Ted Tales VL 1

Story by thingthatshouldnotbe on SoFurry

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the begining chapter of a young werewolfs life

this is my first story, hope you like it there is more to come but my online ascess is super limited

Tales of TED The Werewolf

Tale One: Cheery Pride

Ted was a normal teenager, meaning not normal hiding dark stuff from his one parent who didn't suspect a thing because she was to busy making pies (really it went from food that made her happy after her husband died, to a hobby, to an addiction). Ted certainly looked like a normal teen, tall, lanky with long hair pulled back into a ponytail. His hair was his defining trait as it was silvery white, and his friends that was girls( yup he's single) said it was soft and they could "pet" it all day. He had bright green eyes, and a bright smile, his skin was somewhat pale but seemed more so due to his black clothes, which is what he wore most of the time. Ted was generally well mannered, smart but a little lazy, and loved to make people laugh. All in all he was pretty well liked, even though he didn't hang out with mostly anyone after school, or partake in any clubs or sports.

What makes him so strange, well if you didn't read the title then please do so now(did you read it?). That's right werewolf, he was mauled when he was younger, still had a scar on his right arm from it. Ted was mostly in control, but it was like a bad habit, you would go back to it, given it was not like in the old horror movies, the moon had nothing to do with it. It could happen at any time, any day, so Ted learned to have controlled releases of his primal nature. Go out every once in a while, turn, hunt some animals, howl a little, maybe chase a rabbit for fun, or even wallow in a stream just fun stuff. Ted was in a bit of a pickle(mmm sour) it was hunting season, so his releases where dangerous, once a hunter the year before saw him, the talk of the small town for the next two or three months was the crazy hunter who thought he had seen a large white wolf(get the hair now right?).

It was a fine Friday morning, Ted had just finished getting out of the shower, and getting dressed(in all black ya know) he was currently checking to make sure he had everything he needed for school (and he did because he's a good boy). So with his stuff packed he headed into the living room of his house, sat his bag down and grabbed his breakfast. His breakfast was breakfast pie (told you, addiction) which was a bastard creation of what Ted had deemed "evil pie science" which his mom was the leading expert. She was able to create impossible creations, breakfast pie was a waffle crust, with egg, bacon, cheese, and sausage. Sadly Ted had to compliment his mom's evil science, breakfast pie was amazing. After finishing his meal, Ted grabbed his bag and headed down to where the bus would pick him up about five minuets later (perfect timing am I right?).

The bus ride pretty much matched the rest of Teds school day, although most people thought of him as a nice guy, not many people spoke to him. There was a couple of people who where outwardly rude (head cheerleader Jenny being top bitch, as she thought she was a princess). So the bus ride and the first two classes was him not having any one to talk to, and lunch well lunch he had Ricky. Ricky was a tall slightly overweight kid who was willing to talk to anyone, making jokes(mostly dirty ones) and was all in all your average American teenage boy that surfed dirty websites all day (like you and me(unless your a girl as I am a guy) ). Ricky sat down next to me, he picked up a spoonful of mashed potatoes, then turned his spoon upside down. The potatoes did not move, "umm is my food suppose to defy gravity, I swear I'll suffocate if I eat these". I smiled Ricky was really my only friend, "yea I don't believe so, what about this meat" I asked as I picked up the gray square.

Ricky looked at my food "yummy kangaroo meat" "i doubt they have the money for that". Ricky started messing with his food, "so whats your weekend plans Ted"? Hmm somehow I doubted that going out into the woods to turn into a monster would be a good answer, but I had to do it I could feel the monster gnawing at my brain. "umm some camping out doors stuff" I answered, Ricky stopped playing with his food and made punching motions. "you think you can bail and come over to my house, new zombie game, it promises ten times the head chopping action". "sorry man can't it's a family thing" he looked sad as he went back to playing with his food, Jenny the head cheerleader stepped out of the lunch line. Her body was an unholy temple to the sin of lust, every curve was perfect, and her eyes where a blazing blue. Her blonde hair was perfectly straight with a single bang dyed pink, and to make things worse her outfit was the cheerleader outfit.

At this Ricky looked up, and his eyes glued to her unnaturally perfect ass (warning girls Ricky likes asses). I diverted my gaze as I thought it was rude, and watching her made the monster gnaw more on my brain while saying "fuck her fuck her" in a snarling voice. Jenny saw Ricky starring at her, and decided to use that as a public spectacle of humiliation, too bad she didn't know Ricky that well. "It's okay to stare at my ass" she said full of sarcasm, while making a how fucking dare you face. Ricky smiled, I knew he was gonna say something that made me wish I wasn't setting next to him, with everyone at lunch watching. "Thanks" Ricky said "but I was going to watch your ass even if you didn't tell me that it was okay, but thanks I'm glad your gonna let me watch". It wasn't over when Ricky has something to say he hit's like a boxer, a one-two hit combo. "Hey Jenny how do you sit on that perfect ass, it's so full and round I'm surprised you don't roll off your chair". Ricky gave a big smile, as Jenny blushed, and stormed off, some people laughed, other started talking to their friends excitedly.

I was embarrassed, Ricky was playing with his food again, he wouldn't get in trouble, he was a good kid, no teacher liked Jenny, the only way the school would bother him for what he just did, is if she reported it. That is the one thing she wouldn't do as it was a public loss, she would get even some other way. Ricky pulled up his food toy, he had used the potatoes as the body, head, hands and feet of a food man that limbs where made of the gray meat. Ricky pointed at it "this guy could survive the end of the world". I knocked the guy down, Ricky gripped his hair in fake stress "oh no a hole in my plan", I laughed a little, "whats wrong with you"? He stuck his tongue out and said "your mom", I laughed again "what"? He shrugged "I don't know man when is this camping thing of yours over"? I thought about it and figured up a plan, "maybe if I nag my mom some she will let us come back tomorrow" that made him pretty happy. He spent about ten more minuets talking about what zombie kills he was planing for his new game he just got when the bell rang, lunch was over.

Ted created his plan as he left for his next class, he could finish up the day, stay after in some unimportant class-room until all the clubs, teams, and makeup work kids left, the he could go into the school woods. The school was surrounded by trees, and to make it better the nearest house was over a mile away, if it all worked out he could let out the primal feelings, until dark, be set for another month or two, and most important hang out with his one friend the day after. This put Ted in a happy mood, but life likes to give you a people's elbow when your laying out in the sun, enjoying a life metaphor picnic. Ted's next class was super boring, the teacher droned on and on(and on and on). This boredom caused the beast inside to go wild , scratching , biting howling for a release, it took a lot of control, but Ted was able to leave with without incident. Things however only grew even more worse, the next class Ted enjoyed, however the teacher was replaced by a sub who was really pissing ted off, with small things like slurping loudly, chewing with her mouth open, tapping her shoes.

So as the normally quite, calm environment Ted enjoyed was filled with some of the most annoying sounds ever. Ted really had to fight the inner beast, this classroom was his little temple he could meditate peacefully, now the sub had taken the job of temple janitor, and her cart had one squeaky wheel. This was driving Ted to the point where wanted to turn, reveal his life as a monster just to rip the old lady sub in half. And the the second thing driving Ted nuts was Jenny shared this class with him, and she was glaring at him, like I'll kill you for letting him say that at lunch. Jenny was in no way physically scary, but if she started bitching at Ted he would snap, and he'd snap her in two. Class ended, Jenny walked right past Ted, and said nothing, good. Ted headed to go to the gym.

It was blocked for the cheerleaders to practice in, so Ted headed for the computer class. A teacher had to stop him and talk about not having anywhere to go then go home, for five minuets, even though Ted said he was going somewhere. The teacher finally let him leave, the computer was locked up tight, so Ted headed for another classroom, got stopped by two more teachers. Ted was burning, he wanted this over, so he went to the art room to spend twenty minuets. The teacher was really nice, it was quite, and probably no other kids there. The teacher was gone, and some new kid was there in a corner drawing. That means it was quite, the sound of pencil scratching didn't really upset Ted, but it kept him from calming down. I sat at a back desk looking over this kid he was tall and kind bulky, he looked a little dangerous on size alone. Next was his clothes, I wear all black, this kid had all black, with spikes, piercings, stone white skin. He wore black eyeliner and had a lot of scary metal skull rings, he had long black oily hair, this kid made me feel uncomfortable, even when I was human I was pretty strong and fast.

The boy just continued his work, he payed me no mind, so I sat and quietly fought the madness fighting to get out, the minuets ticked by and I thought I was going to lose. As I grew close to giving in the boy stood up, placed he large piece of brown paper on the teachers desk, then he left( creepy). I sighed in relief, with him gone I'd give myself five minuets then I head out to the woods. This calmed me down greatly, so the five minuets flew by, I got up to leave when I noticed the boys art. His supplies were pastels, red pens, black pens, watercolor, and chalk. His picture was of wolves at their den with woods all around, and a night sky. The sky was pastels, the colors were so vivid and melded perfectly, the woods were water colored, giving them a faded darkness, the den was all chalk making look like stone, and lastly the wolves were created by black lines for fur, and had red dots for eyes, he only used the pens on them.

I was surprised by his art, and I would've looked longer, if I didn't feel the craziness of the beast pushing against my mind. I hurried out to the student/teacher parking lot, there was a sports car and a small green car. I hurried past them, I doubt it matter, I power walked about ten feet into the wood's before I started letting go. I could feel the primal urges unfolding, unwrapping, and then melding into me. It was a pleasant thing, there was no pain or howling as in the horror movies, I looked down, my nails had become claws. I started feeling the euphoria of knowing soon I could run free, but this was cut short as I heard a voice behind me. "you waiting for your perverted friend, or was that joke of his just a cover up and your his little fuck buddy". I bowed my head to hid my slowly changing features, and put my hands behind my back, although I wanted to slap myself in the head, Jenny was the only person with a sports car. I had about two minuets before the slow changes stopped, and the quick finishing changes happened.

I kept my head bowed, so I looked meek, and in a soft tone I said "Jenny, I am very sorry, no Ricky's not at school, my mom got caught up and I have to walk home, and its a long walk". I turned to leave as I wanted to get away A.S.A.P but Jenny was a prideful girl, and you never turn your back on someone that has an issue with you. I felt the sting of a slap, I pretended to lose balance and fall so I could curl up and hide my features, but she could take it as a victory. That however is not what she did. She wanted to stand and taunt, I didn't listen, the words where meaningless, and I fought so hard to hold it in. It however can no longer be held in as it and I are one, I felt the last convulsion as my body fully turned into its wolf form. Jenny's mouth was agape as I stood on two legs, I was much taller then her, the sherds of what where left of my clothes fell off, as my mind started to fully meld with the instinct, new smells, sounds, and feelings caught me. Then I picked up a very sweet scent, Jenny stood in shock, I backhanded her with my claw, she caught her self, but she landed with her legs wide open.

(***************!!!!!SEX TIME!!!!!***************)

With her legs opened, a new smell mixed into her already tempting scent, there was the smell of the sweat from her workout, the smell of her perfume, and the smell of her wet pussy. If only her friend Alice hadn't decided that after practice, she should tease her naked captain by holding her change of clothes until, Jenny would let her rub her clit. This of course lasted longer then Jenny would like, and ended with her pussy getting eaten out by her BFF until everyone had left but them. Jenny didn't get to finish being her friends meal, so she had to leave sexually unfulfilled, she didn't get to change, and she was really cranky. Then as she was walking toward her car, there was the weird white haired kid who was with that kid that was slobbering over her at lunch, he was probably walking home, or maybe going out to do some drugs before he got picked up, he was in a rush after all. It didn't matter he hadn't done anything to her, she was not happy and if slapping, belittling, or humiliating a boy she knew wouldn't do anything back would satisfy her then so be it.

Then when she had made her first little joke, he was so polite, but that burned her up more, and now she was on the ground, looking up at a monster. It was covered in white fur, it's face was that of a wolf (Jenny has a pet husky), with large teeth. She was staring in terror at it's face until something else drew her gaze. Ted was enjoying the scent of sex, he was after a virgin, then he realized her was getting hard in front of her. Now as a person, Ted could have never have went through with it, but with the animal instinct flowing through his rational thoughts, he pushed her against the the ground. She gasped at his roughness as she was pushed down, she felt her panties get soaking wet, as he slashed across her chest cutting her shirt and bra in half leaving long scratches burning on her chest.

She barley had time to gasp, and he was over her, one furry hand pushing her down, the other trying to rip the rest of upper clothing off. when he had finally shredded it off, her chest and tits where covered in scratches that was oozing a little bit of blood from the cuts. Jenny moaned as he ravaged her chest with his tongue, spreading the blood around as he tried to lap it up. Her breathing increased, his licking made the cuts sting even more, her chest had donned a pink hue, and her once bubblegum pink nipples were a dark red. Ted was licking lower and lower follow the yummy taste of blood, down her tummy toward her pussy. She moaned as his tongue lapped across her lower belly, his hand had let some of the pressure off of her chest. She didn't know why, guessing it was some animal power (called hormones kids) every time she took a breath in, his smell seamed to make her wetter and hornier, so she gave in.

she slid her hand down, and pulled the band of her skirt up, which Ted gladly stuffed his hand down, clasped his grip around her soaking undergarments, and in one big pullback motion, and ripped them clean off. She sighed happily as her pussy was free, she had a nice camel toe, she was soaking wet, and just asking to be spread wide and stuffed full. Ted when down to licking every drop of her pussy juice. Jenny was breathless she could feel his tongue lapping up and down her lips, then she felt his tongue force its way into her pussy. She couldn't take it anymore, she wanted more, Ted was no longer holding her down so she used her freedom to grasp her hard nipples, and suck on them. The iron taste of her blood, and the sweet taste of his saliva filled her mouth, she bit down the sharp pain that filled her body drove her lust up even more.

She could not take any more wanton lust, she spread her legs wide, "fuck me" she growled, as she turned her attention to her other nipple. Ted could feel his cock wanting to burst, it was harder than it had ever been in his entire life, even more then when he saw porn for the first and only time. He was full of lust, and in his wild thrust with his swollen cock he missed his mark and stuffed the tip of his cock into her ass. She gasped out loud, he pushed more in spreading her ass wide, she gave a dirty grin and smiled in pleasure, "put it all in you dirty fucking dog". Enough of his thought process survived to know what she said, and what she wanted him to do. He gladly obeyed and slammed his cock all the way into her up to the start of his knot. She howled in pleasure, as she dug her hands into the dirt, Ted withdrew from the tightness only to slam into it even harder.

He gained a steady rhythm of slamming his cock into the newly discovered joy, and every time he pushed his cock into her, she would moan and her ass would squeeze him a little. This felt amazing to Ted, but Jenny was really enjoying it, Jenny had fucked one guy before, and after that her friend Tish, well Tish didn't care if she was sucking dick or licking pussy as long as it was sex. Tish said she enjoyed anal and tried to talk Jenny into trying it, but she was afraid, and truthfully it hurt like hell, but it felt like one big sexual release. Jenny opened her mouth in sensual joy, Ted bent over her and and hooked his wolf snout onto her mouth and stuck his large tongue down throat. Jenny received this well, and rolled her tongue around his as she made out with him. His pace increased as he pounded deeper and deeper into her, her ass was well lubricated from her pussy that was leaking all down her ass. Her body arched as she pushed two fingers of her right hand into her pussy, she started fingering herself rapidly while Ted pushed even harder trying to force his knot into her.

She also started pushing her fingers deeper, which caused even more juice to flow from her, which gave him enough lube to slam his knot fully into her ass. When he did this he tore his mouth from hers, and he raised his head and howled, her pussy and ass clenched her fingers and his cock. She let out a huge moan as she passed out, Ted stayed awake and continued to make humping motions even though his knot was swollen inside and he would gush cum into her every few seconds. He continued this for thirty minuets causing her ass to be filled with his sticky cum, after this time his dick began to revert in size, as he began to revert to human. When he turned back his dick slid from her ass, white thick cum seeped from it, he felt very tired and pleased so he decided to rest from his exercise.



Jenny decides that Ted should share his wild animal side with two very close friends of her, and one might be more "animal" than him.