Adventures of LEO! part 2

Story by Leo3112 on SoFurry

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#6 of Leo's folder.

i hoped you guys liked the first part. so you may like this one either.

Adventures of Leo! Part 2

_ CHAPTER 1. _

_ and soo his adventures continues... _

In last part of Leo. We saw that Leo was charged for stoled Kyne's gold. He found the "hero" that stole the Kyne's gold. "Hero" went to a teleport. And Leo went with him...

After Leo went teleport. Suddently! He found himself in a big trouble. He was surrounded with a big giant mosters. Only thing Leo said is "Opes..." But then a big "SHOUT" Smashed mosnters. Leo looked to his left. Notin. To his right? Notin. He saw noting esect dust. Leo started to walk. He saw something in dark dust. He started to walk little bet faster. He knew someone is following him.

Then Leo started to run! Run! RUUN! And then slammed into a branch. All the dust disappear then.

When he woke up he was in a palace. Everything was white. "ohhhh my god..." Leo whimpered. But... something was strange.

Leo's claws were little bet bigger. A tail was longer. And he felt stronger. He looked up in a mirror and "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A whole palace heard him... "i am TIGER?!?!?" Suddently. Leo became a tiger. Strong animal. But why? "youre finnaly awake." a voice from his left said. He looked to his left and there he was himself.

K'Jaar. A legendary hero. A cat race. But strong cat. Leo was his fan. "woaw! So you really do exsist?". "That i do. I am youre shield brother". "Shielld brother?". Leo asked.

K'Jaar just smiled and told him that they are inseparable warriors now.

Leo was never soo much happier. He was more happier that now he is tiger.

_ CHAPTER 2. _

_ 4 special ingredients... _

Leo and K'Jaar were walking in halls of warrior palace. They were located in a mountains of antygravity. The hall of warriors was crowded animal warriors. Soo they talked by their way to the top tower. The Talkir's wizard tower.

They came to the wizard Talkir and asked them how to DEFEAT a ex-hero which is really named Maverious. And soo the plan begins.

Leo asked " HEY old man! "

Talkir rotated and asked him " May i help you? "

K'Jaar asked the plan how to defeat Marverious...

Talkir just looked at them and said "Inside the tower! Lets go!"

We needed to get 4 ingredients.

A recipe:

spider egg

troll eye

5 kg of snowberies

dragon egg

first ingredient was spider egg. That is gonna be hard. Its not just like you find some ordinary spider and steal his little egg. NO. That spider we were looking for was about 1 meter long and big.

He was located in Horh forest. The darkest forest in whole magic land.

They were walking inside of the forest... "mmmm..." - "Leo? Huh are you crying?" - "Hmm? I think... afcorse not!"

They were boght scared. The scariest thing was that they needed to ASK for egg from queen. Not fight for it.

Finnaly. They came to spider kingdom. Queen was just whaiting them.

When she saw them she started to scream "SSQUUEEESSEEE!! PLEASE! DONT KILL US!" When she was begging for mercy Leo and K'Jaar were stabed in shock. They woke up with the eggs. They didnt knew what happend.

Even on way to land of eternal winter they were laughing about spider beging...


_ Land of eternal winter... _

Leo and K'Jaar found 1 ingredient. Now its up to troll. Afcorse. Not ordynary troll. A frost troll. Troll with 3 eyes and big head. And firm jaw.

the problem was that he wasn not so frendly.And he was as big as 2 bears.

"But why land of eternal winter?! WHY?!" Leo was asking K'Jaar. K'Jaar told him "Thats what Talkir said..."

After they entered Land of eternal winter first 5 minutes K'Jaar carried Leo. And then a winter warriors came! They sourunded K'Jaar and Leo. Bringed them in their camp. K'Jaar said that they 2 are warriors from Talkir. When they heard that they started to serve Leo and K'Jaar like they are their king's.

At the night. They were talking scary stories. About Hircine.

"OY! You 2 animals ever heard for a Hircine?!" A commander of winter warrior asked.

Leo and K'Jaar boght said ""

And the scary stories begins...

Hircine was a commander of king Olaf's legion. He was sent to a fort Ganskav. In a big forest. He went with a 100 men's to fort. When they came to fort Ganskav they saw something bad. Very bad.

Fort Ganskav was on fire. Something was bad. And then BAMM! A group of rebeldions just came from their back. A huge battle started. But at the end. Hircine loosed. While rebeldion were picking bodies... Hircine was hurt. Hircine escaped the batllefield.

He went to a river. Fall to his knees. He was trying to heal him...but...nobuddy knows what happend after that...

"Interesting..." Leo comment. "Yes... it is..." Next day. They were ready to kill troll. He was located

in Dustman cave. The warrior were helping us... but not bicose we were Talkir warriors. Bicose they havent eat for 3 days. The battle was about to begin...

They were all in their positions. K'Jaar was sick that day. So Leo was fighitng with army vs. Frost troll.

A 10 mages. 100 warriors. 2 commanders.1 captian. A court wizard and Leo. On captian said. "Attact!" they attacted. That big troll got out. Soon as Leo saw him he tough of K'Jaar. How proud he could be if Leo kill him. So he did. Leo attackted troll with no fear. He jumped in trollls head. Stapped a dagger in it 3 times. Troll was soo mad at mages who were shooting flame at him and Leo who was stabbing him that he took Leo in arm and screamed in his face. Leo was almost dead.

But! Then he saw someone in dust who was aiming at him. Leo bited trolls arm and troll let him. Right in that time an arrow from dust shoot troll instead Leo.

Troll fall on ground DEAD.


_ Land of fruit. _

Warriors were returning to camp. K'Jaar was whaiting Leo. K'Jaar saw a lot of dead bodies. But then he saw Leo with an eye of troll. K'Jaar was so proud of him. Just as Leo tough.

It was time to go in land of fruit. They said godbye to warriors and started their journey...

while they were walking... Leo was talking about the mysterious man in dust and his fire arrow.

But their conversation stoped a BIG BANANA standing on their way... They were happy bicose this land was one of top 10 beautiest lands in the whole Province. There was everthing. Bananas...apples...SNOWBEARIES! Thats it! Their next ingredient were 5 kg of snowbearies. They just picked some strong bags and started to filll up. Intel they were missing only 1 berry. And then fruit INDIANS chacted them. They didnt speak english so Leo and K'Jaar havent know how do they say that they are from Talkir. So they needed to escape. When they were making spoons Leo took last snowberry with him. They put Leo and K'Jaar on stone. Under the stone was a river. A big long river. It was their lunch time. But then! A big arrow shoot a stone and K'Jaar and Leo fall in river. "That wasn't suppose to happend!" a indian said. But then 100 fire arrows shoot fruit indians. All indians died. But some of them escaped. Again... nobuddy knows who shoot the arrows. Leo and K'Jaar went down the river. All the way to Aragons land...


_ The evil land of Aragon. _

The last ingredient was dragon egg. On the Marks mountain. A volcano. Their plan was next...

K'Jaar climbed on mountain to steal an dragon egg.He was suppose to jump off and fall in water. The dragon noticed. Afcorse. K'Jaar never saw anything that big as that dragon. Big as mountain. Black as night. "K'Jaar! Jump! Now!"

Dragon was coming close. Too close. "K'Jaar! JUMP!" Leo was screaming. But...

nothing falled esect dragon egg.

That was Leo's last ingredient. But unfortunately... Just Leo came back to kingdom of heroes...

Talkir was whaiting for them. "Soo?! Did you get it???". Leo sadly answered "Yes..."

-But...where is K'Jaar?"

Leo said everything about what happend. Talkir was sad either. But they must not stop the ritual.

Talkir took the ingredients. Smashed them in a kettle.

And Leo dissapeared... In a land where just dragons can flew over.


_ The kick for K'Jaar. _

Leo teleported. And there he was. An evil prince of darkness. An ex-hero. Maverious!

Leo put his golden sord out. Pointed to Maverious. And said... "This is for K'Jaar!"

The battle begin. Maverious was too angry when he heard that name... K'Jaar...

Bicose K'Jaar banished him from warrior kingdhom. With right. Maverious had a strongest power. And K'Jaar knew that he will try to used it against the kingdhom.

Maverious grabed his powrerful axe . And swung it 3 times for the warning how dangerous he is.

Leo was just thinking about revenge. But no... Maverious was just TOO powerfull.

Maverious was trewing him. Hitting him. And sling with his knifes.

Leo was about to die. "Soo...this is the end of tiger Leo?" Maverious asked happily.

"HAHAHA! I cant belive it. Leo. When i took the Kyne's gold. You could just leave. Not try to kill me. And that revenge? Hahaha!"

Leo was closing his eyes... starting to say godbye... godbye... and godbye.

BAM!!!!! Right then! A big dragon came. As big as mountain. And as black as night. And there he was. K'Jaar. Mounting that dragon like a pro. Behind K'Jaar was a mystery archer. Who shoot the troll. And all the fruit indians. It was _ HIRCINE! _ An ex-commander of Olaf's army. Alive. Totaly alive! And his army.

As soon as Maverious looked at them a dragon grabed Maverious. And droped him from high hill.

The Hircine's army took all the evil in that land. And K'Jaar tooked Leo with him...


_ But how... _

Leo opened his eyes. He was in white room. Very white. Next to him was K'Jaar reading a book "How to suprise a brother..."

Leo thinked he is dead. But soon he finded out he is not.

"K'Jaar! OH MY! Is that really you? did you survived?"

"Long story my friend."

"When i was picking that egg a dragon saw me. I was stabbed in shock soo he tough that im his egg. Soon we became friends. And then i heard all the dragons are going to see the great battle of Leo and Maverious. I maked dragon to go there and bring me. On our way we met our mystrery guy.

I was shocked. But not stabdded. Then we met his army. "

Leo was soo happy that K'Jaar didnt died.

K'Jaar just told him something before he went outside of the room.

"ohh yes...umm... i forgot to tell you that.... umm... we are brothers. Ok now BYE!"


Adventures of Leo! Part 2

_ CHAPTER 1. _

_ and soo his adventures continues... _

In last part of Leo. We saw that Leo was charged for stoled Kyne's gold. He found the "hero" that stole the Kyne's gold. "Hero" went to a teleport. And Leo went with him...

After Leo went teleport. Suddently! He found himself in a big trouble. He was surrounded with a big giant mosters. Only thing Leo said is "Opes..." But then a big "SHOUT" Smashed mosnters. Leo looked to his left. Notin. To his right? Notin. He saw noting esect dust. Leo started to walk. He saw something in dark dust. He started to walk little bet faster. He knew someone is following him.

Then Leo started to run! Run! RUUN! And then slammed into a branch. All the dust disappear then.

When he woke up he was in a palace. Everything was white. "ohhhh my god..." Leo whimpered. But... something was strange.

Leo's claws were little bet bigger. A tail was longer. And he felt stronger. He looked up in a mirror and "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A whole palace heard him... "i am TIGER?!?!?" Suddently. Leo became a tiger. Strong animal. But why? "youre finnaly awake." a voice from his left said. He looked to his left and there he was himself.

K'Jaar. A legendary hero. A cat race. But strong cat. Leo was his fan. "woaw! So you really do exsist?". "That i do. I am youre shield brother". "Shielld brother?". Leo asked.

K'Jaar just smiled and told him that they are inseparable warriors now.

Leo was never soo much happier. He was more happier that now he is tiger.

_ CHAPTER 2. _

_ 4 special ingredients... _

Leo and K'Jaar were walking in halls of warrior palace. They were located in a mountains of antygravity. The hall of warriors was crowded animal warriors. Soo they talked by their way to the top tower. The Talkir's wizard tower.

They came to the wizard Talkir and asked them how to DEFEAT a ex-hero which is really named Maverious. And soo the plan begins.

Leo asked " HEY old man! "

Talkir rotated and asked him " May i help you? "

K'Jaar asked the plan how to defeat Marverious...

Talkir just looked at them and said "Inside the tower! Lets go!"

We needed to get 4 ingredients.

A recipe:

spider egg

troll eye

5 kg of snowberies

dragon egg

first ingredient was spider egg. That is gonna be hard. Its not just like you find some ordinary spider and steal his little egg. NO. That spider we were looking for was about 1 meter long and big.

He was located in Horh forest. The darkest forest in whole magic land.

They were walking inside of the forest... "mmmm..." - "Leo? Huh are you crying?" - "Hmm? I think... afcorse not!"

They were boght scared. The scariest thing was that they needed to ASK for egg from queen. Not fight for it.

Finnaly. They came to spider kingdom. Queen was just whaiting them.

When she saw them she started to scream "SSQUUEEESSEEE!! PLEASE! DONT KILL US!" When she was begging for mercy Leo and K'Jaar were stabed in shock. They woke up with the eggs. They didnt knew what happend.

Even on way to land of eternal winter they were laughing about spider beging...


_ Land of eternal winter... _

Leo and K'Jaar found 1 ingredient. Now its up to troll. Afcorse. Not ordynary troll. A frost troll. Troll with 3 eyes and big head. And firm jaw.

the problem was that he wasn not so frendly.And he was as big as 2 bears.

"But why land of eternal winter?! WHY?!" Leo was asking K'Jaar. K'Jaar told him "Thats what Talkir said..."

After they entered Land of eternal winter first 5 minutes K'Jaar carried Leo. And then a winter warriors came! They sourunded K'Jaar and Leo. Bringed them in their camp. K'Jaar said that they 2 are warriors from Talkir. When they heard that they started to serve Leo and K'Jaar like they are their king's.

At the night. They were talking scary stories. About Hircine.

"OY! You 2 animals ever heard for a Hircine?!" A commander of winter warrior asked.

Leo and K'Jaar boght said ""

And the scary stories begins...

Hircine was a commander of king Olaf's legion. He was sent to a fort Ganskav. In a big forest. He went with a 100 men's to fort. When they came to fort Ganskav they saw something bad. Very bad.

Fort Ganskav was on fire. Something was bad. And then BAMM! A group of rebeldions just came from their back. A huge battle started. But at the end. Hircine loosed. While rebeldion were picking bodies... Hircine was hurt. Hircine escaped the batllefield.

He went to a river. Fall to his knees. He was trying to heal him...but...nobuddy knows what happend after that...

"Interesting..." Leo comment. "Yes... it is..." Next day. They were ready to kill troll. He was located

in Dustman cave. The warrior were helping us... but not bicose we were Talkir warriors. Bicose they havent eat for 3 days. The battle was about to begin...

They were all in their positions. K'Jaar was sick that day. So Leo was fighitng with army vs. Frost troll.

A 10 mages. 100 warriors. 2 commanders.1 captian. A court wizard and Leo. On captian said. "Attact!" they attacted. That big troll got out. Soon as Leo saw him he tough of K'Jaar. How proud he could be if Leo kill him. So he did. Leo attackted troll with no fear. He jumped in trollls head. Stapped a dagger in it 3 times. Troll was soo mad at mages who were shooting flame at him and Leo who was stabbing him that he took Leo in arm and screamed in his face. Leo was almost dead.

But! Then he saw someone in dust who was aiming at him. Leo bited trolls arm and troll let him. Right in that time an arrow from dust shoot troll instead Leo.

Troll fall on ground DEAD.


_ Land of fruit. _

Warriors were returning to camp. K'Jaar was whaiting Leo. K'Jaar saw a lot of dead bodies. But then he saw Leo with an eye of troll. K'Jaar was so proud of him. Just as Leo tough.

It was time to go in land of fruit. They said godbye to warriors and started their journey...

while they were walking... Leo was talking about the mysterious man in dust and his fire arrow.

But their conversation stoped a BIG BANANA standing on their way... They were happy bicose this land was one of top 10 beautiest lands in the whole Province. There was everthing. Bananas...apples...SNOWBEARIES! Thats it! Their next ingredient were 5 kg of snowbearies. They just picked some strong bags and started to filll up. Intel they were missing only 1 berry. And then fruit INDIANS chacted them. They didnt speak english so Leo and K'Jaar havent know how do they say that they are from Talkir. So they needed to escape. When they were making spoons Leo took last snowberry with him. They put Leo and K'Jaar on stone. Under the stone was a river. A big long river. It was their lunch time. But then! A big arrow shoot a stone and K'Jaar and Leo fall in river. "That wasn't suppose to happend!" a indian said. But then 100 fire arrows shoot fruit indians. All indians died. But some of them escaped. Again... nobuddy knows who shoot the arrows. Leo and K'Jaar went down the river. All the way to Aragons land...


_ The evil land of Aragon. _

The last ingredient was dragon egg. On the Marks mountain. A volcano. Their plan was next...

K'Jaar climbed on mountain to steal an dragon egg.He was suppose to jump off and fall in water. The dragon noticed. Afcorse. K'Jaar never saw anything that big as that dragon. Big as mountain. Black as night. "K'Jaar! Jump! Now!"

Dragon was coming close. Too close. "K'Jaar! JUMP!" Leo was screaming. But...

nothing falled esect dragon egg.

That was Leo's last ingredient. But unfortunately... Just Leo came back to kingdom of heroes...

Talkir was whaiting for them. "Soo?! Did you get it???". Leo sadly answered "Yes..."

-But...where is K'Jaar?"

Leo said everything about what happend. Talkir was sad either. But they must not stop the ritual.

Talkir took the ingredients. Smashed them in a kettle.

And Leo dissapeared... In a land where just dragons can flew over.


_ The kick for K'Jaar. _

Leo teleported. And there he was. An evil prince of darkness. An ex-hero. Maverious!

Leo put his golden sord out. Pointed to Maverious. And said... "This is for K'Jaar!"

The battle begin. Maverious was too angry when he heard that name... K'Jaar...

Bicose K'Jaar banished him from warrior kingdhom. With right. Maverious had a strongest power. And K'Jaar knew that he will try to used it against the kingdhom.

Maverious grabed his powrerful axe . And swung it 3 times for the warning how dangerous he is.

Leo was just thinking about revenge. But no... Maverious was just TOO powerfull.

Maverious was trewing him. Hitting him. And sling with his knifes.

Leo was about to die. "Soo...this is the end of tiger Leo?" Maverious asked happily.

"HAHAHA! I cant belive it. Leo. When i took the Kyne's gold. You could just leave. Not try to kill me. And that revenge? Hahaha!"

Leo was closing his eyes... starting to say godbye... godbye... and godbye.

BAM!!!!! Right then! A big dragon came. As big as mountain. And as black as night. And there he was. K'Jaar. Mounting that dragon like a pro. Behind K'Jaar was a mystery archer. Who shoot the troll. And all the fruit indians. It was _ HIRCINE! _ An ex-commander of Olaf's army. Alive. Totaly alive! And his army.

As soon as Maverious looked at them a dragon grabed Maverious. And droped him from high hill.

The Hircine's army took all the evil in that land. And K'Jaar tooked Leo with him...


_ But how... _

Leo opened his eyes. He was in white room. Very white. Next to him was K'Jaar reading a book "How to suprise a brother..."

Leo thinked he is dead. But soon he finded out he is not.

"K'Jaar! OH MY! Is that really you? did you survived?"

"Long story my friend."

"When i was picking that egg a dragon saw me. I was stabbed in shock soo he tough that im his egg. Soon we became friends. And then i heard all the dragons are going to see the great battle of Leo and Maverious. I maked dragon to go there and bring me. On our way we met our mystrery guy.

I was shocked. But not stabdded. Then we met his army. "

Leo was soo happy that K'Jaar didnt died.

K'Jaar just told him something before he went outside of the room.

"ohh yes...umm... i forgot to tell you that.... umm... we are brothers. Ok now BYE!"


K'Jaar adventures 1

K'JAAR ADVENTURES! IMPORTANT DATA... It all starts in a world called Tamriel.It is about the one race called KHAJIIT.They live in Elsweyr(JUNGLE). The race is really strange bicose the race is not as normal as human. The khajiit race is a CAT-FOLK...


Adventures of LEO! part 1

Adventures of LEO! CHARPET 1 Once upon a time. There was a kingdom. Not a human kingdom. An animal kingdom. Inside the kingdom was an MOST WANTED animal. Called Leo. He was a fox. And this is where his story begins... Leo was beeing chased...
