Reisian Eclipse

Story by Flag Catcher on SoFurry

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#1 of CTF

A short story. Two lovers on a windy day.

WARNING: Contains 'cock transformation'.

The breeze swept west from the ocean. The light foliage of these plains caused that gentle rustling in the wind. It was always like this in the autumn, carrying the damp winds of the adjacent Reisia's coast across the border to this land, Lidori. As well as the treasures of those homecoming sailors. This evening, the trade wind brought a particularly precious jewel here. Clad in heavy cloak to shield from the strengthening gusts, the leather also protected this visitor from onlookers. Though it was a sparsely populated border, one could see for miles in any direction when traversing this flatland. And there were surely those hot on her trail by now. Such thoughts troubled her, but they would not for much longer, she assured herself. A smile swiftly forming on her lips by the time she arrived at the door to this cottage. Gingerly, her hand tapped with three knocks. For over a minute, there was no reply. Perhaps the wind is too loud, she mused, hand lifting to knock yet again. Instead, a fierce gust blasted her from the left. Her acute ears could detect a tearing sound, the loosely held cloth over her body being yanked away by the wind. Reflexes let her stumble onto her knees from the force of the gale. She had the opportunity to watch her dainty fabric fly away from her reach, vanishing over a hillside some tens of yards away.

The small vulpine knelt before the aperture, lips crooked with discontent as her eyes were locked onto that fleeing cloak in the wind. She envied the whimsy and freedom of the fabric's airborne dance. And it had been a pricey item. Right now, wore a beige gown from her neck to ankles, currently a tad stained with the green of grass below her. The sash tightened to her waist gave her figure a light curvature, though she was more of a buxom lass underneath the fabric. Golden locks of hair spilled over her shoulders, the moisture of the air having frizzed usually immaculate tresses. This contrasted with the pumpkin orange hue of her fur, which coated her just about everywhere. Like many of her race, Reisians, the vixen was less than five feet tall. Very lightweight too! Which gave her a fear and fascination with the trade wind, that seemed intent to take her away as well. Wary, her right hand held onto the door knob for her life. And her left fist hurt her knuckles with battering against the rough wooden door. Immediately, the large door knob, bigger than her head, was being turned from within. Gradually revealing a large and bulky silhouette, which extended a giant paw to clutch her forearm. "Let's get you in here. Lest you learn how to fly." Spoke a gravelly male voice, before snatching her into the confines and silence of the stony cabin among the windswept plain.

With the door shut closed behind them, the fox hopped onto one of his chairs, adjusting herself to the huge seat like a vixen Goldilocks. "Looking as humble as ever... Aren't you?" Chuckled the towering lupine, thudding over to the kitchen of his abode. He had a boar roasted for the occasion, and went to cutting into it with a fork and knife.

The fem crossed her arms. Her blue eyes gazed up at him. There was a grin on her lips. "I need not dress up for you. You already appreciate my natural beauty."

"You know it! That's what I always say. I wouldn't want you to look all gaudy. It'd ruin your innate splendor." He stumbled over those last two words, the sounds of tearing into the pork growing louder.

"Certainly you just do not want other men locking their eyes onto me... But worry not your ruffled head, big boy. I know only loyalty." Her brows tilted slyly.

"No no no. I'd never fret about that. It's just that you weren't even wearing a jacket... It's chilly out there." The Lidoran has a sheepish smile on his muzzle.

"Well, darling. I did not think it would be so windy today. And my cloak was swept away." Her index finger gestured out the window, the torn fabric stuck in the faraway bush, wafting in the wind.

"The winds are fierce at this time. You'd know that, if you ever stepped out of your big ole city every once in a while." Staring out the window, he was impressed by the distance.

The Reisian's eyes shut, and her silky vulpine ears twitched with impatience. "Okay, you have had your share of nagging for the night. I am more interested in what else you had in store this evening."

"Aren't we eager? Sure... I can show you." He ditched the countertop and kitchen, taking the seat in front of his vixen. Fishing a hand into his trouser pocket, he revealed quite a sight to her eyes. "I came back from the voyage yesterday, as you know. It was an uneventful sugarcane run. And of course they made me lug all the sacks of cane. Anyway, I spoke to the native tribe just outside the settlement. Wanted to get you a nice, exotic gift. Turns out they had something quite familiar." Bellowed the lupine. Between two ebony claws dangled jewelry. A necklace of bright silver embedded with diamonds. From the chain hung a pair of cabochons. One was a lustrous pearl, like the moon. The other was a warm amber-like substance, resembling the sun. The two gems were connected by a clasp, side-to-side. They resembled a figure-eight on its side, like that symbol of infinity. The lupine had his other set of fingers clasp the cabochons together, the flat backsides meeting. Only the moon pearl was visible to her, with the amber sun veiled behind it. "It's the Reisian Eclipse. I have no idea how it ended up in the backwoods of the new world. Yet they told me the previous owner sold it away to them for an oyster. Isn't it gorgeous?" His lips were curled with content, letting bright white fangs protrude slightly from his muzzle.

The whole time, the fox had been scrutinizing the necklace in his clutches, finding herself rather awestruck at the outcome. The diamonds were cut brilliantly. The silver was untarnished, and very cold, just as they said it'd be. "I am well aware of what it is. It is very beautiful and very cursed, my dear. You know what happened to the original owner, I would wager." She was standing a few inches away from him. Giving that steely stare up at him.

To her serious countenance, he guffawed. "I thought you a brighter cookie than that. Believing in myths.... You really are too cute."

Irritated, she stomped a couple of times to grab his attention and halt that annoying giggle of his. "The crafter went missing... Soon the king did as well... And that entire bit with the queen of Resi descending into madness. Surely that explains a madman squandering a precious necklace away for an oyster. Does it not?"

"Maybe he was just really famished." The male muttered under his breath. He truly never won when she got like... That. For an entire minute there was dead silence. The stillness of the weather was only interrupted by an occasional howl of wind.

"So how will you sell it?" A blank expression was on her face. Though he could tell she was dying to know.

"Sell it!? How can you even begin to put a price on something so rare and priceless?" He was feigning shock at the notion.

"If we were to get even a fraction of its worth, our mouths would be fed for the rest of our lives. We could even stake out our own island. We can finally leave here for good! And my parents would never find us again." She let her eyes close. Imagining the paradise awaiting them.

"Your folks are as persistent as they are wealthy. WE could never escape from them. They would poison our meals. They would raze down our little island and salt the ground. Then hunt us down. Probably hoard you away in a cellar after they made a pillow out of me." The large creature gave a shudder at the thought.

"It's still worth trying! We have the necklace. And the boat. We could sail forever across the coasts, living off the bounty of the sea. How about that?" She managed to smile reassuringly.

His ears sank at the mention of the boat. "...I sold the boat." It took five seconds for it to register with her. Immediately she pounded her dainty fists at his solid gut in her apparent rage. Since this only resulted in her hands hurting terribly, she squirmed and convulsed on the ground while shouting expletives.

"You... Why would you... IT WAS MY BOAT! I SNATCHED IT FROM MY PARENTS!" From here, she shouted incomprehensibly and kicked his shins. This made the lupine double over and rub his leg. "WE'RE STUCK HERE! EVERYONE IS LOOKING FOR US! YOU GAVE IT AWAY... For... #&@%*&% necklace!"

He tried to calm her out of that tantrum. Letting the jewel wiggle above her. "You can wear it..." He spoke meekly among her screaming and sobbing. "I am allergic to silver!" The vixen glared before unleashing a flurry of cat-kicks to his shins. The lupine had to dance in order to avoid another aching shin.

"Alright! I know this guy... He's a trader. He would buy it off me. I bet he'll be at the town square tomorrow." Spoke the Lidoran

The femme sniffled. She was in a fetal position as she sat, glancing up at him. "Really?" He nodded. She tried to see if he was being truthful, but believed him. "Promise you won't let him scam you."

Quietly, he stepped towards her, scooping her up into his arms. "Yeah, I swear." Then he carried her along towards the bedroom. Placing her onto the sheets, he went through his furniture's drawers in search of something.

"Forgiveness sex?" She snickered lightly, loosening the sash of her dress. And then lifting the gown off herself. Underneath, the vixen wore a vivid white bra, clinging to her ample chest... Probably a C size relative to her frame. The fabric was unclasped too, exposing plush breasts and their perked pink nipples. Having not worn panties, the lady was entirely nude on top of his immense bed, her digits combing her hair while she waited. Finally, her lover was climbing onto the mattress, the tawny hue of his fuzzy coat meeting her orange fluff. She was feeling his muscled arms loop around her, holding her snugly and possessively. And those heavy paws of his stroked their pads across her white underbelly, teasing fingers along from her chest to thighs. "I know you can't stay angry for very long." Spoke the lupine.

The woman smiles. A heated and stiff length slipped between her legs, sandwiching itself between her thighs. Peering downwards, she could see his prominent erection. See, the brownish wolf behind her was massive, at least -twelve- feet tall. Which meant he was also well-endowed, sporting a maleness that neared four feet of length. Given her height of only four feet and eight inches, the two of them have never felt the bliss of penetration, for fear of literally tearing her. Yet, they were a content couple, very versed with oral and 'hands-on' fun. A lewd sound of squirting was followed by many dollops of lubricant spilling onto the canine erection. Now, the lupine was grinding forth his hips, smearing the fleshy length between the vixen's tightened thighs, while he doused the member in even more of the slick lubricant from its bottle. The vulpine leaned forward, extending her arms to wrap them around the girth, hugging herself to the pulsing scarlet shaft. Her weight placed against the manhood, her hips started to push, smearing her busty front against the upper half of his enormous prick. Working her body smoothly against the veiny flesh to please it with a bodyjob, the fur of her front becoming matted slick by lube and precum. Gliding her feminine folds near the base of his manhood gave her a pleasant tingle of sensation while those slow movements of theirs stroked steadily.

Pausing, the wolf leaned over and spoke into her ear. She replied to his gentle whispering. "And you thought I was childish for believing in the myth? You are telling me a necklace can do... That?"

The lupine objected. "I know it sounds strange. But based on what the locals told me... It has to be true!"

"So that's why you really got it. You wanted to make me yours. I am flattered... But will this be safe? And are you sure you can dedicate to this?" The Reisian raised a brow.

"Of course. I was more concerned about you. Figured you wouldn't have the love and loyalty this would require." He smirked, baiting her.

"Have I been anything but committed? Even if this did work... Would you really want to spend forever with me?" Her words spilled out slowly.

He nodded. Lifting up the necklace, he tried to slip it over his head. It didn't fit. He seemed perplexed as to what to do. The vulpine just stared at him with amusement. "Try wearing it as a bracelet. Dummy." Spoke the lady straddled onto his member. So he managed to worm his fingers through the necklace, the silver clinging to his wrist. His other hand clasped the pearl moon and amber sun cabochons together, forming the eclipse with a clicking sound. Nothing happened thus far.

"Perhaps if you ground at it some more?" He suggested. So she did. The Reisian's arms kept their taut hugging to his engorgement, so close her skin could feel the heat of his copious inches. Actually, the warmth of his flesh felt even hotter by the moment. The pace of her smooth rubbing of fur to bare cockflesh quickened, the tapering length pistoning between her cushiony bust and plush thighs alike. Skin to skin, her slickened slit's lips stroking his cockbase. Her arousal was peaked. One could tell by her throaty moans, like purring against the all too close erection. Vibrations buzzed along his four feet of massive prick, swiftly bringing him to the verge. His hands caressed her back in gratitude, stroking along the fox's gentle curves.

Quite a surprise it was, however, when her lush orange fur fell off with the Lidoran's petting. He must be stroking too roughly, he thought, and caressed as gently as ever. Even when his petting stopped altogether, her shiny and gorgeous fluff kept clumping off. "You were right darling... It is really chilly tonight." Offhandedly remarked the vixen, preoccupied with his prick. Affording it as much affection as she could. "Your... Hair is starting to..." He could barely speak. Partly shocked. Partly enthralled by the sensation of his girth receiving so much stimulation. Less than a minute later, she was hairless, her body starting to shiver from the newfound coolness. To alleviate this, she snuggled to the arousal even more, the stickiness of his precum, the lubricant, and her juices of arousal causing her to stick. Every time she ground, it felt stickier and hotter, and in moments she could hardly move herself without struggling against the stickiness. All the while he was astonished by her total nudity, and her heated warmth against him. He realized the effect must be taking hold.

"Are you alright, dear?" He inquired, biting his lip over whether he should alert her or not. "I'm fine. But you should close the window later. It is certainly drafty." She gave up her squirming, contently resting against him, feeling unusually tired and hot, feverish. Unsure of what to do, and not wanting to provoke panic, he tried to pry her off. Each time he pulled, there wasn't even a budge, but she did whine plenty. "Can you stop that? I am getting annoyed with your toying around whenever we try to have sex." Spoke the fox while tilting her head towards him. As she looked back, she realized she was hairless. Immediately, she started to squirm, but was entirely stuck. Cocking her head to view as much of herself as she could, not a single inch of her except the scalp still had that lush orange fluff. Instead she was covered by smooth, reddish-pink flesh, which felt incredibly hot and sensitive. "Wha-- What happened to my hair!?" Shouted she with a gasp. He was still dumbfounded that this was actually happening, so he touched his cockbase.

Or more appropriately, her hips. Below her hips, her flushed pink flesh melded into his redder phallic flesh, leaving her legless. Instead of thighs, her curvy derriere flowed into the cockflesh beneath his sheath. "Darling... You... Have no legs!" In surprise, she noticed the rest of her began to fuse as well. The skin of her sides and his prick smoothed over, like a taut layer of cockflesh had spread over her body, still leaving her vague shape underneath. The shaft tingled, and the fox could feel the pulsing of hearts. "So I really will become your dick..." Her mind tried to fathom what it would be like. The wolf placed his hands onto the woman's rear, kneading at the mounds. The shape of her ass persisted, his padded digits tracing over the cheeks and the cleft of the buttocks. It was round but firm flesh, like a canine knot shaped into a lovely, heart-shaped ass. Whenever his palms caressed their combined flesh, he drew moans from her lips, despite her mixture of distress and intense pleasure. She was actually throbbing heavily, and he felt it. All of it. Like their nerves have been connected, he could made her twitch and she could make his hips buck.

That transformation was hardly over, though. Her arms were melding into his girth and disappearing into him. It appeared as if her body were sinking into his lengthy cock like quicksand. "Oh... Keep stroking me... This feels so incredible.~" Her words poured out lustfully, and so he obliged. In contrast to her apparent vanishing into his meat, the length grew larger. Veins bulged and pulsed on the surface of her back and his girth, the size swelling in width and length. Her body and his shaft were fusing into a rather gigantic member. An even more impressive five feet long, the shaft tensing and expanding like breathing. And at least fifteen inches of girth in most sections. The underbelly of the phallus took her shape as well, breast-like swells forming towards the tip of the shaft. The fusing line had progressed to her neck, which did feel tense and stiff by now. Below the neck, the woman and manhood were one. Throbbing in unison, networks of veins trailing over the combined body. The wolf felt attuned to her thoughts, she could detect some fear but also bliss.

"Relax your head, love. I'll take good care of you." He held the back of her head, pressing her neck and chin to the upperside of the expanding cock. She could hardly speak by now, though she could feel linked to his mind in an odd way, trying to guide his other hand to massage the rest of her. He stroked tensely at the cockbase, his and her pleasure at a peak but not yet gaining that release of climax. With her eyes and muzzle shut, her head melded into his prick, vanishing into his bright red flesh.

He sat back, lingering his eyes over his lover. His maleness had truly taken her shape. Like a marble bust of her, but composed of flesh and jutting from his groin. From his pulled back sheath poured out an excess of five feet of tense flesh. The base was a girthy knot-like swell, resembling her hips and derriere, his paws running along the crease of her rump. Where she had soft skin and fur, there was firm and glossy flesh, and her texture was firm as opposed to supple. Roaming to the curve of her back, his fingertip went along the valley of her 'spine'. Then his palms grazed across her navel as he touched the underbelly of the vixen-dick. She tapered at the midsection like she had as a foxy woman, the shaft possessing the hourglasses features of a femme. Firm and fleshy breasts had formed on the cock's underbelly, the lumps as solid to the touch as the rest of 'her'. Like the hips, her shoulders swelled out from the sides like a knot, but they had no arms. All of this tapering into a somewhat thick neck. For a head, she had a pointed canine cocktip, resembling a dainty muzzle, pointed to the sky. She autonomously twitched heavily as he kept touching and examining her, and his heavy balls tensed up.

He knew he owed her release, so he kneaded his palms along the bumps of her chest. And each touch to her body felt incredible, the sensation coursing through his veins, as if the usual ecstasy of masturbating was multiplied. Though his palms squeezed and groped firmly at the breast-shaped knots of her 'chest', she still tensed and throbbed for more. An urge building in his loins, he was lowering his head, staring down at the artfully shaped shaft. He kissed his immense cocklover on the tip, pursing his muzzle over her tapered point. Suckling deeply with the smooch, surprised to enjoy the taste of cockflesh and precum so thoroughly. Compelled, he lowered his head further, realizing he was going to fellate her. Perhaps it was his newfound, intense lust. Or she really was urging his body to do so. His arms tucked themselves under his knees like a master of auto-fellatio, gripping to himself steadily while bobbing down his head. Staring down at the erection between his lips, he admired her newfound, lovely shape, the canine cockhead pulsing precum into his mouth. He suckled tight, his maw gliding down to sink as much of his vixencock as he could stuff into his mouth. His throat clenched and flexed along the tip as it felt the wetness and bodyheat of his gullet.

The intensity of deepthroating his oversensitive flesh was overpowering, making his balls quiver and his thighs tense up. She still denied his climax, however, coaxing him to moan in delight against the several feet of vivid red flesh. He was gagging by the time his muzzle was puckered at her navel, struggling to swallow down even more of her, certainly not able to swallow her thicker hips. He was practically pleading for mercy, trying to please the two of them by swirling his thick and sloppy tongue across her chest.

Eventually she quietly gave in, her muzzle spewing thick lupine seed up into his esophagus, making him gasp between each gush of his own cum. Catching his breath, he muttered. "You're such a damn tease, babe. Almost made me suffocate myself." His complaint was answered by a shot of sticky precum, splattering onto his face. He just smirked and shook his head, while she retreated into the tightness of his sheath. "I swear I'm going to somehow de-cockify you if you keep that up." The wolf tossed the bracelet into his drawer, plopping onto the couch and shutting his eyes to rest.