Brothel: Chapter 1

Story by Namyrolis on SoFurry

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About the story

This story takes place in a time where technology nonexistent. The year 1332 B.C. when King Tutankhamun was the pharaoh of Egypt would be the best way to think of it. The events that happen in the story are going to take place in such a time, but with a few advancements such as building materials (Drywall, concrete) as well of ocean fairing vessels (Sailboats).

The actions in this story are going to be detailed. As a forewarning this story is going to include topic of sex, kidnapping, war, violence (and in yiff), tragic background events of characters, whoring, slavery, segregation, as well as other subjects yet to be fully determined. HOWEVER the basis of the story will NOT be based only on the above stated topics. It will be for the most part based on main character of this story, and while included in above topics, has a more detailed story of his own, as well as subjects that arise as the story progresses.

This story will have multiple characters (Therefore if you want your fursona in the story message me. Be forewarned however that your fursona characters name will have to be appropriate for the time table, meaning mostly Hindi, African, Egyptian, and the like. Your character will also have to match a certain personality aspect that is needed for the story.)

If you at anytime confused about something within the story, have any suggestion or comments, please leave them.

Chapter 1

The night was chilly for such an early fall evening, and the stars were fogged over with thin layers of high hanging clouds. All of the light and heat where be provided and bright lanterns hanging up around various shops where I was standing, and regardless of the hours I have been standing it was only getting colder. I had expected by now to pick up a customer but in all honesty the last few days have been terrible. Not one single client in five days, standing for hours on the same corner while my other companions were picked up.

"Mnh, the nights are getting colder with each day this year. Isn't too early for the weather to be this chilly?"

"Yea the nights are getting colder early. Soon the mistress will start making us all wear wraps as not to get ill. Here Aino you can have mine, I'm not going to get any clients tonight anyway. Plus, most of them don't like making themselves public."

"Your going inside? Mistress is already wanting your head, remember what she said about you starting to cost more than you make?"

"Yea, but by the stars it's been a horrible week. Nothing but Britari fleets coming in port and they have some sort of religion guidelines and such. Plus I'm the only boy, no way is she going to give me up."

"Well at least you got something good going for you. I'll see you tomorrow than hun."

"Heh, good night Aino, don't stay out to late"

Aino chuckled a little lighting up a smoke knowing as much as I do that she was going to get as many clients as one could hope to get. She was a beautiful white Jackal with no imperfection in any way, shape, or form. Her name translated to "the only one" so it was quite fitting. Her and I are the only ones left from the start of this brothel that we work in, the only indentured servants that have not paid off, in this case, our family's dept. We were sold to the brothel by our family when we were both young adults, me being 19 and her being 22, instead of facing execution. Since the night we were kidnapped we had never seen our family again, and we both concluded that they were too ashamed to come visit. They chose to sell the kids instead of facing death themselves, and now we are basically working to allow them to live.

However it was not a total betrayal, as we could have been sold to work in the fields, or as builders which make very little in pay and never have a chance to earn their freedom. At least here, we got paid enough where we could earn our freedom by the age of 30 or so depending on how much the dept was. There was always work for prostitutes, so in a way we were lucky.

Walking into the house I received a nod from Fauna at the bar as she served a custom some of our finest ale. I waited till he paid and walk away before going up to her. For a Lion she had patience that was absolutely unheard of, and she was by far the wisest fur I know of. Most of the time she could be found at the bar or being a waitress due to an injury she suffered a few months back. She could still work the clients if she wanted but the mistress was happy with her doing the bar since she could make all sorts of drinks. That and she still earned enough to keep herself as a servant here with all the tips that she got from flirting.

"Aww what's wrong Alki? Wait don't tell me, no fish in the sea?"

"You know these damn Britari have some sort of religious beliefs where they can only be attracted to the opposite sex. They believe that some terrible punishment will happen otherwise, and we all know that there are no women on their ship. Hell not like it matters I wouldn't do one of their women anyway."

"Alki you would never do a woman in your life, and hell I doubt you could even manage to get hard."

"Oh you flatter me Fauna, you're such a wonderful, caring, and dear friend."

"You know you can't get free drinks Alki, you may work here but you still have to pay. Plus just think of the work detail the mistress would put us both on if she found out."

"You're right, I guess it would hurt your hip to sweep wouldn't it"

"Hmm and I believe that you like your balls right where they are... unless you really want to more of a woman. I do have claws and fangs, and the procedure seems simple enough..."

"All right you made your point. Have a good time hun, I'm going to walk the table right quick."

I couldn't help but smile as I walked away. We always had fun conversation like that when we weren't in "serious work" mode. I walked around the house asking patrons if they needed help but all of them refused to let me help them or plainly just ignored me. A few even asked said go find someone with tits. Sighing to myself I rounded the corner of the hallway to me room when a felt a strong hand on my shoulder. I knew exactly who it was, and out of instinct folded my ears against my head and turned around.

"Where is the work Alki, it has been days since you put any money into the coffers."

"I'm sorry Madam, I'm trying but there is just no work for me. The men won't even as so much let me serve their tables. I have been..."

She cut me off short by placing her paw up in front of my muzzle. While strict and full of authority, she was also understanding and caring. I could tell that she was mad at me but not for doing nothing, just that I couldn't attract any clients. She understood that it was not my fault but at the same time she knew she was losing money because of me.

"I know Alki, I've been watching and I know there is nothing you can really do for these men. Plus with them in here the locals have been kind of avoiding the place because of the tension. But you still need to work, so if you find anything to do sweep the damn floors and clean the windows. You still need to earn you keep. You may be the only boy here but that doesn't grant you any special privileges."

"Yes Madam I understand"

She left it at that knowing there was nothing more she could say. For a corpulent and mean looking lioness she had a somewhat of a heart, and although she wouldn't admit it, a soft spot for her "servants". No one really knew her past or how long she has been running the house, however she did make hints every now and then about what she used to do before the war began with the discovery of a new land in the south.

"Alki! Hold on are you done for the night?" I heard Fauna call behind me.

"I was, just had a talk with mom so... you know." I replied turning around

"Ugh, don't call her mom Alki! A mother would never whore out her daughters and sons. Anyway this guy just came in and asked me any boys. I told him about you and he looked interested enough and said he might be back tomorrow."

"Oh, and what did he look like?"

"Heh, I'll leave that to your imagination, but I will say he defiantly didn't have the scent of a deck worker that's for sure. Plus he fur was much more... polished."

"Oh lord you sold me to an elderly didn't you?"

"You know I'm not that mean, but then again whatever pays your dues at this point right?"

"Yea... no."

She smiled at that and turned to go back to work. I smiled to myself thinking who this client could be if he wasn't a deck worker. I shook my head knowing that it didn't matter. If he was a client and was willing to pay my rates than it didn't matter. Fauna was right about one thing and that is I needed the coin regardless. I entered my room and laid down on my mat and pulled the sheet over me, falling asleep the same way I did every night. The one good thing about the "job" was that we closed after the high moon.


I awoke to the draft of cold air rushing into my room though the broken wall in the back. It was damaged during an earth tremor but never repaired due to the cost, and me reassuring the mistress I actually liked it. Not only did it add nice ventilation all of the time and fresh air, it also let to the backyard that no one but myself ever spend any time in. It was getting colder though every night so soon I would have to hang a sheet across it in order to keep in some warm air. As I looked out I see just the top half of the sun which meant I had about an hour before we opened, but it's not like I had to get ready or anything. All I had to do was comb my fur out, pick out an outfit that I wanted to wear, and eat.

The first two chores were easy being a fennec fox, my fur was not long and easily manageable and it was golden brown that went well with most anything. As far as eating went, I skipped breakfast most of the time and just enjoyed the freedom thinking or laying out on the grass letting the sun warm my fur. The food was provided and cooked by a professional three times a day, and we could have anything we wanted so long as it did not exceed a certain amount of coin.

Getting up and shook out my fur giving it a good fluffing before I took a brush through it. I didn't see the need to bathe since I did not have a single customer yesterday, and I didn't smell bad as far as I could tell. Plus with the winter time coming I knew my fur was going to start getting dry and bathing removed a lot of the natural oils that kept it so slick and shiny.

I padded to my small wooden dresser and picked out the clothing I had in mind. It was a purple transparent silk v-neck shit that had a pink flower design and was hand woven. It cost be a good bit of coin that I had made but I thought it was totally worth it. The pants were the same color purple but were plain as far as design went and covered my entire legs until the ankles. I was going to put on some additional jewelry but thought better of it. I didn't need to cause anymore of a problem being a "boy whore" for these sailors than I was already.

The bell in the main bar area rang letting me know that we were opening. We were not required to do any lineups like most brothels, instead the mistress left it up to us to pick who we wanted since we were also a bar and served food and not just a sex house. She did however imply that we need to get as many as possible in a day so that she would not have to cut rations, which she made very clear that she would if we didn't make enough profit in a moon cycle.

I however was again expecting no one to buy my serviced so I headed straight for the supply closet to get the broom and some wash cloths. The mistress made it very clear that I needed to perform some sort of work, else she could very well sell my contract if I was deemed worthless and a resource drain. But she would have to be hard pressed to do that, even though she would not admit it she had some relationship with us.

As I headed out to the main area, I could see we were already getting clients. I could tell by the way they walked through to door that not all of them wanted companion ship, and that was fine. They would be the ones that spent their coin on drinks and food. Either way we were making money and that helped make ends meet at the new moon.

As I was looking I smelt something come through that did not smell so... salty. Looking for the source of the smell I isolated a guy in a small group of three that was dressed in a very ornamented uniform. It was more the purple coat with orange strips than the white v-neck shirt and black pants he was wearing. The coat had medals all across the right side and colorful cloth bars, both of which had no meaning to me but by the look of his face and posture must have meant that he was very important.

"He smells like that same guy that asked about you last night" Fauna whispered next to me.

"Yea but he is here with his buddies. Plus in that uniform I know he would not partake in buying sexual service, defiantly from a boy." I whispered back to her while indirectly looking at him.

"True... Well I guess you should start sweeping than. I'll go take of them for you."

"Thanks" I replied as she walked away towards them. I merely just looked at the broom in my hand and sighed. Even though I am not being "raped" for money, I was still upset that there was not one person who was going to pay for my services.