Belial: Monster

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#1 of Monster Saga


By Von Krieger

Chapter 1

Cala cowered in her hiding place, knees pulled up to her chest, tears moistening her pants. She was fourteen years old, the age that every one of her mistress's children were given their chance to try out for places in the mage and soldier training schools. She was fourteen, but she didn't look it. Cala was a small girl, cursed by her genetic heritage to never attain a height over five feet. She'd been picked on for years, since she'd arrived in Hadrika.

Hadrika was a tiny kingdom, well not technically a kingdom, as Hadrika had no king in recent memory. In fact for most of its existence, Hadrika wasn't really organized into a nation of any sort, it just simply was. Cala knew all this, it had been taught to her as long as she could remember. She knew about how the Grand Mistress, the Mage-Queen Jomira had been outcast from a place in the most grand mage academy in Ondora for her beliefs. She had fled that country, seeking to establish a place where she could teach people the truth.

It had taken her decades, but she was a mage, she had a longer life ahead of her. Jomira had established a small community in the area known as Hadrika; some had called it a cult. But her little town had prospered, and her teachings spread though whispers and muffled tones to other lands. Those who had known in their hearts the truth of things had flocked to Hadrika. The Mage-Queen rose to power, spreading her teachings across the whole of the formally un-ruled land.

Jomira mothered many children, each of which set out to aid their mother in her work. Jomira had also sheltered many orphaned children, raising them up to serve their ideals, warriors and mages for a common goal. Cala had been brought to the small community belonging to one of Jomira's youngest daughters, Raysess. Cala had been hopeful; she'd just known in her heart that despite her tiny stature she could make herself a useful to her mistress.

Which is why she was now cowering in a part of the town no one would want to venture, in a place that never saw much use, crying her eyes out. The Captain of the Guard had taken one look at the scrapes and bruises that perpetually dotted Cala's body and declared her too small and too clumsy to ever be a soldier. Cala was heartbroken. Oh sure, there would still be a place for her here, she would make a decent farm hand or seamstress, or apprentice to a blacksmith or something of the like. But all she had ever dreamed of was serving her mistress, not just having a small part in the community.

She wanted to go out and slay monsters, to be sent on dangerous missions to collect things for her mistress. Her mistress always wanted strange and exotic creatures to use in her plans, and needed her warriors to fetch them. Today Cala had seen her dream shattered into a million pieces before her eyes. She knew she would be unable to cope with the harsh words, mocking, and condescension she'd face with her classmates, especially those that had been deemed acceptable candidates, most of those that had been chosen were those that picked on her the most.

So Cala had fled, and she had hid in a place she knew none of them would ever find her. No one came here unless they had to, no one particularly wanted to. This was the part of town that the humans stayed well away from; it was where the others lived. The poor creatures that had been chosen by fate to be condemned to be twisted into unnatural shapes. It was these people that formed the basis of Jomira's teachings.

Jomira said that those who were inhuman had been chosen to be punished for actions they had committed in past lives. They were to suffer in new shapes, born human and then made into something else. But there were also those that were born inhuman, some of them nothing more then animals, some worse then animals. Some of them were outright monsters.

But Jomira had a use for those monsters, and had taken to creating a strong army of them to enhance her human forces. Each had been given a set of similar instincts and physical traits, but each individual was different, even a close relative looked completely different. Jomira called them 'Warbeasts,' and at the moment Cala was cowering under a bed in a long abandoned barracks for a pride of them that had been moved elsewhere. No one would come here looking for her; no one would come in to disturb her. Cala wanted to be alone, and she'd be left alone. The Others, cursed human and Warbeast alike, would never bother a real human. Cala just sighed, alone in her sorrow.

Or so she thought. Cala lifted her head to see if the sun had gone down yet, and found herself staring into a pair of bright blue, feline eyes. She yelped, finding herself face to face with a Warbeast! The collar around it's neck was a give away, the small blue tag hanging from it told Cala she didn't need to be afraid of this one, it was domesticated, the tag told her that this one was a fourth generation domesticated Warbeast.

Cala pulled away and stared at the creature's fuzzy face for a moment. It didn't look scary at all, in fact Cala thought it looked rather pretty. Like all of Raysess' Warbeasts it was female, mostly. Cala knew that the Warbeasts where demi-herms, kind of having male organs, but not all of them. They hadn't really gone into detail. It wasn't very old either, no older then Cala herself, it's six breasts had only begun to develop.

Like most Warbeasts it was humanoid, with the features of various animals thrown in here and there. For the most part it looked like a big salamander with a few cat-like features here and there. Cala could faintly see a spotted salamander-like pattern in the creature's fur, all of it bright red, with it darkening slightly in patches, and lighter on the belly. It's very feline face was surrounded by long, thick, black hair, and it seemed to be growing a mane around its neck, shoulders, and the top of it's chest. A long, fuzzy, lizard like tail snaked out behind her, the tip adorned with a large black tuft of fur, the tail's tip twitching back and forth. It had very cat-like limbs, it would walk on a pair of digigrade feet, Cala could see that it's retractable claws were sheathed. The Warbeast reached out with a huge paw, and rubbed Cala's face softly.

Cala flinched at the touch of the beast's paw, for that's what it was, it looked more like a paw then anything, a paw with a barely functioning thumb. The creature wore clothing, unlike many of her cousins and sisters. A number of sashes tied around her front to cover her breasts, and a simple patchwork skirt. The creature twitches her cat-like ears, looking somewhat puzzled at the crying human.

"What are you doing here?" the Warbeast asks quietly. Cala tries to say something, but she can't get the words to come out. She throws her arms around the creature and buries her face in it's furry shoulder. "Are.... are you ok?" it sputters, caught off guard. Cala just sobs, the sound muffled by the creature's fur. It sighs and holds Cala, rocking back and forth on the bed, humming softly, running it's fingers through the girl's hair, trying her best to calm the strange, sorrowful human.

In the brightly colored beast's embrace, Cala soon collected herself, snuffling and drying her eyes. "I guess I'll be fine." she sighs. The creature blinks, not quite believing Cala. "Would you like to talk about it?" it asked. Cala shrugged, and then found herself telling the creature everything. About how she had wanted to be a warrior, about how she'd been bullied, about how she didn't have a clue what to do now.

The creature's face took on an expression of shock and horror. It looked down at the floor for a moment. "I didn't think humans would do that to each other. Just us." it whispered, meaning Others. "That's mean." Cala wrapped an arm around the Warbeast, and snuggled up to her shoulder. "I didn't mean to upset you." she said. The Warbeast shrugged. "It's ok. I never thought that humans would do the same things to their own people that they do to us. I mean it's what we're here for."

"So what are you doing here? I thought this barracks was abandoned." Cala asked the Warbeast. It sighed. "I live here." Cala was puzzled. "I thought that Warbeasts lived in big groups." It sighed. "We're supposed to, I'm an exception." It bit it's bottom lip. "Why?" The creature took a deep breath. "Are you sure you want to hear about it? It's kind of depressing." it said, lying back on the bed. "You listened to me about my problems, I wouldn't mind hearing yours." replied Cala, laying her head on the creature's tummy.

"Well," it began sadly. "We're born in litters, usually about four to eight. But the way we're made, with all different bits and pieces of different creatures, sometimes it makes problems. Sometimes we grow too big, or are shaped funny, or have sharp claws and spines. Any of those things can make giving birth hard and painful. The way we work, even littermates can be extremely different in appearance. I was the first one born. The only one." tears well up in the creature's eyes.

"My momma died trying to bring my sisters into the world. I've heard they were twice my size." the beast sighs. Cal looks over the creature, judging it to be about twelve years old, and a good two and a half feet taller then herself, twice as large as this would be absolutely huge, she'd never seen a Warbeast that big before. "Usually I'd have been given to one of my mother's littermates to be taken care of. But they were all gone; they died fighting a horde of undead and their wicked master. None of Mistress Raysess' other Warbeasts wanted to take care of a kit that wasn't their own. My adopted mother was a janitor for the Warbeast compound. Her hatchlings died from illness."

Cala blinked. "Was?" The creature sighed. "She passed away when I was nine. Same chill sickness that got her hatchlings." "I'm sorry" The Warbeast looked at Cala. "Why? You didn't have anything to do with it." "I just... I've never had a mother, real or adopted, just my floor officers, and they're not very loving."

The two lay in silence for a few minutes. "It's dark out, would you like me to walk you back to your building?" the creature asked. Cala just shook her head. "No, I don't have one any more. This week we pick our apprenticeship; we go to live there. Everything I have that's mine is in my backpack." The Warbeast patted Cala's hand with her paw. "You can stay here if you want, there's plenty of room."

Cala sat up and positioned herself next to Warbeast. "Thank you. I'm Cala, by the way. Cala xat Dyne." The creature nodded. "Red." Cala raised her head. "That's the best they had for you?" Red chuckled. "Well, fully my name is Dorakatar Clan Bloodfang, but Dora is a human name, and it means 'Crimson' anyway. Besides, everyone just calls me Red anyway, since they don't know my name." "Nice to meet you Red." Cala yawns and snuggles up close to her new furry friend. Red curls her tail around to cover the little human's legs. Worn out from a horrific day, Cala is asleep in seconds.

She awakes the next morning to the smell of breakfast, Red seated on the end of the bed with a tray in her paws. Cala picks two strips of bacon and a biscuit off the tray. "Is that all you want?" Red asks. Cala nods. "It's all I ever have." she answers, biting into the biscuit. "Are you sure?" Red looks down at the tray hungrily. "Yup. I never eat very much at a time, it makes me sick." "So can I have it?" Red asks, almost pleadingly.

Cala nods. "Go ahead." Red stuffs the rest of the bacon and an entire biscuit in her mouth and begins chewing. "Did you not eat yet?" Cala asks, Red shakes her head. "Why not?" With an audible gulp Red swallows. "Your a human, when we share food, you get to eat first." she replies, spearing a crepe with her fork and woofing it down.

Having finished eating, Cala begins to strip, untying the sashes around her body and wriggling out of her skirt. "What are you doing?" asks Cala. "Getting ready for work." Red replies. "What do you do?" "Same thing Momma did, I'm a janitor. I don't have scales and most fabrics pull on my fur, so it's just easier for me to do it naked. Easier for me to clean myself up that way. Why? Do I make you uncomfortable?" the Warbeast asks, beginning to pull her clothes back on.

"No, it's ok. I just never heard of someone working naked before." says Cala with a shrug. "Could I help you clean, Red?" Red looks stunned. "B-but, you're a human! You have better things to do then clean up after us!" Cala sighs. "No, not really. I don't have any clue what's still open for apprenticeship and none of it really interests me. Is there something wrong with a human doing cleaning work?"

Red bites her lower lip gently, thinking. "Well, there's no rules against it. But I guess you'd have to sign up with the taskmistress. You'd also probably want some clothes that won't stain or get dirty, so that'll be a trip to the tailor. You do know how to sweep, mop, empty garbage cans, make beds, that sort of thing right?" Cala nods. "Yeah, but I don't want to make you late." Red shakes her head. "Nah, I can take a half day off. I don't use them hardly ever, so it's not a problem. But are you sure you want to spend all day with something like me?" Cala scowls, confused at her new friend's words. "What do you mean?" Red shakes her head. "It's nothing. You ready to go?" Cala nods. "I guess so."

Chapter 2

Cala awakens, blinking sleep from her eyes. She'd been dreaming about the day she and Red met again. She snuggles into the soft fur of Red's belly, hugging the Warbeast's huge tail close to her. Hard to believe it had been five years since they'd met. Five whole years.

Red purrs softly in her sleep, Cala feels something warm, wet, and hard pressing against her leg. Cala smiles and reaches down to rub Red's cock. Well, it wasn't really a cock exactly, more of a really big clitoris. Cala pulls her panties aside and slides Red's shaft into herself. Cala thought back to their first coupling, about a year ago on her 18th birthday, and all the problems it had caused.

Cala never had gone off to find an apprenticeship like almost all the humans did, she worked with Red sweeping, mopping, washing, and polishing for two years. She'd almost forgotten about becoming a warrior. She didn't see any way she could possibly acquire the training for it. But Red hadn't forgotten.

In the time she'd know her, Cala had come to discover that the Warbeast was exceptionally bright. Red spent most of her money on books, mostly stories and such, but a few were instructional manuals. One on acrobatics and gymnastics caught Cala's eye, and she had asked Red about it. Red offered to instruct Cala on the books contents, as she had gotten bored with it years ago. The Warbeast then proceeded to execute a series of twists and flips that made Cala dizzy just watching it. But that wasn't the most stunning part, it was when Red mentioned that it had took a long time to learn how to perform such awesome feats of agility. A whole three weeks.

Red was a lot smarter then she knew, she'd thought it was normal for someone to learn things as fast as she did. So when Red discovered a few combat training books in the trash, she'd mastered them in a few months, and tutored Cala along the way.

From the start it became apparent that Cala was suited only for hand-to-hand combat, her ability to use magic was somewhat limited and was restricted basically to parlor tricks. The most useful thing she could do was make a tiny flame, no bigger then that of a candle.

Red on the other hand, could do amazing things. The Warbeast had always displayed an innate ability for telekinesis, but it had been limited to moving dust, dirt, and the occasional out of reach broom. A few days of reading through the book and going through the mental exercises, Red was able to lift Cala off the ground.

But the first major spell Red cast was on Cala. Knowing how vulnerable Cala felt because of her size, Red had sought to remedy that. But transformative magic was dangerous stuff, so Red had studied hard, and checked and rechecked the components for the spell. But after all Red's hard work, the spell didn't work. Cala remained the same size.

Red was distraught that she'd failed, so Cala gave her friend a hug to comfort her, and broke three of the Warbeast's ribs in the process. The spell had never worn off or faded, if anything in the two and a half years since, Cala had gotten stronger.

Shortly before Cala's eighteenth birthday, they enrolled themselves in one of Mistress Raysess' tournaments. Raysess had tournaments as often as possible, as they were great opportunities for advanced training for her troops.

It had taken the two the better part of a year to come up with enough money to buy proper armor for Cala. Red did without; it would be impossible to acquire Warbeast sized armor, especially at her size, on a maid's salary. Red had grown to her full adult size, standing half a head over the largest Warbeasts; a shade over nine feet tall, nearly twice Cala's size. Red didn't need it, she was just about impossible to hit. Red was so adept at using magic, that she seemed to instinctively project a mage barrier wherever she was to be struck.

The other fighters had laughed at the two of them, after all what chance did two cleaning ladies have against hardened veterans? As it turned out, more then enough. The usual team arrangement was a weapon specialist, usually a swordsperson or axeperson, and a mage. Red didn't have much in the way of offensive spells, but she did have one defensive spell that worked wonders.

The huge Warbeast was capable of completely locking up an opponent's magical ability. The only problem was that the stronger the opponent, the more concentration it took to keep them occupied, thus Red was highly vulnerable to attack from the warrior partner of a strong sorcerer. That was where Cala came in.

Cala fought with a pair of swords that looked almost ridiculously oversized for her tiny frame. But with her enhanced strength, she swung with an easy grace. The traditional pairings were what Cala and Red had the most trouble with. A pair of mages could easily be held off by Red, if not entirely by blocking their magic, then by showing off her acrobatic ability, leaving them open for Cala. A pair of warriors was an easy battle, as Red could easily rip weapons out of their hands and overpower all other Warbeasts in hand to hand combat. Cala's one-two strike style was exceedingly hard to stop once she got going, and Warbeasts had major problems striking at her accurately, due to her small stature.

Eventually the two won the tournament, a stunned Raysess immediately inducted the two into her personal guard. That night the two lay snuggled in their own room inside their mistress' castle. Unfortunately the two happened to be placed next to a bonded pair of Warbeasts, and they could hear the sounds of their mating through the walls. Cala ignored it and went to sleep, and she had thought Red had as well.

But Cala had awoken in the middle of the night to find Red crouched against the wall, staring out the window and crying. Cala knew that Red had an aversion to watching her kind pleasure each other, as it happened quite often in the Warbeast Barracks. Red went out of her way to look away from the act.

"What's wrong?" Cala had asked, going to her best friend and embracing her. "You wouldn't understand." was Red's sighed reply. But Cala persisted. "Are you sure you really want to know?" Red asked. Cala responded with a nod. Biting her bottom lip, Red told Cala her problem. "I'm lonely." she said. "I have you and all, Cala, you're my best friend in the whole world, but I'm lonely in a way you can't fix. My body aches for a pridemate, a lover, someone to... to..." And with that Red erupted into a fresh burst of sobs and hugged Cala close.

"To love you in a physical way you mean." speculated Cala, her statement getting a nod from Red. Sitting down next to her furry friend Cala began to slide her nightgown over her head. "Red, I've wanted you for the longest time, I just didn't know if you wanted me." Red's eyes widened and she backed away, appalled. "B-but you're a human!"

Cala blinked. "Is there something wrong with me being a human?" Red shook her head rapidly. "No! It's me being a Warbeast, it's dirty, it's like... like... if you had sex with an animal!" Cala takes Red's huge hand paw, wrapping her tiny fingers around one of Red's own and rubbing the soft fur on the back of the Warbeast's paw with the other. "Humans and Warbeasts mate all the time, Red." Red shakes her head. "Yeah, males! It's different."

"Why?" said Cala, cocking her head to the side, curious. She had known that Warbeasts had strange mating rites, but never any specifics. "We're born female, all of us. We have a strong sex drive, and will satisfy it with each other. It bonds us together into a pride, a clan, a troop, whatever you want to call us. We don't have any natural males of our own. We were made to be able to reproduce with a male of basically any species. But we won't willingly mate with a male, not at first. A mate will have to beat us in combat some way. It's natural selection; it's a way to make sure our kits grow up to be stronger, smarter, or better with magic. With a male it's just about reproduction. With a female, it's... it's something completely different."

Red looks down and away, ashamed for some reason. "You mean love?" Cala whispers, crawling up against Red's soft, furry body. Red tries to push Cala away, but the little human holds tight. "No, we're not capable of feelings like that. We're just... we're barely better then animals!" Red says, still trying to pull Cala off. "I don't care what they told you growing up, I know you can, even if you don't think so. But I love you, Red, I love you more then anything. So what if you're a Warbeast? I'm not interested in humans, they had their chance to make me like them when I was little, and they were mean to me. I just want you, Red. You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen."

The Warbeast broke into fresh tears. "St-stop it! Stop teasing me! I'm... I'm... I'm..." she stuttered. Cala leaned in. "Gorgeous." she said, kissing the crimson felizard on the lips, running a hand over one of Red's massive breasts. "Mmmmmuuuurrrrrr..." Red purrs, wrapping her arms around Cala and returning the kiss.

Red rolled onto her back, her brilliant blue eyes looking up at Cala pleadingly. The girl slid her hand down the Warbeast's belly, down between her legs, to find that Red was soaked. Cala slowly inserted a finger, and finding no resistance slipped in two, then three, then her entire hand. Soon Cala found herself driving her arm in and out of Red up to the elbow. Wanting to see just how much her friend could take, Cala slid in her other hand, opening Red as wide as possible.

"Wow, Red. I bet I could just about fit inside you." Cala said with a smile. "Myyyyyyerow! Don't even try, I'll blow up!" Red said, panting, rubbing frantically at two of her breasts. "J-just keep doing whatever it is you're doing, it feels incredible."

Laying down on the Warbeast's huge tail, Cala begins to lick softly at Red's clit, still unaroused and nestled in its tiny furry sheath. Red slips a paw down between her legs, frantic for more stimulation of her pussy. Taking the hint Cala slides her hand in, and begins to rub at the area inside immediately behind Red's clit. With a growl the Warbeast arches her back, her tail tip whipping back and forth on the ground. "Meeeeyaaaah, meeeeeyaaaaaah, don't do that!"

"You mean this?" Cala says with a smile, doing it again, and getting the same reaction. "Myhrrrrrr!" purrs Red. All the attention to Red's clit has brought it to arousal, looking rather like a cock, but in the same pink color as Red's nipples, lips, and pussy. It's six inches long and still getting bigger. Cala grips it by one hand and runs her tongue along the entire length.

"How big does this girl-cock get?" Cala asks. "Ten, myrrrrrrow! Ten inches!" Red gasps. "Well let's hope I can take all that." Cala says, standing up and straddling Red's clit, but before she can lower herself, Red grabs her around the waist with both paws. "Are you sh-sh-sure this is what you want, Cala?" the Warbeast asks. "More then anything, Red." Cala says, pulling Red's hands away, lowering herself down onto the full length of Red's shaft, sucking in a breath through her teeth as the momentary pain of her virginity being taken strikes her.

Cala gasps, "So this is what it feel likes. Much better then just rubbing myself with my fingers." "Muuurrrrr, you're so tight, Cala, you're a much better fit then my paw or my tongue." Red grabs Cala around the waist again and lifts her up slowly, then turning her around and letting her slid back down. She pulls Cala back gently to lie on her belly and breasts. "Murrrr, I think this will feel so much better." says Red, placing one of her paws between their legs, sliding her fingers into herself, and rubbing Cala's clit with her thumb.

Red was right, that did feel better. Abandoning herself to the sensations her pussy was giving her, Cala lay back, caressing Red's lowermost breasts with her hands. With each thrust of Red's hip, Cala felt a warm pressure building higher and higher in her body. She could hear Red panting, and Cala herself was gasping for breath. With a loud roar, the only time she'd hear Red make such a loud noise; the Warbeast arched her back, hard. Enough to send a jolt through Cala as she felt a hot, slick liquid being pumped into her, Cala moaned as her body shook with her climax.

The two lay there on the floor, snuggled up against each other for a long time. Cala felt Red's rough tongue licking her gently on the neck. "Thank you, Cala." "For what?" "For being my mate, I don't know why you did it, but I'm glad you did." "I did it because I love you, Red." "I wish you didn't." "Why?" "Because I can't feel the same for you." Cala sighs and scratches Red behind the neck. "You do, you just don't think you do." Red shakes her head, standing up and slipping into the bed, Cala curled up in her arms.

Back in the present, the memories of the past played through Cala's mind as she felt the familiar tensing of her body, almost in sync with Red's, as the Warbeast cums in her sleep. A smile on her sleeping face, Red purrs happily and curls her tail around Cala. The little human snuggles deeply into her friend's warm fur, remembering what happened a week after their first coupling.

Red and Cala had been sent on their first assignment by their mistress, to hunt down a rather violent unknown creature that was attacking cattle and people alike. Stiff and sore from the previous night, Cala had told Red that they'd have to wait to mate again, or else she'd be too tired to fight monsters. Red had agreed, although fun it was too dangerous to mate while on assignment.

It started slowly at first, but by the third day Cala had noticed that she was eating more and got hungry quicker then before. By the fifth day, her stomach grumbled for food constantly. On the seventh it was obvious Cala was ill, she was showing signs of starvation, while stuffing down almost as much food as Red.

They were a long ways out of Raysess' realm, and were quite far into the domain of one of her siblings, but nowhere near close to a castle with a mage. Red had made Cala stop walking and carried her in one arm, moving from village to village at a near sprint, trying to find a mage to help Cala. Eventually they found one in a secluded cabin a few miles out of one of the small villages, thankfully one of their mistress' many nephews.

The man looked Cala over, looked at Red, did a few tests on Cala, then turned to Red. "So, have you two been lovers long?" he said, a perfectly neutral expression on his face. Red's jaw dropped. The mage explained that some of his aunts and uncles' Warbeasts, especially those designed with an overactive sex drive, like Red, had a strange effect on female humans. It was a side effect of the pack-bond process that would occur between two Warbeasts. Basically Cala's body was trying to reciprocate the bonding process back to Red, but lacked the necessary physiology to do so.

The mage gave Cala a sip of some strange potion, and she had started feeling better shortly after. Cala's new found condition was serious, but it was easily preventable. Cala simply had to get Red's love juices into her body once every few days or so. In short, they had to mate every so often or Cala would starve to death.

After Cala was up and walking again, Red apologized profusely, taking all the blame for Cala's sickness. The big Warbeast was in tears over the whole thing, ashamed that she had twisted Cala's body so that she needed to fuck in order to live. Cala had responded by pushing Red onto the floor and licking her to orgasm, getting her fill of Red's sweet nectar.

In a way Cala was pleased with her 'illness.' It had brought the two of them together, a version of the Warbeast pack-bond in a way. Cala needed Red in order to keep functioning, and Red's own programming to aid humans bound her to make sure Cala remained healthy. Red was more then willing to give Cala her fill, and Cala was more then willing to do what it took to get it. Red had eventually stopped apologizing when Cala explained to her that although flawed, they were still pack-bonded, which Red often described as the closest thing to love Warbeasts had. That had made Red very happy.

Chapter 3

After falling asleep once more after her thoughts on the past, Cala awoke as usual, to find Red in the midst of her morning exercises. The first time she'd seen the Warbeast perform them, the morning after their first mating, she'd been puzzled as to what red was doing. For four years Red had exercised away from Cala, not wanting to embarrass her with their sexual nature.

Red was terrified of suffering the same fate as her mother had, and so had been working with toys at first, and later telekinesis, to stretch her pussy out to accommodate as large an object as possible. She'd been doing it since an early age, when she learned about pregnancy and what had happened to her mother, long before most Warbeasts took an interest in pleasuring themselves and each other.

Cala could always see the pain and effort on Red's face, she always stretched herself out to the point where it started to hurt, but only a little, and slowly she had expanded herself to the point where she could literally fit Cala inside herself. Cala had done it a few times when Red had asked her to, when she needed some actual weight, rather then the weightless, invisible bubble of force she used now.

Red groans softly, pushing her body up and down in invisible mage-dildo that had her spread wide open. Cala couldn't help but admire the Warbeast's muscular legs, the result of keeping up the squatting motions for a half hour every day. Cala had always thought Red was beautiful, and since they had become lovers, she had grown to love the Warbeast's powerful body more and more every day.

Usually Cala would help Red exercise, by serving as extra weight. Riding her clit sometimes, other time hanging upside down in a 69 position, or her favorite, with her legs wrapped around Red's head leaning backwards with the Warbeast's strong paws gripping each side of her belly, pleasuring her with gentle strokes of her rough tongue that went the entire length of her pussy, up over her clit, and back down again. Cal regretted it was something she could never do to Red, Cala's tongue was just too small, and Red's womanhood too big.

But today they need all the strength and energy they could muster, they had tracked down the creature that their mistress wanted, alive and obedient if they could get it, a sample of it's blood if they couldn't. It had taken Red and Cala weeks to find one, a young female dragon. It had to be a young one, like human teens they tended to be rebellious and shucking the ways of their parents. Meaning they interacted more with humans, and to do that they would reduce their huge size to something more manageable. In addition their magic wasn't as strong, although they had enough control to perform even complicated transformation spells without risk, they didn't have very much power, about as much as a skilled human wizard.

Red and Cala had been chosen specifically for this, Red's gift with blocking the sorcerous abilities of others would be invaluable in subduing a dragon. They could keep her human sized, and thus easily manageable. Raysess had given them something special for the job, a collar with a few powerful spells woven into it. It was like those that the domestication collars that young Warbeasts were made to wear to be instructed in the appropriate way to behave, except that the enchantments on this collar were jacked way up. The collar also had another effect, a transformative spell to adapt the dragon's physiology into that comparable to a Warbeast. Raysess wanted big, powerful, strong, magically talented warriors, and if she could introduce a mighty dragon's bloodline into the mix, she'd accomplish it in one generation.

It was why she needed a female dragon. A fully grown dragon was a twenty five to thirty foot tall humanoid, putting the collar on a male would give it the appearance of a female, but it would be infertile as such, and it would still be viable as a male. Red, the largest Warbeast Cala and Raysess had ever seen, might have been able to carry a single, very small dragon to term and survive, odds were the sheer size of the baby would be far too much, even with a single birth, let alone the four plus that most Warbeasts were known to carry. So the dragon absolutely had to be female.

Cala and Red had settled on this one, she was a midget by dragon standards, barely topping 20 feet in height. Even when a dragon had shrunken it's size down, it's inherent magical nature made it extremely strong, so the smaller the dragon the better. They had spent months looking for the perfect dragon, and now here she was.

The pair knew that the dragoness slept for most of the morning, curled up in a cave almost hidden in the hills by a tangle of brush. She'd enter the cave and sleep in her human sized form, unlike most of her kind. A dragon always attracted lots of unwanted attention, even if most of it was harmless, and by sleeping in human size, she had a wider variety of places to sleep. Knowing this Cala and Red prepared to creep into the dragoness' lair.

They ate breakfast and extinguished their campfire before setting out, leaving all no essential equipment there. Cala had her swords and armor, as well as the collar. Red on the other hand didn't bring anything, and was naked save for her collar, as her concentration on her magic tended to be best when she wasn't having her fur scrunched by the silly robes Raysess had her mages wear.

As they crept into the dragoness' cave they listened for any sign that she might be awake and moving, rather then peacefully asleep. They were in luck; the radiant blue creature was snoring softly in a corner of her cave, fully in view. Cala slowly crept up, the collar at the ready as Red began the gestures to call forth her power to block the dragon's magic.

With a visible shimmer of energy in the air, Red's blocking spell was in effect, the magic sensitive dragoness was immediately awake, having found her power completely cut off from use. She turned, eyes wide to find the tiny Cala lunging at her, attempting to snap the collar closed around her neck. The dragoness caught Cala in the gut with both feet and flipped her over her head.

Cala's inherent agility allowed her to land unharmed on her feet. The shocked dragoness rolls over, spinning to a fighting stance, crouched low to the ground, claws and fangs bared. In her human sized form, the dragoness was about the size of a big human, approximately one third her real height, still a good head and shoulders above Cala. Dropping the collar Cala drew her blades, aiming to wound and tire the dragon with blood loss. The agile reptile dodges several slashes, but finds a narrow, but deep, cut on her arm opened.

A second onslaught sees Cala score a second deep gash along the dragoness' chest, cutting into her scales and flesh, as well as rendering the simple top she had been wearing unwearable. The shiny black fabric falls to the floor, the dragoness' breasts now uncovered. Cala has a sudden illogical urge, but she refuses to give into it, attempting to lash out at the dragoness once more, but the momentary pause is all the dragon needs to grab a hold of her wrists, stopping the blades dead in their path.

The two stand there, struggling, the dragoness stunned at Cala's magically enhanced strength. Cala is getting the best of the dragoness, she's strong. The dragoness releases Cala's arm, putting her off balance, allowing her to turn Cala around, and bite down on the girl's shoulder. The dragoness comes away from nothing more then a piece of Cala's armor. The dragoness quickly under hooks one of Cala's arms and lifts her off the ground, preventing Cala from stabbing back at her. The dragon's claws cut into Cala's exposed shoulder, drawing blood. Cala raises her blade to the dragoness' throat, as the dragoness does the same with her claws, both panting, both glaring at each other.

"Release my magic, or the girl gets hurt!" the dragoness snarls at Red. All the eyes of all three dart from the face of one to the other. The dragoness' blood drips off one breast, and onto Cala's shoulder wound, producing a curious tingle. That strange urge is pack, and Cala is right in position to obey it. The tiny human sticks her tongue out, running it slowly over the dragoness' scaly breast. Startled the dragon drops Cala, but snatches her again as she hits the ground. Cala finds her sword is no longer in the dragon's throat, but the dragon's claws remain at hers.

"I don't want to hurt you, just drop your swords." After a glance at Red, Cala obeys, dropping them. Red winces as they clatter on the ground, panting from the effort it takes to keep her spell going. Cala can suddenly feel something warm and hard pressed against her backside through the fabric of the dragoness' loincloth. There's that weird little voice in her head again telling her to do the strangest thing. With nothing else to do she does as the voice says, rubbing her bottom against the warm, hard, pressure. The dragoness smiles.

"I was wondering when I'd get a chance to use the present a good friend gave me." the dragoness says with a smile, showing off fangs. With a powerful swipe of her claws, she makes four parallel rips through the front of Cala's armor, exposing her tiny breasts. She cups one, rubbing the nipple softly with her thumb. Cala is horrified, this beast, this monster is going to fuck her!

"Drop your spell, cat." the dragoness says, removing Cala's mailed skirt, pressing a claw against the delicate flesh of Cala's nether regions. Mouthing "I'm sorry." to Cala, Red reluctantly ceases giving power to her spell, dropping to the floor in exhaustion. "Good, very good." the dragoness purrs. Picking up the torn fabric that used to serve as the inside of Cala's mailed skirt she wipes the blood from her wounds, watching with satisfaction as they close up.

"Now, what did you come here for, little pet? Hmm? Trying to make yourself a fearsome reputation as an adventurer by slaying a dragon?" the dragoness asks. Cala shakes her head. "We just... just needed the blood of a female dragon for.... for our mistress' magic experiments. We can't disobey, we owe her our lives." Cala says choking back a sob. The dragoness shakes her head. "Then what was the collar for, little human?" she says, punctuating the question by slipping a clawed finger into Cala. "She said she'd prefer a whole female, but just the blood would do." Cala says, her eyes filling with tears.

"Well, now you have it." the dragon says, tossing the bloody skirt to Red. The Warbeast bats it aside in defiance, the skirt catching on the point of a stalagmite and hanging there. "But I think you need to be punished for hurting me, making me feel helpless. Me! A dragon, feeling helpless! So you're both going to feel the same way!" she says bending down to run her long, forked tongue over Cala's left breast. "You're going to feel so helpless while a dragon rams hir cock inside of you. And you..." she fixes Red with a glare. "Are going to be unable to stop her from behind ravaged."

The dragoness' smile widens. "And you're both going to enjoy every minute of it." With a faint crackle of magic energy in the air the dragoness creates a spell of hir own, one that Red knows from talking to other Warbeast mages. The spell enhances the physical sensations of the female sex, making the slightest wisp of air blowing across the target's cunt into a mind-numbing wave of pleasure. Red shivers as the spell takes effect, trying to concentrate on something else other then her suddenly aching sex.

The dragoness shoves Cala to the floor, where she moans softly, the light touch of her panties almost driving her to orgasm. The dragoness pulls hir loincloth away from hir maleness, Cala looks behind her and shrieks in terror. The dragoness just laughs. "Do you like it, little pet? It's my own design." The dragoness' cock is unlike Cala has ever seen or heard of before, it's not the size of it, but the shape and thickness. It's like the dragoness had four cocks arranged in a diamond with the heads facing opposite directions, and then had them fused together. Below the strange organ resides the dragon's balls, all eight of them, in an oversized sack that hides her slit entirely.

"I like cum, little pet. I like to see my playthings covered with it, filled with it, mouths overflowing with it. And you're going to feel it all little pet, and you'll love it." says the dragoness with a smile, rubbing her masculinity against the fabric of Cala's panties, Cala moans, and feels her body tensing involuntarily as she cums violently, soaking her panties.

The dragoness tears them away with a snort of disgust, pulling off the rest of Cala's armor, leaving her in nothing more then her knee guards, grieves, and boots. Cala drops to all four, legs spread, unable to close them. Every time she tries, the rubbing of flesh against flesh sends an electric thrill through her body. Cala lifts her eyes from the floor to look at Red.

The huge Warbeast's bright red fur is matted with wetness, Cala knows from experience that a Warbeast doesn't begin to sweat unless it's severely tired or overheated. Red is mewling feebly, trying to resist the urge to stroke herself, but still getting stimulation fro the movement of the air over her dripping wet cunt. Cala can see a puddle of Red's slick juices forming between the Warbeast's muscular legs.

Cala suddenly feels hungry, not the hungry in her stomach for food, but in a close proximity to her stomach, the ache felt when she needs to feed off Red. She begins to crawl slowly toward Red, moaning as the movement of her legs triggers a cascade of fluid from inside her body. Cumming all over herself once more, Cala finally reaches Red, burying her head in the Warbeast's lap, swallowing the big girl's clit to the hilt. The dragoness laughs.

"What a little slut she is, isn't she, kitty?" shi says, coating hir length with something slick and shiny from a tube. Red can do nothing but mew softly as Cala begins caressing her labia with her fingers, the girls other hand buried in her own snatch. The dragoness pulls Cala's fingers out of herself, Cala howls in protest, her mind pushed away by the beastial lusts brought on by the feelings in her body.

"Oh little human, you'll just love this." says the dragoness, still stroking hir length. "I'm going to fuck you with every inch of my full size dragoncock. Every single inch." shi says, hir member already beginning to grow.

Red recoils in horror at the size of the organ. Fully the size it would be with it's owner at hir full dragon size, it's a good three feet in length, and almost an entire foot around. "C-C-Cala.... l-l-look out.... m-m-male..." she gasps, her body wracked with spasms from the tiny human between the Warbeast's legs, bringing Red to climax.

"Oh don't worry beast," the dragon chuckles. "It won't hurt, much." shi slides a finger into Cala's pussy, drawing a pleased moan from the girl, then a second, followed by hir entire fist. "I'm making her big enough to take me. She'll never be able to achieve full pleasure from a member of her species ever again." shi says with a cruel smile.

Red weakly swipes at the dragon with her clawed foot, the dragon easily catches Red by the ankle and lowers it to the ground. "Oh don't worry, Warbeast, I won't mate with you. That's the last thing I need. An oversized love struck kitty enslaved to my whim, never leaving me any peace and quiet. No, I'll be satisfied with your horny little friend." The dragoness nods at Cala, who is rocking back and forth against the dragoness' fingers.

The dragoness pulls Cala away from Red's body, the human clutching feebly at the Warbeast's cum soaked thighs, trying to pull her face back into the sweet tasting warmth of Red's pussy. The dragoness lowers hirself onto Red's clit instead. "Mmmm, I haven't had a cat clit inside me before, it feels nice."

As the dragoness lowers hirself onto Red, the Warbeast can seem the massive sack hanging down below the dragoness' knees. The dragoness leans back against the soft fur of Red's belly, propping her head against the Warbeast heavy breasts. "So comfy, kitty." shi says, teasing one of Red's nipples with her tongue. Red raises a paw, trying to choke the dragoness, but she misses by a long ways, her vision blurred from the pleasuring of the dragoness' tight, hot cunt clasping around her oversized clit, and the feeling of the creature's scaly sack pressing up against her opening.

The dragoness moans as Red cups her breast. "Oh good girl, good kitty." shi say, returning the favor. Cala meanwhile is sitting atop the dragoness' titanic scrotum, rubbing her pussy against the scaly sheath of the cock, licking the sticky precum from the four slits in the head. Grabbing Cala by the hair the dragoness pulls her forward, over hir cock, until the two are face to face. The little human attempts to suckle on the dragoness' blue-scaled breasts.

"No, no, little one. I think it's AH! Time for you to feel what it's like to have a nice, hot, dragoncock inside of you." the dragoness says, easily picking up Cala and turning her over, sliding the tiny human easily down the length of hir shaft.

Cala moans as her body arches, driven to cum once again by the massive organ inside of her. Red can see a visible bulge in Cala's belly, as the dragoness slides more and more of hir length into the girl, Cala's skin seems to pull away from her body like it was rubber. Cala ends up with the shaft up past her head, every contour of the dragoncock evident through Cala's skin covering it like some obscene human condom.

Cala wraps her arms around the cock above her, grinding her body against it. Red can't count the number of times she's cum, nor how long the three of them remain like this. Her entire world defined by her breasts, her clit, and her pussy, Red feels like she could have been cumming for days, but it could only be a few minutes, The dragon suddenly sits up, pulling away from Red's caressing paws.

"Ooooooh, this is... mmmmm.... perfect." shi moans. "I need to uuuuuuh.... does the mooooore often." The dragoness begins to moan with each exhalation, the volume growing louder each time, each time pushing hirself higher off Red's clit before dropping back down again, thrusting hir hips to move hir shaft around a few inches inside Cala. The dragoness' breath catches in hir throat, she takes Cala's shoulder in hir mouth, biting down lightly to stifle the scream accompanying hir orgasm, the strong muscles of her sex gripping Red's clit tightly, sending the Warbeast into a roaring orgasm of her own.

After a few second the dragoness flops back onto Red's belly, hir cock sending jet after jet of steaming dragon seed into Cala. Every shot can bee seen, filling Cala's womb like a water balloon. Cala can feel every spurt of cum rising up through the dragoness' cock, the heat of the creatures seed and the slight swelling the dragoness' cock goes through as jets of cum rise through it's four urethras sending her into climax after climax, until it's just one continuous super orgasm. The dragoness rises off Red and drops to her knees at Red's side, pulling hir length out of hir living condom.

Cala continues to cum, expelling what seems like gallons of dragon seed from her womb. But the dragon's huge testicles still continue to shoot stream after stream of thick white cum through the air. Barely able to move through the pleasure, the dragoness covers every inch of Cala's flesh in hir cum. Cala rolls onto her back, wanting the huge cock inside of her again, her eyes looking up at the dragoness, begging. The dragoness lowers her cock down the Cala, allowing the human to rub her over-stimulated pussy against the hot flesh, a smile crossing her face as the girl licks at the head, taking as much of the dragon's sweet honey into herself as possible.

Hir cock shuddering and shooting it's last load down Cala's throat, the dragoness removes the spell shi cast on the pair, leaving an exhausted pair of adventurers in a warm, thick, deep puddle of dragon cum. The dragoness stretches luxuriously, shrinking hir cock back down to a more suitable size to her present form. Shi looks over hir cum covered body. "I need a bath," she announces with a yawn. "And a nap."

Shi flicks out her tongue, licking the away the blood on her shoulder that dripped there from the wound in Cala's own. Hir eyes widen in surprise. "Oh pet, you don't know how lucky you are. Someone important gave something very special to some member of your family a long, long time ago." shi says, pulling Cala up from the puddle of dragon cum, which Cala is pathetically lapping at. "Something that'd been hidden in your blood since you were born. You have so much potential, pet." the dragon hugs Cala's sticky body to hir own.

Cala feels a powerful, pleasent tingling sensation as the dragoness kisses her on the lips, slipping her forked tongue into the human's mouth. "It was fun today, little one. More fun then i've had in a long time. So I'm given you a little thank you gift, you're going to be so beautiful, pet." the dragoness says with a smile, laying Cala down next to Red, both instinctively cuddling up against the other. "I hope to see you again some day, pet." The dragoness says, turning and departing.

Chapter 4

Cala awoke to find herself cleaned off, wrapped in a blanket, and moving at high speed. She picks her head up to try and say something, but only manages to get a mouthful of bright red fur. Tilting her head away from Red's breast she manages to get her question out this time. "Red, whatcha doin'? Cala mutters sleepily. Red stops, panting for breath. She gently sets Cala on the ground.

The human notices that her furry friend has the entire camp packed up and hanging off her back, even the things she would usually carry. "Where are we going in such a big hurry?" Cala asks. Red looks down at her with a curious look. Rather then answer Red pulls the blanket off of Cala.

The little human gasps at the sight of her swollen stomach. She looks like she's pregnant, and not just pregnant, but with twins and being quite a ways overdue. Cala chokes down a lump in her throat. "Am I....?' she asks, unable to finish the question.

Red shakes her head. "No, Cala, you're not. It's from the dragon, shi pumped you so full I thought you'd pop. You've been sleeping for almost a day and a half! I was so worried!" Red wraps her strong, furry arms around Cala hugging her tight.

The Warbeast drops to the ground to rest for a little while. She looks sad all of a sudden. "I'm sorry, Cala." she finally says after a few moments of silence. "For what?" a puzzled Cala asks. Red sighs. "For this." Red runs a paw over Cala's huge tummy. Cala suddenly notices that she's naked, save for her boots and a skirt. She quickly pulls the blanket over herself.

"Sorry, there's nothing we had that would fit you." Red pauses a minute before sighing again. "It's all my fault you're like this. I couldn't keep you safe from that dragon. Shi.... shi.... shi raped us Cala, and I was too weak to stop hir!"

Cala bite her bottom lip. "Red, you don't have to be sorry. I don't blame you for it. I blame myself for what happened to you." the little human says with a sigh. Red just shakes her head. She opens her mouth to speak but Cala puts a hand over her muzzle to clamp it shut. "Hush. Red, when the dragoness picked me up, I had this weird urge, I tried to ignore it, but it just wouldn't go away. Red..." Cala sighs.

"It wasn't rape, not for me. I wanted her to fuck me. I wanted it so badly that it completely overrode everything in my mind. I never thought she'd do it to you too." Cala takes her hand off Red's muzzle and sighs dreamily, snuggling into the Warbeast's furry front. "I enjoyed it Red, everything shi did to me. I enjoyed it a lot. I couldn't control myself, I couldn't think, all I wanted to do was fuck. To pleasure and be pleasured. It was so different, Red. It felt like I was an animal, an animal without any restrictions on what I could and couldn't do. It felt sooooo good to be that way, just letting everything go, to have your whole focus be orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. I loved it Red, don't be sorry that you couldn't stop it. I didn't want it to stop."

Red scoops her tiny lover into her arms and begins walking again. Cal continues. "But it was scary too. Deep down there was a part of me that was terrified that it wouldn't stop, not ever, and that I'd be some sex crazed slut-beast for the rest of my life. It was fun, and I'd like to do it again some day maybe, but not like that. Not without knowing that there'll be a definite end to it."

The Warbeast hugs Cala tightly. "I promise I'll do my best to make sure that nothing like that ever happens again, unless you want it to of course." After a few more hours of walking Red needed to rest for awhile, it was getting dark. That didn't mean much to Red, as with her feline eyes she could see in the darkness just as well as daylight, but she had been running almost all day and even with her superhuman endurance she needed a rest.

Cala caught the big Warbeast eying her tummy several times, looking at it almost in awe. Cala had since donned a new pair of panties, and secured her breasts with one of Red's sashes, tied around her body about two or three times. Finally Cala just had to ask.

"Red, why do you keep staring at my belly?" Cala asks. Red's ears immediately go back and the fur on her face fluffs up, her equivalent for a blush. "I uh... uh..." Red stutters. "Think it's kind of cute." Cala just shakes her head with a smile. Red lays in silence for a few minutes when she asks a question. "What does it feel like?"

Cala lies back, using Red's tummy as a pillow. "I dunno, it feels kind of heavy, but not uncomfortable. Some things feel kind of different when the dragoness changed me so shi could get hir cock inside me. But it feels well... to tell you the truth it feels kind of nice. I feel hir cum sloshing around inside of me, and it still feels warm." Red softly purrs he acknowledgement. Cala continues to lay on Red's tummy and looks up at the night sky, watching clouds and stars.

"Cala?" Red asks as her human lover was dozing off. "Hmm?" says Cala as the Warbeast sighs. "I think I want to have kittens." Cala sits up and turns to look Red in the eyes. "What?!" Red sighs. "Never mind, forget I mentioned it." The Warbeast rolls over and closes her eyes. Cala pulls her back over. "No, it's ok. Tell me about it, you just surprised me with it out of the blue is all."

Red exhales slowly. "Well, since we first became soldiers I was kind of thinking about how dangerous thing would be, and when the dragoness had hir claws against your throat it just really struck it home for me. Something might happen to you, and I'd be lonely again, all sad and alone like I was before we met. I don't want to be like that again Cala, and I don't want you to be either. If I died, you wouldn't have a partner to back you up anymore. Mistress has already offered to make the potion for you as long as you need it, and you wouldn't be lonely 'cause you'd have a whole litter of kittens that needed someone to be their mommy."

Cala gives her mate a big hug. "And I'd... I'd like to be mated with you to watch over me and make sure that my male won't mistreat me or hit me, or anything like that." Cala smiles. "If he so much as looks at you funny, he's not gonna be a male anymore." Red wraps her arms around Cala and pulls her close. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Cala." "I love you too, Red."

Red rolls over so that Cala can snuggle up close when she decides to go to sleep. Cala watches as Red pulls the domestication collar they were given to put on the dragon within easy reach. "What's the for?" she asks her partner. "I'm too sore to fight. I was running just about all day today, and half of yesterday. I'll be fine in the morning, but tonight if there's something big and nasty I won't be able to fight it off. If we put the collar on it, it won't hurt us." Cala considers it for a moment. "Good idea, Red." she says, snuggling up close and yawning. "Esepcially since we're both too tired to take watch. I'm really tired all of a sudden." she says, moments before falling asleep in Red's arms.

Red's sleep is wrought with bad dreams. She tosses and turns, mewling softly in the grip of her most horrible recurring nightmare, the one she's had since she was eight. In it she's walking alone, when suddenly she feels a pain in her middle, she doubles over in agony and a few minutes later finds hideous, blind, black worms with teeth eating through her skin, devouring her from inside her belly.

Red sits bolt upright with a gasp, at times like these she cuddles Cala close and snuggles down back to sleep, but for the first time, she doesn't find her beloved little human cuddled up next to her in the night. Red looks around for Cala, but can't see her. Her keen ears pick up a soft moan a dozen or so yards away. Red can recognize Cala's voice. The Warbeast leaps to her feet and rushes to her friend's aid.

Red found Cala laying face down on the ground, clutching her belly. "Cala, are you ok? What happened?" the Warbeast asks, picking her mate up and turning her over. "I d-don't fell s'good, Red..." Cala says in barely a whisper. And to Red's eyes she didn't looked very good at all. Red had to blink to make sure she wasn't seeing things. Cala looked a bit green, not green as in nauseous, but green as in actual skin pigmentation.

"I... I ache all over, it... it burns!" she moans, tearing at her skirt, trying to get it off. To Red's surprise it does indeed do just that. "Cala, let me see your hand." taking the human's hand and looking it over. Red stares at the four digits, as one seems to have vanished. Each it tipped with a tiny, but sharp claw. Cala pulls her hand away, slashing off her top and cupping a breast, the other hand buried under her panties.

To Red's horror she can feel Cala's muscles shifting and pulsing under her skin, growing, being rearranged. Red wonders if she's just imagining it, or if Cala is a bit bigger then she used to be. Then in an instant she knows that it's real. Cala's body suddenly spasms, Red can hear bones popping. Cala moans and bucks her hips; her eyes flying open. She gasps loudly. Red can see the little human's muscles growing to accommodate her larger frame.

Cala unleashes an almost snarling sound, pulling her hand out of herself and tearing her panties off her writhing body. Both hands dart to her crotch, one hand slid into herself, the other rubbing frantically at her clit. Red's gaze was torn away from Cala's pain stricken face by the sound of something ripping. The Warbeast watches as Cala's feet tore from her boots, now far too small for her, and the wrong shape as well. Red saw Cala's feet twist into a familiar shape, the popping and grinding noises coming from Cala's legs as her legs transformed from plantigrade to digigrade.

The changing human's feet take up a far different shape then Red's paws, for one each toe is much longer and thinner, and there are only three of them. A thick yellow membrane grows between Cala's toes, looking like something that would be on an aquatic creature. Cala yelps, pulling her hands away as the changes begin there. Red follows Cala's terror filled eyes to the girl's hands, hand that are much, much larger then they ought to be. A similar yellow membrane slowly begins to grow in between each lengthening finger. Red realizes her friend's arms are becoming wings.

With a sickening crack Cala's head reform, a long, flat, reptilian snout forming from her face. Cala looks up at Red with pleading orange-yellow slit pupiled eyes. "Pleassssse Red...." she hisses, a purple forked tongue sliding from her green lips. "If I don't cum I'm going to ecksssssplode."

Nodding Red lays her friend on the ground, ignoring the pops coming from Cala's legs as the grow shorter in relation to her body, and the writhing of moving muscle tissue, strengthening those same legs. All the while Cala is still growing. Even with the former human's now somewhat stubby legs, Red estimates her to be a good six and a half feet in height and showing no signs of slowing.

Cala's spasms in pain; arching her back and a long, muscular, reptilian tail slithers from her backside. Red lowers her muzzle to the reptile-girl's dripping snatch, her rough tongue lapping softly at the scaly folds. Immediately Cala's thrashing decreases. "Yessssssss." she hisses softly, rubbing Red's ears with her clumsy wing-hands, which seem to have grown two more digits, these short and thick used for grasping, rather then sustaining flight.

Cala grabs a hold of Red's hips with her feet. Red can feel a fourth toe on the rear of the foot, making the appendage suitable for grasping things, like a bird's feet, useful for holding a perch. She feels Cala's tail slither around her leg. She feels something poking her in the side, and turns to find a three pronged fin growing from Cala's knee, it looks like the kind one would find of a fish or some species of lizard, purple spines, fading the green, with a lemon yellow membrane. Red looks at Cala's other changes, finding similar fins adorning the reptile-girl's shoulders, the elbows of her wings, as well as where her ears used to be.

Red watches as Cala's neck stretches, lengthening to give her serpentine head a serpentine base. Cala's short muzzle is flanked by thick purple hair, her forked tongue licking softly at a swollen breast, much larger in proportion then her human form was given. Red feels Cala pull her tail away, and then find it back between her legs, twisted to the side, a tail fin, like that of a fish, cupping her buttocks, trying to pull her closer.

"Ssssso close, Red, pleassssse...." Cala hisses, pushing Red's face back to her crotch. Red continues her licking, pressing her tongue against Cala's much larger clit. The reptile-girl is still growing; Red thinks that she's almost as big as the Warbeast herself now, and there is no sign of Cala's growth stopping.

Red runs a paw over Cala's midsection; she can feel powerful muscles beneath green-scaled flesh. Her legs too big to maintain their grip, Cala reluctantly lets go of Red, wrapping her legs around the Warbeast's middle instead. Red tries to push Cala's legs away, she's squeezing a bit too tight, but try as she might Red can't budge the grip Cala has her held in, the strength enhancing spell cast on the reptile-girl years ago still in effect.

As Red continues licking Cala begins to moan with each exhaled breath, her grip tightening on Red's ears, painfully tight. Red tries to pull away, but Cala pushes her head right back down, forcing her to keep going. Almost frightened, Red starts licking faster, to get the dragon-girl to cum before she tears Red's ears right off her head. Then all of a sudden Red feels something change in Cala. The Warbeast pricks Cala with her claws. The sort-of-dragon yelps in surprise, releasing her grip on Red long enough for the Warbeast to scoot away.

Cala looks up at Red quizzically. "What'sssss wrong? Pleassssse... I need to cum.... pleasssse...." she hisses. The wyvern-girl, Red recognizes a similarity between Cala and something she'd seen in training manuals now that it's approaching her in a strange crouched stance, the three thick fingers on the ground serving as a paw to keep Cala's wings from brushing the ground.

Cala clumsily moves forward, not used to movement in this fashion. The Warbeast backs away, her eyes wide, a terrified expression on her face. "Red, it'sss me. It'ssss Cala. I won't hurt you." the wyvern-girl says through her new mouth, face to face with Red, just as tall as the huge Warbeast even when in her half bent stance. Cala sees something change in Red's eyes, a change to something more wild and feral.

"GET AWAY!" Red roars, swatting at Cala, claws unsheathed. Cala bats the paw away with her wing and hops back. "R-r-red, pleasssse sssstop it! You sssss-sssscaring me!" Cala says, tears running down her scaled face. Red seems to calm down. "Too big..." she pants. "Far too big. Could take four, but what if it's five? Or six? Or eight? N-n-no. Stay away from me, Cala. You're too big."

Cala recoils as if slapped, not understanding. "Wh-what do you mean?" she begs. "Tell me! I d-don't want you to be sssscared of me." Cala says taking a step forward; needing to duck a swipe from Red's powerful paw. Red backs away a few more steps. "D-don't come near me! G-g-get away!" the Warbeast yelps. "Red, pleasssse, tell me what'ssss going on. The dragon did sssssomething to me, changed me, but it'ssss still me!" Cala says inching forward again. Red turns to run, but gets her legs caught up in her own tail and falling flat on her back.

The former human is on her in an instant, pinning her to the ground with her wings and legs. "I'm not going to hurt you, Red! I promissssse!" she says, feeling Red shudder underneath her, the every muscle in the Warbeast's body going limp. Red's head falls to the side, a choking sob escaping her.

"D-do it." she stutters. "G-get it over w-with." Cal can feel Red spreading her legs; she looks down, wondering why, only to find that she isn't a she anymore. Cala's jaw drops, seeing protruding from a green scaly sheath a long, thick, purple dragoncock, glistening with precum. Hir gaze darts back to Red, shi steps off of Red and backs away, ashamed.

"Oh no, Red, I... I didn't..." shi starts, taking a slow step towards Red, wanting to hug her close and comfort her. "Y-y-you're t-too b-b-big, Cala, please, stay away." at that for the first time Cala looks over hirself, seeing how big shi is. She stands on hir hind legs, fanning out hir wings, looking over hirself. Red is standing again, looking up at Cala with a look of abject terror on her feline face. Cala realizes that Red looks much, much smaller, not as great a size difference as there was between the two of them originally, but Cala realizes shi's close to half again as tall as Red, and much heavier.

Cala stumbles, hir new legs not well suited to keeping hir heavy upper body off the ground. Red shrieks and trips, falling flat on her face. Cala goes to help Red, to pull her to her feet, only to find that Red didn't trip, she'd dived for something. Red's gaze was darting between the metallic thing she was holding, Cala's face, and down between the wyvern-girl's legs.

"Red, I'm not going to... URK!" is ala Cala can get out, the domestication collar snapped shut around her neck. "R-r-red? Wh-why'd you do th..." Cala's last syllable trails away into a scream of pain as her mind and body burn with the power of the spells contained within, spells meant to work on a much larger, much stronger, much more magically inclined creature then herself. Feeling the burning pain of change in her body, combined with the agony of voices shouting at her inside her head, Cala blacks out and falls to the ground.

Chapter 5

Her unconsciousness brought Cala no relief, she could still feel the pain wracking her body as the collar worked its spells, changing her body even more. But the worst part is the dreams. The dreams telling her how to act, demanding of her how she is to behave, what she can say and do, shouting her inferiority to humans, to transformed, and to older Warbeasts.

Cala fights them at first, trying to make the voices go away, trying to tell them that shi's not a Warbeast that shi's a human. Shi learns the pain for her disobedience, a pain striking hir right down to hir very essence. Shi tries to fight, but shi's too weak, the pain is too much. Shi submits to the voices, accepts what they tell hir, letting the things they tell her shi is, that shi is to do, shi lets it all sink into hir mind. Through it all shi hears the voice of hir mistress, of Raysess, speaking softly to hir. "Such a good pet you are."

Slowly the blackness fades, the pain ceases, the voices silenced. Shi blinks her serpentine eyes, lifting hir head from the ground. The sound is accompanied by the rattle of chains, and a terrified yelp. Shi can see the sun high in the sky; it's long past noon. Cala pushes hirself up, but feels something holding hir tight. Shi looks down to see chains covered hir wings, binding them together. Shi can feel manacles on hir legs, making it so shi can't run away. Shi can feel a restraint made of tubes of metal held together by rings, chained around hir waist, precautions to make sure shi can't lash out with hir tail, and worst of all, a heavy muzzle on hir face, clamping hir jaws shut, making hir unable to speak.

But the most saddening sight of all if that of Red, shivering a few yards away, looking at hir through puffy bloodshot eyes. Cala can see Red's fur matted to her face, a general disorder to her usually well-kept fur, the Warbeast's tail limp and dragging on the ground. Cala can see Red is tired, that shi hasn't slept, that shi's been crying all night.

Cala turns hir head to look over hirself, taking in all of the changes to hir body. Shi can see six heavy breasts swinging from hir torso, hir manhood fully erect, as is the familiar organ beneath it, the oversized cock-like clit of a Warbeast. Larger then Red's, hirs is nestled between a pair of melon sized testicles dangling from extensions of hir pussy lips. Shi tries to move slowly towards Red, only to find that shi's been chained to the ground, a long length of chain clipped to hir collar, a magic stake embedded in the ground that can only be removed by a mage that speaks the codeword in their mind, a word Cala doesn't know.

The wyvern-girl looks over hir body, look at hir chains, then to the sorrowful sight of her best friend, absolutely terrified of hir. Cala drops to the ground, curls into a ball the best shi can, and begins to cry, hir sobs muted by the heavy muzzle. She runs a wing-hand around the collar around hir neck, confirming what shi's known all along. It truly is a Warbeast collar, the smooth metal a perfect ring all around hir neck, no break, no opening. She tucks hir head under her folded wing, shutting out the sight of hir now former lover peering at hir with terror filled eyes.

With hir sense of smell up to par with that of the average Warbeast, Cala smells a sweet, musky scent, and opens hir eyes, finding hir head a few inches away from hir purple cock and clit, both aching slightly, needing to be touched. Shi slides her long tongue out of hir muzzle, stroking hir length, covering it with hir saliva. Leaning forward shi takes hir cock head into hir mouth, it fits, barely, and begins to suck, trying to do what shi did a few days before with the dragon, abandon hirself complete to the sensations of hir body, to drive hir rational mind into a dark corner for a nap.

It isn't long before shi cums for the first time from hir maleness, the hot, sticky seed filling hir mouth too quickly, covering hir muzzle, the muzzle restraint, hir cock, and hir belly. Shi begins to clean hirself off with slow swipes of hir tongue, before deciding it didn't matter. Shi was a Warbeast now, no better then an animal, so said the voices inside hir head, so why even bother?

Shi sighs. Because it would dry out, collect dirt, and itch later. Tears still streaming down hir face she goes about the task. Shi drops hir head to the ground after shi's done, trying to keep hir mind empty of thoughts, since they would make hir cry some more. Shi feels a sharp jerk on the chain around hir neck. Slowly shi lifts hir wing, to see Red pulling on the other end.

"Come out of there, I wanna talk." she says. Cala slowly pulls hir head out from under hir wing, flopping onto the ground with a sigh. Red squats down and pulls Cala's head up, looking hir in the eyes. "Look at me." Cala turns her eyes away, not wanting to see Red's anguish torn face. "Fine." Red sighs, lowering Cala's head to the ground. Red sits on the ground.

"I knew." she says with a sigh. "I think I knew since I met you. That you weren't a human." Cala fixes hir gaze on Red's face, she's telling the truth. "You smelled different then any human I ever met. You smelled just as much like a Warbeast as you did a human."

Red chokes back a sob. "Then that dragon, that dragon said that this was what you really were, that this was what you were born to be!" Red has broken into tears again. "Why didn't you ever tell me? Why? Why did you pretend that you loved me? Why did..." Red is cut off by a sob. "Why did you let me spend four years of my life falling in love with a monster?"

The last word strikes Cala like a dagger to the heart. Things all start to make sense. Why shi could never sleep very well in the human barracks, why shi was never attracted to them. Why shi thought Red was a beautiful, why shi had fallen in love with a female. Why shi had wanted to fuck that dragon so badly. Shi sobs again, finally recognizing what the 'half-breed' taunts she had suffered as a child were about. Everyone knew what shi was, everyone except hir.

The felizard carefully reaches down, taking off Cala's muzzle, still looking wary. Shaking with fear, she backs away a few steps. Cala works hir jaw up and down, stretching the cramped muscles. Shi looks at Red's paws. "I'm sorry, Mistress Red," shi says with a sigh. "I didn't know what I was." Upon hearing the word 'mistress,' Red winces.

"Please don't call me that, Cala." Red says, turning away. Cala shakes hir head sadly, feeling a sudden painful presence in her mind. "I have to, mistress, it's a part of my programming." Red slowly creeps to the former human, fighting back her instincts and fear. "I didn't mean to, Cala. The last thing I ever wanted was to make you just like me." Red grips her collar with both hands. "It's this stupid thing! Always in the back of my mind, telling me what to do, making me scared."

With a growl she tries to pull the collar away, Cala closes hir eyes, having seen what a pulled collar will do. The air fills with the smell of o-zone, the electric charge in the collar building. But the telltale zap and yelp from Red never comes. Cala opens her eyes to see Red's hands glowing, full of magickal energy, keeping her safe. The collar itself begins to glow, and suddenly the smell is gone, the collar laying in two pieces on the ground, the metal bent and ripped in places.

Red stares down at it dumbly, chewing her bottom lip. "I'm not supposed to be able to do that." Red scratches the fur around her neck and blinks a few times. Cala looks on in stunned awe. Red takes a few steps towards Cala experimentally. With a smile on her furry face, she removes Cala's chains.

The Warbeast snuggles up to her wyvern friend's scaly chest, wrapping her arms around hir neck; the dragon-girl returns the hug with hir huge wings. "I'm so sorry, Cala! I didn't mean anything I said bad about you." Cala just pulls the felizard closer. "I know you didn't, mistress." shi replies. After a few moments Red pushes away.

"It's coming off of you right now." she says, gripping Cala's collar with both hands. "Are you sure that's a good idea mistress? After all, this one is supposed to hold a dragon." Cala asks cautiously. Red playfully nips hir on the nose. "Shush, I need to concentrate." she says, focusing her energy.

In a few moments the collar falls harmlessly to the ground, lacking the electrical discharge that accompanied the removal of Red's. Both Red and Cala stare at it for a moment. "I guess it's much easier for someone else to take one off." Red says, confused. Cala pulls her furry friend into a hug. "It doesn't matter, it's off!" the wyvern-girl says with a smile.

Red pulls away from her lover and sits down on the ground. "I'm sorry Cala, this is all my fault." Cala lies down next to her. "What is?" shi asks. Red gestures to the girl's scaled form. "All of that, you not being a human anymore, it's all my fault." Cala shakes hir head. "No it isn't. You didn't do anything to me." Cala tries to nuzzle Red with her snout, but the Warbeast pushes hir away. "This is what I always wanted, Cala. Dreamed and fantasized about. You being just like me so that we could... could..."

Cala stands up and cradles the crying felizard in hir wings. "You wanted to be real mates." Red nods and rests her head atop one of Cala's large upper breasts. "It's my fault for wishing for it so hard. It's the thing I wanted more then anything, I never thought that it would happen. I didn't even think about how you'd feel about it." Cala just shakes hir head and rubs Red's ears softly.

"Do you want to know how I feel about it, Red?" Cala asks quietly after a few moments. "Yes, I do." answers Red. Cala takes a deep breath. "I hated being a human, Red, I hated it. Being a tiny, fragile, easily abused little creature. Even when you helped me by making me stronger, I was still this tiny girl that had problems defending herself from something much bigger then she was. I was still easy to push around or pick up. If I ever went anywhere without you, I would've been a prime target for abuse from anybody that felt like it."

Cala sighs before continuing. "I looked at you and the other Warbeasts, and you all looked so beautiful to me. Each of you was different and unique. Each of you looked like they were special. Every single one looked capable of defending herself against just about anything. Some much bigger then me, and stronger. They had fangs, and claws, and spines, and horns, I didn't. I didn't have anything to defend myself with save for something someone could take away from me. Without my swords, I'd be just another tiny, plain looking girl." Shi shudders thinking of how vulnerable shi was without weapons.

"But this?" shi gestures to hir powerful draconic body. "This is more then I dreamed of. Nobody would think that something this big is easy prey. I have strong armored scales, sharp teeth and claws, pointy spines that I can use." Cala takes a step back from Red, turning and dropping to all fours, lifting her heavy tail off the ground.

"And I have a beautiful, powerful tail. Just like yours, Red." Cala growls and lashes out and a nearby sapling, striking it with the collapsed fin on the end of hir tail, which in it's folded state is as hard as bone, reducing the tree to splinters. Cala curls hir tail around Red's own.

"I love your tail Red, I always have. I've thought it was so beautiful. So big and cuddly too." Cala wraps hir tail around Red's waist and lifts her into the air. "So am I upset I'm not a human anymore? No, not at all! There are a few things that I have that I didn't particularly want, but so what? If I have to endure having a cock and six breasts for you to play with, then so be it" she finishes with a giggle.

Cala rolls onto hir back and sets Red gently on hir belly. "I love my new body, Red, and I love you." Red nuzzles one of Cala's breasts softly. "I love you too, Cala." she says, reaching behind her to caress Cala's sheath with her paw. Cala's eyes widen in surprise and shi begins to say something, but Red puts a finger to hir lips. "Ssssh, lover. It'll be ok, you know that collar? That damned stupid collar?" Cala nods. "You know how I could never use any sort of transformation magic at all?" Red asks with a smirk on her face. Cala nods again, mmm-ing softly as hir cock begins to slide from the sheath.

"Watch." Red says, closing her eyes as she does so, running a hand down her body and stopping at her crotch. Cala looks on as Red begins to stroke her clitty slowly. Cala has seen this numerous times before, watching the tiny nub swell to a proud length. But this time it's different, the tiny bead of flesh growing in diameter as well as length, the shape changing, the color darkening. In the span of a few moments, a thick black cock juts away from Red's body, a pink furred sheath growing in around the base, a pair of round balls growing in to fill pouch-like extensions of the Warbeast's labia.

Red purrs happily as shi strokes hir new organ. "See? I'm a herm now too." shi says with a grin. Cala watches as Red makes a few cosmetic changes to hirself, the pink fur of hir belly lighten to white, the barely noticeable stripes becoming a dull maroon, hir nipples, lips, and cunt darkening to black. Red looks over the changes with satisfaction. "Why'd you do that?" Cala asks. Red shrugs. "I hate pink." shi says, sticking hir now black tongue out. Both chuckle for a moment. "I dunno, I thought it would look nice. What do you think?"

Cala leas hir serpentine head down and runs hir forked tongue over Red's nipples. "I think you look even cuter." Red purrs and lifts Cala's head up, the two sharing a deep kiss. Red pushes hirself forward, moving the wyvern-girl's two-foot length down between hir legs. "I've waited so long, Cala, so long to have a cock inside of me. I don't want to wait anymore." shi says, sliding down onto the purple length.

The wyvern gasps with the sensation. Shi reaches down with a wing and begins to stroke Red's own member. "So thisss is what it feelsss like." shi hisses dreamily. Red cups Cala's uppermost pair of breasts in hir paws. "It's going to feel so good, Cala, exploring your new body." Red says with a purr. "It's going to feel even better doing for you everything you used to do for me." Cala replies, pulling Red in closer and covering hir with hir other wing, each of them enjoying their first true coupling as mates.