Hanging the family clothes

Story by ShiroUzumaki on SoFurry

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A commission story for Kokuhane, with his two characters Caleb the husky and Joey the wolf getting into some hot diggity problem.

For Joey it was just another Saturday afternoon on his flat. It was a usual hot summer day, so he was sitting on the sofa while watching the Olympic Games on TV, while drinking a cold lime soda. He was a tall grey furred wolf, with quite a thick build due to his training, like some sort of worship to his body. From the outside his body looked grey, except his lower jaw, as a patch of white fuzzy fur came down across the whole front of his torso, bordered by scar like marks all across it. He was wearing the usual attire, with a white t-shirt that tightened around his body, a pair of blue stone washed jeans and a pair of white blue-striped trainers, or in a few words. He couldn't remove his eyes from the show the male Judo finals that were airing in that moment. Watching those clinching sportsmen in Gi uniforms while trying to grab and take them down made some kind of ticking sensation on him, indeed.

Joey's flat was located downtown the city. It was a humble flat with the basic needs for two people, though Joey was alone there. Joey's parents were not rich, and the flat was on rent, as a way to prove he was independent and a faster way for him to reach the city core just by going there by bike in 5 minutes through the streets before the traffic got messy on rush hour. Unfortunately, Joey was having some of the trouble to find part time jobs to be able to pay the rent on his flat, though he had finished learning from a physiotherapy degree last year with much of the joy he could handle, yet he was struggling to find a job.

The white telephone on the wall of his kitchen started to ring in that moment, and so Joey's ears started to tingle to the sound of that ring, noticing that a call was coming. He stood up from the sofa, left the lime soda can over the table and walked through the small corridor of the flat to the kitchen, at the next door to the right. He didn't hesitate to pick up the fixed white phone and said "Hello?" as he fiddled the curly cord of the oldie device.

Caleb was humming over the speaker of his cell phone, and said "Cousin... I'm in trouble..." The husky was getting his fur tidy with his hands, brushing his purple fur and scratching his white fur on his torso in a lazy way as he showed his deep golden color eyes. He was sitting over a cardboard box filled with his stuff next to a black suitcase which was his too. The story was simple, as he was kicked out from his flat because the owner deemed in the foreclosure of the Husky boy's apartment. Caleb was just dressed in a black spandex shirt and matching shorts while he explained his story about he being kicked from the flat to Joey, the only relative he could trust on now. He kept speaking with a sassy voice and a teasing tune how hard his life was going, just because he lost the flat he was living into.

As he finished his detailed tale, Caleb giggled softy and said "...Can I live in your place for some time? I'll pay it for you, I promise, sweet cake. You know I can be tender and flexible if asked."

Joey sweated in shame over the speech Caleb just whipped out, just replying "Okay..." He knew Caleb was sort of an eerie guy while talking to males, ever since high school, but that didn't make him change his mind as he was too kind to leave a relative (even a cousin) living like some sort of homeless hobo, so he just replied "I'll let you live with me. I'll prepare the spare bedroom." A cold sheering chill crossed in a blink through Joey's back.

Caleb's worries washed away with a cheering shout "Woo hoo! Thank you, cous! I'll be sure to please you whenever I can."

Joey nodded after the usual way to talk of his cousin "Yeah, right... come here whenever you want..."

And yet, the wolf didn't imagine he started a chain of funny events for the rest of the summer. Just a few hours later to that call, the ring bell on Joey's began to ring, as the sound of a speeding taxi was heard by the wolf owner. It was dusk already, and so Joey walked around the corridors of his rented flat, reaching to the door and opening it. The moment the door was half-open, a purple-white blitz jumped over him in a wink. Caleb took down his cousin within a glomping press. Joey couldn't notice that coming until he realized he was pinned down to the ground, blushing and sweating worriedly. His husky cousin was shaking of happiness saying "Jo!!! Thank you so much for letting me stay in here!!!" That was the first of the many troubles Joey had to face from now on as he had to live with his beloved cousin.

The first week for Caleb on his new flat was going rather well... for him. Joey was still hunting for a good job that could be useful from what he learned, but he hardly got any interviews due to the lack of employment offers, and he had to do all the house work while his husky cousin was lazing around the house. He also had to deal with more trouble when Caleb invited unexpected guests to the apartment without any permission, mostly tough looking males, like jocks from college to huge hunks and chubs, with no discrimination of species. The flat just became from a peaceful summer flat to a party house in just the week the purple furred husky was since living there. And the worst thing is that Joey didn't know that the guests were actually customers for Caleb's sexual services, as the husky locked down the door of the bedroom when the fun was just about to start. This made however some income for Joey's rent, which Caleb placed inside a paper envelope under the entry door so Joey could pick it up. Everytime Joey found the bills inside the envelope, with the word "XXX" written on it, the only thing he could do was to secure the envelope on his pocket as he was desperate to get the money to not only pay the rent, but to sustain like anyone could do. Anyone would think like that in such situation.

The wolf was laid over the sofa with his legs over the floor, exhausted after a hard morning crossing the town to a few job interviews and several calls to the employment offices of the city. After all that lack of replies and ignorance from any spa, clinic or anywhere a young graduate on physiotherapy could be useful, Joey was devastated by sadness. That meant he had to be working on minimal wage part-time jobs again, trying as hard he could so he was able to pay the rent due for the next week. Joey was devastated by sadness and a bit of anger mixed up.

Caleb walked across the house, while he was speaking on his cell phone, dressed in a yellow tank-top, baggy black shorts and white sporty socks. Joey could hear to his cousin talking as his voice was turning clearer the closer he was. The purple fuzzy ball was chatting through the phone with interest "...I won't make you regret, Jason! I promise you it's going to be fantastic! Talk to you later" Caleb hung up the call as he got inside the living room, where his wolf caretaker was having a rest. The husky happily got a seat on the white colored armchair next to the sofa, showing a happy grin which made Joey curious, as he heard all the blabbering of the phone call.

Joey couldn't restrain his curiosity about that call, so he kindly asked while looking at his cousin from the sofa he was laid, finishing from catching some air: "Who was calling you?"

The husky cousin chuckled and said "Remember when you told me you were worried of not being able to pay this month to the house keeper?"

Joey took a guess and made a gulp, saying "Yes..."

Caleb smiled with a short giggle and continued "I got myself a job, at the opening of the party bar of a friend of mine, at the city heights!"

Joey smiled in relief, replying "Ah, that sounds nice. Did you get a place as a waiter?"

Caleb kept his silly smile, as he stood up and sat close to his wolf cousin's left side and talked "No. It's much better, but I can't tell you now. It's a surprise."

The fancy dog hugged his cousin and kept talking "but I got some opening party wristbands, so you and my friends can get through the entrance. This way I'll be able to compensate you the fact of paying the rent for you..."

Caleb started to rub his hand over his cousin's chest in a flirty manner, blushing faintly as he moved that paw lower over the hardened body of Joey, until he stopped over his crotch, tucked in the black suit trousers he was wearing for the job interviews. Reality seemed to fade away in just a mere second.

However, his mind realized it was just one of Caleb's typical moves. The instant he was back into reality, Joey only nodded his head, nervously showing the blushing glow on his cheeks as he whispered "Okay then" then the wolf quickly stood up to the sofa and walked away to his room, the second door to the right at the main corridor of the flat. After all, what Joey wanted in the end was some sleep and rest.

A couple of days passed, the opening day, and during the morning Caleb was posing in front of the body-sized mirror he had next to the wardrobe. He was only wearing some provocative black pants as tight as a speedo, decorated with fluffy bright red buttons, like some tucked sleeveless jacket taken from a French restaurant wine waiter. His wolf cousin didn't even know that evening the club where he was going to work there, as the main star.

Joey was knocking the door to the room of his cousin. Caleb turned around within a gasp, he collected his clothes and dressed in fear, opening the door afterwards, saying "Oh, Jo. I am sorry" then he giggled "come in".

Joey shook his head and said "It's Ok, Caleb. I just wanted to know if you had any plans for this afternoon."

Caleb's eyes opened wide in surprise, so he answered "Oh... you didn't know I am starting my new job this evening? My friend Jay is opening a new joint and he got me a job..."

Joey suddenly remember, so he said "Oh, really? Well... I would like to come by and see around. But... I guess it needs an invitation, right? I know Jason too and..."

Caleb slipped a grin of satisfaction, showing two stickers, one red and another one blue, saying "Of course, but don't worry. I knew you could ask such thing... and I bet my friends will find you very friendly too."

Joey smiled, even without any knowledge of what he was getting into and he could only reply "Okay then. I'll give you a lift there then. At which time do you need to be there?"

Caleb said "8 PM. The doors will open but the show starts at 9 PM. It's going to be fun" as he hugged and kissed the cheek of his cousin, then he gave the green wristband sticker to his cousin. Joey left the room, putting the sticker wristband inside his pocket for later.

That evening, Joey was preparing his bike for the ride to help Caleb reach to the opening party on time. Joey was wearing a tight black t-shirt, rugged jeans and sneakers as usual, while dressing a black round helmet over his head as he waited for his husky cousin to be ready. Caleb walked outside the flat building carrying a small back pack while dressing his favorite pair of black jeans and a pretty white thick tanktop to fight the heat of the evening. Joey soon showed a bike helmet for Caleb, saying "Put this on, sit over the seat at my back and hold on tight. It's going to be a rush downtown."

Caleb nodded, put on the helmet over his head and sat on the support seat the bike had for carrying an extra passenger. As Joey sat his legs and pumped them up and down to push the pedals, the black aluminum-framed cycle started to move on the road. The trip was quite quick for both of the canines, as Joey had enough strength to carry his cousin on the busy streets downtown, while the same cousin, thrilled by the speed and the lack of effort he had to show, enjoyed the bumpy ride as he cheered his cousin on the upward trails, made joyful woos as they rushed down with speed the downward roads and all that while dodging truck, buses, cars and motorbikes. The wolf was concentrated all the time, even if he noticed how his cousin felt that like a roller coaster ride in an amusement park while giving the indications in a joyful manner, almost like a daredevil.

As Caleb said "We are here, stop!!!!"

Joey pressed the brakes of his professional bike, making a screeching metal and rubber noise. Caleb hopped down and took his wristband to set it on his right wrist, showing a red tag meaning he was a worker. Joey pulled out his body from the bike and chained it. The purple husky looked at his cousin, saying "Don't forget to strap the wrist band, cousin. It's the invitation pass for the party" and Caleb ran to the backside of the building, to the service door. As Joey finished locking up his bike, he looked at the building in front of him: It was a round shaped building with a big pink neon sign at the entrance glowing "TENDER MEAT". Joey then pulled out the sticker from his pocket and placed it out like a wristband like Caleb just told him.

Joey approached to the entrance, where a queue of several males, as well as some photographers, where in the front doors, cramming and jamming up the entrance to the right side, heavily guarded by a big looking hound dog guard, just a feet taller than the wolf. Joey came close to the security guard, who was wearing the usual black suit, ear plug and nasty looking face you could ever expect in those places, giving a menacing stare to the wolf. Joey kindly said "Excuse me..."

The dog guard babbled "Sorry, sir. If you don't wear the VIP wrist band I can't let you go. Please, follow the line at the right"

Joey then looked at the wristband pass given by his cousin and said "like this one?"

The huge dog gave a quick look to the wrist band and nodded, saying "Oh yes. Sorry, sir. Welcome to the Tender Meat. Have a nice night" and he opened the door for Joey.

The wolf walked inside and found himself in a long, dim-lighted black corridor with red carpet, leading to two wide metallic doors that were blocking the noise from the inside, as a soundproofing effect. Joey walked across the corridor and pushed the doors, finding himself in a big black club lobby, with a big stand on the deepest side of the room. The whole joint seemed a showroom for velvet, as there was velvet everywhere: A velvet curtain screen in deep purple, walls covered in dark velvet, and even the glass from the lamp stands on the ceiling was decorated with a ring of tacked blue velvet, very noticeable as the whole upper half of the room was sandy white plaster.

There were many people inside that place, waiting for the opening show to start as they talked to each other and expected a party to come by. Joey was still buzzed by the fact that all the attendants were only males, yet he kept moving his head as he was scanning the place like a security camera. There was a bar at the right, but Joey couldn't find Caleb among the waiters of the place, which were dressed the same way as the barkeepers too. Joey thought he was maybe part of the show of the stage too.

A few minutes later, the lights of the place soon glowed down faintly, as the public inside the place cheered in some kind of concert or movie release premiere. It was an opening act, after all. A huge, muscular brown like leather skin bull appeared crossing the black velvet curtain screen of the stage, dressed in a showman manner: A wide black tuxedo cramming a white shirt with a cravat flourishing asides the white pearly button stripe and a blooming white rose from the side pocket of the charcoal black satin suit. The master of ceremonies that just popped between the screen was grabbing a wireless microphone, as he greeted the whole bunch that came all along to the act with a keen smile on his face, so he started with a deep, manly voice coming out from him by just saying "My dear fellas... welcome to Tender Meat! The hottest club ever built on this city for you!"

The lightning inside the room quickly changed in a storm of strobe-lights and neon as the flashing blinking around was joined by a mix of electronica, dance and rave music. Joey, blinded by the sudden eerie confusing blitzes of light sparking right in front of his eyes, was getting a hard time to realize what was going on. The smell inside soon became more festive and chaotic, as the waiters started to serve lots of alcohol and jelly shots around the naked torso showing and raving crowd that moved ritually to the beat of the DJ that was dressed in a fire-fighter suit of some sorts, covered in white glowing stripes that were gleaming in blue because of the special lights that were among the huge lobby. For Joey, it was already sure for his brain he was inside a dancing hall and bar place, but not like the classic flashy glitter ball and glass floor you could expect if you lived in the 70s. He stood from the curvy satin black table within no time.

The screen at the end of the dance floor then slid aside like magic, as a set of glass panels lit by lamps under them covered the stage with a familiar creamy tone as five long iron bars tainted black by the shadows of those decorations stood firm and still. Five silhouettes soon walked among the bars, where the part of the crowd that preferred something besides dancing piled at the base of the stage, set about three feet taller from the lower dance floor.

A big set of lights soon focused on those furries covered in black, turning on with a big loud click that soon made these shadows hanging from those poles recognizable. As the light covered the main show, the public went crazy, shouting and whistling excited as they showed each boy on the pole dressed in thongs threaded in a tuxedo pattern, including three fluffy buttons crowing over the colorful middle zone which was different on each one of them. The order was quite simple: A slim short dark haired fox wearing a yellow thong, a tough looking purple and white furred husky with a matching purple "shirt" on his only wearing piece of clothing, a big blonde tiger with a chubby belly with tight abdominal muscles with his tight pants showed in red, an athletic, nimble looking cheetah with a shiny tone of cobalt blue on his thong, and a big chubby grizzly bear, looking as if he swallowed the word "proportion" in his body, as his hips showed a green shirted tuxedo thong. As soon as Joey looked at the poles of the stage, he soon found out who was holding the second pole starting from the left: It was Caleb. He was acting like a stripper in a gay club.

The grey wolf crawled across the partying furs of all kinds towards the bar, as his brain was trying to recognize what was the place his cousin brought him into. First, he shuffled many ideas, and so he realized what Caleb was working as: he was one of the main strippers of the Tender Meat, the so awaited dancing gay bar downtown. Joey was trying to take up on his breath due to the shocking moment he was having. Trying to assimilate all what he saw in those mere seconds while watching one of his own family members swinging, moving and teasing over some unknown lusty pack of sex hungry mongrels was being too much for his whole thought. He was being reluctant and confused at the same time by all that stuff which hit and stroke like lightning on him the moment he saw Caleb unveiling such secret.

Joey soon heard a voice saying "Hey, what do you want, dude?"

It was one of the barmen, a huge hunky grey-white furred wolf with a long lone black mane coming out of his head. He was cleaning one of the glasses as Joey just asked by impulse "Tequila, please..."

The waiter nodded, took a shot glass from under the bar and grabbed the golden fluid glistening in a bottle. Joey then added "The bottle too..."

The wolf waiter raised his brows in surprise, gave the bottle to Joey, saying "That will be $22,50"

Joey took the wallet from his pocket and paid with a note of 20 and another one of 5, finishing with "Keep the change" as he took the shot glass and the bottle full of Tequila with him.

The shot glass was filled in no time by Joey. He looked at the yellowish golden liquor glistening with the eerie set of lights of the dance floor and took a grab to it. Joey took a good breath, put the Tequila on his lips and swallowed quickly into his throat. It was itchy and burning at first, then Joey stared to the crowd dancing happy and unworried... until he fell unconscious all over the table he was sitting in front of. He wasn't a good drinker, indeed.

Joey's cousin, Caleb, anyhow, enjoyed the spotlight of his new job. His tuxedo-themed strap was flowing with lots of bills from the viewers under him, watching him move and dance around that pole, exposing him to the crazy jolly spectators that watched him as well as his other four buddies dangling their body on the flashing, chromed bar, as their shorts were also filled with green from the gay clientele. The husky had not feel so happier on one of his many shortly during part-time jobs, as he also enjoying teasing those clients of him to not touching him while he moved, shook and swung his outer beauty in many teasing and desire-boiling way.

His wolf cousin was unconscious by the shot of Tequila, drooling from one side of his mouth as he was deeply asleep as a baby. A few hours later, Joey was still stunned by the effects of alcohol, as the rest of the public didn't care if he was smashed by a single shot of strong Mexican libation. After their show, the five strippers, including Caleb the husky, moved into the backstage. Caleb started to dress up, as his shift was over, and walked around the dance stage, dodging the huge mess the whole attendance to the opening celebration was creating. Suddenly, he recognized his cousin, spread over one of the wavy tables on one of the sides, grabbing to a bottle of Tequila as he was covered in leftovers of his own drool.

Caleb approached to his sleeping cousin and shook him while shouting "Hey, Joey, are you okay? Answer me!" as he was worried if his wolf relative had drunk the whole tequila bottle as he discovered his true secret after so much years: Being homosexual.

Joey opened his eyes. His sight was blurry, his hearing seemed quite impaired due to the strong drink he had (and just a single shot glass from it) as he could only listen the voice of his cousin while the loud rave music seemed almost muted to him. He was too drunk as everything he saw turned from blurry to the typical double-sight shaky view, as the strong lights of the place seemed to leave a trace each time he moved his eyes to see anything.

Joey could make a picture over the blurry, wonky shades of color he could look: Caleb was looking at him, smiling and taking a breath in relief. However, Joey started to talk in gibberish "Oh... it's you, Calebb... woo! This looks like a wiiild party" All that the wolf could speak was booze talk. He had such sensitivity for alcohol.

Caleb sighed in relief again as he realized how drunk his cousin was, so he said calmly "Okay. I'll call for a taxi and we will go back home..."

Caleb was about to leave the table, until he felt a strong grip on his left wrist. Joey was gripping tight to his cousin's arm, like if he never wanted to let him go. The wolf stood up stumbling, still smashed by the single tequila round he had, placed his strong wide paws over each cheek of his husky cousin's face and stuck his lips deeply unto him. Caleb didn't even wink as he was suited to such sudden kisses due to his long line of customers looking for his expertise, so the only response to that was to grab the cheeks of Joey and complete that sudden French kiss with a proper joint. The husky stripper didn't mind the reeking stench of Tequila coming from his cousin's mouth, and no one in the place didn't mind watching them kissing at each other, as they didn't know they were relatives whatsoever. It was the plain thing to do for couples in such place. No one there didn't bother or dared to break such a beautiful kiss.

Joey clumsily slipped down his head, as he fell asleep again over the body of Caleb. He didn't mind, as he grinned with a sweet and mellow smile on his face while caressing the hair of his sleepy and drunk cousin. The husky carried the wolf along the place to the exit, carrying him on a side like some wounded soldier from a battle. As soon they left the Tender Meat, they waited on the street for the next taxi to come and so they could go home. As soon as Caleb saw one of those white cars with black stripes, carrying the distinctive stickers and the usual light over the top, he raised his hand to stop one of those vehicles. The vehicle stopped over the levy on the street. Caleb opened the door and left the burden his cousin was at the left backseat of the taxi. A big, tiger driver looked at the two "lovers" at the back, saying "Where do we go, kid?" to Caleb.

Caleb smiled to the driver while staring at his sleeping, unbothered relative "25 Maple street, please." The driver started his vehicle and went crossing the city lights through the usual traffic, full of red and white lights as the buildings and skyscrapers filled the top of the sky the lack of the stars as they hid the real ones. Caleb didn't care about the flashing lights around him, as he was hugging his cousin who was twitching like a puppy while being asleep and tired by the small dose of spirituous drink he had. The time flew quite fast for the couple, as they already reached to their destination, just at the door of the apartments where Joey lived.

Caleb did all the work: He paid the bill of the driver, he carried his cousin all around the long stairs to the 6th floor (as there was no elevator on the building) and finally opened the door to their flat. Caleb was with Joey at his arms, mumbling random unintelligible words as his face was covered in a deep red rush due to his drunken state, yet Caleb thought it was more of a romantic shy blush to him. As the husky carried the huge wolf of his cousin through the white plaster corridors to his own private bedroom, Joey was opening his eyes slowly, still drown in the delirium of alcohol. He saw how he was carried by his own cousin, who just saw doing a dance that was surely considered naughty for his first thoughts. However, he found that hugging lift from his cousin warm and tender, while looking at him with little sparkles and tingles of light as his sight was almost melted in watery tears just for that shot of Tequila.

Caleb left Joey over his bed with a blush under his eyes. The wolf saw his cousin getting close to him. Caleb didn't hesitate to get closer to Joey, and so he gave a nice French kiss to him. Joey, still drunk, couldn't do anything about it. His body was starting to feel different too, as the cold, terrible feeling and lack of sensitivity his smashed brain was giving started to become more warm and cheerful, then arousing. He was feeling horny for a male he could not felt like that before. Caleb started to take out his t-shirt to show his nice naked torso to the wolf. Joey's blush didn't change, but the nature of it did. He replied to that sudden French kiss with another one then Caleb started to strip the shirt of his cousin with the same interest too. The wolf couldn't stop passing his hands over the back of his husky cousin, as his lust boiled harder and bigger into his stunned mind.

Joey then pushed his cousin to lay him over the bed. Caleb enjoyed that strength coming from his relative, smiling in happiness and arousal at the same time. Joey then stripped out Caleb's tight black jeans out, showing he was still wearing the same bill-picker thong at his job. Joey couldn't let his mouth say "Whoa..." hiccupped "Now, who is tempting who?"

The face of Caleb didn't stop to become redder and darker as he desired more from that attractive shirtless drunken wolf, saying "Well, I can make an exception on the "No touching" rule" and released a giggle.

The husky stripper set on all fours, lifting his tail with desire for Joey, still feeling dizzy and still looking his reality on eerie glittering. He trumped into his cousin, looking at the thin, tempting piece of cloth Caleb was just wearing, with that black velvet texture luring him as if it screamed to be harshly ragged instead of being removed slow and gently. Joey was still lacking of sensitivity because of his state of mind, but he followed the song made by the beats of his heart: He plucked his claws on Caleb's thong and cut one of the arms so quickly, it plucked off right down. Joey stared at the uncovered hidden parts of Caleb, as the thighs of the husky spread out the moment the cut-off uniform of him fell over the bed like a black and white piece of satin.

Caleb boasted off a nice soft meat-rod under his hips, with the scrotum crowning over it while his butt became relaxed and showed a nice little hole decorating the top overall. Joey found the private parts of his cousin more attractive to his eyes, as his heartbeat became faster and faster. He quickly got the buttons of his jeans off and pulled his boxer pants off: His crotch was totally on fire. Joey had a 7-incher hard cock asking for some relief right there. Caleb looked back, looking at his cousin like any other of his "usual" customers, asking for a quick shag to relax. Joey became closer to the body of Caleb, as Caleb was willing to feel that nice piece of male-hood plow him the good old fashioned way. The wolf then kneeled down, spread the butt cheeks of his cousin and started to lick the anus of Caleb with slow, hard licks. The husky replied to such sudden lickings with unexpected moans, as he couldn't stop panting with his tongue gushing out like a piece of red meat.

Joey gave a good deep check on his cousin's ass, blushing more and more. He grabbed his own willing cock, as Caleb was already hard and stiff for the unexpected foreplay that he just did. Joey started to rub the tip of his lovely rod at the back door of his relative with such easiness. Caleb felt that hot, stuff tip pressing against the clutch of his rear side with a welcoming loss of tightness. Joey gave a nice thrusting push forward with his hips to his cousin's. Caleb moaned harder than before as he felt his insides invaded by the flesh of Joey. As their hips were touching each other, the wolf couldn't avoid keeping the well-endowed cock to stay for a minute while groping Caleb's ass to he couldn't pull off and feel all that pleasure directly inside of him.

After a minute of keeping the stuffing inside Caleb, Joey started to pump his hips frantic and desperately. Caleb enjoyed each push and pull from the wide, strong shaft his cousin was granting him so much deeply desired pleasure. Joey's breath was also stronger as he made stronger push-ups into his husky stripper cousin's sweet, tight a-hole. Caleb didn't want that to finish, as his prostate had such a heavy stimulation, he never felt like that with any of his other customers. Joey's mind was acting unlikely, as he felt the tight, squeezing clamp his cousin's derriere was doing.

The pleasure of Joey was the peak of all possibly sustainable pleasure. Caleb's moaning also couldn't make the moment more exciting, as the wolf moaned and groaned while thrusting his pelvis in a ramming motion. His husky cousin then topped the cherry over that pile of cream that was the sexual tension boiling inside Joey: His back curved inside a lot, gave a huge loud moan and suffered that orgasmic shock across his body like the wave of an earthquake. Caleb's rear end then pressed as hard as he could, making Joey suffer all that force crushing around his well-endowed penis, and making him stop pumping, thrusting and drilling the hole of his husky relative. Caleb couldn't refrain the pulsating motion that made him shot a long streak of cum over his soft fluffy bed.

Joey moaned after the sudden burst coming inside Caleb, and so his body suffered the hardest, most teasing orgasm he ever suffered. As he didn't make out or had fun with himself or a partner for a while, so he came violently and heavily on his cousin's bottom, blasting a small splash of cum from where the couple was tied from. Joey felt like if a thunder had stroke his whole body, and not just a plain common lightning bolt. After his long held release, Joey was too tired, he didn't even notice he was still under the effects of drinking. Caleb was with his body curled up, smiling and with his eyes closed, but he didn't fall asleep already. Joey on the other side, was naked, totally spread and face-up over the bed, deeply fallen into the heaviest of slumbers. Night passed like a breeze for those two...

As the sun came with the dawn, Joey was woken up by the sun light sneaking through the big, white-framed windows of his flat. He had recovered his lucidity from the long sleep he had, as he looked at the digital alarm clock of Caleb's side table blinking in green: It was 9:00 AM. However, the wolf felt someone grasping the right half of his body, and so he slowly looked to the right: Caleb was hugging him completely naked... as he was too. His head suffered a stuttering headache because of the hangover, but he could learn this with his recovered mind: His cousin and him were at bed, both completely naked and feeling cuddly. He was totally blushed in shame and fear as he had the feeling of had having sex last night, so he was having a flooding flow of indescribable emotions, bubbling like water over a heater.

Caleb slowly woke up, as he felt Joey's trembling body stopped his dreams suddenly. The husky rubbed his nose on Joey's cheek, saying "Rise and shine, Joey" and giving a giggle afterwards. Joey had his hand over his face, feeling ashamed together with the uncomforting hangover pain. Caleb looked confused at Joey, asking "What is wrong, cous?"

Joey nervously asked "We... had sex last night, hadn't we?"

Caleb tilted his head as his ears twitched "What do you mean?"

Joey couldn't feel more nervous "It's just I got drunk and... it usually ends turning me almost eternally horny... and I did it again... and with my cousin, none the less!"

Joey was starting to feel sad for what he did, but the Caleb hugged his cousin sweetly by surrounding the back of the wolf "Hey, it's okay, cousin. I... also made things I am ashamed of. I... have a messy secret I didn't say to the family yet." He blushed and gave a chilly grin to his wolf relative.

Caleb cleaned his throat and whispered "I am... a male prostitute."

Joey stopped trembling as he looked at his cousin quite shocked, but he replied "So... you are used to this... kind of thing?"

Caleb nodded "I am glad. I finally know it was an accident, but at least you gave me so much pleasure, I guess I could tell you my deepest secret. Just... don't go telling this to Uncle Tom and Aunt Jennie. They... could go bananas, if you know what I mean."

Joey nodded faintly as if he agreed to promise not to tell it to the family what Caleb was doing for a living. The canine couple hugged at each other, and as they looked at each other, it was clear they made a deal of living happily together, while not feeling ashamed. Joey felt happy for the new experience he was having, as well as he could understand his cousin more and more. Both husky and wolf knew this was going to be a new interesting future at that rented flat.


For Kokuhane

© Shiro Uzumaki, 2012

Beasts of fury

The gym was having the usual stream of people training on the main exercise room. It was a clear skied summer day, with the shiny sunbeams filtrating through the small viewing windows over the walls, half open to let the effort of each customer gushing...

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Blue Riding Hood (Feat. Krystal)

A forest in a mid-summer afternoon, between a pair of mountains, covered in green grass and trees over the grey limestone. There is a lake at the eastern side, with a waterfall coming from a rock. Next to the waterfall, there is a small Japanese-styled...

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Don't drink and fuck

Calvin dropped off from the bus as the foggy weather of that afternoon was freezing the air around the stop he had to stay. He looked around at the tall mountains that the vehicle uncovered as it faded away on the thick clouds, then he looked at his...

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