Furry and Proud: Chapter 1

Story by wolfnumber9 on SoFurry

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#2 of Furry and Proud

A simple routine

My alarm went off and, I swear, it could probably be heard all over the house. My eyes sprang open, and everything in my room started coming into focus. The alarm is always annoying though. I don't know if it's because of my good hearing or the fact that I never like the music that plays. I am known for my hearing though. I get it from my mom. She says that her ears can even tell when someone is lying. I know it sounds strange, but her ears haven't failed her yet.

It was Thursday. I slammed the alarm radio off, threw my blanket off me and got out of bed. It was 5:40 am. This is when high school has me waking up now. I hate mornings. I walked into the bathroom and looked at the mirror. My dark brown fur was just sticking up in so many places. I was a mess. Sleeping always messes up my fur though, especially my tail. I took out my brush and tried to fix it up a little. Then my mom knocked on the door.

"Eddy! What do you want for breakfast?" She said.

"I'll just have a bagel and some OJ." I replied.

"That's it? Boy you need to eat more than that. You trying to lose weight or something?"

"No mom, I just ain't that hungry."

"What was that?"

"I'm 'not' that hungry."

"That sounds better." My mom said with satisfaction. "I know I taught you how to speak proper."

Man, my mom is crazy sometimes. I looked at the mirror again. I looked alright. I'm never really too worried about my looks, as long as I look descent. I brushed my teeth and then went back in my room. I picked out my cloths at random and changed. A long sleeved, black shirt and a pair of jeans. The one hard thing about getting dressed though is my tail. Since I can't stop it from moving, I just have to find comfortable pants. Jeans usually work. The hole in them does have some comfort in it. After I got dressed, I looked outside for some entertainment, and sure enough, I found some. I saw some random person riding on his bike. I opened the window and gave him just one quick growl to scare him. Sure enough, the dude looked behind him and crashed into some trash cans. I nearly fell on the floor laughing. It was too easy. Then, all of a sudden, my laughing was interrupted by the smell of a toasted bagel. It was breakfast time.

I grabbed my bag and ran down stairs. I already saw my dad watching the news with a cup of coffee in his hand. There was the same story on the news about this guy who said that a furry had assaulted him. The case has been going on for nearly a week and it's starting to annoy me. I'm still surprised that my dad didn't hear the bike crash outside. Thinking about it almost made me laugh again. I ran to the counter, got the bagel out of the toaster, poured some orange juice and that was pretty much my breakfast. I know what you're thinking though, 'why doesn't a wolf, like me, eat meat?' well I still do eat meat, but I try not to eat it all the time. My mom says that to much meat makes a carnivore go crazy, and I can believe that.

"Here you go Henry." Said mom as she put another bagel on the counter for my dad. My dad walked over to his plate and looked surprised.

"Laura, why do I have to eat a bagel?" He said.

"Hey, I'm just trying to follow Eddy's sudden diet." She said sarcastically.

"Thanks a lot Eddy." My dad said as he looked at me.

I just smiled. As my dad walked back to his seat, he took a glance at my hands.

"Eddy, you need to cut those claws." He said.

I took a look at my hands. They were kind of long, but I doubt that they would cause any trouble. Plus, I really didn't want to cut them any way. It always hurts when I do.

"They're not that long." I said, trying to save myself.

"Well, they are long and you know that's dangerous." My dad answered back. "People are gonna think that you are using those things as weapons."

"Come on dad, they're..."

"Listen to your father Eddy," my mom interrupted. "If they're long, you know you have to cut them."

I breathed hard once and said. "Alright, I'll do it tomorrow."

After I finished my breakfast, I looked at the clock. It was 6:14. I had to get to the bus stop. I threw my garbage out, kissed my mom on the cheek and told them both goodbye.

I walked outside and closed the door. I got out my headphones and decided to put on some R&B as I walk. I walked down the front stairs and went onto the sidewalk. I had my music kind of loud, but I could still hear around me. All the car horns and screaming people. No place like home I guess. The music really got me in a relaxed mood as I was walking. The beat just flowed through me. It was a good feeling. Although the feeling went away when these two girls just started starring at me, like I was crazy. I lowered the volume on my music and was planning to say something. I decided to let it go and just walk right past them. The plan was working out fine until one of the girls said.

"Eww, his tail is wagging."

"That looks so weird." The other girl replied.

I laughed a little, which made my tail wag even more. The two girls ran away, like a bunch of babies if you ask me.

I finally got to the bus stop. I saw my two friends, Ryan and Jack. Ryan was a gray mouse, a pretty short one too, and Jack was a red fox. I first met Jack on the track team in 7th grade. We were the fastest ones in the school. We would always try to beat each other in everything we do. It's always a competition with Jack. Jack is also kind of a player. He's had more girl friends than anyone can count, and surprisingly, none of those girls have killed him, yet. As for Ryan, we first met in science class in 8th grade. We once did this project together to see how music affects math skills or something like that. I got to admit though, Ryan is pretty smart, but he is not even half as athletic as Jack is. I took my headphones off and went to talk with them.

"Sup guys." I said.

Ryan waved to me and said, "Morning Eddy. Wow, I can't believe your not wearing a jacket or something, it's kind of cold today, don't you think so?"

Man, all of that just for saying 'sup' to one guy. All Jack did was give me a nod. Still, I know that Ryan just loves to talk.

"I just didn't think I needed a jacket today, that's all." I answered back. "Besides, I think, you know, my fur can keep me warm enough."

"Not if you cut it everyday like Ryan does." Said Jack, trying to make a joke. It was a little funny, but it also kept Ryan quite for a while. Jack then leaned close to me and said. "Hey, you got last nights math homework?"

I smiled a little. Jack knew that I always had my math homework, cause I was a pro at math. I never struggled in that class.

"I'll give it to you on the bus." I said.

Jack nodded his head, leaned away, and we enjoyed, literally, 5 seconds of silence, until Ryan said.

"Hey, do you guys think I should join the talent show coming up."

Man, that kid liked to talk. At least he always talked about things that really make you think. I was going to ask why, but then the bus came. The driver pulled over to the side and we walked on the bus. You could really tell who were friends on that bus because it was just separated between humans and furries. I didn't look at any of the humans; especially not after that 'friendly' encounter I had with those girls on the sidewalk. My friends and I just walked to the back where all the furries hanged out. As always. Jack and me sat at the same seat while Ryan had one of his own.

The bus was loud. It was really hurting my ears, but my friends didn't really seem to care. I opened my bag and gave Jack my homework. Then, Ryan nudged me on the arm and said.

"So, do you think I should join?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said. "What's your talent?"

"That's the point, I don't really know what I can do and I've been thinking about it all night. I was hoping you knew something I could do."

Frankly, I really didn't know what to say. I only know one thing that Ryan is always good at: science. Anything science related, Ryan can figure out. He loves it too. It makes him look like a geek sometimes, but he always impresses people.

"Maybe you can show people a chemical explosion or something." I said. I didn't really know what I was saying, but when I looked at Ryan, he had this little grin on his face. He twitched his nose, grabbed some paper out of his bag, and just started writing some random equations. It was like he had a breakthrough or something. So, with Jack copying my work and Ryan going all mad scientist, I got my headphones out again and went to sleep.

After a while, Jack pushed me on the shoulder to wake me up. Right in the middle of a good song too. I took my headphones out and grabbed my homework from him. Ryan was still writing like crazy. I tried to get his attention by kicking him a little, but he didn't even budge. I gave up and walked out of the bus.

As I walked to the front door, I saw another one of my friends, Alice. Alice was a black rabbit; she is also my girlfriend's best friend. I really don't know how we got along with each other though. Alice is a real gothic girl, but we can still agree on some things. It's weird, but at least it makes me look good in front of my girlfriend. I walked up to her just to see how she was. She was wearing jeans and a black shirt that said "death bunny", her usually style. She was texting on her phone, but I still talked to her anyway.

"Hey Alice, who you texting." I said.

"No one." She said, without even looking up.

"Then what are you doing?"

I opened the door for her. She walked through, pressed a few more buttons, and looked at me.

"I'm writing a poem about the blindness of the human being." She said.

Once again, I agreed with her. "I'm sure you have a lot of examples about that." I said.

"Three pages worth. I swear that I will change the face of this school with these words." She said. She then began to almost smile too. Not really a regular smile though. This smile seemed a little crazy. If I knew one thing about Alice, it's that she will do anything to stand up for what she believes in. I wanted to hear the poem, but time wasn't on my side.

"Where's Sam?" I asked her.

"She said she will meet you soon." Alice answered back. She then went right back to her phone.

I walked all the way to my locker and unpacked some of my stuff. I really don't like where my locker is though. I usually don't complain, but there are just a lot of obnoxious people who are around me. I tried to ignore all their crazy conversations, until suddenly, I heard the clanking of claws on my locker door. I didn't see who the person was behind the locker door, but I knew who it was just by looking down at those pink shoes. It was my girl, Sam, trying to get my attention. Sam is a black dog. She doesn't really know what kind of dog breed she is. All I know is that she was real cute. She has all black fur with some pink highlights on her head. Her ears stick up just like mine. She was wearing some black sweat pants and a pink t-shirt. She was looking real nice.

"Hey girl, where you've been?" I said.

"No where" she answered. She closed my locker and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Where have you been?" She asked.

"Looking for you."

"Well, here I am. Now what?"

She pushed me to the wall, and laughed a little. We kissed, for a while. I bet some people were watching too, but at that moment, I really didn't care. We stopped kissing and then she said.

"So I was just talking with my dad."

"Wow, way to kill the moment." I said.

"Relax. He said that I can come over to your house and...study." She said as her hands went on my chest.

"You know I like to study." I said.

She laughed because she knew, for a fact, that I don't like to study at all. Then there was this short pause between us. I just looked at her eyes. I know it sounds cheesy, but she had these beautiful blue eyes.

"So, I'll see you after school?" She asked.

"Sure." I answered.

"Great, see you then."

She gave me one quick kiss and walked away. I was really lucky to have her though. I first met her in 7th grade. She was the one who was the nicest to me when I first moved here. Our relationship really set off when she found out I could play guitar and when I found out that she could sing, and she sings like a true artist. She has a very powerful singing voice. I really like that about her.

School was pretty boring for the most part. You do some work, you take some notes and then you get homework. That's pretty much it. The only thing that makes school exciting is the students. Like one time, I saw these two kids doing a rap battle in the hallway. It was this lizard and a squirrel going head to head. The squirrel tried to play it cool while the lizard was just embarrassing him in front of everybody. Now that is much better than listening to a history lesson.

Speaking of history, today in 5th period something a little weird happened. Class didn't start yet and I was just getting out my stuff. Then all of a sudden I heard this yell in the hallway.

"Hey! Come on, give it back!"

Since it seemed like the teacher didn't even care about what was going on, I went to check it out. I got up, stood at the doorway and saw these two humans throwing a bag back and forth over a short otter's head. I guessed that the bag belonged to him because he was really trying to get that bag back.

"Come on little critter, you can get it. Come on boy, come on." One of the humans said.

That really ticked me off. I got in the middle of the two and grabbed the bag in the air.

"Thank you." The otter said as I gave him the bag.

"No problem, now get to class." I said.

The little otter ran down the hall. I started to go back in my class until one of the humans grabbed me by the shoulder.

"Hey wolf, why you got to ruin our fun." He said.

I turned around, pushed his hand off my shoulder and said.

"Don't touch me."

The dude laughed like it was a game.

"Look, maybe you shouldn't be in other people's business alright boy."

He tried to put his hand on me again. I pushed away hard this time.

"I said don't touch me." I ordered.

"And what if we do?" He said.

They closed in on me, trying to scare me. I stood my ground and just waited for the first attack. These two had no idea who I was and they think they can take me, a wolf. Then the teacher came.

"Is there a problem here?" He said.

Man, could the teacher come any later. I almost had to knock some sense in these idiots. The two humans walked away. I turned around and went to sit down. Everyone stared at me until I sat down. Then there was this one fox that said.

"Yea, that's right. People better think twice before messin' around with us."

I turned around and gave him an annoyed look. Basically I wanted him to shut up. Furries don't need a bad reputation, especially not now.

As I was turning back around, I saw this girl staring at me. At first I thought she would stop, but I think she stared at me the whole class. I really didn't know why either. It was strange.

Soon, after doing nothing but work, I finally get to 7th period, lunch. Lunch was probably the best time of the day because that's the time I get to see all my friends. As soon as I get in the cafeteria, I go right to the lunch line before it gets to long. For lunch, I had chicken nuggets, fries, carrots, and water. I don't eat the carrots though; I just give them to Alice. I walk of the line with my food and look for my friends. Our cafeteria was kind of big and a lot of tables were full. I look around in anger everyday when I see how separated the students are. There was not one furry sitting with a human or a human sitting with a furry. We really just couldn't get along. I don't know why. Soon, I heard someone call my name to the right of me. It was Jack and he was sitting with the whole gang. I went over and sat down next to Sam. I gave Alice my carrots and I saw Ryan still writing like a mad man.

"Okay man, your starting to scare." I said. "What are you writing?"

Ryan gathered his papers and said. "Remember on the bus, when you said chemical explosion?"

" Yes." I said.

"Well I took your word for it and made this situation."

He put his papers in the middle of all of us and began explaining. He totally lost me though, and by looking at everyone else's face, I wasn't the only one. The only part I really understood was when he said, "...and then reaction will cause all these light beams around me, thereby creating the ultimate light show."

"I like it." Said Jack then he bit into his cheese sandwich.

I gave Ryan a worried look as I looked at his paper and said.

"Ryan, don't you think using these kind of chemicals is a little dangerous."

"I went through the procedure multiple times and I predict that everything will go according to plan." Ryan said

"You predict?" I said.

"Come on Eddy," said Sam. "I think it's a cool idea. Let the kid have his light show, and if he blows something up in the process then it would probably be even cooler."

Knowing what a party animal Sam is, it was really no surprise that she wanted to see things blow up.

"Where you gonna get these chemicals anyway?" I said.

"I'll find them, don't worry." Said Ryan.

Then Jack leaned closed to him and said. "Well, if you do have some trouble, meet this guy down by the old abandon store and make sure no one, and I mean no one, sees you." He gives Ryan a small piece of paper. Ryan looked terrified, but he took the paper.

"You are one crazy fox my friend." I said.

"What do you think Alice?" Said Sam.

"The talent show seems like a waist of time for me." Alice answered.

"Is that because you scare people with your poetry?" Asked Jack.

We all laughed, except for Alice.

"Well someone needs to do something about this school." Said Alice. "This place gets on my nerves."

Jack laughed a little and said. "Well I don't trust humans any farther than I can throw."

"You don't throwing humans, right?" Ryan said in a nervous way.

"Well, not any more." Jack said.

Everyone laughed.

"Well, I can't wait for the talent show." Said Sam as she hugged my arm. "Me and Eddy can steal the show again."

She was right too. Sam and I performed a duet together at the last talent show. A lot of people liked it.

"In fact, I volunteered to help with setting the show up." Sam said. "Although, they did say they needed a little more help." Sam looked at me.

"Oh no girl, you know I don't like that kind of stuff." I said.

"Say what? I'm pretty sure it was you who helped my father fix his old car." Said Sam.

"And it was you who fixed my bike." Said Jack.

"And you who always helps me with my diagrams." Said Ryan.

"Not helping guys." I said.

"Face it Eddy, you pretty good at building stuff." Said Alice.

"Please." Said Sam. She had that sad puppy face and I could see her tail wagging. I couldn't resist.

"Okay, I'll do it." I said.

Sam kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you." She said. I'm such a pushover sometimes.

Furry and Proud: Chapter 2

Study date School was finally over and I couldn't wait to get home. I packed my stuff up from my locker and went outside. I didn't have a lot of homework to do. It was a good thing I didn't, especially with Sam coming over. I'm not saying that she...

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Furry and Proud: Prologue

Prologue Well, to start off, my name is Eddy. It's not really an amazing name, but my mom gave it to me, so it's the only one I got. I'm 16 years old and in pretty good shape if I don't say so myself. I was born in New York. I lived there for a good...

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