Between Men and Beasts

Story by Ether Rain on SoFurry

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Been quite a while since I've released something, so I figured I'd make a triumphant return with an all new Halloween story. The following is my own retelling of the werewolf myth. This time much more sexual in origin.

I've divided it up into three parts. Part 1, The Hunt, is the introduction to our first person perspective narrator. Part 2, The Capture is M/F in basis and introduces our first werewolf. And lastly Part 3, The Curse, is a M/M story about the pack's Alpha.

I split them up so if anyone is opposed to reading erotic stories of a certain gender can still enjoy half of the story. :)

Have fun, and Happy Halloween!

Between Men and Beasts

Never leave the village,

When the moon is full and bright,

For you will surely find a beast,

To follow you this night

_ _

If you dare to look behind you,

You will see the monstrous shape,

Of a spectre made of fur,

That will you not let you escape

_ _

Step by step your journey will,

Propel you to a fight,

And if you cannot win,

You will be burdened with a plight

_ _

For every helpless child,

Who dares walk towards the feast,

Will find themselves forever lost,

In the belly of the beast

~Passage from the classic Rhyme 'Horror of the Hollow'


My name is Denzel Marks, or rather it was. I was a demon hunter for my small village of Norwind's Hollow, a young handsome man, with hopes, aspirations and above all else a sense of morals. I cling to none of that now, my past life barely relevant to what I am now. The origin of my current state begins in the deep woods surrounding my village. For months there had been various sightings around town of beasts known only in legend, beasts that hunters such as myself knew by the name Lycanthrope.

We left them be for all that time, hoping that if we had left them unthreatened they would have done the same. These were not creatures of reason though; we were truly dealing with cursed monsters. Our position officially changed the night we had lost one of our own. A young girl had been slain near the edge of the woods, out for a casual stroll at night despite the protests of her parents. She had slipped out after they had gone to bed, a mistake proving to be fatal as she was made food for the beasts.

I had left just as the sun had set on the night of my turning, fully equipped, rifle with bullets of pure silver, an axe made from our church's previous cross, and determination delivered upon through the girl's spilled blood. The moon was bright that night, full and shining clear, like a dark beacon leading me straight through the living gates of hell. I decided to leave on foot, knowing the scent of both me and a mount would attract fury like no other from my dreaded foe.

The soft earth crumbled under my boots with a damp crunch, and all around me the wind in the trees caused droplets of water to descend as evidence of the earlier rainfall. The woods around me seemed to gleam with ominous intent. Mist slithered across the forest floor, a dreadful vapouris snake on the eve of such a haunted night. I could hear creeping elsewhere, but still quite near, and I couldn't help but give fancy to the thought of which of us was the one being hunted.

The beast was near alright, but was it left unaware of my presence, or in preparation for an ambush. With each step forward, I knew I was nearing it, any second I would be within the cursed grasp of its gaze. I steadied myself as I prepared the rifle, praying I did not flinch or falter when our eyes finally met. It was only a bend away, I was sure of it, and with a courageous, sickly step I entered what was surely a metaphorical arena.


I had been correct in my path, having found one of the beasts, but this was no male I now stood before. It was far prettier in its fur, more slender, but still as monstrous and wild as a male would be. I had no reasonable answer as to why it wasn't attacking me. It could have ambushed and killed me by now, but it didn't...and then I smelled it. Beneath sweat and fur, and the blood of its victims, I could smell the heavy soaked scent of the beast's heat.

My gender had saved me, the silent scents I was giving out inherently triggering a response from the she-beast. This didn't mean as I was ready to tell, that it would be a walk in the park. As I raised my rifle, the feminine monstrosity lunged for me, razor sharp fangs clenched around my neck as it seemed to rip away at the bindings of fabric that separated my body and hers. It wasn't long before the first nip was given, my neck instantaneously drawing pools of blood as I did all I could to remain strong and dominant in my actions.

I could feel it the moment my garments had been torn asunder, the warm damp surface of the beast's swollen sex as it rubbed itself aggressively against my lap. The scent it gave off was intoxicating, and at first I tried my best to fight it off. The wound I was inflicted was something special however and beyond the logic of my reasoning, I found myself growing erect. Her lunge had dislodged the grip I had on my rifle, and now I was all but defenceless against her whims.

With a single grind the monstrosity took hold of me, the smooth, silky warmth of her exposed flesh clutching my manhood tightly as she mounted herself on me. She bit again, this time deeper more violent, and in the same spot. Saliva ran down my neck, every drop that my wound burning like some tainted poison. The more she bit the more an enraged fury took hold of me. I lunged with the new found anger, wanting to harm her as badly as I could manage.

I rummaged around for my weapon, but it was of no use. My vision was now becoming strangely blurred and I was unable to further search for it. The only strength I had left was aggressive willpower, and I wished deeply for a weapon. My thoughts seemed to turn tangible as long razor sharp claws broke past my fingernails, my body contorting into a raged hairy form as slowly did I turn as she had. No thought entered my mind now but to take her, a sick burning need for violence and passion.

My newly reformed jaw tore at the flesh of her neck, a scream echoing the night as she howled in pain. I felt a rush of pleasure as I caused her harm, my erected shaft pushing easily into her wet folds. As it sunk in I felt it get stuck at the end, where my waist once was, now had a thick canine knot, sending tingles up my spine each time it pushed against the beast's tight entrance.

With frenzy did I push, edging myself further as my hunger was given that small dose of relief, but the more I was satisfied the more I needed. By the third bite, my fangs had damaged her neck rather deeply, her blood dropping into my unfamiliar muzzle. The bitter copper was flavoured with a tainted burn that caused me pain, despite the relentless urge I had to swallow it down. I panted like the mad dog I now was, as every pleasure I was given by this harlot dealt equal measure in pain.

Somehow I now needed the pain as deeply as I needed the pleasure, and without an end in sight I continued, giving harm and satisfaction to my mated monster, a parody of the two humans we once were. I went for her back now, easily taking fur and flesh together as I shook my jaw in a ravage pull. She howled in a deep pain, but did not stir from her spot, and deep down I knew this desperate creature was longing for the treatment she now found.

I myself was in a profound bloodlust, each taste of flesh and blood stolen from her giving me new found clarity. The human in me was lost, replaced with this burning desire to treasure the strange effects the female's mutated body stored. My canine shaft was fully buried into her needy sex, thrusting in and out of it with hungry lunges. I continued to feed on her, making sure she remained intact enough to stay alive as I had some deeper need to mate her properly.

With all these new sensations I would not have lasted long, especially when the she-beast would tighten herself upon my fancy. The scent of her wetness was both feminine and dangerous, a warning to all but her kind, and to me, now sex made into odour, and her blood need made into flavour.

Before long I reached my inevitable breaking point and with sudden intensity, I bucked up, filling her with a new seed I had been bestowed. I was however, untrained in my newly equipped body parts and had failed to knot her, a ritual most important in the acts of canines. As I faltered she made her strike, taking the masculine stance I had so failed to maintain. My eyes closed out of basic human fear, something she had lost so long ago. I felt claws and fangs, snarls and growls, all around me shreds and tears gouged out by a lover who had been mounted but not bested.

I lay back, in a position that must have looked quite humorous; a vicious fabled monster crawled up in a ball like a frightened infant. In that moment, so easily overtaken by my new mate and made to suffer the pain I had dished on her, I realized it had not been me that captured her, but the beast herself that had captured the man. In this final moment fear overtook me and as I blacked out, I was dragged ungracefully into the hollow.


When I finally awoke, I was not alone. My actions were slow, slurred, and much more canine in nature. I sniffed around, finding my sense of smell oddly heightened and far more important now. I could instantly make out my surroundings that way, the trees dryer here, hollow...dead. I suddenly could tell how dead this section of the woods was, the marks of urine by these beasts causing a rot to grow in the trees that hid them. It was a curse, their natural instincts may have parodied wolves, but their purity was deeply dirtied by some ancient evil.

I could tell I was not alone, the scent of several other beasts surrounding me. As I slowly regained my sight, I could see them all, grouped together in their large pack, their inhuman eyes all focused on me. I turned, just barely holding myself up with my weakened legs. I shook and shivered, damp with blood and covered in wounds. That's when it hit me, a scent so powerful I grew weak at the knees, defensively laying down as what I somehow knew was their elder stepped towards me.

It sniffed me down at first, more curious than anything else, but as it stood over, its true purpose was soon made very clear. It knelled down slowly, its waist at eyes level to me and with unspoken expectation showed off the source of its powerful scent. It was a hard glistening shaft, red and damp, the canine musk assaulting my senses.

As it hung over me, a new instinct took over, one that recognized the power of a male above me. Before I felt like I would best any other around me, to keep every mate for myself, but in this instance all I could sense was respect, and a deep longing to worship the status above me. The lips of my inhuman muzzle spread, its unusually large shape barely fitting in my maw as I choked it down to show my respect. I now knew my place and what it meant to please my leader.

I felt oddly feminine in this moment, the musk that lingered from this particular male, clearly as potent to the males as it was to the females of the pack. I had dabbled in same sex relations before, but assumed those urges were unnatural in the animal kingdom, but here in this feral pit, I realized these beasts did feel them too, but in a much more primitive fashion. All lower class were charged to mate for the sake of repopulation, but the Alphas had power over any flesh they so desired.

I let a cough escape my throat, a deep slobbery sputter as the pointed tip of the beast's shaft now lodged into the back of my throat. I meant no disrespect, it was just the very size of that engorged length was difficult to swallow, even with my long muzzle. The Alpha was not impressed however, and with a thud of his mighty waist, buried it down even deeper than I could have imagined, his rough knot scraping against my fangs.

Luckily for him, the ball of flesh was strong and sturdy, and my monstrous teeth felt like nothing but a graze to him, the worst treatment served to the back of my throat. A strong lurch heaved from my belly and it was with willpower alone that I managed to keep the contents of my stomach in check. Knowing this himself, the Alpha pulled away just in time, allowing me a panted breath as long spurts of pre-seed spouted from his tip.

It rained down onto my muzzle, both slippery and sticky in nature, leaving the fur over my nostrils matted and wet. I glanced up at him with a submissive stare, lids blinking as I found direct eye contact would be like staring at the sun itself. Fortunately my instincts remained correct, as like wild dogs he would have seen it as a pathetic threat to his position. And if so, it would have taken little effort from him to gouge the right flesh fatally away from me.

He backed up at that moment and I believed him to be finished. Without thinking I remained low to the ground, tail shaking as I remained feeble and overwhelmed. Slowly that great king of beasts did stalk around me, eying me like prey as he rounded to my other side. My rump must have been raised more than my knowing, and with a sudden vicious lunge, I felt that monstrous form of manhood plunge into me with a violent smack.

My body was unprepared, being neither prepped nor stretched all I was left to feel was a painful sting, coursing through my bowels as the beast's force was all that was allowing my backside to open. The tight ring of flesh burned with each thrust made into it, nothing to ease or sooth its use as the Alpha took me as his own. He cared not of my pain nor my comfort, for I was no mate to him. In the eyes of him and the pack around us I was just a form of entertainment, used in public eye as an example of his power over us.

It felt serenely beautiful however, the pain in my body true proof that I was deemed attractive amongst these monsters. I was blinded to the horror these creatures once struck in me and my village, and I could only assume, had I seen my own reflection now, I would find it as lovely as I now found these monsters around me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my mate, the one that had turned me, and that alluring smell now came from her again, but this time I knew it was from watching me get taken.

My body was still so weak from the shock of being changed, and from all the torn flesh and blood loss, all her responsibility. From my brief time with her I knew what would be next, and had I not been instinctually honour bound, I might have attempted an escape. I knew the Alpha would display further acts of dominance, the same brutal attacks I had made on my own mate, and deep down I knew, that in my weak state, it would surely kill me.

I was more than obedient though, and with a sense of overwhelming pride, I stood up on all fours, allowing my master greater ease just as he gave my neck a harsh swipe with his claws. What little flesh my mate had left intact was now torn asunder, the space between my head and shoulders a pile of gouged meat marinated in copper cells. I grew dizzy as I bled out for him, a slumped pile of dogman, whimpering and accepting like a common house trained pup.

I admit to being more than a little embarrassed while I was in this state, dizzy and weak as blood loss began to take effect. It seemed to please the Alpha though, his thrusts harder and growls turning to a calmer contented pant as he held himself over me. His tongue grazed over my wounds now, more lovingly, like a great father held in status over all of us. I felt a strange euphoria take over as his saliva coated my wounds, what felt like burning sickness earlier must have been the curse given by a common wolf.

This pleasure was clearly the bond of royalty, a truly redefined virus, the curse perfected when tendered by the mark of an Alpha. I felt my flesh reseal, my fur regrow, and my purpose not only redefined but made clear. I felt the kinship now that the rest of the pack felt; clearly only accepted in this form when given this special mark from their elder. That's when it happened, the Alpha's body tightened and he gave one last slam into me.

All my senses heightened for that one last moment and I felt the manhood inside me pulsate as I was filled with my master's seed. Suddenly, violently, and without warning that immense terrifying knot pushed against me with purpose, my body unable to do anything but accept as it probed itself up into my bowels. It felt unlike anything I had felt before, a dull aching fullness that slowed my very breath to a feint whisper.

I dropped to my stomach, arms hung in a heap as I remained attached to the stronger male by the heavy bulb of flesh that refused to leave. The rest of the pack drew closer all still mesmerized by the act they had witnessed, my initiation into their form of life. I looked up, thankful but sore as I was still impaled by the flesh of our leader. I let out a low rumble of a bark, and they all leaned in, giving welcoming licks as they improved on the Alpha's catalyst, healing my ruined body.