Violet & Alec (Part Two)

Story by ScarlettWolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Violet & Alec

Second page, i thought i'd make this one longer and tryed to add more detail and i think i checked my grammer pretty good not sure though, comments are welcome!.

After thinking it through i went around the forest and thorugh the thick pinetrees looking for somewhere to sleep.

Seeing an old hollowed out tree i went over to it, looking in it to see if anything was there i smiled to myself, 'It's kinda small though, i'd have to shift to fit in there' I thought to myself.

I took off my shirt pulling it over my head, then moving to my jeans i unbuckled them pulling them down to my ankles and kicking them off.

After i was in only my bra and panties looking around and making sure no one was near or watching me i unclassped my bra and took that off then went down and pulled off my panties leaving myself naked, putting my clothes into a pile i then shifted into my wolf form.

I was a tall 4'2 wolf with dark brown fur layered with hazel and redish coloring, around my eyes was a tan color in perfect oval's on both sides, my tail was stripped with the same tan color along with my front and back paws.

I yawned widely and crept into the hollow tree and curled into a tight ball shivering slightly from the cold wind sweeping through the forest trees and past mine sending cold wind blowing into my face, even in the hollow tree the cold wind still crept up my skin.

Curling tighter i finaly closed my eyes and exhaleing i drifted off into a restfull sleep in the safty of the hollow tree.


I felt drops of something wet dripping on my face and sniffled flicking my ears and covering my face with my paws, drip, drip, drip, it continued till both my face and paws were soaked to my skin, finaly i jumped up and leaped from the hollow tree shaking violently.

Looking around i saw a thick layer of snow covering the ground and trees, turning around i saw snow melting on branches above my hole dripping water into the hollow part of it and onto the ground below.

I sighed deeply as i walked to where i had put my clothes in the night and they were covered in snow and most likely soaking wet.

Growling to myself i picked up my clothes in my jaws and continued on my way through the forest, blinking a few times i finaly cleared my blurry eyes i got from when i'd slept

Closing my eyes for a few seconds i ended up hitting face first into something hard and furry, i fell back into the snow and opened my eyes to see a buck standing as still as could be with the deer in the headlights kind of look on it's face

He stood still for a few seconds and started backing away muttering words under his breath. (Your probaly wandering why a deer can talk, in this story all animals are smart and can talk though none can stand on two feet or anything there all feral exept for the werewolves ofcourse)

I dropped the clothes that were in my jaws and growled, i pounced just as the buck took off at full speed, i chased him fastly jumping onto his back, i bit into his neck as he stumbled to the ground blood leaking from his wound.

I bit down harder crushing the bones and vains in his neck choking him with his own blood, after a few seconds of struggeling the light finaly went out of his eyes.

Pulling away from the body i licked my muzzle clean of blood. "Nice catch, mind if i share" Came a feminine voice from behind me, i whipped around to see another of my kind, light grey with a black muzzle and paws and one black ear.

"Who are you?" I questioned turning fully around now to face her. "My names Kate or i call myself Katie" She said cheerfully. "You didn't even get something out of him first?" She asked eyeing the dead buck. "What??" I asked clearly comfused.

"I mean you didn't fuck it or something?, thats what i always do with my meals, aslong as there male of course and there always willing with some convincing" She said as though it were obvious.

I just stood there with my jaw hanging open and a shocked look on my face. "What?!?!, thats gross and perverted what the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled at her.

"Nothings wrong with me dear, i know for a fact you don't have a mate since there's no mark on your neck. And i don't got one etheir and i think we both know how hard it is to go a long time without atleast a lick here and there, or even a fuck here and there" She said then continued.

"Atleast get something out of your meals rather then a full stumach" I just stood there staring at her as though she were crazy. "So back to my first question, can i share im starving?" She said as though we didn't have that conversation in the first place.

"Umm, yeah sure i guess.." I said, she trotted over and ripped a large chunk from his thigh and started ripping small bits off of it and eating it; She did that a few more times before licking her muzzle and paws stepping back. "Thanks doll, how about you finish off the rest"

She said and smiled wholeheartedly. "Uh, no thanks i'm not hungry" I said eyeing the dead buck on the ground suddenly not hungry anymore. "Okay if you say so, you wanna go do something like find a male werewolf to split?"

"Ummm, no thats alright i'm not interested.. Besides i have my eyes on someone" I said blushing slightly, luckily it wasn't visable through my thick fur. "Oh, whos that, a cute werewolf?, maybe a diffrent shifter or something?"

"Uh no, um.. hes a vampire" I said blushing red. "Ohh realy, what's his name, is he hot?" She said suddenly interested. "Uh... Alec, and um yeah i guess hes kinda good looking" I said, if my face could get any redder it would have been. "Oh cool, maybe i could meet him, Have you two had sex yet?" She said coming to stand infront of me with a wide grin.

"What!, uh no, no we haven't done anything like that" I said turning my head. "No?, oh, then what do you do. Oral?" She said with her unaturaly wide smile. "No!, no no no no. When i said we didn't do anything i ment nothing no sex or anything even close to that or even kissing for that fact"

"Oh... so you havn't even kissed him?!?, Okay come on were going to find that vamp and get you a kiss" She said pushing me with her head and making me walk forward or more like stumble forward. "No no no no!" I said digging my claws into the ground. "Oh come on!, move!"

"No!" I protested falling forward face first into the dirt. "Oops, sorry. Now get your lazy fat ass up shift into your human form and go kiss that vampire!" She demanded, i got up and spat out dirt. "Fine!" I yelled. "Good now shift" She said politly.

"No!, i don't have my clothes with me there somewhere over there" I said motioning to the forest behind me. "So?, i shift naked all the time see" She said then shifted, i averted my eyes quickly. "Yeah i see now can you change back please, seeing a naked girl was not on my list of things to do"

"Fine go get your clothes" She said and i heard her shifting back and looked, she was back in her wolf form, i nodded my head and went to get my clothes; I found them near the tree where i'd seen the buck, i picked them up and shifted, getting back on my bra and panties then my shirt and jeans.

I ran back to what i found out was a small clearing of trees where katie was waiting now in her human form with sweat pants and a shirt. "Okay good now lets go find that sexy vampire so you can get a kiss!" She shouted with her unatural wide grin and walked away.

I sighed and followed her; it was about 36 minutes later of walking she stopped. "Okay i smell a vampire, is it him?" She asked looking around; i stopped and smelt, and surely enough it was Alec...

"Is it him??" She asked after a few minutes, i nodded "Yeah but can't we like wait for a while or something? not have me kiss him like right now?" I asked suddenly nervous. "Umm. No!, now go find him i'll hide somewhere here and make sure you kiss him!" She said cheerfuly and shoved me forward.

I stumbled forward then started walking looking around for him. "Hey Violet, what are you doing around this part of the forest?" Alec asked suddenly appearing out of nowhere and standing infront of me with a questioning look. "Um, just walking around" I said trying to keep my voice normal.

"Hmm, okay then" He said, sounding as though he didn't beleive me at all. "Hey Violet there you are i have been looking for you everywhere!" Came Katies voice from behind me, i turnt around. "Oh hey Katie" I said smiling at her in releif. "Friend of yours?" Alec questioned from behind me. "Yeah" I said turning to look at him then back to Katie.

"So this is Alec?, Cool, nice to meet you Alec i've heard so much about you!, Violet doesn't stop talking about you!" She exclaimed as i stood there face turning red. "Okay Katie i think thats enough" I said grinding my teeth. "Aww you talk about me" Alec cooed teaseingly.

My face was as red as a tomato as Katie was grinning like the cheshire cat. "Well come on Violet we gotta go, It was nice meeting you Alec" Katie said as she caught my hand and dragged me away, i heard Alec chuckle and then heard nothing, 'He probaly left' i thought as i was dragged away.

"What was that for!" I yelled at katie as she was still dragging me away. "Well he needs to know your interested doesn't he??, Yes he does, now come on we got to teach you how to act like a bitch, and by bitch i mean i need to teach you how to flirt and get a guy in your panties in a matter of minutes" She said grinning again.

"Well i'd hopped i wouldn't have to kill myself before i was 20 but it seems like the time has come" I muttered to myself thinking of diffrent ways to kill myself painlessly.

"Okay first lesson, lets go get you a man!" She yelled, i sighed 'Okay i think hitting my head on a tree would work best right now' I thought to myself looking to the nearest tree.

When i looked ahead again i saw a ways off a whole pack of werewolves ahead of us "Here we are!".