The Waking Hunger - Part 1

Story by Coheir Trips on SoFurry

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#1 of The Waking Hunger

The carriage pulled lazily into town. As it slowly rocked to a halt, its driver swung down and tried not to fall as his feet sunk in the thick mud. His paw grasp the handle of the cabin door, and with some effort, the young stoat managed to yank it open. Inside, its single passenger eyed the bleary morning sky and gathered her scattered belongings before resting a heel on the carriage's mud-caked step.

"I hope you appreciate this, lady."

She made no reply, simply handing over a small jingling sack without a second glance and walking off towards the large wooden structure before her. The town was painfully small. A handful of shops lay scattered along what was probably called main street, but would be more fittingly called a muddy trench. Her simple coat didn't do much to block the nip in the air; her fur, among other things, stood on end. She stifled a small shiver as she trudged and slopped towards the large sign of the inn. A few young onlookers gathered at the windows, pressing their muzzles close to the glass, the smaller standing on their toes or sitting on the bigger kids' shoulders. They stood in a silence that could only be awe, paying the vixen no mind as her claws met the wood of the steps. Muffled conversation and the odor of sweetbreads wafted from the open doors, and the fox breathed a small sigh at the prospect of warmth and rest; though that quickly faded as she saw the objects of the shabby youths' attentions.

"Wonderful," she hissed under her breath.

Inside -- gathered around tables, leaning against walls, crowding the bar, cleaning their flintlock rifles, chatting up the much-too-young girl behind the desk -- stood an entire company of royal guard, their dull gray uniforms and embroidered patches unmistakable. The vixen received a few glances she didn't much care for as she entered and approached the front desk. She noticed quite a few wounded. Bandages wound their way around quite a few heads and abdomens. Good. She hoped they'd lost. A sharp clear of her throat silenced the two chatting privates, who glared at her.

"I'd like a room."

The young skunk behind the desk stared vacantly at her. "I-I'm sorry, but we have no vacancies," came her stuttered reply.

"Hey." The grinning private to her left was addressing her. "You want a room? Come share mine."

He threw an arm around her, and she tensed at the contact, trying her best to stop herself from raking her claws across his face. Silently she placed her paw on his, lifted it from her shoulder, and let it drop. With that, she turned and walked off.

"Bitch." followed her.

The two privates laughed in dismissal of the vixen and returned to seeing who could bed the young skunk first. Their captain didn't find it so funny. He stood upon the second-floor balcony, and called down to them.

"Jones! Richter!"

The privates' heads snapped upward and a silence descended upon the lobby.

"Y-yes sir!"


"If you can't remember how to behave, I will be happy to teach you." The wolf stood majestic, still clad in his chain mail, and beamed an unappreciative glare at the two.

"Sir!" they bleated in unison.

Captain Donovan turned and strode down the hall. He should've been harder on them, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it; not after such a victory. His men had fought and died defending the crown last night, and they more than deserved a little leniency. Surely, he thought, they would do nothing to tarnish the squad's honor. Not today. Not after what they had accomplished. Donovan entered his room and quickly disrobed, laying his mail over the lone table. He sat on the bed and folded his garments quickly, setting them in the lone chair's empty seat. A precise flick of his wrist pulled the covers back. Tomorrow they continued their march back to the capitol. Soon they would be home. Soon the captain was asleep.


Night came quickly to the hamlet of Tam. The inn's lobby was empty of soldiers, all either having retired for the evening or taken their shifts on patrol; it was also empty of staff, the counter-girl currently clutching at a hunched back in the kitchen's storeroom while a figure stood nearby in the dark and quickly stroked his growing member to the sound of soft grunts timed to quick thrusts.

Captain Donovan sat on his bed, woken from an uneasy sleep. The sound of wind drew his gaze to the open window above his bed. He was almost positive that had been shut. Oh well. Donovan stood and stretched, his coal-black fur outlining the curves and dips of his finely-toned body under the pale moon. He placed a clawed foot upon the mattress, followed by the other. He reached for the frames when his feet were pulled out from underneath him. Something so very cold yanked at his ankles and down he went, bouncing on his stomach. He kicked, and felt nothing but open air. The room was empty. Donovan could see nothing at his feet, but the cold and force gripping them were so biting. It quickly spread, snaking its way up his legs, his thigh, splintering into his sac, running through his sheath, crawling up his chest. His scream was cut short, the unforgiving chill locking down his throat. It washed against his mind in an arctic tide, and the captain was no more.


Private Thompson's eyes shot open at the sound of his door creaking. He instinctively slid a paw underneath his pillow and wrapped his digits around the handle of his flintlock pistol, letting his back keep his movements hidden. The ram breathed easy while listening to the soft fall of padded feet upon the floor. When whoever it was had come within a few arms lengths of his bed, Thompson quickly spun and aimed high.


The wolf stared at him. Thompson quickly lowered his gun. The ram sat his hooves on the floor, clutching his sheet around his waist as he prepared to stand.

"Captain, has something happ--" Thompson froze, rump hovering a few inches from his mattress. The captain was nude.

Thompson's gaze lingered upon his captain's sheath before he forced himself to look away. His face felt warm.

"Captain, what in the hell's going on?" The ram had managed to squeak out the question while casting glances at Donovan's crotch.

The wolf stared at him. Thompson sat and placed his hands in his lap, hoping to hide the slowly rising tent between his legs. The ram had fantasies about the muscular wolf often, and they usually began just like this. He always made sure to take a room right next to captain Donovan's, always follow the captains orders to the letter, always try and separate himself from the rest of the squad in his captain's eyes -- all on the off chance that one lonely night, his hunky wolfy might come and make the ram his. Every muscle in Thompson's body tensed when the wolf laid a paw along the side of his face.

"I can't stand it any longer. I have to know if you feel the same way..."

"I..." The ram's breath caught in his throat. "I do..."

Donovan kneeled in front of the quivering ram, taking the gun from his hand and letting it drop to the floor. With a savage motion, the wolf yanked the sheet from the ram's form, exposing his rigid shaft. A drop of pre-cum flowered from the tower's slit. Donovan slowly ran his tongue along the pole and its head, collecting the bead of honey and leaving the ram's member glistening.

"Oh God..."

Donovan buried his muzzle into the ram's crotch, sliding his muscular arms around to allow his paws to grab and knead his lover's ass. Thompson's head shot towards the ceiling, a low moan escaping him. His hands found Donovan's headfur, and he weakly grasped at it while the wolf hungrily sucked him. Donovan bobbed up and down on Thompson's cock at a quick pace, pausing only long enough to release his vacuum, bring a paw around, and furiously pump the ram's length. The canine peppered the ram's velvet sac with kisses and nibbles, working his member over with a silk fury. Soon the private could take it no longer.

"Oh God, captain!" The ram gasped as orgasm rocked his body.

Donovan opened his maw wide as the ram emptied his nuts, catching every thick spurt of milky white upon his lolling tongue.

"Mmmmm." The wolf swallowed in tiny gulps, savoring the salty taste.

Rising to his feet, Donovan pressed himself close to the ram, his own stiffening erection meeting the ram's shrinking cock. He held Thompson close, bringing him down upon the bed to rest underneath his hard body.

"Spread 'em, soldier."

"Yes, Sir," the ram giggled.

Donovan's tip found the ram's tailhole, and slowly the wolf eased himself inside. The ram clutched at his captain's broad shoulders, teeth grit and eyes shut tight, trying his best to relax and allow his wolfy to slide deep inside. The pressure was almost unbearable, the sizable wolf cock stretching him farther than comfort allowed. Donovan grasped the ram's head. When Thompson opened his eyes, he was overwhelmed by the wolf's piercing gaze. Donovan slowly withdrew from the ram's opening, leaving his tip to tease and part his lover's sphincter. A few jets of pre-cum shot from the wolf's member, which dripped from the ram's clenching star and clung to the sheets. Donovan began thrusting in earnest, forcibly parting the ram and coaxing a sharp grunt from his throat. Thompson stared slack jawed into Donovan's eyes, his body going limp and submitting to the wolf's meaty piston. Soon Donovan's pace was steady, the ram's loose tailhole eliciting wet slurps and pops as the larger male's fat cock sawed itself in and out of him. The ram's flaccid member stiffened, quickly growing in length and rubbing itself along the two fur's stomachs as the thrusts quickened. The wolf's sac lightly slapped against his own thigh with each meeting of hips, and the wolf's swelling knot pressed itself a bit farther into the limp ram with each lunge.

"Cum for me." It came a whisper from the wolf's muzzle. "Cum for me, my little sheep."

Private Thompson's eyes started to tear. Somewhere deep inside his mind, he was unsure of what was happening. This wasn't what he had wanted at all. With each push of the captain, he felt himself -- shrinking. He felt less and less there. He tried to move, to say stop, but nothing happened. Already he was disconnected. He felt his body tense, felt the coming orgasm. The thing above him grinned.

Private Thompson's door creaked shut. He lay, eyes open, staring at the ceiling. He did not move. He did not breathe. The captain hummed to himself, a spring in his step as he walked back to his room.


Privates Jones and Richter stood with the young counter-girl skunk in the lobby when Donovan descended the stairs in his clinking mail, the sword at his waist bouncing with the fall of his steps.


The privates busied themselves smoothing their headfur and tucking their shirts into their pants. He strode up to them, a grin spread across his muzzle.

"It's all right, boys."

He unsheathed his blade and swung in one singular motion, catching Jones underneath his lower jaw and leaving his head dangling by a scrap of flesh. The gauntlet of his free paw quickly found the girl's face before she could scream. Richter took a sharp breath, instinctively staggering back at the movement, and tripped over the chair standing behind him. The skunk sobbed, the blood pouring from her mouth running across the earthen floor and mixing with the spreading pool from private Jones' neck. The captain stared down at her.

"Oh, if only I had the time," he grunted.

With a flick of his wrist the blade arched the distance between the wolf and private Richter's throat. It slid effortlessly through, the force of the hilt slamming under his chin knocking him over. The private lay on his side, motionless. The thing jumped and landed squarely upon the sobbing skunk's head. She was quiet after the sickening crunch that followed. Donovan spun on his heels with extended arms, dancing with the open air. He retrieved his sword from the body of private Richter and strode out into the night air, still humming to himself.

Upon the sight of the rear town gate and the two privates guarding it, the thing washed its face with a horrified look and ran as fast as it could towards the backs of the soldiers.

"Quickly!" it shouted.

The privates spun around.


"Oh God." The other had noticed the blood covering the wolf's blade.

"Get your asses back to the inn! We're being attacked!" the thing ordered, claw pointing back the way it came.

The privates rushed past it, and that was all the opening it needed. As the first past, the thing brought its blade up and through his side. He tried to scream, but the blood pouring into his lungs transformed it into a gurgle. The thing quickly released its grip on the sword, tossing the body aside as the one remaining private stood completely stunned. Donovan quickly closed the distance between them and grasped the private's headfur in a claw. After a quick yank back, the wolf closed his jaws around the private's throat and promptly ripped it out. The wolf turned his attention to the rear gate and the glowing circle of symbols and lines resting in its center. He quickly removed his armor. His member sprung from his sheath, throbbing and ready. After a few short minutes of jerking, his open paw caught a pool of wolf spunk. Walking as close as he could manage to the protective seal, the wolf slung his jizz into its center, which elicited sharp crackles and sizzles. Jolts of energy snaked their way from the seal to the air around, seemingly following a curve that followed the sky and converged upon the gate at the other end of town.

Shiny black shapes burst from the forest's edge and charged the rear gate. The captain grinned, arms spread wide in welcome as the bipedal lizards rushed past him in a flurry of snarls and shrieks. They leaped through closed windows. They busted down closed doors. Screams soon filled the air.

The vixen's eyes shot open. Groggily, she ran to the second-story window of the general store, the owner of which had been kind enough to rent the room to her, and looked down on the scene of unearthly horror. Townsfolk charged from their homes and into the streets, wailing in panic. Quickly they were subdued, brought down under the weight of the lumbering velociraptor-like creatures; and there their torment truly began. Each and every one of the lizards ripped the clothes from every male and female, and proceeded to rape them with a quick intensity. They showed no mercy, plunging their twisting members into a warm body and thrusting vigorously, paying no mind to the screams. Once a villager had been seeded, they sprung from their backs and moved on. The helpless villager would crawl, dragging themselves in the mud while their violated orifice leaked thick black ooze, until they could go no longer. What happened next drove the vixen from the window. It was their shadows. The villagers may have stopped moving, but their shadows did not. They bulged and raised from the ground. The outline of snout and tail showed in them clearly, as if they were some sort of thin membrane. Then, with a sharp egg-like crack, the shadows burst -- and a shiny black lizard stood in its remains.

Fortunately, she hadn't bothered undressing for bed. She grabbed her bag and quickly rushed down the stairs. Deft paws unlatched the back door and flung it open. The sound of breaking glass filled the store moments after she had shut it again. She heard the faint sounds of shelves tumbling as the things tore the store apart looking for inhabitants. She ran. She blazed through the grass and weeds, heart racing. She didn't even bother to look back. If the things had noticed her and decided to follow, she was done for. For now she wanted to run with hope. After a few minutes, the sounds of the carnage were almost faint, and she slowed her aching legs. Immediately she was thrown into the ground, a heavy weight pressing her face down into the grass. It lifted from her, and the vixen quickly scrambled to get away. Strong arms caught her by the hair and flung her back down. Her vision blurred, her head swam. Claws ripped away her pants. She tried crawling backwards from the thing, but it claimed her panties as well.Unprotected, she craned her head above her, and found herself staring into the grinning face of a wolf. A very nude black wolf.

"What the fuck are--"

The wolf brought a knee up and into her snout. The vixen saw stars, and collapsed on her back. She clutched at her aching nose as the wolf grasped her thighs and spread her legs.

"Shhh," it cooed, "I'm going to make you feel so good."

The wolf's member began to part her mound, working its way past her lips. The vixen grunted sharply at the intrusion, her claws digging into the dirt and grass. The wolf plunged himself forward, slipping inside her with one solid thrust. He slowly withdrew,eyes closed in ecstasy, and slammed down in her quivering tunnel to the hilt.The vixen cried out in horror and pleasure. He slid out and plunged back in to the fox's slick little cunny again and again. The vixen whimpered at the big male's pounding, her juices flowing freely and coating the grass beneath them, and she had to fight to keep herself from wrapping her legs around his rippling back. One of his paws grasped the back of her head and forced their muzzles together in a rough kiss. She knew this was her chance. With a quick flick of her wrist, the blade she had hidden up her sleeve sprung out into her palm. As he withdrew to lunge back into her wanting snatch, she jammed the blade straight into his temple. The wolf fell slack, his weight pinning her to the ground. She crawled out from underneath him, removing his swelling knot with a wet pop and a salacious moan. She backed away from the corpse, panting, and after casting a few glances at the silhouette of buildings in the distance, turned and continued her escape. Donovan slowly rose to his feet, and plucked the blade from the side of his face. He watched her run, brining a wad of gauze to the wound to stifle the bleeding.