Conversion Co.: Male Sector

Story by Riddler on SoFurry

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Extremely mindless gay sex and transformation ahead

This is my first "transformation" story I wrote (FIRST STORY EVER RELEASED ON A WEBSITE TOO). I couldn't decide what species to have the Main Character's become sooooo I went with a reptile and wolf or something. I don't know.

Thanks and have fun!


Where am I? My eyes began to open. I was lying on a cool floor in a fetal position just beginning to stretch my arms and legs. I wasn't sore, but it did feel good.

I looked around from my slanted view, it was dim - the light above was flickering, I was in a medium sized room that had dark and iron looking walls. I eyed down the walls. They had many mechanical features like small random faint lights, concealed pipes, and a very random, but large, mirror. When my gaze met the floor in the dark lighting I could make out small moisture spots. I followed them to where I was. I was damp? What was I doing? I was wearing some sort of medical gown, it seemed like it was a type of linen. The lower half of the gown was pretty damp, all the way to my ankles. I began to get up off the moist floor when I noticed I could feel air on my backside. Apparently this gown exposed my lower back, back of my legs, feet... and butt, it did feel cozy though.

I stood there looking into the mirror. I could make out in the faintest light my athletic structure. I'm glad I still have that. I wasn't the biggest muscle guy around, but for me, I was very proud of my body. I had my six-pack abs, great chest development, and my favorite feature was probably my calves and feet. Mine were looking very sexy.

It felt weird checking myself out in the mirror. The feeling was strange, it felt unnaturally arousing, maybe it was the musky smell of the room. Whatever... it was time to focus on what I was doing here. The flickering light above gave me enough light to maneuver around. I padded around barefoot making wet sloshes from the moist areas. I still had so many questions: where did all my clothes go? Was I being tested? Am I imprisoned somewhere? And most of all, why can't I remember anything? I kept memory of my name: Kyle. My age: 21. My eyes were green, hair was brown and medium, and ... just nothing else.

Well, one of these walls was actually a big glass door. Everything on the other side was darkness, save minor random faint lighting. I examined the door. It had a slight crack for an opening on its left side. On that same side there was a small glass panel that read: "Err..r" in red. It seemed it wasn't working, or at least broken. I put my ear to the crack on the door. I could hear subtle sounds of steam, pressure, machinery barely working - it all seemed very industrial. I looked down the hallway. Left was blackness, right was blackness. It sucked, but I'll have to go down one of those paths.

I slipped my fingers through the crack and gripped the door. It wasn't stuck and opened fairly easily. The sounds became a little clearer, it was some sort of facility, but was it abandoned? With the door fully opened, I planned on heading left, guiding myself on the hallway wall with my hand, it was still too dark to be certain where I was walking.

Just moments from leaving my room, I could hear something from behind me, quick footsteps, bare, getting closer. Before I could react, whatever was running - ran into me. I fell, quickly throwing my hands out to stop my face from hitting the floor.

"Shit, what the hell? What are you doing?" the person frantically said.

"Why were you running? What's going on? Who are you? Do you know where we are?" I just spewed questions as we fondled to get up.

He put his hand to my mouth "Shhhh! Quiet, okay listen, we can't sit here and talk. They must have given you a larger dose than the others... We need to leave this place immediately. There are others, but we don't have time, follow me."

What was he talking about? Dosage?! I was drugged by something? "Okay, but how do you know where we are going?" I asked.

"I know this is a ground level, there should be an exit somewhere." He said.

I probably should just shut up and follow him. "I'm up! Let's go!" I said, "What's your name?" I blurted as we got moving down the hallway.


"Mine's Kyle."

I'll save the questions - I followed Mark down the hallway. We came to an open door which was an entrance to what seemed like a longer, darker hallway. This door was also transparent. He moved in, so I followed. All the lights went black this time. A large power down sound reverberated through whatever structure we were in.

He shot a whisper at me, "Shit, we need to hide, now."

I followed him guiding our hands on the wall. I could feel more of those glass doors as we continued. He found an open one. A sudden power up sound came echoing back to us.

"In here." he said.

We entered one of the rooms.

"Look for another d-" he started to tell me, but we heard many larger footsteps entering the hall.

"Under this table, hurry!" He whispered.

I dove to the floor and crawled, quickly behind him, under a random table. We could hear the footsteps dragging ... people? There were more boys, they were struggling. The footsteps hurried, sounding like metal boots marching, one was clicking through the hall. I could hear the others being thrown into those rooms we passed. Were they cells?

"They are putting them into those rooms, aren't they like this one?" I asked.

"Shit, God Dam-nit! We need to leave, this is a cell room!" He panicked, scrambling.

I followed him as fast as I could, but it was too late. The lights shot back on and a similar glass panel to the left of the door read: "LCKD.." in Green. The door to the room shot close and we stammered back, inches from freedom. With the lights fully on I could make out the hallway. We were in a cell room, definitely, it was white, medical looking, and each wall minus the back wall was made of transparent glass. We could see the other boys in their cells and whatever army that was trudging the hall was gone. Some of the guys were clothed in our same linen outfits, ass, back and legs exposed, while a few didn't have anything and were hiding in corners covering their crotches. Despite many banging their hands on the glass and yelling the sounds were extremely muffled. The ceiling had a few lights and a vent on the back wall. I looked to Mark who moved to the back wall, looking at me. He was extremely fit, probably more than me, he had shaggy brown hair, a chiseled jaw, and gorgeous hazel eyes. He rested his hand on the back wall in anger. He was turned from me exposing his nude back side. I'm not gay or anything, at least, I don't think I am, but seeing his ass crack and gorgeous calves started stirring my groin up. I had to start conversation.

"So... what is this place?" I asked.

"It's a conversion facility or something." he replied, turning.

"A what? Why are we here... and how do you know?" I asked.

Mark began to explain: "They are some sort of like... secret society... People fill out forms, which you probably did, that seem like advertising for new enhancement products and such. When you go to their fake facilities they pretty much kidnap you and take you here. I don't know what the "conversion" is, but I wasn't planning on finding out. No one else believes this place exists. When a friend of mine applied for one, he came back... different... and so I began researching about their facilities and strange similar cases."

"How did you end up here then? Why can't I remember anything?!" I demanded.

He sighed, "I told you they kidnap, you don't need to be a volunteer. They prefer fit people. You woke up in a cell right?"

"Yeah," I said. "I was damp, what the hell?"

"They screened us, see, we're in the Male section," he said indicating to the other boys in the cells, "you were damp because they had you in that cell on some sort of drug - touching yourself. And they watched to see your potential."

My eyes were wide, "Are you serious?! I was touching myself in that room and they watched?!" It sounded wrong, but I was feeling strangely aroused by it.

Yup." He said, "Everyone had to go through that phase, even I did."

"Then how did you get out? Why was I able to get out?" I asked.

"There was probably a system glitch or something. All I know is that the power shut down and many door lock securities were ruptured. I pried my door open and made a blind run... running into you. Whoever they are, they don't patrol, they watch from the cameras." He pointed to the corner of the back wall. There was a small camouflaged camera on the wall.

I was stunned. "Wow..." I stood there looking at him, then to the glass walls, looking at the other boys in their state of confusion. "So what happens next?"

"I don't know." He said.

A booming sound echoed through the hallway catching the attention of many other guys. The only thing I noticed looking into the hall were small numbers lighting up above the cells. I couldn't see ours, but across from us was five, containing one guy. The two cells beside ours contained two each, both of them looking for escape. I looked down the hall to the right across the hallways center, the symbol "#1" above the first cell was fully lit in a green glow. Each cell had roughly one to three guys in it and I could make out at least ten rooms amongst the entire hallway.

The light above cell "#1" flashed a darker green and a subtle chime echoed through the hall. I looked at the cell and at the two guys in it. A gray cloud of gas shot out of the vent on the back wall and dissipated in the room, the two boys were waving the vapor out of their faces.

"That cell just got gassed," I said to Mark, worried.

"Yeah, they must be starting the process." he looked to me. "We can't have that happening here. We need to block the vent. Rip your sleeves off, we can stuff the vent.".

I immediately shredded the shoulder seams on the arms and handed them to Mark; I then hesitantly looked back at cell "#1". The two guys were on their hands and knees, they looked weak. The glass was also getting faintly foggy. It must be making their body temperature rise. A second chime echoed through the hall, cell "#2" must have just been gassed. I glanced across the two guys beside our cell to cell two, there were two guys in that one. The same thing was happening, they began to lean on the walls, disorientated, one guy was coughing. What was happening to them? I looked at cell "#3", it's light was turning dark green. We had to hurry.

Mark pushed the table under the vent and climbed on top. The vent was grated allowing the linen cloth to fit in the tiny grates securely. It looked like he needed a bit more fabric. A chime sounded again, cell "#3" was now infected. I looked to my left, those two guys were next. One of them looked back at me and Mark, he was waving his hands at us for help of some sort, only to be stopped by the chime and a face full of gray gas.

"Dude, shit, I need more!" Mark yelled, ripping off his entire garment, shredding it, and stuffing it into the vent.

He was fully exposed and it was incredibly sexy, and I have no idea why, I wanted to touch his legs. I turned, embarrassed, only to hear the chime of room five. The solo guy that was directly across from us, facing me, angled a bit. He fell to his hands and knees, putting one hand on the glass door facing myself. I watched. I could hear Mark stuffing the vent, he seemed to be near finished. What was happening to the guy in cell five? I had to watch it all, I was so transfixed.

He was breaking into a slight sweat. The glass was fogging just a little, but just enough to cause his hand to slip down, leaving a moisture imprint of it. His head was aimed down and he started arching his shoulders. Was he in pain? He looked up and his face had a glossy expression, he was.... enjoying it? Suddenly, he threw his head back downward and his shoulder muscles spasmed. He was completely nude, I could see everything. The reconfiguring back muscles were growing, as well as his arms. He was sweating more, his toes began to curl and his calf muscles began to bulge slightly. His arms were becoming much more defined while his hands twitched in ecstasy.

Mark caught my attention.

"There, it's blocked." He said hopping off the table padding over to me.

The chime sounded off. That was our cell. We both stood there side by side, staring at the vent. It was a gut-wrenching wait... nothing was happening. Did time slow down? We watched, nothing still. Maybe it did work, we were safe.

The vent was blocked. Another chime sounded off, it must be room seven's turn. We looked to our right, we watched them, they looked back at us in fear. But no gas came out.

"Why isn't-" Mark was cut off by a stronger chime.

We looked to our vent... these chimes weren't automatically controlled.

The linen blasted off the vent and flew past us, hitting the glass. A swirl of gray surrounded us, dissipating. We didn't expect this. Mark moved to the table trying to cover the vent with his hands and scraps of fabric. I was shocked. What was going to happen? I felt like panicking. I turned around and looked at cell five.

The same guy who was on his hands and knees was now furiously pumping away at his cock. He now had the physique of an olympic athlete. It was unbelievably sexy. His glossy face, chiseled glossy face, was looking upwards as he sat on his knees. He was flexing all his muscles, toes, hands - he was about to cum. He crawled around, pumping faster and faster, turning around until his ass was facing me. He was ass up in the air head to the floor pumping away, his asshole was clenching up, the defined cheeks tensing, he was so close I could almost sense it. It was extremely arousing. Arousing? Why? Why was I still watching? Was this going to happen to me?! Was I going to become some masculine masturbating machine?! Everything started coming back to me. I felt dizzy. I felt like I was breaking into a sweat.

I felt slightly exhausted, my mouth felt loose. I leaned on the glass door, turning, slipping down to a slouch. A chime went off, but it started to fade from my hearing. I didn't care. And that's when I saw Mark. He had that same glossy expression. Was I going to have that too? What was happening to me? The room was getting warmer, my garment felt tighter. Mark was stumbling toward me. Why? My legs spread on the floor. My ass could feel the cool hard surface, my body heat was making it moist. I looked at my feet, I started tensing my toes. They were flexing and looked extremely appealing. And that's when I started to feel it. My dick was getting hard. I was stirring up a storm, but it felt so good. Mark was getting closer, I wanted to tell him to get away, but I couldn't speak. He couldn't either. I couldn't control myself. I watched his dick grow, it was rising to a massive erection. And he kept coming closer. My arms began to bulge, I raised them, examining them. Sweat covered my body now, and I needed to get this clothing off. I don't know why, but I had to. My arms ripped the fabric down the chest, exposing my growing pectoral muscles. Beads of sweat slithered down my chest onto my ripped abs. I tore it all off, and my hands glided to my groin. They just started rubbing everywhere. I could feel it even more now. My ass tightening, the asshole clenching. The cheek muscles firming, my legs hardening. My calves were pulsating as my entire body lit up like an on-going orgasm, but I hadn't gotten there yet.

I needed desperate release.

Mark crawled towards me, his body still changing. His face was becoming so masculine, as well as his body, his dick was pulsating; it was driving me crazy. I started to crawl towards him, furiously pumping my cock. We met in the center of the room, sweaty arms exploring and groping each other. There was nothing to think about, just pure disgusting sex. Our faces were latched to each other kissing tongue and all. He threw a leg over me, dry humping, and our sweat mixed together. The room was incredibly steamy, but I could make out all the cells had guys doing everything we were. Mark kept rubbing his leg up and down mine gyrating our dicks together, we were both leaking a massive puddle of pre which we shifted around in. Our eyes were closed, but I could feel him moving his left hand down to my asshole where he stuck his finger in. It made me shudder with pleasure. I reached over and began to do the same. We fingered each other, kissed each other, ground against each other... the stimulation was amazing. The room smelled of the heaviest sexy musk. We shifted into a sixty-nine and my mouth ran over his dick, as his did mine. I could taste his pre as I licked my tongue up his shaft. It was addictive. I started to jack him off as my tongue hit his tip, and I dove in. I applied so much suction it made him groan in pleasure. He did the same to me and I couldn't help but moan in return. I could feel a powerful orgasm coming on. Mark was on his back and I was on top. We sucked and sucked, my ass was in the air, cheeks spread, butt-hole clenched, I could feel my dick become solid. I skull fucked him as he lay there taking it in the mouth.

I was so in ecstasy with him I didn't even notice the other rooms, the guys in them, what was happening to them? As I was sucking Mark off, fighting to keep my gaze on cell five, I noticed something happening to the guy in there. He was growing hair? Fur? Subtle body fur was growing all over him as he was going another round of massive masturbation. This time he was on his back with his feet on the glass door, his cock and ass facing towards me, I could barely make out his face and chest. He was pumping furiously and the faster he pumped the faster the fine fur spread. It began around his asshole, spreading down the cheeks and up the thighs. I just realized, that if that's happening to him... I looked around, it was happening to everyone in the cells. They were all gaining different fur, one guy was becoming incredibly glossy?! No way! We were becoming sex beasts or something?? I was becoming some fucked up sex creature?! I regained the slightest of consciousness, and I began to panic.

I looked back to cell five. The guys feet on the glass were shifting, the toes were flexing, but fusing together. He was in a hypnotic glaze as it was happening so fast, he couldn't stop himself. I couldn't hear it but I could tell he was moaning intensely. His hands were doing the same thing, the fingers were fusing, becoming two digits and a thumb. The nails were growing darker, and, by what I could make out, his face was pushing out?! The fur had spread all along his legs, his toes completely fused, turning darker into... hooves of some sort? With his ass exposed I could make out his hole pushing out, the cheeks spreading wider only encouraging him to push a thick finger into the hole. Below, his spine pushed out into a nub, growing into a tail. He was jacking off while fingering himself - the pleasure was sending him through the roof. He snorted becoming very primal. He kicked - his legs seeming very horse like. The final transformations accelerated; his cock had grown darker taking on more horse like features pushing past his naval. The pre was spewing on his chest. His ears pushed out and the fur spread all over in dark and light brown color. More definition crawled over his muscles as he began to thrash and neigh. The last thing I saw was him spewing thick globs of cum all over the glass before I looked back down to Mark.

It was happening to me, I could feel it, the urges rising in my brain. I could feel myself becoming more wild. It was happening to him, I could see Marks feet sprouting fur, his toe nails turning black. They were growing longer too, his fur was becoming dark gray and silver. His calf muscles were thickening, the legs were forming a kind of digitigrade stance. I gave in more to the feelings, I felt that I wanted this. I needed to touch him, I had to. I put my hand on his feet and trace the fur up his legs as I continued to suck him off. I could feel him changing on me. What was happening to me, what was I becoming? The idea just made me moan. It was arousing to think about as he transformed underneath me. I couldn't see his face, but I could feel it pushing out on my cock, which strangely enough, was transforming too. Yes, finally, it's my turn! It was growing and it only made fuck his face harder, but I wanted to be inside him. I wanted to change inside him. I wildly got off him, he was in such a daze he immediately started jacking off again. I grabbed his changing ankles and pulled him toward me on the ground. I was positioned on my knees, he was on his back still, I didn't care, I grabbed my throbbing dick and directed it to his changing hole. I just pushed and thrusted, he let out a loud moan that slightly turned into a howl. Was he becoming a wolf? The fur spread faster from his asshole to his thighs, he was growing a tail as well. The harder I thrusted the more happened. His face became more canine, the fur spread up his crotch to his chest. He leaned his head back moaning as sweat emitted his scent, pre spewed all over his abs. I could smell him, more now. I could taste his scent on my tongue.

Wait... on my tongue?

I looked at my hands grasping his ankles as I continued thrusting into him. They were gaining a pattern, then scales. My nails were growing into talons. What was I becoming?! Whatever it was I wanted more. I watched the iridescent emerald scales creep up my arm. I wanted them to spread. I wanted to change faster. The thoughts fed the feeling. I didn't even notice my chest and abs were sprouting scales all over. And my ass, I can feel it firming up, I can feel the scales spreading up the crack to my spine. It too began pushing out, I was growing a tail. The tail grew quickly and it wasn't long after the scales pushed out in waves I could control it. I flicked it around playfully, it felt wonderful. My whole body was covered in a beautiful pattern of scales.

Mark's changes were finishing up, he was becoming some sort of werewolf. His fur was silver, soft, and moist with sweat. I could still make out his gorgeous abs and body through it. His chiseled face was now irresistibly sexy as a werewolf.

As I continued fucking I could feel my climax soon, it felt massive. I leaned in to kiss him. He brought his muzzle to my face, I could feel the changes spreading through my neck. I could feel it becoming stronger. Strands of my hair fell all around Mark's head, quickly dissolving. I could feel the muscles and bones in my face reconfiguring, my senses increasing. I could hear the other cells, the other boys, beasts, whatever they had become, moaning and sloshing around in their own musk. As I embraced Mark's face and began to kiss I could feel my tongue reshaping, becoming forked. The final changes in me were pushing me to the limit. My nose became slits, I could feel my ears becoming holes. I was transformed into some sort of reptile. Oh... I could feel it now. I was changing inside him. My dick felt like it was splitting, sending waves of pleasure through out my body. It was tightening inside of Mark, I could feel him squirming in pleasure from it. I leaned in, embracing us, chest to chest as I sucked on his neck. He grabbed my back, rubbing my shoulders, pulling me into him more. He lifted his legs, grasping my lower back with them as I performed the final thrusts. It happened. I came, I couldn't hold it much longer. Wave after wave spewing inside him. It drove him crazy, he shot out all over between us. I could feel his dick pulsating between our abs. I came harder and harder and so did he. The cum was up to his neck and I licked it off him, tasting him. It tasted, it felt, everything was good.

....We finally rested, I felt more calm.

I could feel my rational senses rejuvenating. My penis had split into a hemi-penis inside him. I carefully pulled it out only sending more pleasure throughout his body causing him to spurt a small amount of more cum. I sat back, near the random table and relaxed, he lay there on the floor in a mess of cum and sweat, legs spread open, still fondling himself. For someone who wanted to avoid this he seemed way more into it than I. I looked around, I could only see into the nearest cells. Some guys transformed into horses, bulls, avians, wolves, there was an orca in one of them. All of them seemed transfixed on slowly fondling with one another.

The lights in the hall and our cells began to slowly dim.

A sound startled me. We could both hear it. It sounded like clicking heels. It stopped at the cells before us, I couldn't make out who, or what it was. With the lights dimmed for whatever reason and the glass fogged up I could only make out a silhouette of someone wondering from cell to cell. The clicking eventually came to our cell. There was a few small beeps and the door flew open. By natural reaction I covered myself, Mark just laid there resting, still in a glossy haze. Standing in the doorway was a a woman spider? A spider-woman? I don't know. She had a clipboard with paperwork, two rather beautiful eyes, solid dark purple color, and two more smaller sets above them. Two arms, two legs, two spider-like legs protruding from what seemed her upper back extending above her shoulders and an identical pair from her lower back curling towards her ankles. Her feet were shaped like heels and her body had this strange, but incredibly sexy exoskeleton. Her face was more human than spider, yet her nose was similar to mine, without the slits. Her color was patterned with purple specs and dark waves of browns and grays.

She was also completely nude, had no nipples, but had two perfectly rounded breasts.

She clicked something, and began writing on the paper of the Clipboard.

"Hello boys, I want to make this quick. This facility is used in new genetic augmentation testing. Our company is simply called: Genetic Conversion Company. Gen.CCo. This is the male wing, and I am the supervisor." she said. Her voice was dark, sexy, and vibrated as she spoke.

"Now... Mark and Kyle, you two weren't suppose to be in the same test chamber, but we decided to let it happen anyways. It was by your choice that you ended up here. As you can see..." She walked in, swaying her hips as her heels clicked on the hard ground, handing Mark and I a document each.

I glanced at it, it had my signature and a bunch of other stuff on it.

"You both agreed to these enhancement augmentations, and no, we do not kidnap our customers." she chuckled slightly. "One of the side effects to our screening product is memory distortion, although it will clear up within a day or so. We use it to test your potential for your requested species" she continued. "Regarding the transformation augmentations, we have more documents you can sign to either revert, make permanent, or control the transformation augmentation. All augmentations must be verified by you through signature." She smiled at us, each set of eyes expressed friendly. "In the fine print, you'll find that you chose your own species, designation, and time. We have to be rough with our subjects because, like you, memory can be difficult to manage. Of course this is currently free of charge, so do not worry." She then grabbed the documents, clicking around the room.

I have so many questions, but no where to start, so I might as well ask the usual:

"So what happens next?"

"Clean up." She laughed an evil laugh, almost like a "muahaha" and she swayed out, turned, and punched in a code on the outside panel. The door quickly shut. Her smirking eyes were the last thing I saw before the door made her vanish. The light inside pulled into the ceiling and a spout replaced it.

Ohhh man... this was going to suck.

Water shot out. Rinsing the room and us. It was cold, but it felt good.