Mister and Mistess Claus

Story by Gez on SoFurry

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It's getting around the Christmas time so I decided to make y'all a certain little Christmas Holiday Fun Story....heheh

Kate walked down the street her long black tail dragging on the ground. The snow was gentley falling on either side of her. The air was cool and crisp, and the sky was a dark mirkey grey. Kate was on her way to Rhema, so she could see their lights. Right when she was about to enter the parking lot she heard a faint ringing...almost like sleigh bells. Kate didn't care to notice at the tyme but they kept on getting louder and louder.

Kate decide to see where it was coming from. Walking down the street she looked up at the full moon and a flash of red appeared and disappeared. "What the?" she thought. She followed in the direction that the red thing went and the bell sound got louder. Passing by people and they looked as if they were unmoved by the sound. She touched the nearest passing person. "Excuse me miss? Do you hear that loud ringing noise?" The women turned to face Kate. "Umm. No..." she said and turned around and walked a little faster away from her.

She started to run towards the sound. Curiousity bitting at her heals. Running through the city till she reached a small urben neighbor hood. She spotted the red flash thing and it was seeming to land. She chased after it for as long as she could till she found it on the ground. "It's...a sleigh?!" Kate though aloud. "Like Santa's...but where's the big bag full of goodies?

She walked over and leaned over the side to look. A dark shadow snuck up behind her with a bat. "Hmm." She though and before she could turn around she was hit upside the head...not hard enought to kill her but hard enought to knock her out. She was put in the back of the sleigh and it took off.