Brothel: Chapter 2

Story by Namyrolis on SoFurry

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Chapt 2

As I swept the floor and cleaned off the tables I kept my eye and ears focused on the wolf dog in the very colorful uniform. He seemed happy enough and enjoying the company of his boat mates, but I did notice some strange things as I was mixing a drink for someone. The way he was sitting was much more proper and poised than his mates, his drink was barely touched despite being of the highest quality rum, and he wasn't fooling around with his mates as much as they were with each other.

Something was definitely off but I did not have to time check it out further as the mistress was watching us from the corner making sure we were all working. She knew and understood that I was doing all I could to earn my keep, but it wasn't me she was keeping an eye on. She was looking past me out of the window at the ships coming and going from the port. What she was thinking I could not know for sure, but I knew it wasn't bad due to the genuine smile on her muzzle.

Turning around to head back to her office, I took a moment to sit down on a bar stool to let my paws rest. Sure what I was doing was easy, much easier than being a whore for a client, but I honestly was not used to standing and walking around this much. That and the 3 hours of boredom just made me want to fucking start throwing bottle and chairs just to cause a riot. One would think I should be grateful for not having to whore myself out for once in my life, but when you grow up with it being your only job, it is really all you know how to do.

That however was not the only thing getting to me. I am now 32, which added up to 13 years of my life gone and wasted paying of my parents damned dept while they were free to do as they wish. 13 years of not living my own life, doing what I wanted... having true love or a permanent mate. The most I had to a "real mate" were regulars that came in at least once a week, but I knew they were still using me. It is what I am for, to be used like a dishrag and then tossed aside.

A loud bang from them wolf dog's table caught my attention and I flicked my ears the listen in without looking. I distinctively heard the wolf dog's growling voice as he spoke that posh language of theirs, but I wasn't interested in translating it so I just stood up seeing more tables being left to clean.

"Alki, are you listening to what they are saying?" Aino asked from behind me, putting a paw on my shoulder to turn me around.

"No, but the dog in the uniform sounds angry. I figured why bother translating..."

"Well maybe you should listen" Aino interrupted me with a look of seriousness on her face I had never seen before. I flicked my ears back in the wolf dog's direction and listened in translating what they were saying

"It's not of your [Malsic Damn] business what I [Walik want Doko todo] here!"

"All we are saying is that you have been so [Malsic] stiff that you have not even touched your [alchosh] yet."

Putting a paw to my head I looked over at Aino who was tilting her head back and forth. "They are speaking to fast, it's hard to translate everything and it doesn't help the fact the deck servants are a little drunk."

"You are probably having a better time than I am, your ears are better than mine. It all sounds like gibberish to me with how fast they are talking. All I can make out of the basics. It was Fauna who told me to make you listen."

"Hmm and all this time you made it sound like it was you're idea."

"It's what I do." Aino turned her head towards me grinning. "You and everyone else should know that by now. Seriously though go to Fauna and ask her what they are saying, she has been here the longest so the language is almost native to her."

"Alright, I'll go now. It must be really important if I need to know what in the world they are saying, or have said."

"Yea that'll be a good thing to do; I'll try to go calm them down." Aino waved and walked over to the group with a noticeable sway in her walk. She leaned over the table with both paws in the middle with chest stuck out to make her rack stick out as much as possible. It was always a sure fire way to end a rabble, even if it was degrading. I suppose it is better than having a full out fight, in which case thing are sure to get broken and other lives put in danger.

Walking over to Fauna who had her ears perked straight at the table, I noticed that all the patrons at the bar were also listening in. She had a half mixed drink in paw and some heavy cream sitting on the bar table, from which I could guess was for the feline sitting in front of her.

"Hey Fauna Aino said..."

"shh I'm listening and can't do both" She interrupted me holding a paw in front of my face. Whatever was happening at that table must have been interesting because the parts I could translate were intense, so everyone who was a master at the language must have been getting one hell of a show. I turned around and saw nearly everyone looking at the wolf dog's group, either they were listening intently, or whispering to someone else the translations.

I noticed that the group were ignoring Aino to the fullest extent even when she promised them all half off if they would calm down. The wolf dog suddenly got up giving some sort of hand signal to his deck hands and left. The deck hands themselves finally looked around the house noticing that everyone was staring at them, however they didn't get up or seem to care figuring that most of us hadn't made out the exact conversation that just happened.

"That was, a very weird and hard conversation to follow" Fauna finally said putting down the drink she suddenly remembered she was making. "The basis of it was that the Admiral, the one in the colorful clothing, never wants to come into a brothel and that when he finally does he is always so uptight and doesn't want anything to do with the ladies. He won't drink any of the alcohol that is given to him, he will ignore any services including free ones, and always sits with his back to the wall so no one can come up behind him."

"Well that would make sense, after all you did say he asked for me right?"

"He asked about you not for you. His mates were really trying to ask him if he wasn't interested in females while not being vulgar."

"So you think he is hiding the secret that he likes the company males?"

"Most likely hun. Remember he did come in here yesterday, but he was in civilian clothes and not in uniform. He was most likely trying to get away from his mates and disguise himself."

"What was the last thing he said, it was all too gruff and fast paced for me to make out. The sentence before he got up and left"

"He said he was going to the lake further up in the island. I'm assuming it would be the one we catch our fish from. Speaking of which we are almost out and the hunter hasn't shown up yet."

"Hmm nothing but strange today. Best tell the mistress that the hunter hasn't shown up. I'll will go... Huh?" I turned my head around feeling a paw squeezing my ass.

"You up for a rump foxy? I'll promise it will be something you will remember" said a smiling typically color raccoon that as usual smelt of iron and gun powder. Their body was better suited for lifting heavy objects such as crates of gun powder, water, ammo, and the such better than most species who traveled on boats so they always smelt like whatever they had been moving that day. However I knew I didn't have a choice in taking this client as the mistress would kill me if I turned down my first opportunity in almost 6 days.

"Oh my, your very... lets go to my room. " I said realizing that the raccoon was my than just a little tipsy when he put most of his weight on me. I practically walked him to my room where he promptly let go of me and collapsed on the floor.

"Fantastic... The one time to earn some corn and it's from a too drunk to stay awake coon. Well best not to lose the opportunity." I duck around in his pants until I found the coin he was carrying and pulled it all out. In total it was 25 gold coins, 5 silvers and 7 coppers, which was a good bit of coin for a deck hand to be carrying around. I took 5 gold coins, putting the rest back and dragged him out into the hallway. I wasn't above stealing so I didn't have a problem doing it, but I certainly wasn't going to make him broke.

"Making money I see..." A gruff voice from behind me said.

"Not really madam, he passed out onto the floor as soon as we entered my room. However I did get this." I replied handing the 5 gold coins to her. "As far as I am concerned he passed out during the service. I'm getting paid one way or another."

"Hmm I don't have a problem with that. Was he really that drunk?"

"Yea he asked me if I was up for a rump, I practically dragged him to my room, and as soon as I closed the door he passed out straight onto the floor with no grace what so ever. I didn't take all of his money, but I did take over 2 times my rate for a moderate service."

"Hmm, well good job. Leave him here, I'll contact his mates."

"Yes Madam." I let go of his arms and gently set him on the floor where he started mumbling gibberish that had no particular meaning. I couldn't help but giggle a little though even though this was a somewhat common occurrence, more so with the ladies then me. Most of my clients are completely sober when they bought my services.

"I have an errand I need you to run Alki. I need you to take this note to my mother in the council chambers."

"Your mother? Doesn't she hate servants entering the chamber?"

"Yes but I have no time to take it myself. It is about the purchase of property so she will be more interested in it rather than you once she takes it."

"Property?" I tilted my head to the side wondering why she was telling me this. Servants usually were not informed of such things and I began naturally curious. "What kind of property if madam does not mind me asking?"

"A rare beauty for use in the house. Now go, I need my mother reply by dusk." With that she walked back to her office with a paw on her lower back with tail flicking slowly side to side. She was obviously troubled by something but I knew it was not my place to ask.

Before I went to the council chambers I needed to dress a little more appropriately. I undressed myself and searched my dresser for my brown cotton pants and my tan shirt. I set them on top of the dresser and combed my fur out again before putting them on. I then removed my earrings and nose piercing to remove traces that I was a whore servant as well to make myself look a bit more presentable.

I stepped into the backyard to see where the sun was, finding that it was already slightly past midday. I stretched my shoulders and back feeling my bones crack and move into a position that always felt better than before. I stepped back inside, grabbed the letter and made my way out of the front entrance.

Everyone was occupied with the guests inside so I didn't bother telling anyone where I was going, and there was really no need since the mistress already knew where I would be. The small city was actually beautiful when you looked at it during the day. All the roads were in good shape, the buildings clean with clear windows, no trash on the walkways or plants, and everything had a reflective gold color as the sun shone on it. It was very rarely that I ever got to experience it during the day, and each time it almost made me forget how bad this place was actually was. It almost made me forget that I was a slave, as well as most of the workers in the city. It almost made me forget the betrayal I have experienced and how much pain and hatred I had built inside. It almost made me believe, that my life was perfectly ok and that I could be happy. However I knew the illusion was skin deep and that these building and businesses all had slaves that were taken here against their will, sold, tricked, and so on and were trapped for most if not all of their life.

From where I was I could see the council building, which was a grand single story building that sat at the highest point of the land just outside of the city directly opposite of the docks. No one knew exactly how big it was since no one had ever seen how far the back of the building goes into the middle of the island, but I really didn't matter. The furthest any servant or slave had gotten is into the council meeting chamber, which was situated are the very front of the building and was a large circular room that was slightly smaller in area than the whole brothel.

I continued making my way down the streets when out of the corner of my eye I saw the wolf dog come out of a shop holding his sword up to sun examining it. I could only assume that the shop was a forge or blacksmith but I had no way of knowing for sure since the only stores I was allowed to enter were ones that carried clothing or food. Any servant or slave entering a weapons and armor shop without the escort of their master was strictly forbidden.

I thought about secretly following the wolf dog for a few seconds before I thought about what the mistress would do to me if I didn't deliver the note on time and get her mother's reply before the day's end. "Damn it." I whispered to myself before breaking into a fast walk towards the council building.


I arrived at the council building and was immediately halted by the guards at the gate. They were dressed in red, full body armor that was made out of something called nickel and that it could stop the full force of a sword strike and even bullets from weaker guns.

"State your purpose servant" that said with their guns pointed right at me. They could always tell you were a servant due to the band we wore on our wrist that was welded tight on our arm when we were taken. We were never allowed to cover it up or we could be executed if we were caught doing so.

"I'm here to see Madam Isis on behalf of her daughter Mistress Eir for reason of this said note" I explained myself very directly while showing them the note. The guards examined the signature closely before handing it back to me and allowing me to pass.

"You may pass servant as this letter and its priority allows you. Do not act unlawfully or we will be forced to take action. The Commander inside will escort you to Madam (Blank) when you present the note to him."

I looked back at the two bulky lion guards and bowed slightly showing courtesy and thanks, though they probably knew as much as I did that is was not sincere. Regardless they bowed in return, which was common courtesy whether you were a servant or not, and returned to their position talking amongst themselves.

I opened the grand door to the council building and was immediately presented with more guards. These, although not stopping me or asking what I was doing here, still watched me closely without directly staring. It didn't bother me in the least knowing that if they were going to take some sort of action, they would have by now.

I walked over to the Commander, knowing who he was from previous encounters, and presented him with the note. He waved it away knowing my business here was valid, and took me to Madam (Blank). It was not a very long walk to her office, just down a hallway on the east end of the building and first door on the right.

"How long have you been a Commander, if you do not mind me asking?" Bowing my head graciously as I asked.

"23 years. How long have you been a servant?"

I was taken back for a moment due to the fact he even asked me a question, let alone one about a servants personal history. "13 years Commander, sir." I replied back with no hesitation.

"Only that long, you should have your dept paid off in another 10 years being a whore, even for a boy."

"Yes, that is what Mistress Eir thinks as well, but at the moment she is unhappy with me. The Britari men don't let boys serve them, so I am having to clean and mix drinks. The regulars won't come in with the house filled with so many of the fleet, so I am not making any coin."

"Hmm, True. Don't let it get you down though, I heard that the Britari fleet are going to be moving out soon, their help is needed back in their own land. I don't know when they are suppose to be deporting, but it won't be long. They are already moving their gear, ammo, food as well as supplies onto their ships."

This was both good news and bad news to me. I would go back to making coin, but at the same time I would be selling my body and soul out to the highest bidder to use my as their personal sex object.

We arrived at Madam's Isis's office and the Commander knocked on the door. She responded from behind it giving us permission to enter. We walked in and the Commander closed the door behind us. She took a glance at me and leaned back into her oversized and cushioned chair, placing her paws into her lap.

"I assume you have a note from my daughter? Let me have it" she said gruffly as if annoyed, but not angry.

I handed her the note and she promptly opened it, reading the contents in all of a few seconds. She crumpled it up and tossed on the floor in front of me and gave me a death stare, one that made even the Commander shift a little.

She stood up and walked in front her deck still looking at me as if ready to strike. "You tell my daughter that her purchase was foolish, yet I will allow it. Maybe another boy will do some good in the run down brothel, though maybe running water and a more reliable hunter should have been first on the list. Now be gone, both of you. I have more important matter to attent to. Oh and tell Eir that I love her."

I quickly bowed and allowed the commander the escort me all the way out of the building. The whole time however, I was wondering why she had purchased another boy. I was already not making much coin, so why waste resources on another one?