Gap Year: The First Time

Story by kergiby on SoFurry

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#15 of Gap Year

Hooray, sex!

I fumbled with the keys while Jake held my waist and kissed the back of my neck tenderly. His hands rubbed my stomach and chest, and I finally got the door open.

"Can't you at least wait until we're in the room?" I teased.

"No," Jake nipped at my neck. "I've waited for this for years."

I chuckled and closed the door behind us. Jake immediately took my hand and led me to the bed. He sat down and pulled me with him. He blushed and put my hand on his chest. Through fur and flesh and bone, I could feel how hard his heart was beating and I had to smile at the cute little blush on his face.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?" he asked, voice barely above a whisper.

I took his hand in mine and kissed his hand up his arm to his chest then to his neck. Each kiss resulted in a soft murr, and when I kissed his lips he made a soft yip. I pulled away and smiled at him, seeing the same blush on his cheeks that I knew had to reside in mine.

"I-I... We, um, don't have to do anything that you're not comfortable with. I don't want to force you into a situation you wouldn't be comfortable with," he said, rubbing my shoulders.

I smirked at him and pulled his shirt off, pushing against him until he fell back on the bed. He let out a quiet 'oof' before I leaned over and kissed him. I held his hand as we shared a brief kiss, interrupted by him pulling my shirt off. I felt the heat in my cheeks increase.

"Sorry that I'm not as hot as you," I said.

"Shut up, Brent. I don't care what you look like. You are so sexy and you don't even know it. "

"I'd rather look like you."

"Brent, you don't want to look like me. People who hit on me are always the worst. You're the first person who ever legitimately liked me for me and not just my body."

I kissed him as my hands ran through the black fur on his head. I could see the roots if I looked closely. And if this were the time for it, I'd explain how furs use growth supplement and dyes for their fur nowadays because they can't just have normal hair, but it's not the time for it.

"That's not true," I said, kissing his cheek. "I just like you for your body."

I kissed him again.

"Ass," he muttered between kisses. I grabbed his and nipped his neck, causing him to yip.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, kissing and holding each other and undressing each other, but it wasn't until after the sun had gone down that I grabbed Jake's sheath. He yelped.

"What do you want to do, Brent?" he whispered into my ear, rubbing his body against mine.

I kissed his neck and started rubbing his member as it emerged from the pure white sheath. He arched his back as I ran my fingers along the large, red bone. He whimpered again and grabbed my shoulders.

"I need you to take me," he said, ears flat against his head as his cheeks filled with color.

"But what about-"

He reached under his pillow and produced a small bottle of lube.

"Don't ask." He smiled at me and grabbed my cock with a firm paw, causing me to moan in delight. "Sensitive?" he giggled.

I flipped him onto his stomach and spread his cheeks apart. Pressing my lips together, I sent cool air onto his exposed ass. His back arched and he looked back at me.


I opened the bottle and applied a healthy amount of lube to the bit of pink flesh. My hands spread it around and I pushed a finger into his ass. Jake let out a long, slow moan as my finger brushed against his prostate. I added another finger, trying to stretch him out to make it as comfortable for him as possible. Removing my fingers, I reached for the bottle when a small whimper reached my ears.

"Just gotta get us ready. I don't want you hurt," I told Jake, applying the remainder of the bottle to my cock.

"H-hurry up..." he whined, a drop of pre hitting the bed below him.

My cock was slick with lube and I grabbed his hips and turned him onto his back. He opened his mouth, as if to object, before I shut him up with a kiss. He wrapped his legs around my waist and his ass lined up perfectly with my member.

There were were, at the point of no return. I could still back out of the whole thing if I wasn't sure.

But I was sure.

I slid into him, filling him as he moaned into my lips, claws raking my back. I took his hips in hand and used them to give me leverage, cock sinking into him and filling him with every inch of my red prick.

We broke and I smiled at him as he adjusted below me. We lay there for maybe a minute before he nodded at me, giving me this cute little, confident-but-nervous smile I loved so much.

I started my part of the ritual, pulling my hips back and pushing back in a smooth motion. It didn't take long before I had worked up to a decent pace and started to pump in and out of him with ease.

I'd never felt so amazing. Sure, girls were nice and whatever... But this felt right.

Jake reached down and started to jerk himself off but I slapped his hand away and grabbed it in his place, stroking it down when I humped forward and up when I pulled my hips back. He groaned and held onto me even tighter as we fu-no, as we made love. I started getting faster with my thrusting, pounding into his ass, aggressively now. I was loving it and judging by how loud his moans were when I collided against his prostate...

He loved it just as much.

Our moans grew louder and needier as I continued my mission of getting both of us off. Jake grabbed my head and whispered into my ear. I obliged, and forced my cock deeper inside than ever before, and the knot came with it. I squeezed his knot and sent him over the edge, shooting cum all over himself and coating his gray fur in his own seed. I felt so wonderful when I saw the face of Jake, awash in pure pleasure, knowing that I was responsible. I felt so amazing and my head was spinning from how great it felt and I knew I was close when his ass clenched around my knot. It made me cum too, filling him with my musky seed. We rode out our orgasms, wrapped closer around the other.

"That was amazing..." he said after a few minutes of panting.

I licked a bit of the seed from his face and smiled. "I'm sure you've had better," I giggled.

He shook his head. "Nope. That was... That was the best damn orgasm I've ever had."

I blushed, and not just from the exertion.

"So what does that make us?" I said, addressing the elephant in the room.

"I don't think we can go back to being friends. And... I don't want to. Brent, it's time I told you something."

My stomach lurched. "O-okay."

"Remember when we were about eight and played house together? Well, I mean, if you remember, you were the dad and I was the mom. I loved it. I loved thinking that you and I were more than friends. It was then, I would realize years later, that I knew I liked you. I've wanted to be with you for most of my life. I-I can't go back. Not unless we give it a try."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Time for me to confess something too: I... I've been, uh, into you for a couple years. I was going over that kiss in my head for so long that it started to seem like something I wanted to do again. And... That night, when Logan dumped you... I held you when you started crying in your sleep in the middle of the night. I love you, Jake."

"Like a friend?" he asked.

"No, you goof. I mean I love you," I smiled.

"So you do remember that night."

"I... Hey! Why didn't you say anything?"

"I thought you kissing me was just because of the alcohol."

I leaned down and pressed our lips together, not too hard, nor too soft, holding his hands in mine as I gave him the answer he'd always wanted.