too late the number of infected far surpassed them and they started to trick out in each direction.

One of the generals at the white house went to the president, "Sir we have multiple reports of cops taking on the infected and there has been no report on progress made."

The president asked, "What do you suggest I do?"

The general said, "In the interest of safety. I suggest a bomb. Have it take out the west completely. Casualties might be high but it is well worth the risk."

They were already people who were bitten that had managed to get on airports. Carried across to areas then they would infect others and have the plains crash in areas further east. The word did not get out fast enough to shut down airports that were only a measure taken too late. Within hours the infection already took several states. Gabriel was going to make his way back but the boat was shot at as soon as he turned it on. He made his way along the shore as the military were trying hard to take him out once and for all. The infected found their way into all different locations the day rose and the president was ready to take action. He was going to focus the bomb at the most western state. No human or infected nor longer were even there already. Everyone either ran off or got infected. Either way they would be wasting a great deal of time. The others heard of this news.

Andy asked, "This, all of this happened because of us?"

Vince said, "I'm sure it can't be. We're just kids."

Steve yelled, "Open your eyes man."

A siren for the town they were in sounded off. The cops drove down.

Andy asked, "Now what?"

They saw people screaming and running off in the opposite direction.

Vince looking down at the hatch door, "I have a feeling we should go into the sewers."

The infected worked their way to that street then Vince rushed, "Like right now."

The three of them rushed down to the sewers and ran along across not looking back to see if they were being followed. There were other small groups bunkered down in several other areas. The bomb was being sent at this point and already thousands of infected roamed more than half ofAmerica.

Gabriel ran into a forest. He knew he would have to take out some more men to escape his own hell. He worked his way north deeper into the forest. The militaries of different countries increased their defenses more concerned about the outbreak heading out here. Gabriel rationed his supplies carefully while also hunting the wildlife in the jungle.

The General inSouth Africasaid, "The outbreak should have handled the boys by know. It is time to clean up."

Some of the infected started eating each other and started to mutate on their own become faster and stronger. With even some of the bases being taken over the rest of the B.O.Ws were let go do to lack of power to restrain them. Some of the B.O.WS could fly and would begin flying arcos several areas and taking people out. The four boys came over a manhole and a handgun fell and Vince caught it.

Andy said, "Great. Now we have some defense."

Vince said, "I wouldn't want to figure out why a gun was dropped. It could be one of those things."

Steve said, "Yeah let's just keep moving."

Some of the newer infected could swim which pressed on for them to move across to other countries and have them deal in the same fate.

Monodramon watched the screen once more seeing how many more red dots there were.

Monodramon said, "That idiot. He tried to do what I did. When I did this the situation was contained within minutes from help from the creatures. Know they have no hand to help and the infection is already consuming the world."

The infected were held of anywhere in the white house.

The American general said, "Sir we should get going?"

The President asked, "How did this happen?"

The general said, "I don't know sir. We should go to your secret location sir. It's only a matter of time..."

A flying B.O.W bashed in the window and grabbed the president and its claws dug in and picked him up. The general shot at the creature until it dead. The general rushed over and said, "Mister President, are you alright?"

The President said, "It's just a few starches."

Seconds later the President felt to the floor. The never made it out ofWashington. In other small states that were overrun small resistances continued to bunker down and continue to repel the endless infected. Gabriel made his way north. He already became immersed in the world of violence. He stole a vehicle and drove northeast. He ended up inChina. The B.O.W.S attacks had also commenced here. There were being restrained for some time.Normalinfected sometimes slid passed and got into areas not even B.O.Ws did. Gabriel hid as he saw the infected.

Gabriel asked, "What is going on here. I hope the others are all right."

The four of them collected when they could go back to the top and used this large sewer system. It led down further into one of the many special operating rooms.

Andy asked, "Where are we?"

They looked at the computers and saw the track of all the B.O.Ws out there.

Vince said, "I think this is where the monsters came from."

Steve asked with concern, "What about Gabriel? He got left out there."

Vince said, "He took out a soldier on his own. I think he can handle himself. We have to keep moving this way."

Steve said, "We can't just forget that he's out there. I care about him. Plus it doesn't matter which way we go those monsters are everywhere. Just look at the map."

Vince looked then saw theEgyptwas clear so far and a few other areas.

Vince said, "Not these areas. If we can make it there we will be safe."

Steve asked, "Do you even know how far that is? Getting there is a death wish. We'll never make it that far."

The facility started shacking. They looked down at the various lengthened tubes. One of them started rising up with a huge monster inside it.

Vince said, "Well we can try our chances out there. Or stay here and deal with that thing."

Andy said, "Let's get out of here."

They ran to the south sector. When the biohazard was awakened a siren came on and the area began to shut down.

Vince said, "Hurry, or were going to be stuck down here."

More of the huge biohazards were being awakened.

The president got up and was infected. He growled at the soldier.

The soldier said, "Mr. President...please, stop right now."

The president rushed at him and the soldier was forced to shoot. The rest of the states were simply left to fend for themselves. The western states had more time to get adjusted to an onslaught. There were still some groups closer to where the infection started. All ofAmericawas generally overrun. The three boys continued south making out of the sector they were in.

Vince said, "This place is huge. Everyone could fit in this one place."

Andy said, "No one is looking for us. No one is worried about us. For all we know we could be the last people inAmerica. Did you look at the screens it's all red here. There is no safe place on top anymore. And soon it won't be safe down here."

Steve asked, "It's the end of the world isn't it?"

Vince still stringing on to hope, "We have somewhere we can go..."

Steve said, "Yeah but how long can that last? How long can we go on and pretend like those monsters won't just follow us. The world got fucked. And we are the only ones left. This is it. We have nothing left.

Vince nearly cried out, "We have each other."

Steve said, "No you have Andy and I have just left in the dirt. But were three kids in this situation regardless. Those monsters don't care if we have each other. They will destroy us."

Vince sat down and cried out, "Fine you want to give up, fine. We'll just sit here and wait to die. We won't even try. We could at least try. I know its shit out there. I see the screen. I'm aware of the situation but I wasn't ready to let go. I wanted to fight. I wanted to go out knowing that I tried. That is what we have left. We have the only the last moments in either fighting or waiting and I wasn't going to wait. But you keep sinking us back now. I thought there might have been even a chance. I was willing to go and look. But you destroyed that."

Andy said, "Man this is shit."

A mysterious voice said, "You should fight. You should fight because you will win."

They all looked to the door as a young girl came out. She was their age and came fromRussia.

Vince asked, "Who are you and what are you even doing here?"

The girl said, "Silly American I came to this country to live. But I was sick of home so I ran away. I ran right into this place. I quickly became aware of the threat around the world. There are still plenty of others fighting. You are not alone."

Vince said, "But where do we even begin."

The girl rushed up and kissed Vince. Andy was shocked. The girl said, "I like your look little boy. We are going steady trust me."

Vince started, "I'm with..."

The girl blatantly interrupted, "You don't love him anymore."

Vince asked, "Wait what?"

The girl explained, "You three are the experiments we were all told about. You came from creature D.N.A and we presumed that you're urges came along with it as well as you're protocol."

Vince asked, "Protocol?"

The girl said, "You fall in love make a new experience happen then when you're done you eventually move on to finding a new love."

Andy looked at Vince then looked down, "I do feel kind of different."

Steve said, "Yeah me to."

The girl explained, "You're bodies are ready to move on and now they look to each other."

Vince muttered, "I... I want someone else."

The girl said, "You are the reason the ruled was overrun by these B.O.Ws."

Vince asked, "B.O.Ws?"

The girl said, "Bio organic weapons. This was founded by the American government. If you're project failed they would wipe you out then contain the B.O.Ws. However the B.O.Ws moved quicker than they expected."

Vince asked, "How do you know all this?"

The girl said, "I was trained in espionage by my people. They sent me here to find you and get the government's results."

Vince asked, "What did they want from us?"

The girl said, "They wanted to use you're D.N.A. They wanted the creatures D.N.A to mix with humans. They wanted to make humans live forever and love how you love. The way you aged was very promising. They figured if they could get you to mate with a human female and get her pregnant that you're unique D.N.A would pass into a human child. Then they could use his blood to give it to everyone."

Vince asked, "Wouldn't the child die?"

The girl said, "You creatures never could die. They figured that trait would pass as well. I guess there is one way to find out. You and me go for it and see what results we get."

Vince said, "This is crazy. You want me to do that in hopes that all those things will get passed down. What if it doesn't even work?"

The girl said, "Like I said, there is only one way to find out."

The girl didn't hesitate. She removed her cloths and his as well. She got on top and took to riding off his member avoiding foreplay of any sort. She worked him rather smoothly for someone who was in a rush. Vince was still getting off by this pace and built pretty naturally and was able to let his semen go inside her. The girl got off him after the first round not looking for some seconds.

Vince was over Andy just like she said. But he wasn't upset he had Steve now who had moved on from Gabriel who was still inChina. Gabriel saw that the area was very dangerous. He saw a strange building that didn't look like the others. He went inside and the Scourge came right in front of him as soon as he entered. Gabriel pulled up his gun.

Scourge said, "Looks like we have a visitor."

I came out and said, "That was Gaomon. What have they done?"

Scourge said, "Appears they made a human take in his D.N.A. They want our power. But I mean we have our own problems to deal with."

I said, "As my new advisor this is a part of the same problem. The humans did both and soon there will be more weapons over the amount of creatures and humans combined. Looks like when one war ends another begin."

Scourge said, "Kid put down the gun. It's not going to do you any good."

Gabriel asked, "What is going on? What are you?"

I said, "Were not like the weapons outside if that's what you're thinking. But at this point humans wouldn't know the difference. There was once a force in this world known as the darkness. With it there was a constant balance with the creatures that inhabited the world. But the darkness got out of control and one creature decided to consume it all. When that happened all that was left was the light. The light allowed for humans to return to this world. But there was no natural balance to some people began to take the light with their power and use it. The government had good intentions but with so much power and no balance they let loose the world wide infection. Without darkness there was no controlling what the humans did. They all see what they're doing as the right thing."

Gabriel asked, "What does that have to do with me?"

I explained, "The humans took all male children and D.N.A from the creatures. They put that D.N.A into you in hopes that you would mate with a female. In doing so her pregnancy would put that mixed D.N.A into one person with creature like abilities. They would use that one person's blood to give it to everyone else."

Gabriel asked, "So what's with all the infection?"

I said, "Some of the military didn't want this to leak out to other countries. With the humans return also reunited all the previous turmoil's humans had before, countries fighting countries to give their people the opportunity to be immortal."

Gabriel said, "No one even figured they could share?"

I said, "Humans aren't that bright. That is why we removed them from this world. This is a modified earth meant for creatures not humans."

Gabriel asked, "So wait they are other worlds?"

I said, "There are lots of them. The original earth is still inhabited with humans dealing with a great deal of problems but without creatures. We made this world to expand the digital world which had its share of problems. This world had a set balance and now it's gone with the death of the one who carried the darkness."

Gabriel asked, "Why not bring the darkness back?"

I said, "At this point it would make things worse. We've been trying to combat the light and lower its state but there are too many creatures still. Bringing in the darkness will remove nothing and only bring back a really messed up program. We simply can't risk it with all these weapons and infected running about."

Gabriel finally out down his gun, "Then I'll start taking them out."

I said, "Not in this human body you're not. I already know all the others that have been used. If you're going to fight you're going to need to be back in your creature form."

Gabriel said, "Fine...I don't know what that would look like."

Scourge said, "I'll take you. I got me a special ride."

He took Gabriel to his new custom motorcycle. They got in and he drove east and the speed was insane. They got to the eastern ridges in minutes. He didn't slow down as they approached the water. Gabriel closed his eyes thinking this creature was going to sink them. Scourge went up a ramp and drove right off it. When the motorcycle got close to the water then transformed from the button with spinning hovers making the motorcycle skid along the water. Gabriel opened his eyes to see the crazy new invention at work. As soon as they got on land others on motorcycles started to close in.

Gabriel asked, "What's going on?"

Scourge said, "It appears there already on to us."

Scourge took out his tripled-barreled shotgun and handed it Gabriel and Scourge said, "Hold them off."

As they rode he shot one of the men. He's body transformed and a large shield from his body fluids emerged out and blocked the rest of them.

Gabriel said, "There creatures."

Scourge asked, "What?"

A helicopter also came up going up and started shooting at them.

Scourge said, "Of course, as if this wasn't enough of a party."

Vince said, "You're body."

The girl looked down as she was already ready to give birth. It came out easy without any pain. The child was able to emerge and grow as if one of the creatures really fast until a certain age.

Vince gasped, "It worked."

The girl said, "Of course it did. We need to get to my country and start taking blood."

Vince asked, "Why you're country?"

The girl said, "You're president is dead. He can't get the news out. We still have a figure head powerful enough to make a worldwide call out."

Andy said, "This is still insane. We might never make it out of here alive. We don't have the ability to live forever. And those weapons are all loose down here."

The girl said, "If we don't go the world will end. It's up to us to even the scale."

They heard a bang at the secured door.

The girl said, "We don't have any more time here. We have to move."

They went further south. They managed to get out. They got out in a large city that was totally wrecked. They made it to the furthest southern eastern state. Everything was destroyed.

Andy asked, "Is there anything left?"

The girl said, "Maybe not here but there are other places..."

Andy said, "We were down there a long time. We if in that time they took everything else. Maybe the computers couldn't even scale how large the infection was. There is no more safety even if we go if there was anyone else they would be died by the time we got there. Look how fast this spread. We have D.N.A to give to nobody. There is no one left."

The girl got a call and said, "Only ones left my ass." Then answered, "We got it; he has the developments to make us like them. We will be there as soon as possible."

Andy said, "I don't think you understand the part we get torn to shreds by all the creatures here."

Vince said, "No, we are going and we are going to make it. I'm tired of all this negative energy. We know there is hope now so that's all we need. We need to become strong for everyone else's sake. We can change our future and help rebuild this world. Let's go."

Vince pulled him along until he was ready to move on his own. They made their way to the coast. They got to the middle of the city and then they heard all types of crazy screaming. A bunch of men came out and started making their way toward them. Vince pulled out the gun he took from the fallen police officer back in the sewers.

Andy said, "We're surrounded.

The girl said, "We have to get passed them."

Vince said, "I don't have enough to take them all out."

The girl said, "Move this way only take the ones out that get close."

A huge fireball came out from nowhere. More fireballs were shot off taking out them men and then taking them out again when the mutated. They looked back up on the roof to see it was Indy. He jumped down landing from the roof to the ground without any pain or dying from the height.

Imp said, "Well, this party was fun. I go to live out life to the fullest then the world falls to shit right before my eyes. I didn't think we'd cause such a commotion."

Vince said, "Indy..."

Imp said, "It's Imp now. I remember enough from my other life. I remember me and you had quite a long run as mates. Figured I owe you one after changing me back to the way I was. But now I'm stuck in this body and it's not as much fun."

Vince asked, "Do you remember we were? What our bodies looked like..."

Andy almost disgusted, "You're just accepting this. An infection is one thing but creatures D.N.A merging into a human is impossible."

Imp said, "Than explain my jump. A normal person wouldn't survive that. It's because none of us were human. We were creatures of this world. You should consider yourself lucky. You've died a lot in your time so you're lucky that you had that in you to keep coming back."

Vince asked, "Did I die?"

Imp said, "Very recently yeah. But now you can live again in that body. Your body is still in good condition. If we get you on those machines they had then we could restore you back to your life."

Vince said, "We should get going to get this boys blood to others."

Imp said, "First we got to get our bodies. You two can still die then you D.N.A will be useless."

Andy said, "I thought we were immortal."

Imp said, "In your creatures state you would be. This human got that D.N.A from Vince. Even though Vince can die this boy should be able to withstand every attack."

Vince asked, "What's my real name?"

Imp said, "Veemon."

Gabriel had returned with Scourge to the Facility and got back to his creature body. The transfer had a strange effect on Gaomon. His left eye was gone and he was wearing the suit he was when he was human. They left.

Vince said, "This is going to be tough."

The door pounded the weapons were breaking through.

Imp said, "We need to get to the surface now."

They reached a ladder as soon as they did the weapons broke in. These huge coated creatures had huge machine guns on each arm.

Andy put his hands up in almost a giving up fashion, "You've got to be kidding me."

Vince pushing them along, "Get up the ladder I'll hold them off."

Andy said, "That's suicide, you'll never make it. They started charging up the machine guns. Vince flipped over one of the tables and shot off. Steve went up first. The machine guns started going. Steve was forced to slide back down due to the oncoming bullets.

Andy yelled, "Were stuck."

The girl said, "Follow me."

She opened and hatch to a lower floor.

Steve said, "We can't go further in."

The Girl said, "We have no choice. They won't run out of bullets any time soon."

Even Steve was reluctant but forged on ahead anyway. The Girl went next the Andy quickly followed. Imp looked back and pulled Vince back from wasting any more bullets. He made sure to close the hatch. The Girl said, "That won't hold them back forever we need to go the next exit before he closes down."

They made their way down then entered a huge room with cubicles. A window shattered then a hoard of infected roamed in.

Andy said, "You've got to be kidding me."

Vince pointed the gun and shot a lot.

Imp said, "Aim for the head."

Vince was able to make them drop a lot faster by doing so. But there was still too many.

Vince said, "I'm down to the last round of bullets."

Imp said, "You could have just said clip."

Vince sighed, "Whatever let's go."

As soon as Vince turned ahead he saw three infected dogs.

Vince said, "Son of bitch."

The dogs spread on each side of them. The girl pulled out a knife. The first dog charged at her and tackled her down. She stabbed the dog in the neck then shoved off the dead carcass. Vince shot the dog in the front in the head. The last dog went after Imp. It tackled him down he held the dog off.

Imp said, "Hey chick knife me."

She tossed the knife and he stabbed it in the temple. He got up and she said, "The name is Rein."

Andy said, "That's nice now let's go before were zombie chow."

They reached the end.

Miller said, "Have the upgrades been completed."

Zed said, "Yes."

Miller said, "Than send them after the kids. There still out there. I can't have anyone get in the way of my plans."

Zed asked, "Weren't we supposed to keep those experiments alive."

Miller said, "There is a new evolution taking place. The B.O.Ws is our future. That is our legacy. We can't allow them to live much longer."

Zed asked, "What will you do with the weapons?"

Miller said, "I already sent them to other countries."

Zed asked, "Sir what if someone else starts using them like us?"

Miller said, "There weapons they won't listen to anyone.

The kids finally managed to get to the surface ofCalifornia.

Andy said, "That was one huge base."

Rein said, "It runs along all ofAmerica."

They looked around to see the destroyed city.

Vince asked, "How long have we been down there."

Rein said, "Long enough to have this all happen."

Andy said, "There is nothing left. Not even the monsters are here."

Rein said, "Let's hope it stays that way."

They headed northeast. They had a long way to go to reach the facility were the creatures were kept. The exited the wasteland and as soon as they did they heard yelling. Vince said, "I'm down to ten bullets."

Rein said, "We've got to move."

The infected came out on motorcycles.

Andy said, "Now they can drive. This is fucking great."

Vince shot one in the head and it fell then got back up and a parasite mutated out of it.

Vince said, "It looks like they've upgraded."

Andy said, "This is just too much."

More dogs came out and mutated splitting apart by the splitting of the head.

Imp said, "Well this party just thrives on more infected."

They managed to stumble their way into a church. They locked the doors and made their way to the second floor.

Steve said, "We need to rest. There is no way I can keep going like this."

Vince said, "We might not have that much time to."

There was a loud explosion that came from outside. They ran to the roof and looked outside to see them all leave.

Rein said, "Looks like we caught a lucky break after all."

Andy asked, "What was that?"

Vince said, "It doesn't matter we should take this time to rest up."

Andy asked, "What if it's another weapon?"

Vince asked, "Why would they start attacking each other?"

Andy said, "Maybe not all the weapons see eye to eye. I don't know. All I do know is that we might not be safe here."

Vince said, "Then we're just going to have to take that chance. We can't keep going all tired out like this."

There was a long pause of silence on the roof but they just all went in without saying another word and were forced to take that chance. They managed to sleep that whole night. Vince woke up as well as Andy.

Vince said, "Looks like luck was on our side."

Andy looked around t then asked, "Where is Steve?"

Vince looked at the rook to see he was cocooned in a shell. Andy looked down to see a giant spider sleeping below.

Andy asked, "How many weapons are there?"

Vince aimed carefully and shot the spider waking everyone else up.

Vince yelled up, "Steve, are you alright?"

Steve tried to stretch out, "Help."

Rein got below then Vince shot the cocoon. Rein caught Steve and as soon as she did these new monsters came up from above. They were all red and their brains were visible. Their tongues stretched out far and long. Everyone else rushed their way down. They ran out and advanced.

Steve said, "That was close. I would have been died for sure."

Vince said, "Not as long as we stick together."

Then just like that a pod was sent down.

Vince said, "These things were sent."

Rein said, "Look out it's going to open."

The pod opened up and a small slug came out.

Andy said, "That's it, that's their newest weapon. Let's just walk right by."

An infected came out and went toward the slug. The slug went inside the infected mouth. It looked like it was dying. Its arm lengthened out and claws came out. Multiple eyes popped out from the transforming skin. It's other arm blobbed out stretching even further changing the environment around them.

Imp said, "So much for walking right by it."

The weapon charged at them.

Vince yelled, "Watch out."

They spread out it attacked just one starch hit rein and she fell over to the side.

Vince yelled out, "Rein!"

The others kept going. Vince wasted the last of his bullets which had no effect on the weapon. Vince had no choice but to run the other way. More mutated infected came out making the spread out even worse. As for Rein she was now infected. Her body turned into a stone like substance. Her eyes glowed red and she went walking after Vince.

Miller looking at the HUD map of the world and said, "What a sight."

Zed said, "We can't go back? Can we?"

Another voice said, "Afraid not."

They looked over to see a man sitting in Miller's chair. He wore all black.

Miller asked, "Who the hell are you and how did you get in here."

The man said, "My name is Wesker. Albert Wesker."

Miller asked, "How did you get in here?"

Wesker said, "I have to first thank you for creating B.O.Ws. There really help me improve my enhancement in this research."

He took off his shades to show off his red eyes.

Miller said, "You're infected. But how the hell can you talk?"

Wesker said, "I created a new strand of the virus you've already developed. Now all the normal B.O.Ws will mutate on impact of death. Bringing them to a third state of life but the greatest achievement was my coming into power. Now the world is in my hands."

Miller pulled out a machine gun and said, "Then I'll just kill you twice over and power will come back to me."

Wesker smirked and put his shades back on, "Go on try and go for it."

Miller let off and Wesker used an enhanced speed to avoid every bullet shot.

Miller dropped back and asked, "What the hell are you?"

Wesker smirked, "I am the future."

Wesker threw his shades at Miller who was distracted than, Wesker rushed forward with his quick speed boost and open palmed Miller. The impact was so strong the miller body exploded out with the blood spreading all over. He pulled out his handgun and just shot Zed.

Wesker picked up his black shades and put them back on, "Pathetic."

BlackVeemon came out of his house. He was fully aware of his surroundings and what had transpired. He made his way to where he would find imp. He saw imp and rushed up and grabbed him. The others didn't know what to make of this. The base wasn't that far off. When Vince and the other two made it Dorumon hopped on the roof of the facility.

Dorumon said, "Well this is a sad reunion. But I suppose I can take you out in this form. Did you really think that cat consumed all the darkness? That is impossible to do. If been waiting long enough and now I can take advantage from what you did to me."

Imp came back out as himself as well as BlackVeemon.

BlackVeemon said, "You're not killing the boys. Dorumon did a quick whip lash. BlackVeemon rushed in front of the attack but some of the dark matter hit Vince. He fell down and was burned. He yelled in agony. BlacVeemon rushed him out of the area completely. Andy and Steve also returned to their former selves.

All that was left was beeping. That nonstop sound he was strapped in tight enough. He couldn't get at the scratches. He was left vulnerable. He tilted his head to the window. He saw a young boy. It sort of looked how Indy did when he was human. The exception was that he was burned too. The boy pulled out a knife. Vince was left to struggle attempting to break loose. The boy went all the way down the hall first. All Vince could hear was screams. Vince wouldn't know but this was a special hospital. Each victim was in for something else. He was in a burn victim but that wasn't the only name displayed on his door.