Master Corymbosum

Story by danath on SoFurry

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Knoxin experiences his first master-pet relationship after messaging Kraven, the blueberry-flavored hyena, on a fetish website.

Master Corymbosum

By Danath

Kraven Lupei is © Kraven Lupei (

Knoxin is © Knoxin (

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Knoxin let out a howl as sixteen inches of black-skinned hyena dong slammed into his rump. He cried out, body twitching, as the blue, muscular male held him down, claws digging into his hips. The skinny fox shuddered as the hyena leaned close, breathing hard, and licked up the side of his neck. A moment later, sharp teeth pricked his skin and he froze. His cock jerked, slapping against his belly as he rode the hyena's lap, chest pressing back into the blue-furred pecs.

He had to cum. He just had to. But the hyena wasn't about to let that happen. The cock ring he'd put on the smaller male earlier made sure of that...

Three hours earlier

Knoxin grinned at the latest message he'd received from "MasterCorymbosum" on the fetishzone website:

"Yeah, I can do that. And more. What's your number, hot stuff? I can be there in thirty minutes."

The fox's cock tented in his boxers. Was he really going to do this? Invite a perfect stranger into his apartment? Let said stranger tie him up? Fuck him?

The fox shivered. It was so naughty. He brushed his multi-hued hair from his face and licked his lips before typing in a reply.

"123 Crescent. #23."

A few minutes later, another message popped up. Knoxin's fingers trembled as he clicked on it.

"See you soon..."

Knoxin stood up from his computer desk and rubbed his brown-furred paws together. His stomach fluttered, anxiety building. He'd never done anything like this, but he was sure he'd enjoy it. He loved reading about it, after all. And he had always dreamed of some hot, hung top coming over and rocking his world. Tonight was the night!

Knoxin was skinny. Slim hips, tight belly, smooth chest. He was fit, but not muscular, and had a slightly feminine appearance thanks to his long hair. The tips were dyed teal, which transitioned quickly to a dark purple on top of his head. His eyes and paw pads were the same teal color as his hair and his cock, when not resting inside his fluffy white sheath, was the same light blue shade. Thick white fur covered his smooth chest and flat tummy, reaching down to the insides of his thighs and up his neck, under his chin, and around his muzzle. From his shoulders to his hands and knees to his feet he had typical fox "socks" of dark brown fur, the same color as his pointed ears. The same brown formed his expressive eyebrows and a soul patch on the front of his chin. Orange fur made up the rest of his pelt, though it darkened slightly between his shoulders down to the small of his back. His long, swinging tail had a band of brown before a white tip. He brushed his hair from his eyes as he looked around the apartment.

The living room was pretty clean, but he spent the next half-hour fixing up anyways, even arranging the throw pillows on the couch. He made the bed in his room and sprayed air freshener around to neutralize his natural scent. Some people didn't like how strong a fox's smell could get.

As he cleaned, he glanced at his computer, where the hyena's profile was still up. He had thick blue fur in the picture, which showed him from the waist up. He was shirtless, showing off his muscular chest and bulky arms. His lips were curved into a tight smile, not revealing any teeth. Pale blue fur sprouted on his head, though it didn't reach past his cheeks. The hyena had piercing green eyes that seemed to follow Knoxin around the room.

The fox gulped and looked at the clock. Thirty minutes had passed. So quick!

The orange fox froze when he heard heavy raps at his front door. For a moment, he considered hiding. Was he really going to do this? Let someone strange in? Let him... let him fuck him?

Standing up straighter, Knoxin shoved his fears to the pit of his belly and walked up to the door. He was still in his boxers, but he figured he was going to get naked anyways. This could save time. And show his willingness. That was important for bottoms, right?

He unlocked the deadbolt and pulled the door open. The first thing he noticed was the hyena's height. He was a good half-foot taller than him. The fox caught a whiff of blueberries as well and crinkled his nose. He liked blueberries, but why would the large male smell like them?

"Knoxin?" the hyena asked.

He wore a pair of blue jeans and a faded red t-shirt. A prominent bulge formed a curve in the front of the pants, Knoxin saw.

"Uh... yeah... come on in," he said, stepping aside.

The hyena entered and Knoxin closed the door behind him. As the strange male looked around the apartment, Knoxin shuffled his feet on the carpet.

"I'm... I'm new at this, like I told you," he said, nerves rattled.

The hyena turned and moved in front of him, standing nose to nose. The smell of blueberries grew stronger and Knoxin gulped as those green eyes stared him down. The hyena's lips pulled back into a wicked smile.

"Don't worry, foxy... I'll take good care of you."

Knoxin was about to say something, but the hyena's paws reached out, pushing him back into the door. His tail curled between his legs as the big male's chest pressed into his, pinning him back. He felt a thick bulge grind into his belly and gasped.

"Damn, you're cute... this is gonna be fun..."

Knoxin hadn't noticed the hyena's gym bag before, but he saw it now out of the corner of his eye. The hyena held a paw flat to the fox's chest as he leaned over and reached inside, though Knoxin couldn't see within.

When he stood up, the blue male had a collar and leash in his paw. He slipped the black leather around Knoxin's neck and buckled it before attaching the red lead to a D-ring at the front. The collar was heavy and had large, with circular silver studs on it.

"You will call me 'Master'," the hyena said, leaning in close again. His paw tugged on the lead, checking it.

Knoxin swallowed nervously.


The hyena's eyebrow lifted and Knoxin swallowed again.

"Uh... yes... master."

"Good boy. Now show me around."

Knoxin's tail remained between his legs. The hyena wanted him to just... just walk around? With the leash attached?

He took a step, but the large male tugged on the leash, stopping him. Knoxin looked up at him, and the hyena pointed down.

"My pets don't get to walk on two legs," the blue hyena growled.

Knoxin's ears went flat and his muzzle twitched. He was having second thoughts, but it was too late to back out now. Besides, the idea kind of excited him.

He got onto his knees and then on his hands and crawled forward into the living room. His erection bobbed in his boxer shorts.

"Uh... this is my apartment," he said. "Living room's here."

He grunted when the hyena tugged on the leash sharply.

"Oh, right... uh, Master," he said, trying to will his tail from between his legs.

The hyena smiled - slightly.

Knoxin crawled towards the kitchen, humiliation making his ears burn. He crawled over the tiles through the kitchen and around into the hallway. He led the big male into his bedroom, passing the bathroom on the way.

"Nice apartment. You cleaned it up before I got here, I suppose? Good. Pets ought to be clean."

Knoxin's ears burned even more and his cheeks flushed. The leash tugged on his neck, pulling him back into the living room.

"My name is Kraven, by the way," he said, pulling Knoxin towards the couch. "But like I said, to you, I'm just 'Master'. Now, you happened to message me when my favorite show was on..."

The hyena flopped into the couch and lifted his legs. Knoxin felt them lay across his backside and he shivered at the contact. Then he heard the television switch on. The hyena turned the channels to some kind of reality competition show and proceeded to completely ignore the fox.

Knoxin didn't move. What was happening? He was a footrest now? His cock throbbed in his boxers, still hard. Wasn't there supposed to be sex? What was with this hyena who smelled like blueberries?

The fox didn't say anything, though. He just waited, head hanging down, tail curled over his rump protectively. The hyena shifted a few times, sometimes rubbing his bare feet over Knoxin's backside. The fox shivered each time as those toes clutched at his orange fur.

He had no idea what the TV show as about. He couldn't focus on it at all. It seemed like hours until it was over, but really, it was only thirty minutes. The hyena pulled his feet off Knoxin's backside and stretched his arms.

"Good boy. You learn quick," Kraven said.

Knoxin blushed at the praise, but gasped when the hyena stood and pulled on his collar.


Kraven pointed at the gym bag, still lying near the door. Knoxin tried to stand up to go retrieve it, forgetting what the hyena said earlier. A warning growl echoed through the room and he dropped back to his hands and knees. The growl subsided.

He returned with the gym bag, shuffling it along the floor next to him. It was heavy, but he didn't think "Master" would appreciate it if he looked inside.

The hyena took it and set it on the couch next to him. The big blue male looked at Knoxin critically, as though judging him, before reaching inside.

"Turn around," he said, "and lift that tail."

Knoxin's ears disappeared into his hair as he did as he was told. He felt a paw grasp his rump and he gasped as claws tickled through his pelt to his skin.

"Hmm... nice..."

The paw lifted away. Knoxin turned his head to look back, but the leash tugged on his collar roughly and he looked back down. He heard rustling, then a click. Something that sounded like a half-empty ketchup bottle echoed in the otherwise silent room.

A moment later, he yelped as thick fingers rubbed something cold and wet under his tail.

"Keep that tail lifted, pet!"

The sharp growl made Knoxin cringe, and he lifted his tail back up, exposing his clenched hole. A finger smeared cold lube over it before roughly pushing in. Knoxin shuddered as it pressed forward, spreading him. He tried to stifle a moan, but it escaped his lips anyways. The hyena chuckled as he smeared additional lube around his rump.

"You're pretty eager, aren't you?"

The bag rustled again. A few moments later, Knoxin felt something thick and rubbery press up under his tail. The hyena pushed it forward, penetrating him with some kind of toy.

Knoxin shuddered and lifted his head as the hyena pulled on the leash. The silicone sunk in and he yipped at the thick ridges grinding past his ring. The toy had a pointed tip, but thickened rapidly towards the middle.

"Gotta make sure you're warmed up," the hyena said.

Knoxin's ears twitched and his face burned. What was he doing! Letting some random male use a sex toy on him? This was... this was...

His cock throbbed as it rubbed inside his boxers. The hyena grunted as he pushed the toy deeper and Knoxin gasped again before pushing back on it. It did feel good, he had to admit.

"Ordered this from Bad Dragon a few weeks ago," the hyena said. His tone was casual, even as he pulled it back and shoved it forward, burying it in Knoxin's rump. "I haven't had a chance to break in a toy on a new pet in a while. Especially not a hot little fox like you."

Kraven pushed the dildo deeper, watching with a smirk on his face as the fox groaned. He kept going, cock jerking in his jeans, as he worked the knot at the base into the vulpine's clenching hole. The skinny male whined loudly and the hyena's ears pricked forward. He loved that noise. This little male was going to be a lot of fun...

Knoxin closed his eyes, muzzle opening as he panted hard. The bulbous base of the thick dildo twisted inside him and he grunted, cock aching all the more. It pulled out and he nearly bit his tongue as the knot slipped back, only to grind in all over again. He whined, unable to stop himself, as the hyena played with him.

"Does my pet enjoy this?" the hyena asked.

"Nnggg... yes... Master..."

The hyena laughed again, short and sharp, as he worked the thick silicone back into Knoxin's rump. The Seadragon was perfect for this squirming male. The fox was pushing back on it like a pro and obviously enjoying the deep ridges molded into the sides of the toy.

Still, his own cock was getting quite hard and thick inside his jeans. He stuffed the toy in again, listening to the fox's moan of pleasure as the knot stretched him, and left it there as he stood. Knoxin kept his head down, completely submissive. The hyena licked his lips as he watched the skinny vulpine wriggle back and forth, the base of the toy sticking from his rear.

Kraven pulled his shirt off over one arm, switched the lead to the other paw, and removed the shirt the rest of way. He pulled on the leash until Knoxin had turned around. The fox was grunting and panting as he clenched down around the dildo in his rump. The knot prevented it from slipping out.

Knoxin looked up at the big male towering over him. He gulped as he realized the length and thickness of the bulge in the hyena's pants. How big was it? It ran down the hyena's thigh, throbbing noticeably through the denim.

The fox got onto his knees as Kraven pulled on the lead, guiding his muzzle to the bulge. Knoxin moaned as he pressed his nose into the fabric, inhaling the musky blueberry scent coming from within. Either "Master" was really into blueberry cologne, Knoxin thought, or else he was part blueberry. He smelled really good and Knoxin inhaled deeply as he pressed his nose forward, dimpling the denim.

"Unzip it, pet."

"Yes, Master."

Knoxin blushed as he realized how easy it was to say those words now. The hyena smiled down at him as he reached up, paws trembling. His rump kept clenching around the dildo in his rump and he tried not to moan as he grabbed for the zipper, hooking it on one of his claws. He pulled it down slowly. Black flesh pressed out, bending and swelling through the open zipper. He undid the button next and pulled the flaps away. The hyena wasn't wearing any underwear, and a moment after he'd got the denim pulled away, a simply massive shaft flopped onto the bridge of his nose. He went cross-eyed staring at the thickness as the tip draped over his muzzle.


Kraven smiled. The expression of awe on a subby pet's face was one of his favorite things.

"Give it a lick, pet. Show me how much you like it..."

Knoxin looked up at Kraven. The skinny male nodded, eyes wide, before lifting his paws to cup the hyena's heavy, light blue nuts. They just barely fit in his outstretched fingers. The thick shaft pulsed, half-hard, curved over so that it stuck out from the hyena's broad hips.

He stuck out his tongue and leaned forward, nostrils flaring. The tip of his tongue barely flicked along the length when he pulled back, shocked.

"Blue... blueberries?" he asked, looking up at Kraven, an astonished look on his face.

The hyena grinned and tugged on the leash, but didn't reply. Knoxin looked back down, eyeing the monstrous shaft. It was almost a foot long already and still growing. Fat veins pulsed under the onyx skin. He leaned forward and licked it again. Definitely blueberries. He licked longer, slower, enjoying the taste of the hyena's smooth black flesh. The length jerked upwards and he shifted his paws, grasping it around the base so that he could lift it up. The urethra throbbed as he dragged his tongue across it slowly, working his way from base to tip.

He smiled a little when he heard a pleasurable growl from above, but the leash tugged on his collar and he quickly got back to work. He barely even remembered the dildo stuck in his rump as he focused on the huge shaft in front of him. It soon became his world. He stroked it with his fingers lovingly, swirling his tongue around the flexing tip, sucking on the ridge of the crown, squeezing it at the base. He turned his head slightly, pressing his lips to the furry blue sheath. Even Kraven's fur, he realized, tasted of blueberries.

The hyena grunted again and tightened his grip on the leash when Knoxin's tongue swathed his heavy nuts with saliva. He stroked the shaft with both paws and shuddered. He could hardly fit both hands around the girth. He tried to open his jaw to fit one of the huge balls inside, but there was no way he could get the whole thing in his muzzle. His high-pitched moan was muffled by those heavy balls as he sucked on them eagerly. He could feel Kraven getting harder as he stroked the stalk and shivered, clenching around the dildo. His cock ached so much he thought he might pop without any further stimulation.

Pulling the length down, he slathered the head with saliva once more before Kraven's paw lowered, resting lightly on the back of his head. He opened his jaw and pressed forward, taking the tip into his muzzle. His cheeks bulged and his teeth scraped along the skin, but the big hyena didn't seem to mind. The huge maleness throbbed and the taste of blueberries grew stronger as a splash of pre-cum landed on his tongue.

Knoxin pulled back, eyes wide, and licked his lips, swirling the glob of pre around in his muzzle. The hyena's shaft tasted like blueberries, sure. But his jizz... was blueberry pie and whipped cream? He looked up at Kraven, and the hyena smirked down at him. The big male's chest rose and fell rapidly as his fingers tightened on the back of Knoxin's head.

"You like that, huh, pet?" he said. "Have another taste..."

Kraven's fingers tightened around the back of Knoxin's skull and pulled him forward. The vulpine opened his muzzle just in time for the thick tip to sink into his mouth. His cheeks stretched as the hyena kept pulling him down, forcing more of the huge thickness down his muzzle, until he was sure his jaw would dislocate. The hyena grunted as he watched the fox struggling. Knoxin's throat was simply too small for the size of Kraven's length, but the vulpine's tongue still felt delightful as it spread over the underside of his length, caressing and stroking his meat wetly.

"Mmm... good boy," Kraven gasped, shaft throbbing, spitting a few more globs of whipped cream-flavored pre-cum into the vulpine muzzle. "You're a good little cocksucker, aintcha?"

Knoxin's ears folded back and he closed his eyes. His paws gripped the black shaft at the base as he felt the hyena lean over. The paw on the back of his head pushed hard, forcing him down as deep as he could go. The fox's tail whipped behind him as his breathing was cut off for a moment. Warm splashes hit the back of his throat and he began to gag, unable to help himself - the hyena was just too big. He tried to pull off, but the heavy paw didn't let him for several long seconds.

Finally, the blue hand rose and Knoxin popped off, coughing and gasping. A few bursts of pent-up pre-cum splattered on his muzzle and cheek as the hyena leaned back against the couch, chuckling. Knoxin's rump clenched around the dildo in his rump and he moaned, feeling as though he was about to cum right then and there.

As if reading his mind, Kraven tugged on the leash.

"That's enough for now, foxy," he said. "You'll have plenty of time to worship my cock later. Right now, I've got to make sure you don't pop before you're supposed to."

He turned slightly and reached into the gym bag. When his paw withdrew, it held two leather cock rings with metal snaps. The hyena tugged on the leash sharply and Knoxin stood quickly, gasping as his movements made the dildo in his rump shift.

The hyena's paws quickly strapped the leather cock rings around his package after pulling down his boxers. One went around the base of his shaft. Kraven pulled the fox's sheath back, revealing the bulge of his teal knot. Knoxin whimpered as it tightened around his length, forcing his knot out of his sheath permanently. The other went around his nuts, just as tight. He gasped, shivering, as the paws withdrew. The tightness was already almost unbearable and he dug his fingers into his palms.

Kraven watched the short fox bite his lip and dance from foot to foot. Sometimes it was just too easy.

"Now, what am I forgetting? Oh, right."

Knoxin's eyes widened once more when the muscular hyena pulled a large black rubber ball gag out of the bag.

"Open up, foxy..."

Knoxin's tongue pressed into the gag as it spread his jaw apart. He closed his eyes as strong paws attached the leather around the back of his head. He could breathe comfortably, but swallowing was difficult and drool soon pooled over his tongue, eventually falling over the sides of his thin, dark red lips.

"And how's this doing back here?"

The fox groaned when Kraven reached around under his tail and grasped the dildo, pulling it free. His clenching rump went through a few quick spasms before relaxing.

"Enjoy that, did you?" the hyena said, pulling on the leash so that Knoxin was forced to lean into the broad blue chest. "You'll get a lot more soon enough."

Kraven stepped to the side and pulled on the leash. Knoxin stumbled forward and fell onto the couch, paws out to hold his chest up off the cushions. He fell into them anyways when Kraven grabbed his wrists and pulled them behind his back. He squirmed as he felt the thick length slide over the backs of his thighs. Something wrapped around his wrists, holding them together. The leather cuffs were padded to prevent the edges from biting into his fur, but they effectively locked his arms behind him.

Kraven's paws grabbed his elbows and turned him around, laying him down with his shoulders on the cushions of the couch. His rear hung over the edge and his cock slapped against his lower belly, still agonizingly hard.

Knoxin watched, now completely bound and helpless, as the hyena pulled his pants off the rest of the way and kicked them towards the door. His length was huge, Knoxin thought. It was even bigger than he'd imagined a cock could be. The hard length curved slightly, sixteen inches long and four-and-a-half thick. His ass clenched automatically as he imagined taking the huge pole. Could he even fit it inside? He stared at the big male, eyes wide, breathing hard through flaring nostrils. He was really doing it, he thought. He hadn't even realized it as it happened, but he'd given up all control to the dominant hyena. He couldn't scream, couldn't get to a phone... whatever the hyena wanted to do... he could.

Knoxin moaned as his cock jerked at the thought. The cock rings were so tight... if only he could cum...

Claws dragged across his chest teasingly.

"Enjoying yourself, pet?" the hyena asked, a lilting growl underlying his voice.

Knoxin didn't know how to respond, so he just nodded.

"Good boy."

Those strong paws lifted away and Kraven reached for the black length jutting from his hips, so fat and heavy it couldn't stand quite straight. The hyena slipped his paws over it slowly as he stared at the fox's bound body, licking his lips. Knoxin gulped around the ball gag, ears flicking, tail twitching.

The hyena lifted a foot up and set it down on the couch next to Knoxin's side. The fox stared at it as it lifted again a moment later and dropped on top of his belly. The toes curled into his pelt and the heel dug into his cock, squeezing it against his body. Kraven smiled as the fox wriggled back and forth. He squeezed the sole of his foot down tighter along the length, making sure he trapped the fox's knot. Knoxin's eyes bulged and he lifted his chest up. A muffled groan filled the room and his seven-inch shaft pulsed, but no cum escaped the tight leather straps.

Kraven shifted his foot higher as he slowly stroked his own length. The fox shivered under his toes as they slid up his chest, dragging across his nipples. He squeezed each nip in turn between his two biggest toes before raising his foot even higher, pressing it into the side of Knoxin's muzzle, forcing the small male's head to turn. Knoxin moaned again, louder than ever, as he pressed the sole up and down, rubbing it over his lips, the bridge of his muzzle, covering his eyes, smearing the blueberry scent of his fur into Knoxin's pelt.

The big hyena smiled widely.

"You like my big ol' hyena feet?" he asked over the noise of the fox's whines and moans. "Later I'll take your gag out so you can service them properly..."

He worked his foot back down just as slowly, ending with his heel back on the fox's sensitive, bulging knot once more.

"I just love playing with foxes," Kraven said, baring his teeth as the lithe male squirmed helplessly under his foot. "They're just so sensitive..."

Knoxin's eyes squeezed shut as the heel ground against his knot. His hips jerked as he moaned around the gag in his muzzle. Spittle flew from his lips as he turned his head.

"Unnnh! Unh unh!"

"What's that? Harder?"


Kraven laughed as he wrapped a paw around his hard shaft. It twitched, fully erect, as he stroked the length. He licked his lips, watching the fox squirm. His length pulsed and he pulled his hand away. After he removed his foot, Knoxin let out a sigh of relief and collapsed into the cushions, body going limp.

"Time to go to the bedroom, pet."

Kraven picked up the gym bag, but didn't offer the fox any assistance. Knoxin gasped around the gag as he felt the leash pull him roughly off the couch, onto his belly. With his arms strapped behind his back, he had to push with his knees, chest sliding along the carpet, as he followed the hyena into the bedroom. He'd never felt so humiliated, but at the same time, his cock throbbed like never before. He felt so slutty, so submissive, especially with his boxer shorts barely hanging on to his upper thighs.

In the bedroom, Kraven turned off the light. His green eyes glinted in the darkness as he grabbed Knoxin by the scruff of his neck and hauled him onto the bed. The fox landed on his belly and lay still as he heard the hyena toss the bag next to him. Something metal clanked inside it.

Large paws stroked down the backs of his legs, from just under his rump to his ankles. Hot, warm breath spread across his upturned feet. A moment later, he felt a tongue scrape along his pads. He moaned and squirmed, but Kraven held his ankles down. The hyena grinned in the darkness as he felt the fox's wiggles and heard the moans and gasps. He leaned down and bared his teeth, gently nipping at each of the vulpine's toes in turn.

Knoxin's eyes squeezed closed as the hyena teased and tickled his feet. His cock throbbed and a thin trickle of white seed managed to pump out past the ring. His balls felt like they were going to explode as the hyena's tongue caressed his pads again, pressing down between them, licking at the sensitive skin surrounding the pads.

Kraven put his teeth to good work teasing the poor vulpine. Once he was satisfied he'd taken care of Knoxin's feet, he moved up higher, nipping and nuzzling his way over the fox's calves and thighs. He growled as he opened his jaws and gently bit the fox's rump. The male squirmed and grunted. Kraven smiled as he made his way higher, pulling himself onto the bed as he went, so that he was straddling Knoxin's thighs. His heavy cock pressed down between the fox's cheeks. Knoxin shuddered as he felt exactly how large the hyena really was: fucking massive.

The hyena's sharp teeth kept nipping and teasing, working up one of his sides, then the other. Claws pricked at his lower back as the muzzle pressed into the back of his neck. Knoxin stiffened as he felt the hot breath on his pelt and a tongue slide against the base of his head. He moaned around the gag even louder.

Kraven paused. That was a different kind of moan. Time for an experiment. He leaned down again and nipped at the base of his neck, by his left shoulder. The fox bucked up into him, surprising the hyena.

"Well now... isn't this a surprise," he said, grasping Knoxin's hips more tightly. "Sometimes I never discover a pet's weakness, but here you've already given yours away..."

Knoxin shivered as he felt the hyena unbuckle the collar and pull it off. Moments later, teeth locked into the fleshy part of his neck and he froze. A sharp whine escaped his spread muzzle as the teeth held him and, a moment later, he bucked up again, unable to stop the wild motions. Kraven leaned into him, pinning him down, as his teeth nipped again, pulling on his sensitive neck. The fox's ears rotated back and forth as he whined and panted, gargling on his own saliva as the hyena nibbled up one side, down the other. He ground his rump into the huge thickness, unable to stop as pleasure ramped through him. His aching cock twitched against the covers.

Kraven stretched his jaws open wider and pushed Knoxin's head to the side, exposing the underside of his neck. With a growl of lust, the hyena closed his teeth around Knoxin's throat. The fox gurgled, twitching and moaning, as Kraven gently massaged his skin with his teeth, careful not to bite too hard. The fox's hips pushed up into him and he closed his eyes as those furry cheeks rubbed over his hard, aching length.

Knoxin couldn't stop his reactions. His neck was so sensitive, any teasing there drove him crazy. He couldn't think straight, not as those sharp teeth pricked at his skin, ground through the ruff of fur. The hyena's hot breath rushing over his saliva-slicked neck only made things worse and he bucked again, trying to get away, desperate for the teasing to end, even though it felt so amazing. It felt too good, that was the problem, and now Kraven knew it...

This fox, Kraven decided, was going to make a fine pet.

Pushing his weight down more solidly to keep the squirming vulpine pinned, he licked his tongue across the light white fur of the underside of the fox's neck. Knoxin panted around the gag, fingers clenching and unclenching behind his back, shuddering and whining helplessly. Kraven's claws stroked down his sides until finally, after several long minutes of relentless teasing, the muzzle withdrew.

Knoxin slumped against the covers, saliva drooling from his muzzle as he turned his head to the side. He'd never felt so hard in all his life.

Cold lube poured over his tail hole and he grunted again. Kraven growled.

"Normally I would wait a little bit longer before I took a new pet the first time," he said, leaning over to whisper in Knoxin's ears, "but I just can't wait for you."

The fox felt the length slide between his cheeks, smearing and warming the lube. The fat tip pressed under his tail, which he couldn't stop from trying to curl back to stop the hyena. Kraven grabbed it about halfway up, squeezing the broad swell of the fox tail and pulling it up. Knoxin moaned as he felt the root stretch. Tail hole exposed, he could do nothing else now to stop the massive hyena - not that he wanted to.

With his arms bound and muzzle gagged, Knoxin's sharp whines increased even louder in volume as the tip pressed forward, gradually stretching his orange rump. He shuddered as Kraven teased him further, pulling back several times. Finally, however, the hyena pressed in and kept going. Knoxin tried to relax his tail hole, realizing the hyena was going to stretch him one way or another.

The fox's backside arched as the tip finally popped inside and his long, narrow muzzle lifted up. His gargled moan echoed in the room as Kraven's paw gripped his shoulder, shoving him back down into the bed, stopping his desperate wriggles. Several fat inches ground in, pushing the lube deeper.

"Damn, foxy... you are... so tight!" Kraven gasped, surprised at just how strongly Knoxin's rump gripped his thickness. It was even tighter than he'd imagined, as his four-and-a-half-inch thick shaft pushed in again.

Knoxin squirmed with every movement. The hyena was barely inside and already he felt as if he were being ripped in half. He tried to recall the size and shape. However big it was, it was filling him like nothing ever had before. The dildo from earlier may as well have been a pencil compared to this thickness.

Knoxin soon lost track of all sense of time as the hyena worked him over. Every few minutes, the big male poured additional lube over his cock, ensuring the fox's rump was nice and slick. He kept working in, inch after inch, spreading the fox ever wider. Knoxin couldn't believe how full he felt and he couldn't stop the whining moans from echoing out of his muzzle around the gag.

"You keep making those noises, pet," Kraven grunted. "I'm gonna hilt you yet... damn..."

Knoxin pushed his hips back, unable to help himself. It felt too good. Uncomfortable, sure, but the hyena was taking it nice and slow, making sure he stretched before sliding more in. Every now and then he'd pull back and the fox would nearly howl as the thickness retook the lost ground. Strong paws gripped his hips and Knoxin shuddered. He loved the feel of those firm paws clutching at him. It made him feel... owned.

Kraven's eyes glowed in the darkness as he stared down at Knoxin's rump. He could just make out his thickness as it disappeared into the tight rump. He grabbed the orange cheeks, one in each paw, and pulled them to the side, licking his lips as he watched himself penetrate the male, deeper and deeper. He got more than ten inches in when he felt the tell-tale signs of his climax.

"Damn, foxy... I'm not going to last so long with you squeezing like that," he moaned.

A sense of urgency gripped the hyena. He pushed in harder and reached up to grab Knoxin's shoulder. The fox squirmed under him, wriggling desperately, as the fat length pumped in harder, deeper. Kraven licked his lips, head tipping back, as he worked more of his length in, trying to get every single inch up the fox's rump before he came.

He scooted his hips rapidly, pumping with short, hard thrusts, hammering at Knoxin's prostate. The skinny vulpine was sure his balls had popped from the unbelievable pressure in them. The cock rings were so tight, and he had to cum so badly, his thoughts began to run in circles, wild and uncontrolled. Nothing but lust entered his mind as the huge shaft pumped in deeper, harder. He pushed back as best he could, whimpering now as his knot rubbed between his belly and the covers.

"Mathster! Mathster!" he cried around the ball gag, helplessly twitching as the hyena's paws forced him down into the bed. The male's weight crushed him as the huge length drove in deeper.

"Almost... almost there," Kraven moaned, grinding in hard.

He just barely made it. Knoxin felt the wide hips press down on his rump first before the throbbing length inside him stiffened and jerked. A moment later, his belly flooded with warm hyena spooge. He cried out, jerking and twitching.

"Oh, daaaammn... oh, damn," the hyena moaned, arching his back, keeping his hips locked to Knoxin. "That feels so amazing... but don't worry, foxy, I haven't forgotten you."

Knoxin felt paws grab his hips and the weight of the hyena's chest press to his back. The big male rolled over, carrying Knoxin with him, so that the fox ended up on top, legs kicking, arms trapped between his back and Kraven's chest. His stomach bulged outwards with the shape of the hyena's huge black cock as it continued to pump inside him. The skin and fur shifted, moving whenever the hyena's shaft flexed.

The hyena wrapped one arm around the fox's belly as his cock kept shooting thick loads inside his grasping, squeezing rump. He could feel his length through Knoxin's belly fur and squeezed it. The fox wriggled madly in his grasp in response. Kraven reached down with his other paw and unsnapped the cock ring around his balls, then the one around his teal dick. He didn't even need to touch the fox's shaft before Knoxin was shooting streams of white seed. Ropes of cum splattered the wall behind the headboard and drizzled down over top of Kraven's head and muzzle. The fox kept shooting, cock lurching up and down every time his rump flexed and squeezed around the monster stuffed up his rump. His cum pooled in the hollow of his chest as he squirmed and bucked, frantically howling around the gag in his muzzle.

Kraven grinned as he relaxed into the bed and held Knoxin still in both paws as the squirming fox's shaft finally ran out of seed. He sighed, enjoying how the tight, slick hole massaged his fat erection. The fox was tighter than anyone he'd had in quite a while. He licked the back of the vulpine's neck, growling with pleasure, and clutched him tightly, holding him possessively, shivering as the skinny male panted and wriggled.

Knoxin slumped back, every muscle loosening as his orgasm passed. All that remained was the warmth in his rump, the gentle pulse and throb of the heavy cock. He panted around the gag, swallowing his saliva awkwardly. The hyena's paws stroked his belly and chest softly, with what he could only assume was kindness.

"Good pet," the hyena whispered, and Knoxin's ears burned as he realized what a scene he'd been making. He'd never felt so pent-up, and the release... it was mind blowing. He'd never cum like that, not ever. He was glad for the gag now, because the neighbors would have certainly been calling the police had it not muffled his cries. He was normally vocal during sex, but screaming and thrashing and fighting as he'd done? This hyena was unlocking aspects of him he'd not known existed. He wasn't sure what to think of that yet.

Kraven sighed and rolled onto his side. Knoxin grunted as the shaft flexed inside him. He whined again, shivering, as Kraven curled around him for a moment, both arms hugging him tightly into a warm cuddle. Then Kraven pulled back, slowly withdrawing every single one of those sixteen inches, until only the tip remained. The fox clenched around it hard, unable to help it, until it popped out. He cried out and jerked his hips as his cock flexed, shooting another spray of cum into the bedspread. He couldn't see his rump, but from the way his ass clenched, he knew he'd been stretched something fierce. He could feel cum trickling out of his gaping hole as the hyena's body hugged him.

"Mmm... that was nice," the big male said, nuzzling the back of Knoxin's neck. "Can't wait to do it again in ten minutes."

The fox's eyes went wide as the hyena's paws reached down, reattaching the around his still-hard length. He moaned into the gag.

"Shush, now, pet... don't worry, I'm going to take good care of you."

A few minutes later, Knoxin felt paws drag him to the edge of the bed. His legs hung over the sides as the hyena unbuckled the straps around his wrists. He gasped as the blood flow returned in force and he rubbed at them.

The bag clinked as Kraven reached inside and pulled out several metal tubes with leather collars at the ends. The fox was too weak to resist even if he wanted to as the hyena attached them. One bar went between his knees, forcing his legs to spread. Another went around his ankles, further immobilizing him. The third went between his wrists. Kraven pulled him onto the bed and slipped a cuff around the tip of his tail. After putting the fox's collar back on, the hyena linked the tail to the color with a short chain.

Knoxin was on his hands and knees, unable to move much, locked in place by the bars. His palms spread against the bed as his cock throbbed between his legs. The hyena's claws tickled down his sides and over his rump.

"Maybe I should have you get your shaft pierced," the hyena said, voice taking on a conversational tone. His paw reached down and cupped Knoxin's nuts, giving them a few firm squeezes. "Your nipples too. Always wanted a pet I could really chain up..."

Knoxin shuddered and twitched, cock jerking at the idea. At this point, he'd do whatever the hyena told him, no questions asked. He drooled around the gag in his muzzle, head hanging down between his shoulders, as the hyena stroked and teased his shivering body.

"Maybe I'll take you out with me," the hyena continued, idly running a claw up his chest, around the fox's nipples. "I know a few clubs where I could make quite a few dollars off you in a single night. Dress you up in a cute little skirt and bra and sell you to my friends..."

Knoxin shuddered. He'd read a few stories like that, but never imagined...

"Or maybe I'll invite a friend of mine over and we'll double team you. One of us on each end, with you tied up between us. He's a big ol' canine, so I'm sure you'd enjoy his knot plugging up your hot little ass."

Kraven punctuated that last line with a sharp slap to the fox's pert rump, which made Knoxin's teal-tipped purple hair shake. He kept talking, going over all of his plans for the moaning vulpine as his large blue paws caressed and teased the fox's body.

"I should've brought the sling," Kraven muttered.

The big, muscular hyena knelt behind the bound fox, grinding his length between his cum-stained rump cheeks again.

"Normally I'd take a crack at that muzzle of yours," he said, "but this ass... it's just too good."

Knoxin's ears went back at the perverse praise. Kraven grabbed his hips and pushed in harder this time. Knoxin went tense as the tip forced its way into him. There was no need for lube now, not with the huge load of spooge the blue hyena dumped into him earlier.

Kraven took it slow again at first, but quickly ramped things up. Soon he was going at a medium pace, sliding almost all of the sixteen inches back and forth into the gasping, whining male's rump. Knoxin clutched at the blankets, claws putting little holes in the fabric, as his teeth ground down on the ball gag.

Kraven kept going faster and faster, until his huge nuts slapped into the back of Knoxin's thighs. The large male grunted and gasped as he pounded the fox's tail hole. The hyena wrapped his arms around Knoxin's belly and chest and lifted him up. Holding him in the air, he pulled the bound fox into his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Knoxin let out a howl as sixteen inches of black-skinned hyena dong slammed into his rump. He cried out, body twitching, as the blue, muscular male held him down, claws digging into his hips. The skinny fox shuddered as the hyena leaned close, breathing hard, and licked up the side of his neck. A moment later, sharp teeth pricked his skin and he froze. His cock jerked, slapping against his belly as he rode the hyena's lap, chest pressing back into the blue-furred pecs.

He had to cum. He just had to. But the hyena wasn't about to let that happen. The cock ring he'd put on the smaller male earlier made sure of that...

"Gonna be a long night, foxy," the hyena said, grunting as he felt his balls slap against the small male's thighs again. "I just love breaking in my new pets..."

By the time Kraven passed out on the bed on his back, arms and legs spread, Knoxin wasn't sure he'd ever be able to sit again. The big blue hyena snored and grunted in his sleep, cock half-hard against his belly. He'd been nice enough to free the fox from all the bondage gear, so Knoxin took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and clean himself up a bit. His cock hung out of his sheath, utterly drained and sore from the hyena's squeezes.

He wondered what to do next. The big male obviously wasn't planning on leaving before morning, at least. The fox's tail swept back and forth slowly as he stretched his arms over his head. Might as well... sleep with him? He wouldn't mind that, right?

Knoxin turned off the bathroom light and tip-toed back into his bedroom. The blue hyena's snores echoed in the room as he crept up to the bed and slid under the covers with the sleeping male. He smiled to himself as he reached across the broad blue chest and pressed against Kraven's side. All-in-all, it had been an amazing night. The hyena was rough, sure, but he was gentle when necessary. Knoxin felt curiously safe around him, even when he'd been tied up, helpless and immobilized, denied his orgasm, even spanked. He'd really enjoyed it...

The fox yawned and rested his head on Kraven's bicep. The hyena rolled slightly and a heavy arm draped over his side. The heat of the big male's body soothed Knoxin, and within moments, he joined the buff 'yena in slumber.

He woke up when paws grabbed at his head, shoving his face down. He gasped as Kraven's hard shaft rubbed over his face. He tried to pull away and looked up at the hyena, but... he was... still asleep?

Kraven was still flat on his back, breathing regularly, eyes closed, snoring, even, as his arm shoved on Knoxin's head, pushing the fox down between his legs. Knoxin had little choice but to bury his muzzle in the hyena's huge sheath. His nose sunk into the sheath, trapped between the stretchy flesh and the throbbing erection. Kraven's paws groped at him, pushing him down, and he moaned as he licked over the heavy balls in front of his lips.

A rude awakening, but surely the hyena wasn't still sleeping... was he? He tried to pull away again and looked up. The hyena's eyes were still closed, his breathing was still steady, and he moaned or whimpered in his sleep every now and then as Knoxin groped at his balls and shaft.

Knoxin had heard of something like this. It was like sleepwalking, only the person who had it would... well, it was called sexsomnia for a reason. Knoxin twisted around, pressing his belly against Kraven's cock, gasping when it twitched against his belly, hard as ever.

Kraven mumbled something and rolled over. Knoxin yelped as he found himself suddenly pinned beneath the huge male. The hyena hugged a pillow to his face as he snored. His hips pumped slowly, grinding over Knoxin's face and neck. The trapped fox felt hot. It was humid, stuck underneath the broad, powerful chest. He moaned and squirmed as globs of pre-cum smeared into his face.

The hyena, still snoring, brought his knees up, though his chest pressed deeper into the pillow and heavier on Knoxin's face. Blue paws grabbed the fox and shoved him down, until his muzzle was right near the heavy black tip. Knoxin grunted as fingers grasped his ears, shoving his lips against the drooling slit. He opened his mouth, gasping as the hyena's hips drove forward, burying several inches of hard maleness between his cheeks.

"Mmm... wha... who's there?" Kraven mumbled, shifting his hips.

His grasp on Knoxin's ears released for a moment and the hyena sniffed the air.

"Hmm... was dreaming," he mumbled, still not quite awake. His hips pumped forward heavily and Knoxin gagged on the huge tip as it buried itself in the back of his throat. "Foxy..."

Those heavy hips kept pumping, grinding the thick shaft back and forth into Knoxin's muzzle. He reached up and pushed at Kraven's belly and chest, trying to get the hyena to wake up as he gagged for air. His throat convulsed, swallowing pre-cum, and he kicked his legs. Finally, he reached up and grabbed a pawful of blue pelt and yanked on it as hard as he could.


Kraven's shoulders jerked back, lifting into the air. His legs spread, straddling Knoxin, and his huge shaft popped free of the vulpine muzzle, sending a shot of pre-cum splattering over the male's face and pillow.

"What'd you do that for?" Kraven complained, rubbing at his chest where Knoxin grabbed him. He yawned and stretched his arms before looking down and, realizing what he'd been doing, smiled. "Oh, I hadn't told you, had I? Sorry... bad habit of mine. Can't help myself. But since you woke me up anyway..."

"Wait, so if I sleep next to you, you're just going to rammmmppphh!"

The hyena's paws gripped the sides of Knoxin's head and his hips pumped forward. The massive length cut off whatever the fox was about to ask as it ground into the back of his throat.

"Oooh, fox-face... I can't decide whether I like your ass or your muzzle better," Kraven gasped, pumping his hips regularly, deeply, forcefully face-fucking the squirming male beneath him. "You must have waited a while to wake me up... because... oh, yes!"

Knoxin's eyes went wide as a deluge of blueberry and whipped cream-flavored cum poured down his throat. He coughed and gagged as the hyena's jizz ran out of his nostrils and over his lips. The hyena pushed in hard, forcing Knoxin to swallow every bit he could. He kept grinding forward, trying to stuff as much of his length into Knoxin's muzzle as he could fit - a surprising amount, once he'd broached the vulpine's tight, constrictive throat.

Knoxin's paws grasped at Kraven's chest and shoulders weakly. Soon he was battering away, trying to push him off. Kraven grinned and relented, pulling his dripping, half-hard cock free with a slurp. Knoxin coughed and gasped, choking up thick cum. His face was a mess of seed and saliva and he looked up at Kraven angrily.

Before he could speak, the hyena held up a finger and wagged it back and forth slowly.

"Ah, ah, ah, pet," he said, reaching down with his other paw. He scooted back and slipped his fingers around Knoxin's erection. "I know you liked it, so don't bother complaining. I'm going to fuck you whenever I want - day or night, whether I'm awake or asleep. And you know you'll love every moment of it. So let's not say anything that will make me have to... punish... you."

Knoxin shuddered, expression tightening as the hyena caressed his cock. At the word "punish", Kraven had squeezed extra tight around his sensitive teal knot and he whined aloud. He pushed into the blue male's paw, small moans escaping his lips as his aching shaft throbbed.

"My hot little fucktoy fox," Kraven whispered, leaning down to press his muzzle against Knoxin's throat. "I know what you like..."

Knoxin panted hard, anger forgotten as the hyena's teeth closed over his jugular, teasing and nibbling his flesh. His hips bucked upwards into Kraven's paws and, a moment later, he came, unable to stop the pleasure as the big, muscular male's teeth pulled on his skin, biting down more firmly.

"Mmm... good pet... shoot for your master," Kraven whispered.

Once Knoxin slumped back, finished, Kraven smiled and brought his paw to his muzzle. He licked off a few strands of Knoxin's salty jizz and growled.

"Damn, fox-face," he said, licking across Knoxin's twitching ears. "You sure know how to make your master happy."

Knoxin shuddered as the hyena's heavy body descended, pressing him down into the mattress. He could feel Kraven's heartbeat as the big male relaxed, both arms wrapping around the small fox's shoulders. A heavy head pressed into his cheek as the hyena curled around him, squeezing him possessively.

A few minutes later, the hyena was fast asleep once more. Knoxin couldn't even squirm - the muscular male's grasp was just too tight. Still, it felt nice and warm, and his tail flicked back and forth slowly as drowsiness overcame him. Kraven's soft cock pressed into his belly, still drooling.

So... the hyena would fuck him while still asleep. Sleep-sex. Knoxin shuddered at the idea. It turned him on, in a perverse way, now that he thought about it. Would Kraven always go for his muzzle? Or would he sleep-fuck his rump? Only one way to find out, the fox thought, listening to Kraven's deep breathing. He smiled and closed his eyes, sighing with satisfaction. He'd just have to practice holding his breath...

The next morning...

Knoxin woke up gradually. His body felt sore, like he'd worked out for far too long. He turned over onto his back and stretched his arms over his head as sunlight streamed in through the open window. He yawned and blinked, tongue curling out of his muzzle. He ran his paws through his hair and grimaced as he realized it was sticky and messy, pointing in all directions.

He sat up a moment later, eyes wide, nostrils flaring. Memories of the previous night flooded back. He looked at the clock - it was almost noon. Though the room stank of blueberries, the hyena wasn't in the bed. Knoxin reached over and found the spot where the big male fell asleep, curled up around him, was still slightly warm.

The door to the bedroom banged open and Knoxin yipped in surprise, pulling the covers up to his chin. His sore rump clenched as he saw Kraven enter carrying two plates piled high with food. The smell of pancakes, eggs, and sausages drifted into his nose and his stomach rumbled.

"Good morning, pet," the hyena said, smiling broadly. "I used to make my pets make me breakfast, but usually they're so worn out they're pretty much useless when they wake up. Besides, I like cooking."

The hyena handed a plate to Knoxin, who took it absent-mindedly. His eyes were fixed on the hyena's fat, swinging sheath and hard, dripping erection. The big male had a bad case of morning wood. Thick drops of clear pre-cum rolled down the underside, leaving streaks on the swollen urethra.

Kraven followed Knoxin's gaze and smiled as he took a seat on the bed next to the fox. Gripping his cock, he squeezed a few times and turned his hips slightly. The fox watched with wide eyes as a few thick strands of pre-cum drizzled from the huge black tip right over his pancakes. His aching tail hole clenched of its own accord and he whimpered softly.

"Blueberry syrup and whipped cream?" the hyena asked, grunting as he stroked his length a few more times, until Knoxin's plate swam in his sticky seed.

The fox stared at the jizz-soaked food and then looked up at Kraven, who had rolled onto his back and was holding his plate above his belly. Kraven had poured regular brown maple syrup over his food, which he ate with obvious gusto.

"Not hungry?"

Knoxin opened his jaw, but thought better of it. His seven-inch cock pushed out of his sheath as he took the fork and cut into one of the pancakes. He brought the cum-soaked flapjack to his muzzle and chewed on it. The familiar taste of blueberries and whipped cream flooded his muzzle and he smiled despite himself.

"I always make sure to feed my pets well-balanced meals," Kraven said.

Knoxin looked over at him, second bite hovering halfway to his lips. Was the hyena... joking? The big blue male smiled as he chewed a piece of sausage and winked at the small vulpine.

"Eat up, pet... I expect you to swallow every single bite on that plate before you get your dessert."

Knoxin's eyes dropped to the huge black length throbbing in Kraven's light blue belly fur. It pulsed softly, occasionally dripping a glob of pre. He took another bite, and another, as his own cock twitched at the thought of getting his muzzle around that gorgeous, rounded tip...

"Yes, Master."

The End