New Neighbours (Kai and Tai)

Story by Jack Frostpaws on SoFurry

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#3 of Kai and Tai Series

A new chapter to the Tai and Kai series where Kai and Tai get to know their new neighbours

Ok folks it has been a long time coming but I think, I mean I hope you will like this, it's another story in my Kai and Tai series, read and let me know what you think?

New Neighbours

Tai yawned and stretched, looking across the bed at his twin still snuggled against his side fast asleep. He got himself out of bed and walked to the en suite bathroom to relieve himself, as he was walking back to bed something caught his eye from their bedroom window. He looked out across the street where two large moving Lorries were parked outside as men were walking in and out of the house carrying boxes. He went back over to the bed and woke his twin Kai.

With a deep yawn and whilst still rubbing his eyes Kai joined his twin at the window as they both watched the men at work. A few moments later a family car pulled into the drive followed by another basic car painted black with very gothic decals all over it. Then when the doors opened and the occupants got out Kai and Tai's eyes nearly jumped from their sockets. Out of the family car a tall, male red Husky in a long black leather trench got out, closely followed by a black and white female from the opposite side in the same attire. The male reached into the back seats and pulled out a baby carrier and they walked inside the house, but what really got the boy's attention were the two blue male Huskies that appeared from the car, they were not as tall as the previous male but were also dressed identically yet somehow pulled it off better.

They opened up the trunk of their car and removed some holdalls and some guitar bags before heading on inside. They twins stared on, licking their lips and stroking their boxer covered cocks as they throbbed behind the soft material. As they kept looking out of the window thinking of what could be when their dad Max appeared. "Hey boys, oh I see you noticed the new neighbours too huh?" He smiled and petted his boys softly. "Yeah they look pretty cool" Kai said as he nuzzled his dad's paw. "Mmm they look sexy." Tai said running a paw through his pink headfur. Kai and Max smiled at Tai, "Come on then, get dressed and let's get over there and say hello."

Kai and Tai dashed to the en suite and jumped in the shower for a quick wash before drying off and getting dressed. Kai had gone with black shorts and a white top whereas Tai went with a black muscle shirt and white cargo shorts. Max waited for his boys downstairs at the front door in a red plaid shirt and well-worn jeans. The boy's practically bounced down the stairs and Max quickly checked them over before opening the door and all three of them headed over.

The trucks had gone and the Huskies were all indoors. Max approached the door and pushed the doorbell as Kai and Tai stood by his side. One of the younger male Huskies answered the door and the twins felt their boxers tighten again. He was dressed in a band t-shirt that hugged his body showing off his slender frame, black baggy pants that clung to his hips for dear life with a studded belt only through some of the loops hung down one side. He also had various piercings, two rings in his bottom lip and studs in his left ear. Max, Kai and Tai all felt their cock's twitch before Max extended a paw forwards. "Uh Hi, my name's Max and this is Kai and Tai, we live across the street and just wanted to welcome you to the neighbourhood."

The Husky smiled a toothy smile and stepped aside, "Come on in, mum and dad are in the kitchen unpacking some more boxes. I'm Tyler." He said as he shook Max's paw, Tyler led them inside to the kitchen where the vixen was dressed in a purple and black corset like top and a black flowing skirt with lace arm warmers. "Ooh hello." She said in an almost angelic like tone as she put a box down on the breakfast bar and dusted her paws off on the back of her skirt before extending her paw to Max. "I see Tyler's brought in the new neighbours already." She smiled as Max shook her paw. "I do hope we're not interrupting, we were just dropping by to say hello and your son was good enough to welcome us in." "My name's Mary and over there with his head under the sink is my husband Graham." "Ow." Graham shouted hitting his head off the metal sink as he pulled his head out from under it and rubbed the top of his head. He was a good half foot taller than Max but far thinner. He was dressed very similar to Tyler except the band on his t-shirt was from Max's generation. "Hey guys, sorry about the mess, just moved in a couple of minutes ago but can't seem to get the water on."

Max smiled, "Trouble with the stop cock?" He asked "Yeah can't seem to find the damned thing." Graham huffed "Do you mind if I take a look?" Max asked stepping towards the cupboard under the sink. "Be my guest." Graham replied gesturing to the sink as Max got down on his paws and knees and looked around."Ah just as I thought, same place as ours is, you've got a false tile here Graham directly under the S bend, that's where you'll find it."He charmed as he turned the tap handle and water rushed from the tap."Nice one." Graham said cheerfully."

Meanwhile Mary had told Tyler to take Kai and Tai off to see his room and to meet his brother Alex. Tyler nodded and the boys followed the Husky up the two flights of stairs to where the previous owners had turned the attic into rooms for their kids. Alex and Tyler shared a room just like Kai and Tai did, they knew they were getting close when they could hear music feeling the vibrations running under their paws. Tyler opened the bedroom door and gestured to his brother to turn the music down so he could introduce their visitors. "Hey bro, this is Kai and Tai, from next door." "Hi." The boys smiled and waved nervously around the two HOT Huskies. "Hey." Alex replied with a smile and walked over to his brother, there was no doubt that they were extremely similar in the way they dressed, looked and acted but by no means were they twins, Alex was close to 18 and Tyler was only 16.

"So what's it like living here?" Alex asked sitting on his bed? "Uhm it's nice" Kai replied looking up at Tyler who began playing around with one of his guitars. "It's uh, quiet." Tai followed whilst playing with his fingers. "Quiet huh?" Alex smiled as he looked up at Tyler, "So, not much action then?" He quizzed "No one to have fun or fool around with?" Tyler joined in as the pair circled around the two fox cubs.

Kai and Tai tried to answer but simply stammered before both Huskies burst out into laughter and petted the twins on the shoulders. "Hey chill dudes." "Damn man, you should have seen your faces."

Kai and Tai sighed in relief and giggled slightly along with Alex and Tyler as the tension in the room became non-existent. They talked about what the school was like and video games and the likes and even about maybe having sleep overs and stuff. It was when Alex was looking through a box that the mood changed when he dropped a magazine of the "Murr Times" on the floor a well-known "Gay" magazine. The twins looked over at Alex and Alex looked up at Tyler, they had all seen it and were all stuck for something to say.

"We don't have that issue yet." Kai finally said which earned him strange looks from the Husky brothers. "Wait aren't you guys a bit young for a magazine like that?" Alex asked "Well we are 15" Tai said as if he was boasting. They were about to continue the conversation when Max called them back downstairs. "Come on boys we gotta go." Kai and Tai sighed softly and said goodbye to Alex and Tyler and met with Max at the front door with Mary and Graham. "Oh Max, we're going to a concert this weekend you fancy coming along?" Graham asked "Oh uh well, I would need to see about getting someone to look after the boys." "Well, I'm sure Alex and Tyler would be more than happy to look after them." Mary replied. "Uh well yeah sure, if you're sure that is?" Max stammered. Graham smiled and patted Max on the shoulder, "Defiantly, so we'll pick you up on Friday night say around six?" "Six will be just fine." Max said as they made their way out of the house and back home.

That night Kai and Tai were cuddled up in bed together and talking about the events of the day. "Hey Kai, what did you think of Tyler?" "Meh he was ok, Alex is the real hottie though." The pair of them giggled and shared a quick kiss before settling down for the night.

The next morning the twins spent most of their day laughing at Max as he was looking through the attic to find some of his old "Rocker" attire and as he tried on some of the outfits and stood in front of his bedroom mirror. After finally settling with a pair of leather pants with a matching waistcoat and a spiked collar he made sure the boys were all set for the night. "Now Alex and Tyler will be over in five minutes, you boys make sure you behave yourselves ok?" "We will dad." The twins chimed together as Max kissed them both softly before heading out the door.

An hour and a half later there was a knock on the door and the twins opened the door to two extremely handsome looking Huskies. Tyler was wearing skinny jeans and a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up and spiked bracelets around his wrists. Alex had went for baggy jeans and a band t-shirt. The twins beamed as they let them in. "Hey guys, glad you're here." "Hey nice place Kai, so what you guys wanna do?" Tai bounced around the room, "Halo...Halo...Halo" The Huskies laughed and walked through the house with the twins to the den as Tai set up the Xbox and Kai got some snacks.

Alex sat down on one of the beanbags after putting on one of the headsets and taking a controller from Tai giving him a look that lingered on a little more than he had meant it to but he wasn't going to complain Tai was cute as hell. He was going to lean forward and try to steal a kiss but Tyler had turned around and Kai had just walked in. Tyler sat himself down on the other beanbag and the twins sat between them on the floor. The four of them sat and played a few games on live winning one or two games but for the most part simply enjoyed themselves. After a game of fire fight the twins put in a movie, and began munching on some of the snacks they'd brought. Whilst they watched the movie the twins ended up making themselves more comfortable by resting their heads in the laps of the two Huskies. Alex looked down at Tai and ran his fingers through Tai's pink headfur and lightly toyed with his ears between his thumb and forefinger making the young fox giggle softly.

Kai meantime had gotten up and went through to the room he shared with Tai to get himself into something more comfortable. Neither he nor the others had noticed though that Tyler had followed him through and stood at the doorway as the fox cub stripped himself down to his boxers before the young Husky made his presence known by knocking on the door frame. Kai jumped and looked over his shoulder and blushed hotly when he saw the Husky stood there with one arm against the doorframe and a paw over his crotch rubbing it in plain sight. He smiled a toothy grin before approaching the fox and putting his arms around his waist and nuzzling at his neck. Kai sighed softly and shuddered lightly in Tyler's arms as he nuzzled at his neck. "You're so cute Kai." Tyler said quietly against Kai's ear as he slipped a paw inside Kai's boxers and groped at his sheath making Kai yip softly before turning around in the Husky's arms and kissed his pierced lips and pulled him down atop of him onto the bed he shared with Tai.

Meanwhile in the den Alex had leaned down as Tai had lifted himself up a little and they pair were kissing softly with murrs and squeaks coming from each of them as they got close. Alex placed his paw against the back of Tai's head and pulled him down onto him as he laid back on the floor with his head on the beanbag. Tai smiled through kisses before he deepened the kisses as Alex soon rid them both of their tops. It was after Alex lifted off his own top that Tai took an interest in Alex's nipple piercings and licked at them teasingly. Alex sighed softly and ran his fingers through Tai's blue headfur and scratched the back of his neck.

Back in the bedroom Tyler had Kai's paws bound up with his belt and held above his head and out of his boxers with his young fox cock hard and leaking pre onto his soft white stomach. Tyler murred at the sight as he started stripping off making Kai giggle with anticipation. Tyler wasted no time in getting himself naked and began licking the shaft and suckling on the tip of Kais cock as he tugged on his balls. Kai squirmed and wriggled around letting out little gasps of pleasure raising his hips off the bed and gently thrusting in and out of Tyler's muzzle.

Alex was slightly more subtle and allowed Tai to move at his own pace and just helped him along. He unbuckled his belt and slipped his jeans off after Tai had removed his own as Alex rubbed his hard Husky cock through his boxers making Tai's eyes bulge with wonder before easing down the waistband to reveal the red fleshed rod of steel. He licked slowly up the shaft before taking the tip into his muzzle and lightly suckled on it. Alex groaned and put his paw on the back of Tai's head as he bobbed up and down on his shaft.

Tyler meantime was running his fingers between Kai's buttocks before slipping two into Kai's muzzle to get them slick and rubbed them against his tight entrance before gently adding pressure making Kai gasp and whimper slightly as he felt Tyler's fingers slowly push their way past his tight pucker and slowly up inside of him. Tyler kept licking and sucking on Kai to try and keep his mind off of any pain he might have felt from having his fingers inside of him as he spread them slightly to tease Kai open.

Tai murred happily as Alex rubbed his ears softly as he carried on sucking on Alex's hot cock. After taking Alex out of his muzzle, Tai licked slowly up the shaft before sitting on Alex's waist and sat himself atop of his cock and rubbed his butt against it making Alex squirm and run his claws slowly down Tai's soft fluffy chest before leaving a paw on his hip and at the back of his neck. Tai laid himself down atop of Alex and nuzzled softly at his neck whilst Alex rubbed his cock over Tai's soft tailhole.

Kai groaned and pushed back against Tyler's slick fingers before he pulled them out and put Kai's legs over his shoulders and slowly started pushing his cock into the fox's tailhole as he yipped and murred with each inch slowly slipping up inside of him filling him up. He wriggled around on Tyler's cock and locked his ankles behind Tyler pulling him in a little deeper.

Tyler soon found himself panting loudly merely from the tightness of Kai's tailhole as he came to a halt and felt his knot against Kai's butt and began pulling out drawing moans and heavy pants from the fox below him.

After a little more teasing and playing around, Tai took the initiative and took hold of Alex's hard cock and angled it to his tailhole and sat himself upon it. He bit his bottom lip as he slowly slid himself down onto it letting out little merfs as he did so. Alex tried to help by steadily stroking Tai's cock and rubbing his thumb over the tip making Tai sigh softly with pleasure as more and more of Alex's cock filled his tailhole.

Soon the pair were joined at the hips; all of Alex's cock apart from his knot was surrounded by muscles squeezing around his cock involuntary milking it as Tai adjusted to the steel rod of flesh now inside of him. After taking a moment to adjust Tai and Alex soon found a rhythm and Alex eased himself slowly in and out of him as Tai rocked his body back and forth along Alex's length now slick with pre.

Kai and Tyler were by no means taking their time; they were already caught up in the moment. Tyler was pounding Kai's tailhole and Kai gripped the bed sheets and screamed in pleasure like a bitch in heat. Each time Tyler's cock slid into him it grazed his prostate sending waves of pleasure washing over him. Kai felt his cock twitch with each wave of pleasure and felt his need to cum becoming stronger each time. He tried to help Tyler and squeezed himself around the Husky now dominating his hole but he was too lost in the throes of passion to concentrate.

Tyler looked down at Kai loving how he was making the young fox scream with each deep thrust as he occasionally stroked his cock when it twitched. Kai was just what Tyler had been hoping for, cute, sexy and just as horny as he was. Feeling his end coming close he brought Kai up onto all fours and gripped his hips tightly as he began slipping his knot up into the fox cub. Kai felt his eyes water as his hole was stretched wider as Tyler's knot began to barge its way through into him. He tried his best to relax even with Tyler stroking him between his legs to allow the knot into him but found all he could do was push down onto it. Fire flashed through his mind as his tailhole burned before sweet bliss exploded when the knot was finally up inside him. Kai shuddered and lowered his head down onto his arms panting wildly. However Tyler wasn't about to let up and continued to pound into him.

Tai could hear his twin's screams of pleasure and hoped that he could end up the same way and he wasn't going to be disappointed either. Also hearing the screams coming from the bedroom, Alex took hold of Tai's hips and began thrusting up into the young fox which started him panting as the hot cock brushed his prostate, the panting soon became little moans and squeaks before finally, after moving Tai onto his back and holding onto his thighs Alex was pounding the daylights out of the young fox and Tai had no problems letting the whole neighbourhood hear it as he screamed in lust and pleasure. Being in so much pleasure Tai hardly even noticed when Alex had pushed in that little bit deeper adding his knot to Tai's already pleasure stuffed tailhole.

Tyler looked at Kai and the pair of them chuckled through pants and moans when they heard Tai screaming like he was. "Hey bro, wanna keep it down, I can't concentrate when your lover is making so much noise." Tyler called through with a chuckle.

"Sorry bro, just can't help that he loves it so much, besides you're just jealous that I'm better at this than you." Alex called back with a smile down at Tai as he gave the fox a few heavy thrusts making him bite his own paw to try and stifle himself a little, feeling a little embarrassed.

All four of them carried on moaning and panting, thrusting and squeezing, nipping, clawing and biting until one pair after the other reached their limits.

Kai and Tyler were the first to go; Kai's clenching hole had helped to bring Tyler to one of the best orgasms he'd ever had. With one final thrust making Kai see stars he came inside the fox as Kai shot rope after rope of cum onto Tyler's paw and the bed sheets below them before his knees failed him and the pair lay in a nuzzled, sweaty, panting heap of fur reeking of sex.

Alex and Tai followed up quickly behind them, sensing his end approaching, Alex took hold of Tai's length and stroked it for all he was worth making the fox cub under him squirm and wriggle as his orgasm shot through him like a bullet covering Alex's paw and some of his chest and abs in his cum. Alex smirked and licked some of the cum from his paw before adjusting their positing a little and went for gold, pounding Tai harder. Tai wrapped his arms around Alex's neck and whispered into his ear. "Bite me when you cum." Alex was a little surprised but honoured the cub's request and settled his open jaw between Tai's neck and shoulder and as Tai squeezed his knot one last time, Alex pushed forwards hard and bit down as cum spurted from his twitching cock. Tai wanted to scream out again but found his voice stifled and could only close his eyes and enjoy the moment while it lasted.

Coming down from his orgasmic high Alex let go of Tai and licked the spot where he had bitten him and looked down to find the cub already fast asleep, completely exhausted, after carefully pulling out he got behind the fox and cuddled into him as he pulled a comforter over them and nuzzled the cub's neck.

When Tyler and Kai came to, they both carefully separated and walked into the den to find their brothers all cuddled up and fast asleep. Tyler looked down at Kai and without as much of a word scooped him up and carried him back to the bedroom closing the door behind them with his footpaw.

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