Finding One's Place

Story by Sube on SoFurry

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#3 of Age of the Raptors

I woke up sometime the next morning, feeling refreshed, ready for a new day. After stretching, I headed for the door until I heard snoring emanating from the bed beside me. Looking over the lip of the bed, I saw Shyla sleeping, snoring lightly. Turning around, I got about two steps before I noticed a box on the floor to the left of the door. Printed on the side were the words "Pet Central". I knelled down, opened the box, and saw a variety of items. On the top sat a new outfit of clothes for me. Both the shirt and shorts were a dull gray; when I tried them on, it hugged my skin. It was very stretchy and it smelled strange. It was better than the baby Raptor clothes Zue had given me yesterday though. Underneath that, were a pair of shoes the same color and texture as the shirt and shorts. Next to those was a studded, black leather collar with my name printed on the side. Leaving the collar in the box, I changed into my new wardrobe and made my way out the door to the pad.

Upon reaching the pad, I stepped onto it and awaited the nausea that was to come. I didn't have to wait long, for the next thing I knew, I was on the ground floor, staggering off the pad. It took a minute for the nausea to pass and my head to clear. Walking over to the kitchen area, I stopped by what I thought to be the sink, hoping to get a nice drink of water. It was a little difficult trying to reach up high enough to press the button, seeing as how the counters came up to the top of my stomach. I pressed it and waited for the water to flow, but instead I got a thick stream of what looked like coagulated blood. I hurriedly pressed the button again and pulled myself up onto the counter.

Yep, that's blood... I thought to myself as I tried my best to clean it up. It reminded me of the time my brothers and I went hunting on my coming-of-age ceremony. It took forever to catch and skin that mastodon, but it was worth it... Once the sink was cleaned out to the best of my ability, I went over to the ice box to see if they had anything I could eat, since I couldn't get any water.

As I was about to open the door, I caught something moving in my peripheral vision. I whipped around, but saw nothing, so I cautiously went back to my raid of the ice box. As I expected, there were only huge chucks of raw meat. Disappointed, I turned around to go back to my room, only to be pressed nose to breast with a female Raptor. Her skin was a very dark blue with three stripes of orange along her upper jaw. Her hair was also dark blue with streaks of bright orange. Her clothes were black and she was covered in piercings. The weirdest thing about her, though, was her eyes. Her iris was blood red with a small, black dot for a pupil. At first I was startled, but I remembered that I was in a good home, so I didn't have to worry about being hurt. I started to walk around her until I heard the clicking/tapping noise.

Stopping dead in my tracks, I slowly turned around to see her tapping her killing claw on the floor, and making the clicking sound from her throat. I moved slowly in a wide circle around her; inching back to the pad so I could get to the safety of the Alpha's room. Ever since I could remember, that sound has always meant that, for a human, someone was about to never be seen again. Back in my village, we had periodic raids on us from Raptors. The only way we even stood a chance (which we didn't) was by having sentries at the village corners day and night. If a sentry was to hear that sound, he would strike the adjacent bell with his rock, and try to run. Usually, during raids, they were the first to go. If you were caught, you got about three options. One, get dragged into a bush and eaten on the spot. Two, get captured and sold to a restaurant. Third, get captured and sold as a slave, then probably eaten at your Master's leisure. Lucky for me, I got the third option and nice Masters, but I know for a fact that my fellow village members were not spared that fate a few weeks ago.

Suddenly, she lunged at me with her claws extended, like a cat to a mouse, but luckily I was ready for an attack. I dropped to the ground as she sailed over head. Without a second to lose, I jumped up and sprinted to the pad, hoping that I would get there before the Raptor attacked again. I was almost there until I felt something sharp rake across my back, sending me to the ground face first. Trying to ignore the pain that was spreading through my back and head, I tried to scramble the last few feet to the pad but the Raptor kicked me in my side, sending me flying into the couch. I attempted to rise one last time, but she grabbed me by my ankle and dragged me back into the kitchen area. I kicked at her with my free leg, but she just grabbed that one also. Once I was on the cold, tile floor in the kitchen, she then flipped me over onto my back. My heart had to skip a beat or two as I started to sweat and shiver uncontrollably. She dropped to her knees and landed on my lower stomach, knocking the wind right out of me, and after pinning my arms to my side, she slowly brought her head down to look me dead in the eyes. I could feel her claws stabbing into my arm as she held me down. Her tongue flicked out and licked the slightly bleeding cut on my forehead, and then traced its way down the side of my cheek, licking off the sweat that had accumulated. It then shot back into her maw and she hissed with pleasure, as if savoring the taste. Finally, she opened her mouth wide, preparing to take a chunk out of my neck. I closed my eyes and hoped it would be over quick. I remember smelling her hot, fetid breath, then feeling her sharp teeth stabbing into my neck... then a loud shout:

"What the fuck are you doing?"

I eyes opened to see another Raptor kick the one on top of me on the side of her jaw, sending her sprawling... then I think I passed out since I can't remember any of the issuing fight. I do remember, though, waking up on the couch in the living room. I shot up and looked around, hoping that the attacker was gone, and indeed she was. Then, I heard someone talking in the background.

".....ats so?"

"Yeah, Ziydra almost got him... Do you realize what Zren would have done to me if Ziydra had eaten him?"

I poked my head over the edge of the couch to see who was talking. It was a Raptor in the kitchen area leaning on the island table talking into a metal spring looking thing, and noises were coming back out.

"Yep, and the Pack Protection Laws wouldn't help you either."

"I'm just glad that first kick got her by surprise and knocked her... Hold on, I'll go over to your quarters, he's awake."

The Raptor was talking when its ears perked up. Once the Raptor turned around, I realized it was Zue! She must have been in the Alpha's room and heard the commotion. She was over to me in a second.

"Thank Rajic you're alright... you scared me for a while there..." She said, shaking me by my shoulders. Then she hugged me, making me feel pretty good inside. Getting up, she looked down at me and said,

"Mike? If you understand me, nod your head." I complied. "Great. Now, I have to go somewhere and I'll be gone for a while. If you need anything, Shyla should be coming home soon." With that she was at the exit pad, and vanished with a flash of blue light. Immediately, I jumped off of the couch and headed for the kitchen. Sitting on the couch reminded me about how hungry I was. Once in the kitchen, I began a more thorough raiding of the cabinets, looking for anything I could eat.

Many of the cabinets were filled with jars, which were filled with... raw meat. I was about to give up and just be hungry when, lo and behold, I found a jar with dried meat strips in it. Wondering why the thing you are looking for is always in the last place you look, I ripped open the jar and attacked the strips. I felt better immediately, and walked back over to the living room. Climbing onto the couch, I noticed the T.V on the adjacent wall. Making sure no one was around to hear, I said aloud "On." The screen lit up and I began to watch what was on. It was somewhere near the ocean, and it looked like an auction was being held. In the background, a Raptor was pulling of the covering of a large object. I noticed the Raptor pulling off the covering was the one that sold me!

Once the covering was off, the object was a large green hand with a torch in it. I wondered why anyone would want to buy something like that, but all the clawed hands shot up. The number in the corner of the screen shot up like crazy, but after a few minutes, it stopped at 4,677,859,299 credits. The Auctioneer announced that it was sold to the Protection of Human Achievements Company, and that next they were going to sell the a declaration of independence; whatever that was. I knew that sometimes Raptors would change the channel using something they called a "remote". I found it wedged between the cushions on the couch.

It was a perfect sphere, but there were strangely placed scratches scoring the surface. I assumed them to be the controls. Using one of my fingernails, I slid it across one of the larger scratches. The screen went through a flurry of channels, and then stopped. On the screen were two Raptors debating over an issue. After a few seconds of listening, it turned out that they were arguing over if humans should be left to mate in the wild, or if they should be placed on ranches and artificially inseminated. Soon, the debate was over, and it went into the advertisements. The first advertisement caught my attention. It was advertising a spray that, when applied, arouses anyone who smells it to "experience an orgasmic crescendo like no other..." It could also be bought at any convenience store. It then switched to another advertisement, then another, then another. After about twenty went by, I went to the restroom, which strangely had no door.... Inside I looked at myself in a mirror. My hair was matted and I just felt dirty. I pressed the open button beside the mirror, and it opened up to show all types of "care" products. I took off my new shirt and soaked it in a nearby bowl that actually had water in it. I took something resembling soap out of the cabinet and began to wash myself. I started to look presentable.

As I put the bar of soap back with the other items, something caught my eye. It was the spray from the advertisement! I quickly grabbed it and began inspecting it. I couldn't find the nozzle, and it smelling like plastic. After fondling it some more, I was rewarded with a blast in the face from the hidden nozzle. It stung my eyes horribly and smelled like super concentrated urine. I took my still wet shirt and rubbed my face, trying to get rid of the smell and sting, but to no avail. I sat on the floor and waited, and after a few minutes my eyes stopped burning, but the smell was still strong. I walked out of the restroom and, to my surprise, straight into Shyla who was carrying three bags of food. I was the one who fell down, since Shyla had a good 250 pounds on me.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Shyla exclaimed as she reached down and picked me up. Then she started sniffing the air. I saw her shake her head, then she ushered me into the kitchen area where we started putting away the food she brought. I helped her take out the food while she put them away into their respective cabinets. Meanwhile, Shyla was continually walking behind me, taking in huge whiffs of air. The next thing I knew, we were done, but Shyla didn't look so good. She was shaky and quivering. She walked over to the lift pad, and I followed her. At the pad, she started breathing faster, and started to sweat. I knew that the stuff from the commercial was making her go crazy, and in the back of my mind, I was curious to see what was going to happen to her.

Walking very fast, Shyla bee-lined for her room and slammed the door behind her. I wanted to follow her, but I couldn't figure out how to open the door. All the other times the door was either cracked or wide open. Luckily for me, the Alpha's door was ajar, so I slipped inside and went to the crack in the wall. Pushing aside a stinking pile of clothes, I looked and saw Shyla rambling through a closet I had not noticed before; articles of all sorts were flying through the air and hitting the adjacent wall. Soon, she came out with a large box. Setting it on the bed, she pulled off her top and slid out of her shorts. Unfortunately for me, she was facing the other wall, so I didn't get to see anything. I assumed she was preparing for a shower, but instead she just sat on the bed, back still facing me, and opened the box. She pulled out a huge, two foot red rod, then proceeded to lay down onto the bed and slowly slide the rod into her. By now, I knew what she was doing, and I couldn't take my eyes off of the spectacle. She started moaning, and her tail was swishing about messing up the sheets. With her free hand, she grabbed one of her breasts and started massaging it and moaning even louder; that's when her smell began wafting into the Alpha's room. Then Shyla moaned something that almost made me lose control.

"Fuck me Mike! Oooooohhhhhh harder!" She said through clenched teeth as she started arching her back. I found myself jacking off as I watched her. She barred her teeth and called out for me again when she completely lifted off the bed and screamed, and I could see her juices shoot out to flood her bed. Shyla collapsed onto the bed and breathed in ragged hisses as she came down from her "orgasmic crescendo".

Two minutes passed before she slowly got up. Shyla pulled out the rod, accompanied with loud sucking sounds, and licked it clean. Finally she put it back into her box, then pulled off the soggy sheets and threw them against the wall I was looking through. Part of the sheet that was covered in her cum was facing me, so I took this opportunity and slipped a finger through the crack, wiping off some of her essence. It looked like someone was drinking milk, and then spit into a sink. It didn't stop me from tasting it though; salty, with a bit acrid must somewhere. Not bad, but it wasn't delicious.

I was preparing to leave when suddenly, Shyla's cum registered in my mind as the best thing I had ever tasted! My body was screaming at me to eat more, and I did, almost pulling the sheets through the wall, sucking on them with vigor until a mind numbing orgasm made me curl over and gasp for air. Damn... I thought to myself.

Shortly after, I heard water running from Shyla's room. I assumed she was taking a shower, so I decided it was time for my afternoon nap. I moved out of the Alpha's room and downstairs where I jumped up on the couch. I thought about all that had transpired today: Being hungry, almost getting eaten, and learning that the bottle might come in handy later. I was soon asleep.