
Story by Dark Hammer on SoFurry

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This work is a work of fiction, at he request of someone else. None of the characters are mine, and all are (c) Disney. This is a Fan-Fic. The ideas of plot are mine, the subject his, the creativity mine.

The sun was obscured in the English skies. Clouds let a hazy light filter though over the land of Nottingham. The castle in particularly was gray since Prince John had taken claim to his brother's throne, causing his own haze to mingle with the clouds, and suffocating then life out of the poor community.

Prince john, the mangy lion, was sitting on his throne pondering the best way to tax the villagers, and how to do so without the people's hero, Robin Hood, finding a way to spoil things. He had tried to use brute force, but time and time again, that heroic villain slipped through his guards and taken to the woods of Sherwood Forest. But this time... this time would be different. Moving to the window, the breeze picked up, letting whispers whistle though the trees, carrying the scent of the stables with it. Hearing a bit of laughter, he spotted a couple of his large guards poking fun and laughing at a bloke who had slipped in a horses droppings, and having fallen in the mud. The guards had begun using the ends of their pole-arms to flick more of the green apple droppings onto the old man.

That's is when John smiled, the seeds of his next plan coming to fruit.

And the fruit was quite bitter.

* * * * *

Much to the poor mouse's dismay, the preacher did not like being called before the Prince. Nor did he like being brought forcefully. Dressed in his church robes, he was dropped unceremoniously before the Prince and his assistant, a snake of a snake, Hiss.

" I have need of your loyal services, " announced the Prince.

"Wh..What ever could you need the services of a priest?" he was small and quite nervously. " Did you wish to make a plea for your sins?"

Letting his annoyance show, Prince John snarled down at the meager creature " No you insolent fool, and you had best watch your tongue before you meet a rather messy end." Then the Prince calmed himself and sat back " No... I have a message that I wish you to pass along to the band of hoods in the forest."

"But..I..I have no idea where..."

"Oh I am sure you do. Do not think that my senses are so dull as to think you innocent. I know you have the ear of that menacing fox and his band. Now. You have a choice. I can make an example of you or you can do as you are commanded. But either way you will do my bidding."

"What do you want?" The small mouse was more angry than afraid. "And who do I tell"

"You can start by finding Friar tuck. As another of the cloth, perhaps you could spread my good word together. As for what... I think perhaps Hiss would be better to inform you of that"

At that, the snake slithered before the mouse. " It is a simple matter. A matter that you look so tired.... So tired of dealing with... so very tired...." His words were having the desired effect. The mouse's eyes where dilating... he was fighting but his fight was over really. Hiss whispered into his ear. He whispered the instructions for the priest, never leaving his prey's gaze.... Focusing, telling him what to do... and as he did, he decided that he would have some fun and made sure that the mouse was never again able to hold his bowels and bladder. As both let loose onto the floor, the Prince let an evil chuckle.

" Now hiss... You have made a mess... More to the point, our messenger has. Have him clean it up" and with a few more words, the mouse bent down and cleaned his mess, devouring his own mouse turds and licking the dusty and dirty floor with his tongue....

* * * * *

Later in the evening, the small figure who now looked more his normal self save for the perpetual arousal, he walked in search of the band, where they camped deep in the heart of the wood. He first caught with the rooster minstrel, who ushered him in the rest of the way. He walked and talked with Alan, until asked what was so urgent.

" I was called into Prince Johns. And he threatened foul things on me. I was taken to his witch below and she was going to experiment on me. They where testing a medicine on me to make others well. Something to heal and make others healthy. I stole some of them when I escaped. I wanted to share them with everyone."

" Are you sure they are safe?" asked the old rooster

" This is the only side effect so far. Its no so bad... " And with that he took one of the small back 'pills' and downed it. The rooster nodded " Here. Give one a go. You may need 3 or so though since you're bigger than I am..."

Alan took the small objects and looked at them and shrugged... then popped them in his mouth and swallowed. At that the mouse licked his lips and squatted shitting out some of the exact same things he and the rooster had taken. The smaller mouse turds where enough like pills that no one would suspect. The rooster acted with shock at first... trying to ask the priest what was going on... his cock was starting to grow already though... his eyes becoming unfocused.

"It's alright... let it go" and with that the rooster grunted and let loose a big mass of chicken shit right there. The confusion settled in, then numbness. Soon Alan was drooling out his beak. His little friend however was busy walking behind the rooster and licking his asshole clean, then kneeling down to eat the mess from the ground. "You better get down her if you want to get some of this goodness" said the mouse and he was nearly knocked aside as Alan ate that pile and the mess he squirted after while eating it.

* * * * *

Laundry was being hung, and lunch prepared for the day as the creatures of the wood milled about. Marian was to come see them this day, and Robin wanted the area to be acceptable for his beloved guest. Alan and the priest walked into the clearing and looked at one another. Alan's eyes where glazed over but he stayed close to his little friend.

Greetings where said and pleasantries where about. An odd look or two crossed muzzles when Alan had made no move to add his music to the goings on, but they passed it on when the rodent priest said he was not feeling quite the same today. He then asked for everyone's pardon and asked to talk to Friar Tuk about a matter of the cloth. Eagerly, the tubby friar wandered off with his smaller companion. Alan sat down and licked his lips as he watched things. Like when the steeds pissed on the ground, and the soup. And there was the faint smell of unclean ass that his new senses could tell. It gave his chicken boner something to stand proud for.

The two clergy folk where gone for about half an hour. Someone one was about to go looking when they returned. The friar came back holding his companion in one hand, and grinning from ear to ear.

When asked what put such a smile on his face, he seemed a little slow as if intoxicated, but told those who asked that it was always pleasant enough talking about the natural order of things. And left it at that. The two of them sat down near Alan and started a quiet conversation. Before long, it was close to time to eat. Just as the food was about ready, the guests of honor arrived. Lady Cluck and Marian wandered into the clearing. Each carried a bag. Most everyone made welcome and greeted Marian. It was just the opportunity they needed.

With everyone fixated on the new arrivals, the trio quickly took a place near the large kettle of soup that was about to be this afternoons feast, and each in turn let loose their bowels. Despite having gone recently, as in the case with the newly converted friar, each had a hefty load to drop into the food. Before anyone could notice they all did their deeds and straightened themselves, stirring in the newest ingredients. They in turn greeted the new arrivals; each taking a turn to make sure everything was inconspicuous.

* * * * *

"I believe our newest agent should have enough time soon.... I suggest we go out to subdue them Sire," hissed hiss.

"Yes yes. Exactly what I was thinking. We shall give it another hour before we round up our prey." Commented the Prince. "Like a good wine, one must be patient for it to settle properly"

"But of course Sire," assured Hiss, his eyes glimmering....

* * * * *

The ladies where sat and offered some soup as they talked about the next step against Prince John and his evil Tyranny. The conversation started off enthusiastically with talk about the next shipment of tax revenue, but as each in turn ate, the conversation dimmed down. Soon everyone was eating the soup and saying nothing. Little john was the first to tip his bowl back and down the rest of it and stagger to the cauldron to get some more. Not even worrying about the laddle, he took his whole bowl and used it like a spoon, drinking as fast as he spooned it.... Others watched and got the same ideas. Lady cluck though had a better idea and shoved her whole head in and started gulping down... soon everyone was fighting over more of the soup... that is until the bear grunted and sighed, his pants freshly filled. It was then that the forgotten friar pulled the pants off the large bear and stuffed his face into the bear's mound of crap. Lady cluck too was soon spoiling the ground with her mess and it was lady Marian who barely hesitated to get down behind her and started sucking the contents from the bird's hole. The soup was almost gone in a short while, but everyone had forgotten about it. Instead they where reveling in new urges and new hungers. Eyes glazed and dimmed down as fox and rabbit, bear and beaver all started to let loose their bladders on and into each other. Mouthed closed over leaking piss slits, and tongues reamed fro more filthy food.

At one point the priest had climbed into the big bear's ass and ate his way in, bloating his little frame until he shot out of the bear like a cork. Marian has her muzzle deep in the friar's ass as well while her ass was being eaten by lady click that was crapping heavily on the face of her new mess friend, Alan. Robin had taken to shoving his pissing shaft into the bear's mouth and fucking it. The sensation of this made him even dumber. He did not leave his mouth idle though as he grabbed handfuls of the bears crap and fed himself.

Soon everyone was pissing, shitting, eating and fucking like wild beasts. Wild beasts that only longed to be pigs.

A laugh startled Cluck, causing her to shit an egg onto the face of Alan, breaking it all over him.... But instead of yoke, there was a heavy mess of crap. This made the laughter double in volume.

Stepping though the brushes, the Prince was holding he gut " you see Hiss? I told you this would work... look at them... they only eat one an others dung. They aren't even bright enough to be pigs and eat slop!"

Slithering up and to the side Hiss did see, and his eyes where alight with the havoc he had sown. " Indeed Sire. You are indeed a genius!"

Some of the Prince's guards had come though as well, watching with gaping jaws. One of them wandered closer to see. He did not know what to make. He did not have long to ponder though as one of the boars grunted up to him and started to pull down the pants of the hippo, defialing his uniform with all sorts of muck and crap. The hippo tried to back up but slipped in the mess and fall in his back. It was too late for him as the boar smiled like a dunce and moved over to shove his dick in the hippos face, smearing crap all over his nose and mouth. Despite the efforts, the hippo soon was fighting not to get the former villager off, but to get more of those tasty covered nuts in his mouth as his bladder emptied itself like a geyser.

The Prince practically doubled over as he saw a slightly plumper Marian, breasts exposed and coated, move over and start to drink the geyser from the source, getting as much on her as she did in her mouth.... Then giving up and dropping her fattened belly down on the shaft, letting it fill her belly and womb. her blissful smile said more than the near orgasmic grunt that came from her lips.

Hiss went to the pot, which still had some soup in it and got 2 guards to bring it out of the way " Perhaps the Sire would like to enjoy this spectacle and enjoy their meager food, to add further insult. It's not like they will ever want to finish it."

"Yes... yes indeed. Careful now... set it off to the side. It smells like it was close to burning... Get me a bowl. A clean one." He commanded. The rhino and hippo went in search of some clean utensils and the Prince watched. Robin was scurrying around on all fours, licking Marian's nipple clean of all the badger shit that just got littered there... not that anyone minded where they took their shits or pissed as was evident when the mouse stood up and climbed into Marian's pussy and let loose a torrent of piss and shit....

The Prince was presented with a bowl of the stew as well as Hiss. And the guards ate as well at the Prince's grace. Hiss watched as 3 of the remaining guards and the Prince all began to get a luster in their eyes. They all seemed to be smacking their lips and the Prince snapped his fingers dimly. And ordered a guard closer.... Once the guard obeyed, he could not help it and pissed himself, at which the Prince took his bowl and held it under the elephant. Hiss watched in silent glee as soon the Prince was down trying to suck the piss directly through the guard's pants and another guard was shoving his hand into his pants to start playing in the growing mess, only to pull his fingers out and suckle them clean. At the first instance of the lion soiling himself it was the 3rd guard who took to rubbing his horn in it, even shoving it up the Princes ass much to the delight of the 4 remaining guards and Hiss, who slithered In to steal the crown from the newest shit eater... soiling his robes.... "At least now he would have something to suckle on besides his thumb!" joked hiss as the other guards laughed as well! " The old boy never knew what hit him."

Hiss replayed the scene in his head from the night before. The hours of training the mouse to eat his and everyone's mess. The chemicals they fed him to make his condition spread through his fecies. And more over, knowing the exact affect it would have on avians and mammals, but not he or his reptilian kin. Yes... this was going to be the new kingdom. And now that pig of a Prince can wallow in his filth like he should have a long time ago.

Getting his guards about him, hiss ordered a pen be made around this clearing, which was quickly becoming a pigpen of mud, piss, crap and cum. The guards obeyed and did so. The reptiles where brought in to heard them and feed them new crap. From time to time one of the fat disgusting beasts was brought in and hidden under an outhouse to be fed. No one ever questioned the change of power, and those who did seemed to disappear from everyone's knowledge, while the heard of fat smelly disgusting shit eaters grew in number.

(c) Dark Hammer, 2008

Characters (c) Disney