The Crosstown Express

Story by Taris on SoFurry

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A squirrel boy is forced to take the late night crosstown buss home one night. I wonder why he's never heard of it before...

This is just something that was spawned from a random conversation, and blossomed to this. Written in about an hour with help from my proofreaders, no revisions, just kinda pulled it outta my ass, not too bad if i do say so myself...

**It was a dark night and Garrett Mills was waiting for the late bus to come along, the young squirl boy looking around nervously. The ticket vendor that sold him the ticket just before the terminal closed gave him a weird look before selling it to him, but it was his only option to get home that night. He waited outside the terminal clutching his ticket as he stood under the streetlight, watching for his bus and getting nervous, being all alone out in the open like this. Before too long however, a large individual loomed out of the darkness down the street. An imposing figure, wide as well, passed under the dim street lights, trotting along with a practiced and relaxed gait. A towering wolftaur in a blue cap, vest, and saddlebags bearing his name and the logo of the city bus service, Nombus, came to a stop in front of Garrett Mills.

"You must be my last fare tonight, eh?" said the towering wolftaur in a jovial and friendly voice. "Just let off nearly the last of my passengers a few streets back, but you'll have some company for a time," he joked.**

Garret was confused, and looked quizzically at the wolftaur. "I don't understand... I'm waiting for the late bus, the crosstown express?"

**"And I'm it! Crosstown express, bus number 3374, late shift, Taris Quickpaw, at your service. You have a ticket, yes?" he asked, spotting the slip of paper in the squirrel's paws and producing a hole punch from his saddle bags. Garrett, still confused, handed over his ticket and taris punched out several holes. "There we go, all ready to go, climb aboard!" he said, opening his jaws wide, wider than he should have been able to, and leaned down so his gaping maw was level with the squirrels chest.

"W-What?! I'm not going to let you EAT me!" the boy shouts, taking a step back. This perturbed the wolftaur, who closed his mouth and straightened back up. "Look kid, i'm the last bus till morning, so climb aboard or start walking home. Ain't you ever seen a Wolfbus before? Basically the same thing as one of those Japanese Catbusses."**

Then it clicked for the young squirrel, he had in fact seen one of the catbusses online, or in some movie one time. People would pay their fare and climb aboard, and the living bus would ferry them to whatever their destination was. It was quite the fancy combination of old world mythology and modern technomancy, or so he thought he understood it. When the wolftaur leaned over again and opened his jaws, Garrett hesitated for just a moment before placing his paws on the large wolftaur's tongue. When the wolftaur didn't move, he leaned forward and pushed his paws further pack, sliding across the soft wet tongue and poked his fingers into the yielding gullet. Without much trouble, he watched his paws and wrists vanish though the flap of flesh, and so engrossed was he, he was caught off guard as the tongue shifted and the 'bus' swallowed for the first time.

It was wetter than he expected, strands of drool dripping onto the back of his shirt as the wolftaur reached his paws around to grab him about the waist and give him a leg up, or more precisely, pushed the squirrel's head past his lips and large canine teeth. The powerful gulps of the wolftaur soon saw the squirrel in up past his elbows, his paws able to feel over the soft tissues and hard ridges of the esophagus currently sucking him in. As he waited to finish boarding(he chuckled at the thought), he noticed that his clothes were getting more and more soaked with drool, his fur matting down readily under the assault of the tongue, which, while he was sure was just trying to help get him on board, he couldn't help but wonder if the wolftaur was tasting him... Taris was quite pleased with his latest occupant, the young squirrel not arguing with him like some of his earlier fares had about this mode of transport. As a bonus,he had a wonderful, earthy and slightly gamey flavor that he paused for a second to enjoy, his tongue slipping under his shirt to taste at his soft underbelly, causing the squirrel to squirm about some. Rather than fight with a ticklish passenger,he decided to finish embarking and continue with tonight's rounds. He pulled at the boys pants, dragging him up and into his muzzle as the boys head and shoulders popped into his throat and slid down his gullet joined swiftly by his torso and hips. He tilted his head back and swallowed a few more times, making short work of the boys legs, and slowing down only once the boy's tail was the last thing to remain out of his lips. He licked over the massive bushy twitching appendage before gulping that too, licking his lips as he waited to feel the youngling slide all the way into his belly, where he would meet his only other passenger left tonight...

NOw thoroughly soaked through to the flesh, his fur and clothing completely matted with wolf slobber, Garrett felt his paws change direction slightly and poke into the wolf's stomach. As the wolftaur's throat rippled and squeezed over his body in a somewhat pleasant message, his paws encountered more matted cloth and what felt like some warm body already inside! As his head poked through the stomach sphyer his suspicions were confirmed and he did indeed have another passenger in here, just like the wolf said. Wiping the slime from his eyes, he saw it was a snow white female rabbit, her fur matted to her skin and her sundress covered in sunflowers also soaked through, transparently even in some areas; and she was clutching some now soaked through and ruined textbooks, overall looking quite disheveled. Garrett blushed, getting a good look at the student as the rest of his body joined him in the taur's stomach. "H-Hello there" he waved, propping himself up on his other elbow as he got himself situated. The compactness of the stomach made their being close non-optional, and the two were pressed together rather firmly as the wolftaur's stomach registered a new occupant.

The lapin sniffed and nodded her greeting, obviously a little shaken up. Before Garret could say anything more, he was tossed violently against the bunny girl, her college textbooks slipping from her grasp and sliding into the pool of stomach goo they were both sitting in while Garret was thrown atop her. The wolftaur had apparently resumed his trot down the road and it was making for a rather bumpy ride.

"s-s-s-orry ab-b-bout that-t," Garret managed to get out amongst the shaking and jostling they were both receiving. The girl had screwed her eyes shut and threw her arms around Garret, clinging around his neck as they trotted on. The whole situation was very disorientating for the poor squirrel boy, and he did his best to just not crush the cute female hugging his neck.

After a short trot, but what seemed quite longer to his occupants, the wolftaur looked back and called out to his swaying and sloshing gut. "Ma'am, you're stop is coming up, best get ready to disembark," he called, almost with a little bit of glee in his voice. Inside his gut, both Garrett and the lapine heard his call and disengaged from one another, as he slowed his trot to make it easier for them to move about. Through the trip, her sundress had ridden up, and was now bunched about just under her breasts, exposing her white panties, soaked through and transparent with drool , to the fortunate squirrel, who was able to get more than an eye full as she made no more to push her dress back down, instead fishing around for her books. He blushed though his soaking wet fur and remembered to look away after a moment, managing to slide next to her in the fleshy muscular sac. He heard a sucking sound and felt contractions coming from the other side of the stomach, on the other side of his practically naked traveling companion, and looked over to see that her legs, up to her knees, had been sucked through a second stomach ring, and with another strong contraction, were pulled though further, the ring stretching around her waist. So surprised was he that it wasn't until her soft white belly had been claimed by the muscular ring did he look up to her face and see tears streaming through the slime on her face.

"What's wrong, are you ok?" he asked, surprised as he tried to keep from falling all about in the undulating stomach. Finally, as she clutched her books to her chest and bunched up dress, did the girl manage to speak.

"You didn't see- you didn't hear- there were others with me! but he- they-. He just told them to depart and then he-" her voice was cut off as the stomach swallowed up her head, her ears slipping through the tight ring that closed up after her second later.

Garret was a little shocked, wondering just what she had been talking about. He hadn't even gotten her name. The fleshy walls contracted a little more around him, now that his companion was gone, and everything continued to sway and jostled about as the wolftaur trotted on. As he leaned against the wall, reflecting on how this was absolutely nothing like the catbus he had been told about,he realised he could feel his companion in the next chamber over! She seemed to be moving a lot more than he was, and much more erratically than just from the simple swaying and jostling of the wolftaur's gait. Eventually however, she settled down, must have gotten comfortable, he figured with a yawn. The swaying was actually quite soothing once you got used to it... The wolftaur smirked as he felt the bunny girl sucked into his second stomach. She had been one of a study group of six, and was the last to leave, living furthest from the campus. Her friends had all been let off at their destinations, and now her turn was coming up. The wolftaur grinned as he felt the first major contractions in his second stomach, and the warm glow radiating out, letting him know that digestion was beginning. Her thrashing increased as she felt her skin tingle and slow increase to a burning. Again his stomach contracted, confining her struggles for a moment before relaxing, letting her renew her fight as burning gave way to fur coming out in clumps all over her body. Again his stomach squeezed, this time he felt a snap as an arm or leg was twisted wrong and compressed, and he let out a satisfied grin. This process repeated over and over as he passed another few blocks, her struggles dying down by about 89th street. With a short pause to catch his breath, he stroked his belly, picking up the faint sounds of snoring from his other passenger as he liquified what he could of the girl,her sundress, and books not inches away. He continued on at a leisurely pace for another few blocks as he felt his digestive track make short work of the now ex-college student, her bones being stripped bare, and her liquefied remains being absorbed into his body, adding another soft layer of fat. As he neared his next stop, he felt her bones tickle his collon as he compacted what was left of her near the exit. As he came to his stop, he raised his tail and squatted down a little, relaxing his bowels to let the girl off at her stop. The first thick brown dropping came out and hit the pavement with a soft splat, followed quickly by several more pieces thickly caked with white rabbit fur. After that, he strains a bit to push out another longer log, this one containing half a femur, and a few more with chips of ribs and finger bones. As he pushes, he feels a blockage and strains a little to force out a large balled up mass, which reveals itself to be her shitcaked sundress. "Must have been polyester," the wolftaur mumbles to himself.

**Resuming his work, he bears down on his backside and forces out a few more logs, and then the shredded, clumped together remains of her textbooks, the titles still only just legible. With a final push, his anus stretched around a shit encrusted rabbit skull, which plunks down on top of the pile with a splort and slides to one side. He looks back to admire his work sitting in the gutter, and pulls her ticket from his saddle bag, dropping it on top of the steaming pile. "Thank you for traveling with Nombus, please join us again for your late night, cross city travel needs," he says cheerfully, before trotting off, one last stop to make for the night...

(yawn, to be continued maybe(unlikely) someday)**

- A MASSIVE thank you to my proofreaders

  • Val
  • Tayln
  • Wolfy