Middle of the Night

Story by jwuffy on SoFurry

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A short story commission i got from FA: jankiba

And in case you do happen to miss all the tags but not the description, this story contains watersports Xp

Jamie groaned as he opened his eyes in the middle of the night. He looked around, slowly turning his head. The LCD alarm clock caught his eye as he saw it was barely 4am. He sighed and closed his eyes again, trying to fall asleep. As could be expected, all his efforts to do so failed, as he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. He stopped trying and softly slid the covers off his side of the queen-size bed. He slowly reached down for his mobile and set the alarm for quarter past 6. He then turned around, facing James, and chuckled silently as he saw the wolf sleeping without a care in the world, a wide grin across his muzzle, which was slightly open - the wolf used to sleep like this.

«I bet he's having some kind of sex dream to look like that», he thought, the corners of his mouth curving upwards in a slightly malicious grin. Still, he wouldn't want to wake him up for anything in the world.

Feeling an all-too-common jolt of weak pain hit his lower gut, he bit his lip and his legs trembled a little. He blushed and looked around and then looked up at the ceiling, closing his eyes now and then, even attempting to count sheep - he barely got to 10 before he opened his eyes again, nervously wagging his tail against the mattress.

«Guh, geez...I gotta take a leak», he muttered softly to himself. He tried to slide out of the bed, but as he moved just a couple inches, the gray wolf's sleeping body stirred, making Jamie stop, widening his eyes. If he got out of bed, James'd definitely wake up...He knew the older wuff worked two shifts - one as a bartender, the other as a security guard at some disco a couple blocks away, so he needed his sleep. Jamie licked the corners of his muzzle, feeling the pain build up. He almost wet himself right there, only holding back by some supernatural force. He took a deep breath and pulled the sheets over his head, but that did little to help as all he did now was stare in awe at James' naked body - for he did, and always had, for as long as the two knew each other, slept completely in the nude. The older wuff's endowment was quite a bit bigger than Jamie's, at least a couple inches, and his knot was larger - large enough to hurt, as the younger canine knew by personal experience. This moment of gawking did nothing to help him - mind you, it even made him want release even more, now that he had become rock-hard. His breathing became a little heavier and he struggled to get to his knees on top of the mattress. He slid his cock, in all its 6 inches of blueberry-coloured anatomical perfection, over the elastic band of his pajama boxers, and pointed it at the sleeping wolf. He crept closer to James and slowly, carefully, slid only half an inch of it into his sleeping muzzle with a chuckle.

That's when he began to pee. At first, a mere trickle, barely enough to be noticeable in a deep slumber, slid off the tip of his cock and into the other wuff's muzzle - and therefore onto the pillow and bed sheets, as well. Jamie placed his paw over James' throat and massaged it to help the piss flow down. Then it started to pick up a fair amount of speed - not to mention it was also flowing out much more strongly now. The gray wuff seemed to almost be conscious of what was happening. Heck, if he was, he was faking his sleep rather well, though.

After a while, Jamie couldn't control himself and let out a little whimper-like moan, thrusting a bit more of his cock into James' muzzle. At this point there were no doubts left - the wolf really was asleep - his breathing was the same throughout all of this, although his cock had started to drip pre onto the bed sheets.

The flow of warm piss kept on going down the canine's throat, making him choke a little at times. Every time, Jamie's heart rate sped up, afraid he would wake up. After past a minute, the flow started to decrease. At this point in time, Jamie tried hard to stop it and pull out of James' muzzle, cleaning its wet dripping tip on the other's lips. He shook his head and lifted the sheets covering the lower half of James' body, gawking at the lovely 7-inch weapon that lay there unsheathed before him before pressing his own cock against it and resuming the flow, thus coating the gray shaft and knot with a thin layer of yellow pee. He made sure to let a few drops fall on the surrounding crotch fur and his large plum-sized nuts before the flow went out for good. He sighed in relief and cleaned the last drops of pee off his shaft on James' belly.

He let his heavy breathing calm down for a while and grabbed his shaft before the erection went down, starting to stroke it softly at first, pointing at James' crotch and cock. After a few seconds, he sped up, gripping harder, even digging his claws into his shaft every now and then, hard enough to make him grimace on the thin line between utter pleasure and slight pain. It didn't take him long to feel close to orgasm. He picked up his pillow and led it to his muzzle, clenching his teeth down hard on it to prevent James from waking up with his moans, which were louder and louder now. He eyes rolled up a little as he bit down on it, nearly ripping it to shreds, as long spurts of seed coated Wuffy's soft crotch fur and made his shaft all sticky. Just as before, as the orgasm's initial feeling subsided, Jamie cleaned the remaining seed off his shaft on James' belly and turned his attention to the gray fuckstick ahead of him.

Well, by now, it was gray, spattered with "hints" of yellow and white. Jamie took a while to sniff around it before he gave it a long lick.

«Such a tasty musky lollipop», he thought as he chuckled to himself.

He licked his lips and turned around, burying his head in the pillow he had bitten down on, and slowly fell asleep.


The following morning, James woke up a bit before Jamie - only a couple minutes. As he noticed the acrid taste in his muzzle and the dry cum on his fur, he groaned, looking at the sleeping black wuff. He pinched his blue ear and slowly rolled the wolf on his back.

«Time for revenge», he whispered into the same blue-furred ear.

He grabbed his own cock, hard with the usual "morning wood" and opened Jamie's muzzle a little more than halfway. Then he positioned himself and stuck his whole cock into the younger wolf's muzzle and throat, making Jamie choke a little and wake up, startled.

  • Now you're gonna drink mine~. - he said, a little grin forming on his face.

Jamie whimpered as he tried to shake off the morning daze, being caught by surprise by the strong flow of piss - strong-tasting piss, at that, too! - coming from the cock buried about 5 inches into his muzzle, straight down his throat, making him choke now and then as he tried to swallow all of it down. It was warm and would have felt rather good flowing down his throat, were it not for it being forced down it.

It took James more than half a minute to empty his bladder into Jamie's throat before he took his cock out with one swift motion.

  • Let that be a lesson to you. - he said with a smirk.

  • Yessir - was the prompt reply from Jamie, who took a long lick at the underside of the throbbing shaft that way barely three inches away from his face.

James chuckled a little and petted the younger wuff's head.

  • Later, pup, later...


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It Gets Better

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