Living Large Ch: 2

Story by Hato San on SoFurry

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Living Large Chapter 2:

What I remember from my childhood, not much I want to. Most of it was a daze of stupidity I guess. I was never the most popular kid out there and after things happened I started to change and grow distant and away from everyone.

My computer screen flickered at me; a message came in from Marcus.

"Hey babe!" It read about how much fun last night was, I knew that in reality I wasn't the best at any of it. Hell the only reason why I remember coming to college was just so I could hang out with Marcus more. Never did understand people, although Marcus was practically a brother to me. I still remember the day he met me (God this is getting all mushy) He actually walked up and said hi in elementary I was always quiet and never liked people in general. From that moment I suddenly could read his face, and the way he even seemed flustered when he said something stupid. Although he's alright he's... just not what I'm looking for.

Those thoughts of that Corgi came to mind, I could feel it throb like I bet he would when I got the chance to get in his pants. With that image in mind, and clothes finally on I decided I should get to my first shitty class of the day. The walk seemed short and my first class: PE, gotta love it yet; as I walked through the doors I quickly dropped my sarcastic thoughts. Matthew shared this class with me. Although my quick thoughts came to mind, I suddenly flustered and choked up cursing my fucking luck. God I am a phoney, it came to mind pretty quick. Out of all my years of hanging out with the wrong crowd I still fluster like the bitch of a kid I used to be.

"Hey Justin!" Matthew was talking to me, wearing a pair of track pants today and a tanktop. I forced myself to snap to thought. What the hell is wrong with me today? I realized that out of all of it I left my smokes at home, not that I've ever really liked smoking but it does calm me down.

'Dominant thoughts, Dominant thoughts' it repeated till I finally passed the words hey.

"Think you could spot me on the bench press?" I felt my cheeks starting to burn and I thanked to god for my slightly thicker fur for hiding it although my tail didn't help much with the way it wagged so briskly. For how I acted yesterday I was just not having a good day and that generally makes me more pissed off. I hardly now if this guy is gay and knowing some people those scenes don't end too well.

"Hell yeah Matt." With those words he took that tank top off, and out of my surprise my tail shot still and my face flustered more. He's totally jack ripped! His abs were extremely well defined, along with his arms and pecs and his legs, damn the only thing I could think of was what was between them. Almost open mouthed I started to realize that this may get odd if I keep staring. He laid down on the bench after adjusting the weight to an average of two hundred.

"How much do you weigh?" I heard the concern in my voice, a small underlying tone which made me suddenly feel even more uneasy.

"About one sixty, one seventy. Around those numbers."

"Oh." Even I knew that two hundred was an average weight for bench-press with most people at this college. That's probably why I like Morrit, nice people and it has one of the largest LGBT communities; not that I'd ever join anything like that. Marcus told me it's because of my shy attitude; I showed him how flustered he could get in the change rooms here. For me, I never was on the weights, or working out all too much in general. (Unless if running from cop lights are considered a workout.) That was partially the reason why my parents and I moved here, probably because I was starting to get a little too involved in their eyes; my hometown was never the best place to live.

"Hey Justin, you spotting me or zoning out?" Matt's voice came from below me, and I almost blushed at the thought of where his muzzle was. Here I was with my shitty day yesterday and now it feels like I'm back in high school again.

"Oh right, sorry." I responded a little too quickly, ever since I got away from all those groups I started to show those true colors of being nothing more than a poser, after all I was never a bad kid... At least from what my mother told me. My thoughts changed abruptly when I noticed the way how Matt's pecs would tighten in on the rise. He was beginning to sweat and when I noticed that decent minutes had passed of him giving extremely good technique and control, he locked the bar back into place with the sound of footsteps coming into the room.

"Hey Matt." I knew the voice in a heartbeat. The deep tone and sharp snap out. I also knew the way how my fur started to stand on end, Adam he was one of those popular pricks from my old high school.

"Hey Little J." I always hated that, he was one of the first people to learn I was gay from then on he always treated me horribly. Lately (Since we ran into each other in astronomy at the beginning of this semester. My first semester.) He's been acting very... different, but that damn nickname always stuck.

"I heard you were contending for quarterback Matt."

"Yes, I was QB back at my older college." I suddenly felt totally ignored, that was common.

"Good luck, you're competing with me for that position. In all honesty I think you look more like a wide receiver, or maybe a tight end." Matt shot a smile.

"I'll let you play on those thoughts, but I'd rather be starting with the ball; somebody needs to put thought behind plays." Adam gave a laugh, and shook Matt's hand.

"You play in high school?" I really only stood through the conversation, I didn't understand a word of it all. I remembered that Adam would usually be on the top field playing with his friends, unless he saw me. Then I became the imaginary ball carrier.

"Played more football with my father, he used to play professionally."

"Really?" Adam suddenly gave me a look, and I felt my ears flatten. He was both tall, strong, and thick in most thoughts, it discouraged me just being here. Adam was some form of carnivore, a black furred fox I've always believed; with his size I wouldn't be surprised if he was a wolf.

"Yeah." Matt gave a friendly smile to him. "He did; one thing he's hell-bent on is watching me play at least in a college team."

"I bet." Giving a moment of thought I decided to start for the door. "Where are you going Little J? PE hasn't even started yet." I was starting to think why I even decided to take this class, damn school requirements. Red-faced I turned suppressing my stupidity best I could.

"Just grabbing some water before class starts." I tried to run out of there but his voice stopped me again.

"Why are you here so early? It's like twenty minutes to kill once you get in here. Anyways you've never liked gym, or at least it never occurred to me."

Great now I need to explain every bloody thing again, this is just like high school.

"Well you know about the 'early bird' thing" Christ I can't believe I'm honestly starting off like this... I fucking hate how this day is starting out. After a few minutes of back and forth conversation I finally got a moment of freedom and I knew that by the way my legs were starting to shake it was never a good sign. I felt something vibrate, and I pulled my cell out. An older flip up Motorola, I've always wanted one of the smartphones or IPods but I hated texting. The text was from Marcus.

"Hey hon ^^" I always hated being called hon too. "I'm having a bit of a crazy morn lol and I need a little help."

Alright, I began texting back to him which took me forever.

"Thanks <3. You have PE for your first class today right?"

I replied back how I was already having a bad time.

"Oh well I'll have to fix that later ;)" For as long as I knew Marcus I knew all the same that he'd never start emailing or texting like this. I supposed that something was up. "Don't let Adam screw you over; always I've even hung out with him before. He's not a real bad guy at heart, hell he's not a bad guy at all." I replied back again and by that time a few people had already walked by me who was in my class. They stared as they walked by but I couldn't tell what they were thinking of it. Shortly after a few more messages, my class had started and I decided to suck it up and give it a shot. All that came in the back of my head was Marcus's final words. "Just stay there; I'll meet you by the showers." Shortly after a few guys decided to hit the showers, Adam was one of them. Believing it was best to wait outside yet my luck ran out when someone, particularly a cat, snuck up from behind and grappled me. My tail shot up again and my cheeks went red. That's not supposed to happen, that never happens with me... Not lately at least. Marcus noticed my blush, in the oddest of ways he always seems to notice.

"It looks like the sheppy got my message." I hated being called Sheppy too. What ticked me off even more was that I suddenly choked up, yet that may have been because I swore I saw Matthew just walk into the showers. That image wouldn't leave. "Are you okay Justin?"

"Yes I'm fine Marcus." I replied back to him although he gave me a seductive look, I've never seen his eyes sharpen the way they did.

"No you're not"

"Whatya mean?" Marcus shot a smile too.

"Well for one." His paws had fallen down to my waist. "You seem a little tense." He paused for a moment letting his fairly large paws sit there. "And for another, it was a poor choice wearing sweatpants today." I paused, face clean red only to feel my member actually throbbing, and was too embarrassed to say anything more. "Don't worry about it, it's not like anyone could see that anyways." That hit me harder than Marcus would've thought but all he could do was chuckle. "I kid."

"You're acting a little... different?" I couldn't tell if it was a poor choice of words or my tone that made him cross his arms.

"All I'm doing is having some fun, is that a problem?"

"What? No no it-"

"Well it seems to be."

"Wait what no that's not-"

"I don't need this screw it!"

'God I don't need this drama' those words came to mind and before I knew it he was hugging me again with a giggle. "Kidding! Why are you acting so weird? I haven't seen you so nervous and tense since high school."

"Well that was only like -"

"Two years ago. Justin this is college have some fun, and anyways... guess who finally got a dorm room." I liked the sound of that, although I knew Marcus liked his apartment (Hell loved it) He hated the neighborhood it was in. His problem, it was the only thing in his budget at the time. I guess he caught a lucky break here.

"That's great Marcus."

"I know so far I'm the only one in my room but the R.A is sorting everything out now. God took them long enough though."

"It's only been like a month or two since we started college."

"And so far everything's been good Justin. Yet you still seem troubled."

"I just need a shower that'll probably help." Starting for the showers I felt Marcus's paw grab mine.

"Why don't I join you?" It was his tone; a small whine came from Marcus. "I don't think this problem won't leave without a little help." Damn he acts so innocent and he just knows how to make his eyes look bigger, it's cute.

"I - I don't know, I mean there's like the entire class in there."

"They can watch."

"..." Marcus wouldn't stop laughing from there, and even he knew some people had already cleared out.

"I'm sure we'll be fine." Marcus took my paw again and dragged me into the change room.

"But -"

"No buts now, less I get to see yours."

What am I getting myself into? Every now and then I know that I suddenly have one of those days, those are the same days Marcus keeps trying to cheer me up... with sex. Not that I'm complaining.

With his clothes off Marcus had turned a shower on, looking around it seemed like it was entirely empty yet there was no stalls, just shower fixtures and the change room right outside of the room.

"God I love that, it's just gets to the perfect temperature." I was already hard but watching Marcus get all wet and fiddle his fur nervously with his finger, it just made it all so much better. "Well come on you big Sheppy, you should come in and get wet with this kitty." He's simply asking for it, there is something off about him today he just seems a little more -

"Come on! You're spacing out." He grabbed my paw again, drew me into the water and pressed me up against the wall behind him. My face went deep red as Marcus let his paws freely lower and feel around my hips. "Looks like your all dirty, however will I clean you?" He was facing me, my back against the white tile wall of the room, his short muzzle pressed against my belly. He gave a small lick and gave that nervous-cute look; with my tip already exposed he took notice quickly. "A real dirty Sheppy aren't you?" Before I could react his paw had already taken hold of me, rubbing softly with his breath just lightly pressing up against it. Tremoring it had already exposed itself more as he licked his lips and suckled on the tip. I've always felt his mouth before but here it was so warm and wet as he started sucking it so greedily. I had gasped out to the feeling of it, the sound of my tail wagging brushed up against the tile as the water drenched down on us both. His tongue burrowed against the tip of me, I could already feel the heat rise through my body as he pulled away for a moment.

"You're already wet." With his tight grip I had felt my knot already start to harden within my sheath, my pre rubbing up against his paws. He turned up against the wall, his tail up and his ass wiggling a little. "Come here big dog; let me feel that tongue of yours." I couldn't resist an offer like that; first I let my paws gently feel up the contours of his hips. I could see his chest as I got down on my knees and held him against the wall, all I could do was notice that he was starting to get some definition. Letting myself press my tongue against his backside, his heavy breathing got me motivated. Teasing at first, naturally like any; letting it drill in softly and lap away at his tail-hole. Judging him so well, seemed like he was enjoying himself. Noting his paw starting to feel himself up, I'd say he was ready for a little more fun. With his arms pinned to the wall, my member rubbed up against him, so slick and he was so willing to take it. He felt up his tip, letting some of his seed come onto his fingers before licking himself clean. Strutting it off, asking for it simply the way he put it off and moved his backside. I only teased him, just letting a bit of my dick in.

"What do you want?" He shot a small grin, rubbing his ass against me.

"Isn't it obvious?" I urged a little more in, grinding it inside of him.

"Tell me." He seemed to already pant, noticing his blush, his tongue wanting to roll out. For a cat, he sure as hell knew how to act like any dog. One of my paws fell from his arm, gripping his barbed cock with a nice tight hold. My paw freely rubbed against him, and I couldn't resist sliding the rest in him. Every time he was so tight, every time he'd whimper a little and that was what made me start to slowly thrust in. Christ, in the shower room; we've fooled around in the change rooms before not hard to; yet the showers? I've spent my time reading stories and watching videos but never really thought about it... It's a hell of a lot more fun for real. I let the base of my knot tease his hole a little, the heat I gave off fueled Marcus's blush and frankly I was only getting hotter with all of this. He's always such a good fuck. He put his paws against the wall and pushed his body off, I could notice his form. Slim, slender and soft; like a cute little femboi's. He grinded against my hips, and the way he moved, it looked like a professional couldn't do better. My thrust sped up, along with my paw that was rubbing him off; my only concern was the sound of his moaning. Any louder a teacher would get suspicious but I didn't care, so long as I could get my throbbing knot in. I was fully exposed, and he was already beginning to lightly cry out for more; begging softly at first. I pulled out on him.

"W- Why'd you stop?" I let my paws feel up his sides, perfectly figured could mistake him for a chick easily. I picked him up, pressing him up on the wall and let my tip back to his tight-end. My stick was throbbing against him, and I heard him whimper for more, his arms were around my neck and he lightly clawed at my back as I thrust up in him. It was stunning, the shower had already soaked us but the water wasn`t enough to drown out the sound, or the scents. He tried to push his lips against mine, and he met me tongue to tongue as my knot rubbed up at him. With his eyes closed, mine open; I felt him whine more his seed shot up against his chest as I kept thrusting in while he kept cumming out. Teasing my knot once more, I was so close to going off. He kept clawing at me, it sent light shivers down my back and him tonguing at me made it so much more fulfilling. I shoved the knot in, tying off as I felt myself empty inside him, my seed filling both him and the floor. Breaking the kiss, single strands of saliva still connected us together.

"Looks like we're stuck." Something stupid I probably said.

"I like it that way Sheppy." He grinded a little, coaxing more of my cum into him. He moaned out "Someone had fun."

I replied "A lot of fun."

"I like to hear that." He did seem different, less nervous than he ever before. By the time we finally broke free, my only other class of the day was over and it seemed like the campus was dead all around. I noticed him put his clothes on before I left the room without him. First black lingerie panties, the cutest thing I'd think I would ever see on a guy followed by a pair of skinny fitting jeans and a tight fitting activity shirt. He also put a jacket on, white and black. Just an active-wear jacket or something for sportswear I couldn't make out the brand. Before I had left for home, Marcus grabbed my paw once again. "Can we go out tonight?" I stopped dead.

I asked "Like a date?" Probably sounding stupider than I usually did.

"Yes" He replied. "How bout a movie tonight?"

"Uhh." I sounded so unsure of myself, I've hanged out with him before; wouldn't those be like dates? "Sure Marcus. I'll meet up with you at seven, is that good?"

"Yes that's perfect Sheppy!" He probably just gave me the cutest look I've seen from him. The way how his paws went together and the smile he gave, it almost seemed like that was the reason why his was acting so confident. He said "My room number is one thirty-seven." Gave me a hug and walked off down the hall. Out of it all I suddenly chocked up and eventually found myself out front of a coffee shop not too far away from the school. I grabbed a London Fog tea and was sitting out front of the shop just lost in thought. I've never actually dated anyone before, me and Marcus we kind of just started on sex is that so wrong? I guess it was just a matter of time before this happened. Matthew still wouldn't leave my thoughts, I had to choose between the two of them but I realized how stupid my thoughts were shortly after. 'Justin, this is college have some fun.' Marcus's words of wisdom came back to haunt me, after my tea I felt oddly calmer and a hell of a lot happier too. Maybe it's not just about sex, for whatever reason I was beginning to understand more than I wanted to. I guess the only way how I'll find out about anything is if I go tonight, after all how bad could things go? If only I knew the answers to life and love I could answer that question thoughtfully.