Berri and Aleck Feeling Alone

Story by Desert Mutt on SoFurry

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#2 of Aleck and Berri

Aleck stopped in front of his apartment, staring at the door left ajar. The Rottweiler's body tensed, the hackles on his scruff rising. He knew he locked the door when he left. Moving to one side, he pushed the door open. Slowly he tilted his head, looking in to see if the place had been robbed or if the robbers were still inside.

Everything looked to be how he left it. His television and video game console were still against the wall where he had them. Dirty clothes and used towels were tossed onto the couch. An open pizza box laid on the coffee table, the top open and with a slice and half of the pepperoni lovers still inside.

A rustling sound drew his attention toward the back of the apartment. An ebony-furred jackal girl pranced out of the hall, shaking a pair of pom-poms. Long lean legs lifted high with each step, white knee-high socks with red stripes covering her calves and feet. Her hips shifted as she walked, making the short red skirt bounce and sway with each movement. The ample chest pressed against the fabric of the tight sweater, nipples poking out as they rubbed against fabric. A wide grin spread on her muzzle, her long black hair bouncing with each movement.

"Ready?" she called out, "O-KAY! Blowjobs! Hand-jobs! Sticky cum-baths! I'm a naughty bitch, so spank my ass!" As she spoke, the jackal woman dropped the pom-poms, turned around, bent herself over and flipped her skirt up. Her toned bottom was uncovered as she was not wearing any panties, showing off her shapely ass and a hint of her dark vaginal lips with a hint of pink from her feminine opening.

"What are you doing here?" Aleck asked with a deep growl. His lips twitched to show a hint of teeth as his eyes narrowed at the jackal. His paws clenched into fist, shaking.

"I thought we could get back together," she said as she turned to face him again. "I've missed you Aleck." She lifted her shirt, showing her breasts and dark nipples as she walked toward him. "I don't even remember what silly little thing we broke up over." The jackal woman stopped when one of the Rottweiler's large paws pressed against her arm.

"First, you broke up with me," the large male stated, "Second, you said it was because you were tired of dating, and I quote, 'another big dumb dog.' I believe you said you wanted to date something more exotic. Talked about dating rhinos, elephants, and griffons. Third, you called me big, dumb, boring, and had nothing in common with you other than sex. Finally you told me you only stayed as long as you did because of my cock."

"Oh, I didn't mean any of that," the jackal female responded as she moved closer, "I was just saying that to hurt you. I'm sorry I was lashing out like that." She reached out, gripping the front of his pants. Squeezing gently, she stroked her palm and fingers up and down. "Besides, it seems that at least one part of you is willing to forgive me and take me back."

A deep growl came from Aleck's chest as he grabbed her arm. He was tempted to give it a hard squeeze until she hurt and cried out. Stepping back, the large canine just gave it a shove away from him instead.

"Get out! And this time leave the key. I don't want you coming back again."

"FINE!" Turning her back to him, she stomped back into the bedroom. "Just remember that you rejected me this time." Coming back with her purse, she pulled out a key and threw it at him. "The best fucking relationship you ever had is about to walk out on you a second time, and it's YOUR fault ASSHOLE!" She shoved him aside as she walked toward the door, stopping to open it. "You are never going to get to fuck anyone like me ever again." She snarled at him before turning to walk out.

"Thank god for that!" he shouted at her from the open door before slamming it shut. Leaning against it he breathed deeply, trying to calm himself down. Pushing away he walked over to the computer and turned it on. Leaving it, Aleck headed to the bathroom to take a shower to cool down and clean up. He stood beneath the ice cold water, eyes closed as he let his anger wash away. Feeling calmer, he turned up the hot until it was steaming and started to scrub off.

Fresh and dry, the Rottweiler sat down naked in front of the computer, enjoying the feel of being in his bare fur. Getting on-line, he quickly wrote an e-mail to Berri asking if they were still on for tomorrow to get together for their weekly sex session.

In another part of town, a ping came from a computer to notify the blue mouse woman that she had a new message. Reading through it she sent off a quick affirmative. With it sent, she looked at the time. Setting it to shut down, she pushed away and stood up.

"Alright kids, time for bed." She smiled as the two children whined out. With further encouragement, the two got up and got ready for bed. Soon the young had their teeth brushed and pajamas on. Berri tucked one in and gave a kiss good night before doing the same with the other. Smiling, she returned to the living room, sitting down next to her husband.

An hour later she moved toward her husband, pressing against him. Reaching one paw down to grip his thigh, she leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek. Moving, Berri worked her way toward his ear, only to have him pull away.

"Not now," he said as he turned, "It's been a long day and I'm tired." The male moved toward the other end of the couch, picking up the remote and changing the channel. She watched him a moment before letting out a sigh and moving to lean against the armrest on the other side.

As she sat there, she wondered how long it had been since the last time the two of them had slept together. It had been long enough to be measured in years. Was it three? Four? Not as long as the last time he said "I love you" to her. At least, not in any way that she felt that was sincere instead of merely obligation or placation.

Getting up, Berri left her husband to watch television while she went upstairs. Stripping down to her underwear, she climbed into bed. Pulling the covers up, the mouse woman turned on a lamp and grabbed the romance novel from the nightstand. On the cover was the image of a large muscular Rottweiler holding a dainty mouse woman whose large breasts were barely contained by her corset.

Her husband never even noticed it.

As she read, she became entranced by the story. As she looked at the graphic, if flowery, description of arousal and sex, she felt her own arousal building. Shifting her body, one paw kept a hold of the book while the other slipped down between her legs.

Pushing into her panties, she stroked gently along the outside of her sex, tracing along the sensitive opening. As she teased herself, her mind started to drift. First the description started to be more of her and Aleck. Spreading her slit, she ran a finger over her clitoris. The story became forgotten as her thoughts shifted from the book to memories of what she had done with the Rottweiler and imagining what the two of them might do next.

Setting the book down, she closed her eyes. Berri pushed one finger down, sinking it into her warm wet depths, while another shifted to rub gently over her sensitive clitoris. She let out a moan as she explored herself, teasing the walls and the tender nub.

An idea suddenly came to her. Pulling her finger out, the small mouse woman gripped her panties and pulled them off. Rolling onto her side, she reached back. Closing her eyes, she tried to keep reached back and pressed the finger, lubricated with her vaginal fluids, against her tight puckered ring of her tailhole. Berri tried to keep relaxed as she felt the wet slender digit penetrate her backside. This was something she had never done before. It did not feel as unpleasant as she thought.

Sinking all the way to the knuckle, she held her paw still to get used to the feeling of penetrating her butt. She moved to her other paw between her legs and slipped a finger back into her warm wet sex. Once she felt comfortable, she pulled the finger from her backside, sliding out to the first joint. Berri then started pushing the digit back in as she pulled the finger from her sex.

Letting out a moan, the mouse woman set up a steady rhythm. Each time she pushed one digit into her hole, she pulled another out. As such, one hole was fully penetrated while the other was nearly empty.

Closing her eyes, she began to speed up. Her paw began to slap the fold of her plump rump each time she sank the finger as deep into her backside as she could. Adjusting the angle of penetration on her sex, she pressed a finger against her clit, rubbing it firmly each time she pumped out.

Getting closer to orgasm, Berri's rhythm broke down. She fingered her tight ass and wet pussy as quickly as she could. With a final thrust, she buried her digits as deep into her as she could reach.

"ALECK!" she cried out as her body tensed, squeezing down on the exploring digits. She squirmed in pleasure, feeling charges surge through her body each time she so much as twitched. Feminine fluid poured out of her sex, soaking her finger and paw thoroughly.

As the climax ended, Berri pulled the fingers out of her body and went limp. She laid there panting, staring blankly at the far wall. Soon the world started to go dark. Not even picking up the book or turning off the lamp, the mouse woman quickly fell asleep.