The royal marriage #2

Story by Bad fuzz on SoFurry

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#2 of The royal marriage

Second chapter in the princesses view

Chapter 2: Hashii's Fate

I knew of this new fate my mother had given me. Whether i liked it or not was another story. The face painting in front of the entire city the royal family lived in was a annoying. And now we have to keep this pain on us until the sun goes down? That seems like its eyons away from now. The shiny brute leading me around the place was no help either. Not speaking much and only giving me a tone when he did as he walked around as if he were showing me around this new place i had to call home only made time seem to pass by slower.

"You can talk like your parents can can't you?" I asked after a moment once having stopped where i was. I was tired of walking around in silence.

"What do you think?" Dredge responded as he slowly turned around and faced me. I caught the ending of him having rolled his eyes as he did so and it only made my narrow for a short period of time before i shook my head at him. "That a no?" He asked after not getting a response from me. "Guess the question really is, can you speak?"

"I can i just don't have anything to say to you and have better things to do." I said quickly before flicking one of the tentacles humans we had heard stories of as children would have had hair replacing as it wasn't for any special use or anything. "Just keep walking and show me to my room."

"Our room.." He said with a raised brow before raising a pointed claw at me as he thought of another thing to say and took a step towards me that made me start taking a step back for. "And don't think this was my idea or that i want any part in this. Your mother is to blame for this. She came up with the brilliant idea to offer your annoying blue butt over to my parents and have us wed."

"Well maybe if your father wasn't hell bent on taking every planet he sees for himself she wouldn't have had to. It's not like she wanted to give away her daughter." I snapped back before stopping as he raised a hand up with an open palm.

"Enough. I'm tired of listening to you already. Are you Yarotan's all the same? Nothing but a head ache." He said as he walked away and went down the same long hall we had been walking down for the last five minutes before getting to the end of the hall and opening the door to a very brightly lit and large bedroom. "Tada..This is _our_room."

Waiting until after he spoke to move, i slowly walk over to the door and look around inside from there. He seemed a bit impatient but i only smirked at annoying him by taking so long to come over. The inside was very strange. All their new things made it seem so apart from the natural world. But i suppose it was nice. For their standards anyway.

We had spent the rest of the day in 'our' room bickering at times, mostly not saying a word and doing something by ourselves. But as soon as the sun went down i quickly washed away all the nasty paint from my body. As i was doing so Dredge came into the wash room and watched me for a moment. Looking up from washing paint off my arm i paused for a moment before asking. "What?"

"Nothing.." He said quickly. "We are going to eat in a few minutes so just hurry up and go to the dinning room. You remember where that is?" He asked with a tone that seemed as if he was talking to a lost child.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I said back with a annoyed wave of my hand before he left the room and went to the dinning hall where his mother and father would be. My own had left to take care of things on our home planet already. I was the only Yarotan on this planet..