Trying Something New; part one

Story by Principaldraven on SoFurry

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Literally my first piece of furry writing ever, so give me your honest opinions, any feedback helps. As for the story it's the first part of a 3-4 part story idea I have, this one's just a solo act but there will be M/M in every part after this.

In a black room the red letters change quickly 6:19, 6:20; and then to a screaming chorus I awoke. Normally my morning would have a slow, lazy, start with me hitting the snooze button a few times to wring out ten more minutes of half-sleep. Not this time, this time it was a new house with a new clock, and, you see most clocks are set to a good volume for most species, loud enough to awaken, not loud enough to cause permanent hearing loss. But, being a cat, with their trademark super-sensitive hearing that unadjusted alarm was like a goddamn train had crashed through my room, blowing its whistle while being bombed by jets having just broken the sound barrier. I did learn something though, not even my ears being violently assaulted could persuade me to get out of bed at a pace much faster than a slug.

As I grogily walked down the hall towards the bathroom I could hear my parents and sister all groaning, having also been awoken in the commotion.

It was stil dark outside so the light flicking on in the bathroom stung my eyes just a bit as they slowly adjusted. I quickly started the water for a shower and inspected myself in the mirror; I was shocked to find myself still the same auburn-haired 5'7" cat with a lithe figure as I was last night; that was sarcasm by the way, I'm not one of those morphlings.

Well, one thing was noticeably different, I was sporting a massive stiffy. Now, I'm not gonna sell myself short and say there's nothing else unique about me, but at a glance it was my most recognizable feature, you see, my blessing is hyperism, of the phallic style. It's a pretty rare blessing, only materializing in about 1 in 20,000 furs, I guess it's something to be proud of but at this very moment it just meant I had two and a half feet of cat meat standing at attention and almost hitting the sink.

I stuck my hand into the shower and noticed that it was boiling hot, perfect. I jumped in and instantly released a great sigh of relief as the hot water matted my fur and soothed my muscles, the steam making my breaths long and heavy. I pretty quickly shampooed up and washed, wanting to get to the main event, you see, hypers' erections aren't like normal erections, they don't go away with time, they just increase, swelling larger and growing hotter. And walking around swinging a three foot boner at school wasn't exactly the impression I wanted to make on my first day; quite the impression it would make though.

I shuddered at first, as I placed both hands around the base, it was so engorged that my thumbs and middle fingers barely touched around the pulsing, veiny rod, as I moved my hands up the shaft in unison, the first wave of pleasure was so intense my knees almost buckled, a burning sensation that felt amazing and promised far better. As they reached the top I reached my thumbs out and flicked the tip, a spike of pleasure and just the slightest bit of pain rocked through me. If you haven't noticed by now, I'm qute sensitive. As I rubbed up and down faster it grew hotter and pulsated harder; I quickly transitioned without missing a stroke, the right hand moved to the bottom of my penis, quickly massaging the duct, while my left and dropped and began to play with my swollen balls, they had to be the size of tennis balls now, stretching the scrotum to create a smooth, tight package.

The throbbing was growing intense now, waves of pleasure begging for release crashed over me with every pulse of my burning, engorged member, I knew how to push myself over the edge; without dropping my nimble, steady stroke, I moved my now three-foot appendage to place it's tip in my mouth; a sight that would probably look quite cute if someone were watching. Once I had moved my smooth, hot lips over the head I began to suck in time with my strokes, it was only a few more seconds before the irresistible storm of pleasure that had been building inside me escaped, with one last massive throb, then calm for a split second, the dam burst. For the first half a second, I was in control, swallowing the first massive blast with much struggle and holding the second assault in my mouth, it was the third release that I lost myself; my dick slipped out of my mouth, spraying thick, sticky, creamy white spurts into the air, at first it landed in my hair, adding cream highlights to my autumn "doo". Then it spattered across my chest and back as a I had doubled over in uncontrolable submission to pleasure, realizing the futility now, I opened my mouth and let my tounge hang out as I allowed the massive glob I was holding in my mouth to fall onto my crotch, soaking into my balls. For the next few seconds I simply lay there trembling as I came like a firehose, spurt after spurt fired into the air and came down upon my receptive body as the boiling water quickly washed it away.

After a good five seconds of mind-shattering orgasm, I regained my senses, stood up, washed most of my essence out of my body and headfur, and wondered, for what had to be the hundredth time, if having cum that tastes great is an effect of hyperism or if I'm just kinky like that.