Brothel: Chapter 3

Story by Namyrolis on SoFurry

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I still need characters so feel free to message me

Chapt 3

When I got back to the house, it was well after closing. None of the guards that were patrolling the streets bothered me so they must have been informed about my doings for the day and knew I would be out late. I entered the house which had minimal light coming from only half a dozen low lit lanterns that were always left lit during the night in the great hall.

I made my way through the bar area and tables to the back hallway were all of us servants rooms were located. There were only four, slightly brighter burning lanterns that were left on for us so we could move around at night to mainly pee or get water. I really wanted food but Mistress Eir would have my head if I tried to make something to eat this late at night, even if I hadn't eaten anything all day.

I made my way to my room where I noticed a faint red-orange glowing seeping through the crack under my door. I opened it thinking that Mistress Eir must have left a lamp lit for me. However, that was not all she had left for me. As I walked into my room I was presented with a beautiful, solid black furred panther laid out across my mat with nothing but worn, tan cotton pants on.

The grass stains on his pants most likely meant he was a laborer or a field worker. His pants were not the only evidence of that either. His entire body, from what I could see, was extremely tone and muscular. However he wasn't built like a big lifter, more of a medium average sized fur, so a bit bigger than my 12 stone self.

I took a good look at his face and I could not see any imperfections. There were no torn ears, no chipped or missing teeth, and no scars that I could see underneath the fur. I took a look at the condition of his fur and it was in as good of a condition as mine, which for a worker type was pretty much unheard of. Then again, I could not say for sure he was one, just that he had the body of one.

I was tempted to run my paw through his chest fur to see how it felt but I didn't want to violate him. Though to be honest the perverted side of me didn't really care if I did or not, he was just so damn good looking. However, even though I was brought up as a whore I still had morals that ran deep. One would expect my morals and ethics to be from my parents upbringing, but they weren't. After they tossed me to the side to make up for their mistakes I tossed them aside and made my own.

As I stood and stared at the at the new boy who was no doubt passed out due to being drugged, I could not help but to think about how messed up his life was about to get. When I found out, I cried for days on end and did not move from my spot on the mat. I refused to eat, drink, or even dress. It wasn't until Fauna came into my room did I start accepting what had happened to me.

Back then Fauna was already 26, making her 39 now. Even at that age she was wise, understanding, and very calm. She hasn't changed a bit since then, and quite honestly I don't know how she has managed to keep that mindset. I never honestly asked her how she kept up with it, but she once told me that happiness is what you make of it.

Though I understood what she meant by what she said, I just couldn't apply it to myself. Maybe I just didn't have the personality or the mindset to think in such an enlightened way. I did however let nothing stand in my way, and focused on my one and only goal. I promised myself that I was going to be free by the time I was forty, and get my revenge.

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some spare sheets and a pillow to make myself a makeshift mat in front of my door, even though a part of me would have loved to sleep next to the panther. However I was doing this for a few reasons. One, if he woke up and tried to leave the room I would be more likely to notice. Two, it was a lot warmer than it was in the back corner of the room and since I didn't have a sheet to cover myself with, I was just going to stay dressed and fall asleep.

I took one last look at the new boy and shook my head. "I'm Sorry" I whispered to him and myself. I laid down the mat and pillow in front of the door and smoothed it out. "You might end up hating me..."


I woke up to the sound of choking and huffing coming from in front of me. For a split second I was not sure what was going on, and then like a flame being lit I remembered the new boy. I quickly got up and walked over to him and put my paw on his shoulder. He tensed up immediately to my touch and that brought about intense shaking.

"Hey, you need to calm down else you are going to empty you stomach onto my bedroom floor. I know you are scared, and in a lot of pain but you have to trust me. I have been in the same position you are in right now. You really just need to calm down, I will explain..."

He passed out falling carelessly into me causing both of us to end up on our backs. "Or you could just pass out I guess." I whispered to myself. I levered both him and myself back onto the mat and laid him flat on his back. I thought for second about laying down next to him in case he woke up again, but that would be unlikely unless the pain from the drugs became unbearable.

The drugs we got when we were taking we actually a deadly, tasteless, odorless flower that grew in the center of the island away from the salty ocean water. Most people called it the "Violet Sin" due to its extremely purple pedals, and the fact that taking it without permission from the growing grounds was punishable by death. Slaves and Servants weren't even allowed to leave the city, so leaving the city and stealing the flower was just asking to be executed.

However that didn't ever stop me from getting them. However I never stole them from the growing grounds, instead I grew them myself outside of the city in a forest patch that no one ever goes to. Even better it was only a fourth of a day's walk to and from the location where they were planted.

I did not use them to poison others though, instead I used them for personal gain. I had developed a way to make the flowers smokable and eatable without being poisonous enough to kill you, much less cause discomfort. It was a simple process of letting sit in saltwater from the ocean for an entire day until sundown, and then leave them to dry out during the night. When you woke up the next day, you just simply leave them in direct sun and let them dry out completely. That was it, easy and simple to make.

Rolling up the flowers in a smoke and smoking them could make any ache in your body go away for most of the day, and by then the pain was gone anyway. Eating the flowers in a small quantity could make a stomach ache go away, though it turned your urine slightly purple depending on how much you had to drink that day. I did have to be careful with hiding my stash however since having the flowers, regardless of how you got them, was illegal if you were a slave or servant.

I crawled back over to my makeshift mat and laid down on my back staring at the ceiling counting all the cracks. Since I had been brought here, this room had always been mine. Since that time the roof had never developed more cracks, and the existing ones had never gotten bigger. So even though I knew how many there were, it always helped me to fall asleep when I was stressed.


"Alki wake up, time to get to work... Wake up you lazy Fox, else I'll be having you dance all day"

I opened my eyes slowly noticing at first the light outside was very dim, so it wasn't even really morning. I then noticed Mistress Eir standing over my head with her arms crossed against chest. At first I panicked but she didn't look angry and I wasn't late getting up. A dozen other thoughts crossed my mind, but none of them I paid enough attention to notice.

I rubbed my eyes with my paws and brought myself up to a stand in front of the mistress. I swayed a little bit from being woozy but I managed to straighten myself up and twisted my back side to side to get rid of the stiffness. I had a feeling today was going to suck if I was getting up this early to be with a client.

"Hmm so who am I servicing this early in the morning?" I asked my mind going straight into 'remember you are a whore' mode.

"Oh no, not that kind of work, though the coin would be good. Unfortunately your new toy woke up and tried to find a way out... which is kind of ironic seeing how, well you know"

I knew she was talking about the large opening in my room that went into the backyard, but the stone wall was over two stories tall. Either the cat couldn't jump it, or didn't bother going that way. Either way I now knew I was going to babysit and explain to the panther what he was doing here, and what he was going to be expected to do.

"We leashed him to your dresser, get to work. Oh and have fun ok!" and with that she left my room closing the door behind herself.

I turned around to see the black panther leashed to the dresser sitting calmly with his head down, eye focused on the floor. He had the look of someone who was deep in thought, but whether it was pain or some other emotion did not show on his face. I walked over to him and knelt down in front of him and put my paw on his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" I asked gingerly not wanted to scare him anymore than he possibly was.

"Krishna Rangi" he replied in a quite tone, not so much a whisper but not really normal volume either.

"Black Sky? That's a very unique name. Certainly it can't be because of your fur color." I stated trying to start a conversation and get to know him a little bit.

"My name comes from when I was born, the night of no moon. It just also happened my fur was pitch black, always has been. Never a faint hint of purple my entire life."

"How many siblings do you have" For some reason a conversation directed around one's life always seemed to make them more comfortable, so I was going to try to keep going until I hit a subject he didn't want to talk about, or until he got tired of me prodding.

"One, my brother. He left the tribe when I was only six so I never really got to know him. My parents always told me he left because he didn't like the rules, so I just always assumed that it was the reason he left. He came back for a few days when I was eight or nine, but since then I haven't seen him."

"What was his name if you don't mind me asking?"

"My parents always called him Yamanu, So I am guessing that is his name. They would not talk about him if I asked."

I got him talking which was a good thing, but I knew it was time for the serious subject regarding where he was and what was expecting of him. As much as I didn't want to, I knew it was my job. Being the only other boy in the house, Mistress Eir expected me to train him better than I was.

"Do you know where you are now?" I asked cautiously.

"No..." he answered looking up at me with his beautiful green eyes. "but I suppose you are going to tell me."

I decided that sitting down would be more comfortable for how long this conversation was going to be, so I lowered myself from my squat and crossed my legs in front of me moving my tail into my lap. I shrugged my shoulders and took a deep breath trying to organize the best way to explain what had happened.

"I'm not sure exactly why you are here, I'm assuming your family owed some dept, but as far as where you are that's easy. You on a island that's part of a chain of three in the south ocean. As far as this building we are in, it's a brothel house. You with me so far?"

"A brothel house?" he asked with a quizzical look on his face and head tilted to the side.

"You don't know what a brothel is?" At this point my heart sank a little, and now I knew for sure he was going to figure it out once I told him. I didn't have a choice though so, and there was really no way to put it in a nice way. "It's a place where people come and pay to have services or sex with its workers... meaning us."

"Wait what! No way, no way I'm doing that! I'll escape before I do that, I'll even choose death instead! I'm not going to let strangers have sex with me, that's just wrong!"

With that he started pull at the chain leash that was tied to my heavy wooden dresser. It was unfortunate in a way that the dresser was bolted to the floor, but at the same time very fortunate. He would not hurt himself by pulling the dresser on top of him, but it also meant he could not possibly try to run off again. He tried pulling harder and harder and I just continued to sit there acting unaffected by his actions. Eventually he stopped long enough to look at me with a quizzical look.

"Are you going to help me escape? Why don't you escape with me? It should be easy enough, I was just unlucky enough to run into that over weight lioness."

I stared down at the band on my arm above my wrist and pointed at it with a single digit. "They will know you are a servant when you see this. As soon as a guard sees it and you're on the docks they will detain you, and the only way to leave the island is by boat. There is also no place on the island to hide due to how small it is. I'm sorry..."

Krishna Rangi took a moment to look at his own wrist and saw that he had a band there just like I did. It was at that moment that he just broke. He let go of the chain leash and collapsed on the floor and started crying. It was to really be expected, I did the exact same thing when it was explained to me although I tried to run away twice. Both times I got by for a week in the forest but eventually they found me, they always do. However the next words out of his mouth were very unexpected.

"I... have a mate. I'm mated, how can I do this? I would rather die than be dishonorable."

I really didn't know how to react to the statement, eliciting a simple "Oh, uhh" from my muzzle. I mentally face palmed myself but I knew it wasn't really my fault. It was just plain cruel to put him in this position, but it was still better than all the other options. I quickly put together a small motivational speech in my head and some words of encouragement.

"Look, if it's any help the same thing pretty much happened to me. I was eating with my parents and my dinner was poisoned. I passed out after a couple of bites and the next thing I knew I woke up here, just like you. However this is really the best servant positions to be in, and is the only one where you ever have a chance to regain your freedom. All the other jobs never pay you enough to pay off the dept that is owed, and they work you to death. Trust me on this ok, you are very lucky to end up here. I know it seems messed up now and like you were screwed, but don't let it get to you ok. It will get better, and I can help you to not make the same mistakes I have. We are all kind of friends here, and even the Mistress isn't really that bad of a fur. She is just doing her job, but I can promise you that she actually cares about us on some level other than how much coin we bring in. If I unhook this leash from you, promise you will not try to run away. I'll show you around ok, and fill you in on what happens here."

He looked up at me and nodded submissively. I picked up the key that I saw Mistress Eir leave on the dresser and unlocked the collar around Krishna Rangi neck and let it fall to the floor. I took both of his paws in mine and we stood up together. I pulled him into a tight hug and we stood there for a minute. "It will be ok." I whispered "If I'm still alive and here, you will do fine. I doubt you could be worse than me."