Blood on the ice

Story by Sienna Nightblaze on SoFurry

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a short side story for keiji a cheractor that rose and silver will runinto at a later time.

this is an additional charector and abit of a back story for him to my lovers story alienation.

hope you like this short side story.

the fox had been running for awhile hiding at some points and fighting at others his stomic growled as he sat down in a corner. "guess I should have made sure I got up ontime for once" He thought back to the evac shuttles leaving the planet to the once human mutants and shook his head. "FUCK THIS" he heard a shrill and looked up intime to see a clawed hand almost... insect like climbing over the rubble he leaned in against and stood up promptly stabbing the creature through the eye with his combat knife. "how the hell did I lose track of rose?" he said queitly to him self as he bolted back toward her house seeing the half destroyed house in the distance his heart sunk. *fuck me side ways up a damn telephone pole* he thought making his way in he got in the door and managed to bolt it closed just in time as a set of perticularly nasty mutants lead by one in a lab coat spotted him and charged for the door they beat on the door for about an hour as he ducked behind his ag44 guass rifle and stared at the door thinking they's beat their way in.

"Fucking dumb assed humans" he spat out after a few hours had passed and he was finally left in silance. he checked his rifle and his side pack for powercells and checked his 12mm smg for ammo and sighed out. "perfect" as he found he had 15 full power cells for his plasma rifle 4 more cells for the guass rifle and only half a clip of smg bullets. "better look around" He snuck around pulling down shutters and sniffed around after awhile he realized rose had left with another female one he didn't know and they had left alittle bit of food. "Damn dike must've thought I'd survive trying to get her on the last shuttle she must be crazy to stay here... heh then again... so am I for staying to try and stop her" he leaned back and lit up a cigar taking a deep drag. "hell I'll be safe here till morning so may as well wait it out and try to find that crazy bitch" shaking his head as he remembered his sister trying to go with him and starting to cry... *No god dammit just let me forget* he thought as he slipped back in time slowly passing out.

3 years prior.

"keiji? what the hell are we going to do we're cut off from everyone else and it's almost dark?" the red fox turned to his sister and sighed. "just let me think we need somewhere to hide.... wait there that old human church!" keiji pointed to the church and grabbed her paw which she pulled away from him. "Keiji no! something isn't right there something bad could be waiting for us..." she looked horrified of his decision, Keiji turned to her and immediatly pushed her to a side falling to the side as a rat like mutant pounced for her and began to bit and chew his arm he drew his knife and repeatedly stabbed the creature finally sticking his knife into it's eye then twisting and pushing it off him "RUN FOR THE GOD DAMN CHURCH!?" he said getting up and grabbing his little sister dragging her with him they made it in by the skin of their teeth. "Oh god keiji your arm" she said taking his arm and wraping the mauled flesh in a cloth bandage she made from her skirt. "Ryu did you get hurt by any of them?" Ryu looked down seeing a larg pool of blood and water and freaked out. "we need to get out of here I have to get to a hospital I..." keiji grabbed her and gave her a gentle shake. "sis snap out of it what the hells happoned to you?" she just sniffled and looked at him. "I was pregnant from our best friend in school" "Riku?" she noded and sighed. "sis I had no idea you two were that close." she looked at him "why isn't he with your unit?" she asked to which he looked away... "I'm sorry... he went out with me on a mission but he.... didn't make it" Ryu placed her hands over her mouth and cried. she then screamed out as something hooked into her leg spearing her leg and pulling her from her feet. *of fuck* keiji thought as he ran after it shooting it with his mksvu light weight plasma assault rifle. "Get the fuck off her you freak!" the mutant hit him in the face with a claw and shriled before stabbing Ryu through the chest leaving blood all over the ice covered church Keiji looked up his teeth showing through his cheek and fired in a rage into the creatures head.

Rose's kitchen morning.

Keiji woke with a start screaming sweating profusly he gathered his ammo and got up grabbing some jerked venisen and dried corn from Rose's cubbard making a quike basic breakfast and left through the door carefully looking for mutants that adapted to the sun seeing nothing he left out sniffing around and looking for both lt Rose and this new vixin something in his gut telling him that he wasn't going to last much longer with out them.