The Misadventures of Lucky

Story by Bammer on SoFurry

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#1 of The Misadventures of Lucky

Author's Note: Well, I finally forced myself to take a few minutes and write a scene that had been humming around in my brain for a few weeks now. Finally getting back into the swing of things a little bit more, and I'm totally looking forward to the break from school to really get my stories off of the ground! A note on this story: This is more a place for me to "be" my fursona, walk around as her and give her a world to play in. This story isn't going to be incredibly exciting, it's mostly going to be about a couple of anthros fumbling their way through life and finding love and a bunch of normal stuff. So if you're looking for action and adventure, tune in for one of my other stories! Otherwise, get comfy and come along on this journey!

Hugs to you all!

-Bammer out

Chapter One

Lucky straightened and held her breath as the laces of her corset were tightened. She closed her eyes, reminding herself that she had wanted to wear this so that she could look fantastic, and that the discomfort would only be for one night. She felt the garment constricting around her midsection, pushing her stomach flatter and lifting her breasts up. Peeking down at them, she couldn't help but smile a little as the white furred globes were pushed up until they stood up nice and perky, threatening to spill from the confining clothing.

"There you go, all done," Adley said softly as she finished deftly tying the laces in the back. "Turn around and let me look!" The girlish excitement was unusual for the russet vixen, and her green eyes sparkled with mischief. Lucky grinned and stood, turning a small pirouette next to her bed. Adley clapped excitedly, her smile showing her dainty fangs. "You look beautiful! Just wait until the boys get a load of you!" she crowed, falling backwards onto the bed and giggling.

Lucky felt the blood rush to her face and looked down at her paws. Then she turned and looked at herself in the mirror. Stopped and really, really looked, shoving down the doubting, nagging voice that usually colored her thoughts. She was short, but curvy, and the corset and flouncy skirt played to her strengths. Her mostly white-furred body was confined within the dark purple corset, and the matching black and purple skirt cut off right above the knee. The corset showed off her back, where most of her black, freckly spots were, while her long dark hair spilled down around her shoulders. Her plumy white tail wagged happily behind her, and she allowed herself a small doggy grin of happiness, her mismatched eyes shining from her black-masked face. Her ears perked up a little and she shook her head, her ebony hair shifting, trying to banish the dark thoughts that kept creeping back no matter how hard she tried.

"Let's get you ready!" Lucky said as she turned back to her friend. Adley sat on Lucky's bed, a knowing look on her face.

"It'll fade, beautiful. This party is just what you need to take your mind off of that..."

Lucky held up a paw, stalling Adley before she really got going. Neither of them was happy with Ivar right now, but Lucky didn't know how much bad-talking about the bear she could tolerate without risking tears. And given that she wasn't gifted with the ability to cry like they do in Hollywood, she would end up going to the party all snot-nosed, puffy-eyed, and with a monster headache forming. Adley stopped and hopped off of the bed, giving Lucky a brief hug on the way out.

Lucky snagged her shoes and followed. The small townhouse the pair rented was perfectly sized for them, with a master bedroom with its own private bath, and a second bedroom with a bathroom right next door and a short hallway connecting the two. Adley got the master, even though she had protested loudly. Lucky was happy with the bedroom she got. It was perfect for her and her stuff, and despite being in the hallway the bathroom was still plenty private for her tastes. Plus, her bathroom came with the jetted tub.

Lucky made herself comfortable while Adley slipped into her emerald evening gown. The satin fabric shimmered softly, and the amber beaded detailing sparkled. Lucky stood and helped with the ties in the back, thankfully much looser than her own as she had never been good at tying a tight knot. Adley spun, her russet hair flowing free and the skirt of the floor-length dress swinging out in a circle, her white-tipped tail following.

Lucky whistled softly. "You look gorgeous," she said softly, "Just wait until Jones gets a look at you!"

"Ha! Wait until Kajorma gets a look at you!" Adley retorted. Lucky just snorted, rolling her eyes. "No, I'm serious! When he invited us, he looked at you the whole time. I think he's interested!"

"And Jones was hardly keeping his eyes to himself. Whit all of his ogling of you, I'm surprised he didn't get more hands on. I'm sure it just made Kaj uncomfortable." At Adley's incredulous look, Lucky persisted. "Look, I've known him a long time. We've never even thought of each other that way!"

"Well, are you opposed?" Adley asked slyly.

"Well... No, I guess not. It's just that..."

Adley cut Lucky off. "Well, if you aren't opposed, then don't close your mind to it, okay?"

"I... Okay, I guess. I'm just not holding my breath. Wouldn't want you to have to bury me after I die of asphyxiation, after all." Lucky said dryly, the huffed out a sigh. "Come on, let's get going."

Adley just shook her head, a small, knowing smile on her muzzle. She slipped on her shoes as Lucky buckled the straps on her black heels.

"Maaaan, I hope I don't fall over in these things." Lucky grumbled, still flushing from the talk before.

"Bah, I've seen you tromping around the house practicing walking in them. You'll be fine."

"Hope so. Oh! Need to give Madmardigan his treat before we go!" Lucky hopped up and wobbled a bit, the slim heels reminding her that she needed to take her time and not dash around like she was used to doing. She went downstairs to the kitchen and snagged the brown paper bag on the counter. She moved around, walking very deliberately and putting a hand on the banister to steady herself, her paws already complaining about the shoes.

Madmardigan was a rat, dark grey with a white tummy and white socks. Lucky removed the banana nut muffin from the bag and opened his cage, leaving it on his landing. He sniffed her briefly before heading off to claim his prize. Lucky laughed softly, closing and locking the cage and giving his water bottle another check. "Enjoy your night, my friend." All she got was a soft squeak for an answer as he started chewing happily.

Adley was just gathering up her purse and the car keys when Lucky made it back downstairs. The two smiled at each other and linked arms, leaning against each other briefly before heading out the door. Lucky locked the house and Adley started the car. As Lucky got in the passenger seat, she hoped the song playing on the radio was an omen and silently prayed that tonight would be a good, good night.