Days of the W.A.L.K.E.R.S

Story by Sparta the mutt on SoFurry

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Just something, I got board so I decided to write this :/

I woke to the sun burning into my eyes. I shade my face with my hand and sit up to rub my eyes down. My mind was fuzzy from sleep and the only thing on my mind was waking up until a shrill shreak split through the streets and the site of a women running and banging on doors that were up the street were all you could see through the cracked window. Your mind slowly wrapped around the questions that buzzed in your head like bees and then you remembered what the world had become. A place where if you stepped out your door you could be bitten by your best friend and then possible torn apart and eaten alive until there was nothing left except the stains of blood on the street cornor.

You make your eyes into slits to get a closer look of the women. Her clothes were clean as if she had just left work in the normal world, and stepped outside to all this for the first time. She did not have blood on her or anything to seem like she was bitten that was visible so you quickly jump out of the bed that was covored in blood, a walker tied to your door with no mouth or arms, a strong chain around its neck like it was a pet dog.

You grasp a hand firmly on the chain and give it a tug as you walk to the front door, look through the peep hole and then slowly open it, a metal bat in your hand and a simple pistol in your pocket. No one or, thing was outside your door but they were all distracted by the girl that when saw her begun to scream happily and run towards her, nimbly dodging the dead as she came. You skip down the steps and walk over as if nothing to worry about and grab her hand when close enough, hand her the chain, tell her to shut the hell up and then start to swing away at the heads of the dead as they come along before walking back to the house and close the door behind you.

"Would you shut your mouth! You will attract a whole pack of them if you keep screaming like a rat being attacked by a cat!" You snap at the women who was still yammering on loudly in thanks goes quiet and fear fills her eyes that she might be killed by you yourself.

After a few moments of scilence you pop the question you ask all living people you find. "You bit?"

When the women gives you a confused look you snap at her again like you would if you were asking a 20 year old man what 2 plus 2 was. "Were you bit!"

The women flinches but nod no and looks down at her lap. You hesitate a few more moment before reaching into your pocket and pulling out a small pouch of peanuts. "Eat thoughs, any survivors are usually hungry but the time they get to where I am, if they get here un-bitten that is."

The way the words rolled out of your mouth made her give you a look as if she was locked in a room with a murder, which she was, but survival of the fit. You had let a bitten person stay with you before but that person became your new pet so you could get to and from the store without being eaten or chased. To be honest, you would have killed her is she was bitten, feeding and caring for the bit was asking for death and just a waste of food. What was the point of feeding food to a future zombie only to kill them and then have to go out and risk your life for something that might not even be there when you head back. Food was always vanishing which ment more survivors were around and were being quickly picked off by the amount of walkers in the market every time you went.

You watch her scarf down the food you gave her until she was done only to watch her stand up, turn to you and start to speak. "My name is Clover, and yours?"

You just look at her until you can see a spark of uneasyness return to her before you speak your own name. " You can call me Cloud." Why not? It was your nick name when you were younger for your love of fluffy white things.

"Well thank you Cloud, you saved my life."

You just nod and walk to the back of your shelter and tug the walker though what use to be a living room and towards the front door. Clover pressing against a walk and begun to ventalate. "W-why do you have that!" She shreaks then covers her mouth.

You put your eye to the door and see tons of the walkers line up right outisde shelter wondering where the food went. "Consider this your protection, I will get you one of your own when things quiet down, it's to much of a risk right now." You say pulling away from the door. When you catch the look in Clovers eyes you can't help but laugh. "What scared of a walker?" You shove the one you have forward causing her to scream into her hand and slid down the wall. "I-'m NOT carrying one of those around with me!" She says, still speaking into her hand.

"Unless you want to be eaten next tim eyou step out that door I would carry one." You say waving your hand around, looking at her as if she was stupid.

Clover looked between you and the walker until she nodded, "OK OK, I will, try."