Self Growth (request for Zeeme)

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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#5 of Requests

Wow, I completely forgot to post stuff here to SoFurry for so long... so why not fix that right now? Anyway, request for my buddy Zeeme (both here and on FA), and hopefully you enjoy it!

Self Growth

By Cimmaron Spirit

Request for: Zeeme

WARNING: Possible rape, gay sex, muscle and cock growth and cock vore. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Scott was not your usual, run of the mill otter. Sure, he had the same slick brown and white fur that allowed him to gracefully slide through water, and a tail that trailed a few feet behind him, and the webbed toes. No, he was different in that somehow he was able to actually build up some muscle mass: though nowhere near body builder proportions, he was thicker, heavier and stronger than most mustelidae's you'd see. He might still be shorter than most, but he had proven that he could hold his own in a fight. Tribal tattoos of different styles crisscrossed over both upper arms, and a few piercings, namely a couple in his lips, a few in his small oval ears and a couple put through his nipples further gave the impression of a "bad boy," of a person that was trying to live beyond what his species were thought to be capable of.

He strolled through the gym; wearing only a sweat drenched white t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off and pair of bright red spandex shorts that clearly showed that, besides his muscles, he was larger in other places too. Half the guys in the gym had been topped by the overpowering otter and the other half were either straight (though a few of those boys had been taught otherwise, thanks to Scott's "persuasion,") or not interesting to him: if he was larger or dominates, Scott wasn't going to waste his time with them. After all, why bother when so many weaklings and subservient bitches were out there?

So when the meathead, working with barbells to work on his arms, saw a young, almost completely chocolate brown horse walk into the gym one day, his curiosity was piqued. First of all, he was new, and had clearly never been to this, or any gym before. He could tell that because, as the horse was filled in to the place and signing paperwork, he was gawking at all the muscular, well-built guys just beyond the glass of the entrance, Scott included. And, when the horse shuffled on his hooves, the otter grinned, noticing the bulge in his pants. He was clearly gay, and liked what he saw. Scott couldn't believe his good fortune: as a Tuesday, it was a rather quiet day at the gym, his usual cum dumpsters not here to receive their pounding. Well, one more guy to add to his "stable," he chuckled to himself over his wit. Of course, the janitor, another horse, would have to clean up the mess, but whatever.

The equine at last shuffled into the change rooms, and emerged a few minutes later in the main gym itself, clad in loose fitting black boxers (though, still tented in front) and a decent t-shirt with some random heavy metal band plastered on front. He was, basically, an average guy; he had to be a foot taller than the otter, but was still a head or two below one of the other stallions that worked out here, and with almost no muscle definition. He was clearly nervous, and seemed to be doing his best to hide himself here.

He was a clear candidate for Scott.

The otter finished his reps, and set the weights down with a clang, though it was lost in the normal noise of a gym. Scott winded his way through the place, sidestepping several guys and machines, until he reached the horse looking nervously at a bench press.

"Hey kid, need help there?" Scott boomed out, making the horse jump.

"Mierda!" the equine virtually shouted in Spanish. "Oh God... uh...maybe..." he at last answered, looking at the muscular otter, and forcing a smile. "Yeah, I think I could..."

"Scott, Scott's the name," the otter said, extending a paw to the horse.

"Rico," the horse answered, taking the powerful paw in his hand. Scott shook hard, but was surprised to see the horse reciprocate the gesture. Still, he wasn't that strong...

Scott grinned. "Alright, lay on down, and I'll spot you. Let's start with, say... 20 pounds?"

The horse nodded, but Scott had already reached for the heavy iron plates, putting on a show as he lifted each plate onto the chrome bar, and watching in the corner of his eye while he flexed and showed off how the horse reacted. The bulge in the shorts was clearly showing off how interested the horse was.

He slipped back behind the bench press, his waist almost directly over the horse's muzzle. "Good, now, when you lift, extend your arms fully, and let down again," Scott directed, grinning even wider as the horse shuffled on the bench to not have to face the package the otter possessed.

The horse did as he was told, and did it well. Besides that, Rico was no longer concerned about the constrained manhood in his face, and was deeply breathing in the musk and sweat of the more muscular creature. A quick glance at the bulge in the equine's shorts confirmed Scott's suspicions. He wanted it. Wanted it bad...

Finally, after twenty-five reps, the horse set the bar down, and Scott dragged him off to the next exercise machine and test, and after that one was done, another and another. Finally, after a good solid hour, Rico was panting heavily, sweat making the shirt stick to his body and matted the delicious, rich mane.

"Alright, that should be good enough for today," Scott grinned, before his paw sneaked its way to the large bulge that still stood out, and he squeezed. "And I have a bit of a... after workout present for you, okay?"

The horse's skin turned red under his fur, and he tried to shuffle away. "I... can't... shouldn't...,"

Scott massaged the horse through the cloth. "Steam rooms, 10 minutes. I want you in there by the time I get there."

It was only a whisper, and by a creature that normally shouldn't be able to make such demands. But Scott knew what to do, and he did it well. "Good pony. See you in ten."

The otter grinned as the horse almost ran to the lockers, and by extension, the steam room. That particular room was almost his own, where he banged every ass that he could when it came into this gym. And, well, another achievement was his for the taking tonight.

He took his time, unloading the machines he got Rico to use that day, before he at last sauntered off to the showers, stripping his shirt off as he sent. As he pulled it over his head, he took a deep whiff of the uncleaned shirt. Yeah, the smell of man, power and hard work... his smell.

Scott pulled his spandex shorts down, allowing his nine inch cock freedom at last, which it used to grow hard, to prepare for the moment to come. The otter grinned as he reached for one of the towels, and then paused himself. Why bother? It wasn't like it was going to stay around his waist long, he grinned. So, in the buff, he entered the sauna, and latched the door behind him.

He turned around to see the young colt in the corner, a towel still wrapped around him. The heat and humidity had made his matted fur lie down. He fingered a medallion Scott was sure he hadn't seen before, while he nervously bit his lip. "I...I don't think you should..."

Scott only smiled. "You afraid of what the big otter will do to the little horsie?" he mocked, moving over to the horse. "Because I think that in a bit you will enjoy what I have to offer."

Rico looked away, his fur turning red again. Scott thought it was kind of cute, if a stupid delaying tactic. He pulled the horse's towel away, and paused in mid step.

The young boy was... well... hung like a horse only began to cover it. He had to be a good 14 inches in length, and wider than a beer can, and he wasn't even fully hard, a thick medial ring about half way along the length, and a flattened head. Scott looked back to the stallion, whose face was almost completely red now, despite the fur.

"You serious? A little scrawny kid like you, with a cock that big?"

Rico was about ready to merge into the wall, being so embarrassed, while seemingly try to mention something, but he had no strength to say it. He gave a little whiney, and pulled his legs up.

Scott shook his head, the outlandishness of the situation pushed to the side. "I'm pretty sure I could make you the biggest, badest motherfucker this side of town, with a tool that big and some working out. But, you owe me something..."

"D...Don't..." the stallion whimpered, but Scott laughed, rolling the stallion over to show off his ass, and the large black tail star clinching tight.

"Kid, if you just calm the fuck down, this won't hurt," Scott said, positioning his hardon at the entrance to his anal passage, "much..."

"Please... no, don't..." Rico whimpered again, flipping his tail over his ass, making Scott growl in annoyance.

"Look, the sooner we get this done, the better for both of us... especially me," the otter said, pulling the tail out of the way.

Rico whinnied. "God no! Senor! Please stop! You'll regret it!"

The otter paused. "What? What the fuck do you mean, I'll regret it?" He started doubting himself... was the kid a younger brother to a gang member? A police officer?

"No... it's..."

Scott breathed a sigh of relief, realizing the kid was trying to get out of this. "Hold still, fucker, and this will be over quick."

He barely got his cock lined up to the tail hole again there was a bright light, and Scott crashed to the floor, his head colliding against one of the seats in the steam room. The otter could barely see straight, his vision looking off in different directions at the same time, with multiple horses standing over him. He felt like he was going to pass out, but soon the feeling began to pass, and his mine began to work again. He looked up, and wished he hadn't.

Scott could feel his toes, and a hot, even more humid tightness grip around them, and Scott could only see from his ankles up, his two feet having been...

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed, realizing that the colt's cock was stretched wildly around his feet. And, now the cock was growing out, both longer and thicker, while his legs were slowly eaten by the carnivorous cock.

Scott was entranced by watching the young horse's member slowly eating those legs, until it hit him that it was his legs going in!

"Fuck! Kid! Colt! Rico, fuck! Stop!" the otter panicked, trying to pull his feet out, only to have them stick tightly inside the shaft, and actually began to pull harder, taking in the otter's knees.

Rico's mind was virtually blank: only the insane pleasure and slight discomfort that might as well have been pleasure of his cock being stretched open wider... so this is what that guy meant...

Scott whimpered as his thick calves were sucked into the swelling manhole of a horse cock, his tail thrashing about in terror. Of all the ways he expected to go: a fight in a bar, a knife in the ribs, growing old with diabetes, this was what he had not expected. He reached behind him, hoping to grab a hold of something, anything, to start to pull himself out, but nothing was in reach.

Feeling the tip of the flared horse head touch his own balls and his legs being pushed together as tightly as possible to make room only doubled Scott's frantic efforts to stop his descent to the unknown. He turned around, and tried to sink his claws into the floor, only realizing then that it was stone tiles, with no chance for a good grip. The small otter claws scratched along the floor, but it was futile.

And, fuck... his cock was hard! It was standing at attention, and, shit! Scott was so pissed at himself for liking this, while so turned on that soon he couldn't think of anything else but trying to get off.

"Ohhh... Fuck..." The horse moaned bucking his hips up as the cock surged further up the otter's body. This was wilder than anything he ever had before, more pleasurable than even playing with himself or that time when he experimented with a guy from school...

With a loud, yet slurp, the hungry pole worked up the otter's hips, taking in the base of the long tail, which slapped up against the back of Scott's head, almost knocking him out from the sheer force. In that dazed state, Rico's member redoubled its efforts, and took in the entire lower body. And at that moment the otter's toes suddenly opened into a large open space, which made no sense to half-awake otter.

Rico sat down heavily with a groan, and his hoofs began to rub up and down the large monster his dick had become. The horse couldn't think of anything else, but to take in the otter. After so long of being bullied, of being picked on and tormented, after almost being raped tonight, the rush of power he felt from eating his abuser was intoxicating, and made the horse nicker.

More and more of the otter was slid down the tube of flesh, bulging out from the size of the otter inside. With his feet now in his ballsac, and with more of those powerful legs following after, his sac began to stretch out, preparing to take in all the otter he could.

His cock was starting to have problems, and Scott, his arms still free, began to feel that maybe, just maybe, he might be able to get out of it. But Rico was not going to allow his prize to get away, and with a grunt, groan and moan all in one, he heaved the massive snake upwards, allowing gravity to at last step in.

"Rico..." Scott weakly called out, tired from his exertions. "Kid, please..."

But he only got a grunt for an answer, as the otter slipped further down into the meaty tube, his arms being forced up as his shoulders were reached. Then, his muzzle plunged into the most intoxicating cave he had ever been in; the smell of sex was ratcheted up so much that Scott had no way to describe it. He could feel his legs pushing into an opening, being curled up once his toes reached the inside of the warm, leathery sac, and the thick substance that filled the bottom of said sac.

Rico groaned again, thrusting his hips up as the last little bit of otter tail slipped into the massive cock. The mind blowing pressure continued to course through the stallion, as the otter vainly, weekly struggled to try to escape despite now being fully incased in cock, and being worked into the ball sac. After so many long moments, Scott's midsection at last entered, and followed quickly by his upper body and at last the head and the remainder of the tail. The otter whimpered, for the first time in his adult life scared as curled up into the fetal position, as the egg-shaped chamber had no room to be in any other position. He tried to weakly push out, but he could feel his strength leave him every second, as the level of the hot, sticky, salty cream slowly rose higher and higher...

Rico moaned, feeling the shape inside him start to dissolve. When he was giving that medallion by the janitor earlier, he had no idea what it would do. He said that it would protect the younger horse if he ever got attacked. The horse chuckled softly, patting his stretched ballsac that had become a vessel of spunk, waiting to be used. So, this is what he meant by self-defense, huh?

But that wasn't all. His muscles, sore from the workout he had went through, ached again, more insistently this time. A gasp escaped Rico's lips as he could feel his entire body expand, with new muscles growing, enlarging his old ones, and creating ones he never knew he had. Rico's body began to involuntary flex, but each time another muscle grew larger; starting with his shoulders, biceps and triceps, then his stomach and back, his ass, and at last his calves and legs. Within moments, the six foot tall horse was now six inches taller, and his muscle definition looked much like the otter his dick just ate: toned, but not quite body builder material.

His cock, still hard but now down to a more manageable 16 inches, was grabbed by the beefier hands of the stallion, and squeezed. It was insanely sensitive, a massive dribble of precum leaking out of his urethra, while his balls tensed in demanding release.

Having the equivalent of an otter in his balls insured that Rico wasn't going anywhere until it was done. The stallion took the massive dollop of pre into his hands and smeared them all over his cock, using it as a natural lube, and began working over his sore and still sensitive cock.

His genitals were burning hot, like lava, to the touch, as he slowly jacked himself off. He leaned back against the bench, feeling his larger, heavier member throb in time with his mighty heart, pumping blood through his body, making his cock even harder as Rico picked up the pace.

The horse's arms flashed against the pole of man flesh, brushing over the flaring tip and the thick medial ring, eliciting snorts and grunts from Rico.

"Oh, fuuuuuck," the horse groaned, withering in painfully tense pleasure as his balls struggled, trying to unleash their bounty, but his cock didn't seem ready. Pre was now pouring freely from his cock, and he used whatever dripped down the his length and began to pool around his body to lubricate his cock, the urge rising higher, and higher, that medallion again glowing again...

"NEEEIIIGGGHHHH!!!!!" The stallion bellowed out, his back arching and every muscle in his body tensing as the dam between his balls and cock at last giving way. The first shot of seed was already many times larger than any he had before, and the next was treble that, and again. A massive puddle of cum was formed, growing larger with each shot of virile horse seed that came out.

Rico could barely think, his cock surging out more and more spunk, and the air was so thick with his musk that he could barely breath, which only turned him on more...

After the longest time, the flood of seed became a dribble, until at last nothing more would come out, and the stallion slumped against the back of the wall, panting heavily at the mond blowing orgasm he just had.

At first, Rico wasn't sure if it was the rush of blood to his head as his gargantuan member began to go flaccid, or if he was seeing things, but the lake of cum that filled the sauna started to bubble and solidify. The horse leaned closer, to see a mass start to emerge from the puddle. Rico scrambled back with a whiney, surprised at the sight of head forming out of his spunk.

"What the fuck?" he nickered, rising to his feet. The mass of cum began to grow quicker: a head, neck, torso, arms and legs all appeared on right after the other.

But the cum continued to solidify, and eventually traces of brown fur began to grow through. Two small ears at the top, and a long, powerful tail emerged, and a short muzzle pushed out.

The creatures eyes opened, the same brown eyes of Scott staring back. But something was different this time... the spark of dominance was gone, replaced by... a submissive need? Rico was very confused, but as the otter, now shorter, thinner and a lot less muscular finished, he smiled shyly, before stepping up to the horse.

"I'm sorry..." he barely whispered. "But... can you, um... please..." Scott's face turned red, before at last he just knelt down and started licking and kissing over the horse's flaccid pride.

Rico was stunned. Not only had his dick ate his potential rapist, but now Scott was reformed (and apparently some of the muscle the otter had being transferred to Rico), and was now pleasuring his cock like a horny slut? The horse's mind was awash in confusion and conflicting ideas and desires, but soon one fought its way to the front. The horse looked down at the blushing, subby otter, and grinned. Scott stopped, and looked up.

"Keep going, niño," Rico ordered, putting his hand on the back of the otter's head. "You want some milk, huh?"

Scott didn't say anything, but starts licking and caressing the equine cock with his tongue, slipping the tip inside the urethra that just moments ago vored him, making Rico shiver in pleasure. The otter's hot breath on the cock made Rico groan softly, as the stallion rubbed his hands through the fur on the back of the otter's head, pushing him slowly against his cock, which made him redouble his efforts to pleasure the larger equine. Sure, Scott may not be able to take the thing... yet... but that didn't stop him from trying.

The first dribble of pre touched Scott's lips... and the otter was practically brainwashed. The taste was divine, and nothing could stop him from wanting more. It was a drug and an aphrodisiac, and he could get his fix right from the source.

The otter's webbed paws began to play and squeeze the horse's ballsac, making Rico nicker as he leaned back. For being a first time cock-sucker, Scott was doing pretty well. Of course, it might have helped that the extra length and sensitivity he gained made the horse easier to pleasure, but that was beside the point.

The two continued, one sucking, the other being sucked, as the horse's strong musk again filled the room, pre driving Scott even faster and faster, practically begging for the horse's bounty.

And Rico could barely hold back. The tongue, the mouth, the ball fondling was too much for his sensitive member. The horse grabbed the otter's head with both hands, and pushed him on his cock as far as he could before the gag reflex kicked in, and released a deep, powerful whiney. A thrust of his hips, an arched back and a lift of his balls, and the first shot of rich horse seed rocketed out, filling Scott's mouth and forcing him to swallow in time for the next, even larger shot. The otter's eyes went wide; he didn't expect this much! Dribbles slipped past his lips, but after the third shot even more escaped. The otter could only take so much at one time, and Rico's limitless potential quickly washed by that.

The next few shots were about the same, allowing a new puddle of cum to land on the floor of the humid room, dripping of the horse's cock and balls and from Scott's mouth like a waterfall. But the horse's reserves were almost finished, and the last few shots were more than enough to sate the otter, and made his own, average size cock shoot off by itself, with no need for help, the smaller bounty added to the spot on the floor provided by the horse

At last, Rico was spent. He collapsed with a grunt, the effect of two mind blowing orgasms in a row too much for the horse. He began to doze off as Scott pulled himself off the cock lodged in his mouth. After a moment to catch his breath, the otter, with a wag of his tail and a grin, began to clean the mess that had been made. Looking around, he realized he had his work cut out for him.

Not that the otter minded...

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The janitor whistled to himself as he walked through the now deserted gym. Although it was a 24 hours place, he usually had the late evening and early morning to focus on cleaning the place. Of course, time didn't seem to affect him much, as he seemed to be around all day, only rarely disappearing for a moment and returning even fresher than before.

The brown furred horse clip-clopped over the tile floor of the locker room, the one place he could never get the smell of man and sweat out of it, no matter how hard he tried. Of course, he didn't mind it that much, and the patrons of the gym seemed to enjoy it as well.

He ran his hoof tipped fingers through his black mane, and looked down the hallway to the sauna's the gym had recently installed. One of the rooms still had a light on, meaning someone forgot to turn it off when the left. He trotted over, but paused as he looked into the small glass window into the room, to see another horse, and a familiar, yet different, otter cuddling each other. The janitor grinned, before putting a tag on the front of the door saying the room was closed.

"Good on ya, young colt," the janitor whispered, noticing the amulet that hung from the horse. Apparently he had gained quite a bit of mass, while Scott had lost an almost proportionate amount from his body, all in a few hours. A special thing that had been found in an Amazonian temple of some time and place that the janitor couldn't remember, and perfect for those that couldn't defend themselves without some help.

The janitor grinned, pulling out a fancy gold pocket watch. Oh, he had some time to have some fun before the early birds showed up... All the time in the world.

Starting the Pack

By CimmaronSpirit **\*\*WARNING: Contains transformation, muscle and cock growth, auto-fallatio, and a host of other gayness... but no sex otherwise! OMG, I'm not writing sex into this story! PANIC!!! And enjoy :P \*\*** ** ** **\<\> \<\>...

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