Myths And Legends Chapter 1

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#16 of Pack Mentaility

A man seeks knowledge of his past and that past tires to figure out where the HECK it is.

Myths and Legends By Admiral Q

In a clearing in the woods and by a rock outcropping and cliffs and man digs in the dirt. Drawn here my old family stories he searches for a long buried past. He has carefully searched the area looking of those clues and under a hot sun he digs further into a small pit. In a few minutes a woman of the same age of his 25 walks up with a pair of drinks in her hands. She looks at him and sighs. "Jake you've been at this for hours. Break time." he looks up to the blonde haired silvered eyed woman. "Sorry Sura, but I'm close. I can feel it." "Well take a break. It's no good to find what we are looking for if you collapse from exhaustion." He stops shoveling and takes the offered drink. She's been a steady rock for him. Without her support he wouldn't be this far yet. She has never given her reasons why she was helping him prove that werewolves had existed other than that she believe he was right. Finishing the drink with her he puts it aside and was going to use the shovel to lift himself up when the shovel tip hit something. Both humans noticed and Jake gets his small shovel and carefully digs. In ten minutes they have uncovered a wooden chest. Jake carefully lifts it out and carries it over to a nearby table. It was fairly heavy but his family was known for its amazing strength, but still this was heavier that he though it should. Once on the table he carefully lift the lid, it had no lock. No wonder it was so heavy and survived for so long, it was made out of thick wood maybe six inches. Inside the firs item he sees is a smaller wooden box. He opens that to see a collection of carved and painted wooden figures. The paint was still nice and bright and he notice one with purple hair and smiled. Moving the box out of the way he sees a bikini style set of dragonscale armor and a good quality sword. Jack looks at Sura with a gleam in his eyes. "Told you we were close." Sura couldn't help but grin in reply and both went back to digging with their prize in sight. In minutes Sura uncovers a skull. At first glance it looks like a typical lupine skull however it was far larger that what's normally seen, especially where the brain is. More bones were found, these more human. Jack was in his lab look at the remains on the table before him. The skeleton had a lupine head and digigrade legs but in the middle was a human torso and arms. Proof of the existence of werewolves, but that wasn't the end of his goal. Next to the table was a vat of biogel needed for what he was about do try. He was a bit of an odd ball. He knows and trained in the magic arts but also heavily studied technology. Using both he will resurrect the werewolf before him. First the skeleton is submerged in the gel and he begins chanting the spells. His energy weaves through the air and goes into the vat. It goes throughout the vat and Jack pauses his chant to press a series of buttons. Arms extend and from them reveal tesla coils. The charge and star zapping the vat and the lighting arcs go all around it, the skeleton's limbs twitched in the vat before the gel started condensing. It starts cocooning the skeleton as the spell does it's work. The gel takes form around the skeleton and the tesla coils break off and the fire extinguishers activate and the view is blocked by steam and foam. For a minute nothing happens then a foam covered figure rises and gaps for breath. Sura a train medic races over with a modified oxygen mask and presses it you the figures muzzle. "Take deep breaths." The canister attached to the mask had a sleeping agent as well as oxygen and soon the figure was asleep as Sura checks the vitals. "Okay pulse it good and steady and appears to be breathing normal." A couple of attendants help Sura lift the resurrected form out of the vat and dragged it to the showers. Jake looked tiredly at the figure sleeping on the hospital bed. She had a odd fur coloring. Instead of the typical wolf it was more like a coyote with the bulk of the fur a sand color with her belly in light gray. She had human like hair of a gorgeous red color and her body was very muscular yet still very feminine. She was beautiful and very alive and she holds hopefully keys to a lost history. Sura approached him and put her hand on his shoulder. "You look tired." "I am. That spell took a lot out of me but then I brought someone back from the dead." "You hope, They bodies back but we don't know if she still has her memories. You should rest, the drugs will keep her out till tomorrow." Feeling his adrenaline wane he nods and heads for bed hoping for answers tomorrow. Jezeca didn't feel the best, tired and worn out. But she had to wake up. Her last coherent memories was an attack on the pack. With some effort she opens her eyes and winced at the brightness of where she was at. Took a minute to adjust to the brightness and manages to look around. She was in a room that was somehow lit by parts of the roof. She finds herself on a strange bed and slowly sits up. Man she was wiped, what could do that? She instinctive touched her throat, she remembered pain there. A fatal type pain. Well she needs to figure out where she is and where the pack was. Her wolf agreed heartily with the idea. She looked around the room and other than two doors and the bed completely bare. She checked one door and found a bathroom with nice amenities. She tries the second door and it reveals a hallway lit by the roof again. She walks down the hallway with all her senses alert as she tries to find a way out. She checks the rest of the doors for an exit but only finds dark and empty rooms. Then she finds a door different from the others. Definitely made of metal she finds a crack down the length of the door but no handle. She did noticed something on the wall by the door. It seemed to also made of metal with some symbols in circles. She moves a hand over them and they both glowed and the door or more accurately doors opened. Worried Jezeca goes in only to find a room the size of a large closet. The Doors closes behind her before she could get back out. Once again she sees no handles but a large of numbers. Frowning she tentatively touches one and feels it move and it glows and she felt the room shift. She hears a strange noise and felt the room move. After a few minutes the room stops and the doors open. Jezeca didn't hesitate and when through to a new hallway. This one was different that she had a view of outside and WHAT A VEIW! It looked like it was night but she couldn't see the stars, instead towers of she guessed glass with some lit and some dark. "FREEZE!" Jezeca looks over and sees a fat man in an odd outfit hold a small item. He then grabs another object that was black and put it close to his mouth. "This is Simmons, I have an intruder on the 12th floor." <Got it Simmons, Griff's on the way.> "Griff? That Lazy son of a-" He doesn't get to finished as Jezeca races forward and hits him with an upper cut. He's out cold and hits the floor. She looks out to the view again and she puts her hand forward and feels glass. She would need a running start and looks around the floor till she found a flat rooftop out side the window. She backs up a few feet and starts running. The metal doors open again and an even fatter man walks out with a item of food (Doughnut) in his hand. Jezeca breaks through the window and gets cut up from the shards. She flew through the air before landed hard on the rooftop, knocked the air out of her. She slowly gets up and the cuts heal and she starts racing away leaping from roof top to roof top. A half an hour later a tired Jezeca was in the outskirts of the city. She had to find food and clothing. From what she seen this was a human city and bigger than any she's seen before. She needed to be in human form but judging the temperature it would be really cold not to mention very noticeable to go around as a naked human. She looked around and found a store front with clothing. Not seeing anyone she leaps down to the ground and grabs the handle. With her supernatural strength she breaks the lock and opens the door. She looks around at the various clothes on the racks. She hated the fact she had to steal but she promised herself to somehow repay them. The first rack had tops and skirts, she smiles sadly thinking of her departed friend Lela and their old game of the farmer woman trying to feminize Jezeca. I guess she won, but not the way she wanted to. The next rack had long pants but made out of thinker material then she's ever seen. Should do nicely in this cold weather. She then found a sweater and she changed into human form, something she hasn't done much in a century. She quickly puts on the clothes before she freezes. However her feet were still cold so she had to look for boots. She couldn't find any, just some apparently incomplete ones. She puts one sole to sole with one of her feet and after a couple of tries finds a close match. With her new outfit she leaves the shop and closes the door. No need to encourage others to steal. She walks on and a couple of blocks when she hears commotion in the alley. She looks down and sees what is clearly a gang. They close in on a woman Jezeca guessed in her late twenties clutching a 15 year old girl. The maniacal laugh from the men told her they're plans for the women and her decision. Gathering her remaining reserves she races towards the group. She leaps on top of one guy and breaks his neck with a snap. She kicks out with her left leg and breaks the next guys knee then does a round house kick to hit the guy on her right in the face knocking him out cold. The next guy meets his end When she shoves his nose up. AS the corpse falls the last man flees for his life. Jezeca stood there breathing heavily with her reserves almost depleted. She looks back to the teo females and asks. "Are you okay?" "Y-yes, thank you. Thank you very much! Is there any way I can repay you?" "Well I could use some food and a place to sleep tonight." "I can easily provide that, follow me." Jezeca followed her out of the alley and the tree walked for ten minutes before entering one of the stone buildings. They go up three floors before The older woman took out a key and unlocked the door. "Come in and make yourself at home." Jezeca looked around. It was cozy but not very fancy. A couple of couches, a chair or two. And a small table, most facing a large box. In the next room was a small kitchen and a small table for 4 people. Beyond that was a bathroom with a closet like area next to the sink and no tub. Next were 3 rooms, a large bedroom and 2 small bedrooms. One of the small bedrooms and the large one had personal effects. She walks back to the kitchen with the smell of cooking food. She sits down at the table and waited. The woman started a conversation. "Well I'm Lisa Wilderman and that is my daughter Jessica." The daughter waves at the werewolf. Jezeca waves back as Lisa continues. "So what is our savior called?" "Jezeca." 'The same as my daughter's." "Not quite, it's with a Z JeZeca." "AH. Well hello Jezeca and do you have a last name?" "Last name? No we only needed one where I came from. But if I need one I think Dustwolf would do." Lisa looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Well the empty bedroom is yours." "Thank you, I'm so tired." Her stomach growls loudly. "But I need food first." "Food coming up." Lisa puts down a plate and Jezeca scarfs it down with gusto and soon all the food was gone. "Thank you Lisa." "No, thank YOU we might be dead now if is wasn't for you." Jezeca nods and yawns. She gets up and heads for the empty room strips and lays down. Some where out there was her pack and she will return to them some how. Till then she needs allies in this strange land so Lisa and Jessica are a good start. Jake was woken suddenly as the intercom buzzed in his apartment. While he has an nice big place in the suburbs he preferred the small apartment in his tower. "What is it?" <Sir, the wolf thing has escaped.> "What?" <She attacked a couple of my guards then busted through a window into the city.> "Crap, well assemble the hunter teams and brief them. She MUST be captured alive." <Yes sir.> The comm turns off. And Jake looks out the window. "You're out there somewhere Jezeca. Stay alive. I didn't go through the trouble to revive you without getting my answers. So be careful, be cautious and STAY ALIVE."