Chapter Two: Initiation

Story by Felinix on SoFurry

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#2 of House of Delta

Chapter Two, since I know it's hard to get into a series on a porn site without some porn. If that's all you're here for, it's near the bottom. Have fun.

Please leave comments. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. I hope to continue this series for a little while at least and experiment with a number of different fetishes.

Chapter 2: Initiation

I was staying with a friend of mine who had graciously put up with me for weeks now without any compensation. It was the same situation in his apartment as normal. He was gaming, his girlfriend was passed out upstairs as far as I knew, and I could go to my little corner desk with a spare computer to work on things.

Tonight it was all about reading the contract. It was no longer just an agreement. I already agreed. It was binding. It was a contract.

I filled the first section out, entered all the right information, and then moved on to the actual literature. Gregory hadn't lied; it was all really standard stuff. I won't be a vandal, I won't steal, I will not partake in criminal activity while in residence at House of Delta. I found it strange that they didn't call it Delta House. I knew that delta meant change, for lack of a better word, but putting it in front or after the word house didn't mean anything different to me. Still, it wasn't my house.

Then came the interesting part.

"I will not partake in non-consensual acts while living in House of Delta. Addendum: non-consensual acts will never occur while living in House of Delta."

That sounded good enough.

"I consent to the program of sexual activity during my stay at House of Delta."

I didn't know why it would be called a program, but after that line it was all really just going into the specifics of what it had already stated. I signed my name at the bottom and my heart skipped a beat. I felt a smile curl my lips that I couldn't stop. I used the computer to check on the funds I had stashed away from so many summer jobs and years of temp work. I had a good nest egg going, enough for my tuition and some extra, at least for a year or two if I didn't spend on anything else. That would be my rent. In a place that nice I couldn't imagine my expenses being too high. If everything's provided for meager rent and some chores, what would I need after that?

I tried to sleep, but it just wouldn't come to me. The roll out mattress was just not soft enough to cradle me to sleep. I thought of my sister, still stuck in the foster home. There was nothing I could do about that until the government deemed me fit enough to be a caregiver, and she couldn't leave until she was 18. I told her to stay and tough it out while we were both in school. It was the same with me, only I went right into general labour, working my way through paychecks to get into medicine, so I could support the two of us.

Before finally managing to close my eyes for longer than a second I whispered, "Don't give up on me yet Kerry."

Morning came far too slowly for me. I was awake a while ago, with less than two hours sleep under my eyes. It was a Saturday though, so it wasn't like there were classes to worry about. I slipped into my only other pair of jeans and put on a fresh shirt. At least I thought it was fresh.

My friend said he was sorry to see me go and that he was proud of me for finally finding a place. I know I was a burden on him and his girlfriend though. They had wanted their privacy for months but I was always around. He was thankful to see me go too. He even said I could have the travel bag. It was small, and held everything I owned, which wasn't much, just my clothes and a few books.

It was still early so I walked across the campus to House of Delta instead of taking the bus. The sun had risen and shone every now and then between breaks in the layer of cloud left over from the night before. Despite the grey air around me my spirits couldn't be lowered. The house came into view as I turned a corner, a small building from where I stood, though I knew how big it really was. It really didn't look that big from the outside. The grand entrance, the main gallery, the sweeping staircase. I couldn't even imagine the upstairs, even after Gregory's description last night.

The crosswalk couldn't change fast enough, though as soon as I made the first step onto the walkway in front of the house I stalled. It seemed enormous. The architecture was almost medieval, all carved stone. Gargoyles I hadn't noticed last night were plain now that I saw them in the daylight, and the inner glow of the gallery was nothing more than dark windows showing only natural light inside. Every step I took towards the structure the building took two steps away. I stepped faster, a sense of immensity swarming all around me. I could feel the pressure outside rising, my ears popped, I was drowning, submerged in a world I didn't understand nor could ever fathom.

It wasn't about the sex. I hadn't lived in any place as permanent as this before. Even living on the bare bones hand outs and crash spaces of my friends I was free to just up and leave whenever I wanted to. Living in a place required commitment. I was overwhelmed. I felt myself backing away. I felt hot tears on my face and the shame that came with never having a home and then suddenly having one land at my feet. Why should I be so lucky?

The door opened without me ringing or knocking. Alice was there and a smile of rueful excitement on her face changed when she saw me. She watched me take a step back, shake my head. I dropped my things. A book I had been carrying fell open onto the pavement, the corner landed in mud. I was breathing hard, turning, I could feel myself running, going nowhere.

I wasn't moving at all. Alice was behind me, her arms wrapped tightly around me in a warm embrace.

"It's okay to be afraid. Don't go just yet, please?"

Despite myself I could hear my voice ask "Why me?"

She turned me. I hadn't expected her to be quite so strong, but I was facing her in a moment and looking through blurred vision into her eyes as she said, "I knew as soon as you walked in that it would be you. You're lost Simon. We're going to find you again. You may not believe me but you're already special here. We ask for a lot. Gregory and I. We know we do. But when a tenant leaves here they are changed. Better. Whole."

She swept the back of her hand across my cheek. I don't think I've ever felt anything so nice in my life. She wiped a tear from my cheek and with feline grace flicked it away. "I know it seems a terrible big step to take all at once. It always feels that way at first. But I promise you we'll both make you feel more than welcome."

My stomach growled. It would be right then. As the mood was changing.

Alice looked down within the embrace, then turned her eyes back up to me. She chuckled, made an audible giggle, and then a laugh erupted from her throat. She hugged me again, using me for support as she went into a laughing fit.

"Oh Simon, we'll make you feel welcome and we'll feed you. How does that sound?"

She didn't wait for an answer, but took me by the hand and picked up the book I'd dropped with the other. She blew the street dust off and made sure to hold the muddy corner away. She led me to my collapsed bag and then took me inside. I shivered violently, partly of the warmth chasing the chills out of me and partly because I suddenly felt naked without Alice's hand grasping mine.

She slid my bag to the side near the table I had put my shoes under the night before and smiled. "Make yourself at home Simon. I'll clean this up for you. There's a powder room just down there on your right and the kitchen is at the end of the hall. Wash up a bit and join us there. I made plenty."

I wasn't sure I could remember ever being mothered before. Not like that at least. I shook out the thought before it brought up my real mother. The bathroom, or powder room, if she wanted to call it that, had a tall square mirror that shone when I turned on the lights. It was polished glass, not a speck of grime anywhere. I washed my face and cleared the red from my eyes carefully so as not to splash any water anywhere but the sink for fear I might wreck something. It was so pristine that it seemed a shame to use at all. With my shoes under the table again I made my way to the kitchen, where a breakfast fit for a king had been served up in woven baskets and little porcelain cups filled with spreads and cream.

I stood there a moment just to look at it. It was out of a movie or a home decorating magazine. I blinked and willed my mouth to close. The kitchen was bigger than my living space at my friend's apartment, the dining area bigger than the apartment itself, and the south facing windows let in volumes of natural light that made the entire area glow. Though the lights overhead helped a good deal with that today.

"Sit. Eat," said Alice, who came up behind me. Gregory was sitting at the table munching on something with red jam on it totally engrossed in the newspaper. He looked up at me when he heard Alice speak and smiled.

"Ah. Our first visitor. Hopefully for a while as well. Did you bring the form?"

I reached into my pocket and produced the contract silently. He stood and took it from my hands, reading over my entries, nodding at the signature. "Good. Good. Simon Burns, welcome to House of Delta." He shook my hand again and then resumed eating. I took a seat as well, eating bits here and there before my stomach finally commanded better and I took a stack of toast, three eggs, a cup of juice, a hot cup of tea, strips of bacon, and a few sausages. I was stuffed, but I couldn't remember the last time I had ever eaten so well.

There were lots of things I was suddenly not remembering about my former life.

I realized then that I was already thinking of it as a former life. I couldn't do that. Not yet. There was still too much of me left in my past to just wipe the slate clean. As Alice put it, I wasn't whole yet.

While I was eating the doorbell rang and I could only presume it would be Lily, that avian girl from last night. I blushed when I thought of her suddenly. I'd never been very close to an avian before, only admired them from afar for their natural beauty. I had never felt feathers before, but they looked so soft. It must be amazing to...

When Lily arrived at the table she seemed to be all business, handing over the contract with a formality that said she had done this sort of thing before many times and was stoically accepting the terms of the agreement but would take no comment about them. She wasn't the meek little girl from last night. She took a seat beside me and Alice took hers at the head of the table. I could feel the chill running off Lily's icy shoulders.

Alice smiled at me, I smiled back, and then she welcomed everyone to her home in a formally jovial manner that only someone like her could pull off. She helped herself to a few more bits and pieces of breakfast, having eaten beforehand, just to make appearances for Lily, who, for lack of a better phrase, ate like a bird.

"After breakfast I'll show you both to your rooms. If you've got anything heavy Gregory will carry it for you. They don't get the best light, but they're spacious enough for everything, I'm sure. Can I help either of you unpack?"

"No, thanks," said Lily.

"Yes, please," I said.

Alice giggled, "That settles that then. Eat up."

Breakfast ended and the dishes were cleared. Some went to the machine, others to the fridge; others still were washed by hand. I helped, not to boast, and Gregory showed me where everything went, though I don't think I'll remember it all for a while yet.

After that Gregory left to run some errands, leaving Alice with Lily and I. She was more than happy to give us the grand tour. She showed us our rooms. Spacious didn't really cover it. My room alone was the size of my friend's apartment, and came complete with a queen sized bed and a walk-in closet. I didn't spend much time looking at Lily's room; she seemed out of sorts and wanted her privacy. Alice didn't seem to mind either. She showed me the whole upper floor.

Despite the size of the building there were only three bedrooms. One master and two smaller ones. The master had its own ensuite bathroom but Lily and I would be sharing. I didn't mind. I had always shared a bathroom. Alice made a face and told me under her breath not to take up all the hot water. She said that it would probably ruffle a few feathers if I knew what she meant.

I suppose I don't have to say that I liked Alice, so when she was helping me unpack I couldn't help but steal a glance here and there as she bent over or turned a certain way. Though considering how few things I actually owned it didn't last very long.

When I had put everything on a single shelf in the closet she piped up with, "Now that won't do. Boys your age are supposed to have knick knacks and things to fill up shelves. The room hardly looks like you live here yet."

"Just give it a few weeks. I'll live this room to pieces." I didn't mean it to sound quite like that, but it made Alice laugh, and I felt myself calming down already. Alice, for her part, kept her cool so well I could hardly tell anything about her. Though she heard Lily's room door shut and smiled at me. I couldn't help but feel very exposed at that moment. Alice closed my door, leaving us very much alone.

Was this really happening?

"Gregory told me what you said in the interview last night."


I looked at the floor, at my socks with holes torn for my nails. I didn't answer, but she approached anyway and sat beside me on the bed.

"I was sorry to hear about your bad experiences." She paused, just the right amount of time too, for what she said next. "I'm sorry about your mom."

I shook my head, feeling the memory come back. "Please don't. I don't want to talk about her."

She was gracious and apologized for bringing it up. I suspected that she'd bring it up again, though I couldn't be sure in what way. "Is it all right if I ask you what made you send us your reply?"

"Didn't Gregory tell you?"

"He did. But it's better to hear it from the one who actually said the words. It's more believable."

"You didn't believe him when he told you?"

She smiled and I rose, paced a few steps from the bed. I couldn't be so close to her. "I did," She leaned back and scooted onto the bed so she could lay on her side, propping her head up with one arm. She was the most gorgeous thing I'd ever seen. Say what you want about older women.

She didn't say anything then, and I suspected that she wanted me to answer her question anyway. "When I read your ad I felt like I knew what you were both about. I mean, not really. I couldn't have been prepared for the whole agreement thing. But I knew you were good people."

"Just from reading our ad?"

"It sounds stupid but I can tell what people are like by their writing. I can't do that in person."

"It doesn't sound stupid Simon." Her voice seemed to drop in volume, though I couldn't really be sure. "It sounds like a gift."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Have you been completely honest about what happens here? Can you really promise me that you're not going to keep me here against my will?"

She took a moment to sit up, and then she met my gaze fully, though not forcefully. "Yes. I can swear it. Both Gregory and I have been completely honest to you. You signed a contract with us in the sense that you do consent to our rules while you're living here. The contract does not say anywhere that you're required to live here. If you were to decide tomorrow that you wanted nothing to do with us, you would be free to go." She stood up, came to me, wrapped her arms around my chest and held me close. I could feel her breath on me, and her lips, those beautiful feline lips were so close that I could smell the lipstick she was wearing. "But I would be sorry to see you leave. I also meant what I said outside about leaving here whole. No one has ever been evicted; no one has ever given us cause to evict them. Likewise no one has ever left with bad feelings before." Her lips were closer now; her nose was brushing the fur of my cheek. I stiffened my back, my heart skipped a beat. "We will help you become the person you want to be." She turned my chin with a hand so that I was looking her in the eyes, "The person that I see you can become."

Then her lips were on mine. Her body was so close that the heat made me break into a sweat. Her hands made no other movements, it was all her mouth. We kissed so passionately that I forgot where I was. My eyes closed and I tilted my head to deepen the contact. Her tongue was in my mouth as mine explored the contours of hers. My long muzzle left wet marks on her cheeks where I opened too wide. I had no idea how I was doing, but I could feel her grow more insistent.

I had no idea what to do, but she was right there to guide me. She took my hands and moved them to her breasts. The soft warm globes of flesh melted under my groping fingers. For a while I was so entranced by the feeling that she mewled and told me not to be so rough. After that it was perfect, and the more I continued the massage the further down her hands slid, until they were gripping the button of my jeans and undoing the fly.

I was too out of it to feel self-conscious anymore. I just wanted her. I coveted Gregory's wife and the thought did not make me ashamed.

My pants fell, followed by my underwear. Then she backed away. The warmth of her body leaving made me shiver and I realized that my penis was hanging, well, standing upright, in the open. I had never been exposed like that before, but before I could protest, she lifted her shirt, revealing the full luscious breasts I had only just been feeling beneath the fabric. Her bra followed quickly, and she gestured with a finger for me to join her again. With my lower half and her upper half uncovered we met again in an embrace. It was all I could do not to explode as my wildest dreams were suddenly coming true.

She lifted my shirt by sliding her palms upward across my belly and chest, leaving me completely bare. I wasn't in great shape, she must have seen that, and I wanted to blush at my own inadequacy, but she only smiled. "You're gorgeous." She said reassuringly, as though reading my mind. Rather than slip her bottoms off herself she had me do the honours. She hooked my thumbs around the hem of her loose-fitting pants, and slowly pushed them down, over her hips, releasing her tail from the buttoned hook at the back, and across her thighs. I was kneeling when I was finished, kneeling before what I could only describe as a goddess.

Her hips were slender but shapely, and she had the barest bulge of a belly. She wasn't thin, truth be told, not supermodel thin at least, but she was not even an ounce overweight either. Her body was lovely.

My nose was at her navel, and though I would have been perfectly willing, she guided me upwards again, away from between her legs and instead moved to sidle onto the bed. It was queen sized for a reason, and I smiled again, this time taking the initiative myself to kiss her.

She met and returned my attention fervently, tilting sideways until she was lying on her back. Her hands held me above her, poised at my sides and stroking up and down.

"Is this your first time?" she asked.

I nodded, whispered, "Yeah." It seemed a faux pas to speak above a whisper at a time like this.

"Then go slow." She was hushed as well, and I noted that it put me more at ease.

She helped me into position; her legs were spread wide for me, my own spread only enough to stay balanced. She helped me lower myself towards her. The heat from her molten folds rose like a cloud from her body and my cock twitched in anticipation and lust. With one gentle hand she stroked my erection, aimed it at her lower lips, and then nodded, biting her lip in a way I found unbelievably cute.

I did what she meant for me to do and felt my flesh sink into the beautifully hot moist chamber between her legs. She made a gentle sigh just for me and smiled, sinking deeper into the pillow and bedspread, bringing me with her.

"Slowly now, just work all the way to the hilt, that's it... ah, wonderful. And slowly move back, mmm." I didn't think I needed instructions right now, but the more she said the better it felt. She was teaching me, and it was the most pleasurable lesson I'd ever received.

Gradually I began to pick up the pace, my lust rising, the inevitable coming. Her mewls soon turned to moans, though they weren't as obscene as the ones in porn. I didn't want to mute her. To me the sounds she made were the best encouragement I could ever receive, and I redoubled my efforts to please her. I had seen something in porn once, and tried it, reaching down with one hand while I distracted her with another passionate kiss and stroking the hood of her clit. I knew where to find it, it's not that hard. I brought the nub free and began stroking and pinching right there. That was when her arms came around my neck, pulling me down hard. Her hips began to work in tandem with mine, offering counter thrusts in eagerness.

"Oh yes... oh god! Simon... please, finish with me... I'm so close now!"

I couldn't have held on if my life depended on it. Hearing those words made me lose control. I burst in climax deep inside her, my shaft throbbing, swollen, her nether lips puffy with pleasure as well. I continued pumping weakly, driving the last few streams of my load inside her and pinched her clit again. That was all it took for her.

Her climax erupted around me, soaking my hips with a hot spray of juices, some of which I suspect were mine, driven out by force. Her inner walls clamped down around my shaft and even though I was hypersensitive I couldn't pull away. I couldn't leave her.

She reached to the side and grabbed the blanket, tossing the section we weren't laying on over top of us, two sweating bodies shivering in the coolness of the room. She was breathing hard into my face and I into hers. I remained plugged deep inside her velvet embrace, hard but spent for now.

"Mmm, if I ask you to do that for me every day, would you say no?" she asked.

I had just enough of my faculties left to answer, "That's a trick question, right?"

She smiled and kissed me again. "I knew you were the one. No one else even came close. I was so happy you didn't leave last night."

Her legs curled around my back, her toes combing through the fur of my tail. "I'm glad I didn't leave too. I'm glad you convinced me to stay. I... I'm glad my first time was with you."

She blushed, and I couldn't help but think that it wasn't just for my benefit. "You're going to be a wonderful lover Simon. Now, just lay on top of me like this for a while. I love this feeling."

I wouldn't have moved anyway, but I would stay as still as a statue for her at that moment. If this was an initiation of sorts, I would say I had passed. Though as much as it might be a test for me, it was a test for her as well. I knew it was real. I knew that the contract was real, that the entire proposition of sex with my landlords was real. I couldn't help but replay what Gregory had asked me last night in my head.

"Would you have sex with me?"

I still wasn't sure. I'm not gay. I had never even considered another man an option. But... the possibility was more open than before.

I had Alice to enjoy for now though; Gregory could wait.