Ice and Snow

Story by The_Snow_Wolf on SoFurry

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A short story for a very special friend, he is my Ice and he will forever be my love

Hi, my name is Snow, Snow Wolfé and this is my story. I was born in a relatively large forest but from early on I was always a loner. I felt separated from my pack, my mother was the dominant female and had 7 pups with four alphas, I was the fifth pup with the third alpha, the second alpha to abandon his child and pack after mating season was concluded, so I never knew what it was to have a father in my life, the fourth alpha took pity on me but it was never the same. My older sibling were all well on their ways to becoming alphas one day while I on the other hand was weak and would rather stay by my mothers side then go out hunting, I couldn't hunt, I couldn't run, I couldn't do much of anything, nothing useful anyway, I was always more intelligent but it doesn't count much in a pack of athletic alpha-to-be types.

In my pack it was always a competition to out-do each other, and I could never win any contest, being the youngest and weakest of five I was always the target of cruel games and torture. My brothers used to play upon my insecurities mainly my father. I always knew that my father had left for greener pastures and never looked back, I knew that he was happy where he was without me, I wondered, "does he even remember that I exist?" It caused me to whimper in my sleep many a night and my brothers would exploit this mercilessly, as I grew I started to distance myself from my pack and the reason I was named Snow, I was a fragile beauty, unique and strange, just like snow flakes, so Snow I was, my siblings all had such names, the firstborn was Fire, hot headed and tempered, the second was Earth, grounded and level headed, the third was Air, always above everyone else (in his mind at least) and was always cold and cruel, playing tricks and blowing over people's confidence, then came Water, fluid and ever changing yet always staying the same, finally came the Snow, but what my mother didn't realize is that snow flakes fall alone, they are cold and often a twisted beauty.

I first started to stray from the pack when my lessons started, I found a wolf outside of my pack one day and he was using his paw to massage his cock, he was a little older than me but when he invited me to join him I just couldn't refuse, he started to use his paw to pleasure me and we met up regularly to do so, one day he asked me if he could stick his cock in my tailhole, I was a mere pup at the time and I didn't know anything about mating or breeding so I eagerly agreed, but he didn't end up going through with it, soon after we stopped seeing each other and I was alone again.

Every so often I would find a new play mate in the forest but they would always end up leaving. I started seeing females for prospective mates as was my duty in the pack but no matter how hard I looked I could never find a mate worth keeping, worth mating even. The years went by and I grew larger and larger, I also grew more attractive with age, but none of the females even looked at me any more, especially when my brothers were so much more masculine than I was, I was even getting attention from other males but that eventually stopped as well, nobody wanted me and nobody cared, but I went through life with a false grin and my head high, these others weren't good enough to see my tears, they weren't ever going to see the darkness I had fallen into. Years went by and I never told a soul about my depression, or my attraction to mating with other males, I feared I would be cast out of my pack had anyone known that I was going against the traditions of my family. Over the years I just kept growing and my lack of mate made me sink deeper and deeper in the cold, dark waters of my depression, I felt unwanted and utterly alone, I went out in the forest every day looking for someone who could show me the love I needed but I could only find people interested in taking my tailhole, or my muzzle, some I let have me, others I would just tease seductively, wagging my tail and eventually rejecting them, most of the furs I met were the latter.

Then I found him, a magnificent silver fox, we started talking one day and spoke every day without fail, he was my life-line, slowly pulling me out of the dark sludge of my depression, someone who truly understood, I was no longer alone, I had a friend, months passed by without either of us flirting or trying to seduce the other, we were exactly alike and deep down we both knew it. One day while talking I made a comment about what it would be like being mated to him, I did it without meaning too, I had just grown so comfortable around him that I could say anything, to my great relief and joy he also was interested in me and I started to fall hard and fast, he was the sweetest little fox, he knew every button to press to get a positive reaction, I cannot wait for the day when we can be together.

He is my Ice, I know that should the Snow fall, he will be there when I land, he will support me through storm and shower alike, he is my Ice now and forever, I love him with all my heart, and though this is not where my story ends it is all that has been written so far, but I look forward to writing the rest with my Ice.