Prom Night

Story by DireWolf23 on SoFurry

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"Prom Night" is a short, sexy story about an unexpected pair who are crowned prom king and queen, and have an unforgettable night.

I was shocked when the principal said my name. My classmates erupted in cheers and applause as I stood and nervously adjusted my tux, blushing a bit under my wolven fur. Everyone sitting at my table sprang to their feet and shouted their congratulations. Wagging uncontrollably, I shook their paws and quickly thanked each of them. I walked onstage with the cheers of the crowd following me as I went. Halfway to the podium at center stage I stopped and turned to the crowd, raising my paws in thanks and triumph against the backdrop of their enthusiastic cheers and whistles. I couldn't believe I was about to be crowned prom-king.

I stood beside our principal as he embarrassed me with a list of accomplishments that never seemed to end. After each I shouted out thanks to group after group of friends who had been an integral part of my success. I thanked the football team for our championship title; my study group for my scholarships and valedictorian status; and many, many others. When the principal finally finished, he asked me to say a few words, but all I could come up with was one last simple thank you to all of my friends for the fantastic journey we had shared together.

After another long stretch of cacophonous applause the room slowly settled into expectant silence. A sea of perked ears and eager eyes stared up at us as the principal pulled the other card from his envelope. With paws in my pockets my ear twitched as I held my breath and waited for the name. When he finally spoke, everyone went silent in shock, but a few scattered claps quickly built into a congratulatory thunder over a sea of moving paws. The beautiful tomboy vixen who had transferred in senior year would be my queen.

From what little I knew it seemed unlike her to be shy, but she didn't look up as she made her way onstage. In that silence the broad smile she wore made her seem to glow under the stage lights. Smart, sweet, and exceptionally athletic, she had quickly become popular despite never doing anything outside of school. She never talked about it to anyone I knew, so I just assumed she was very focused on getting into a good college, or something like that. She politely declined to speak after the principal finished listing her accomplishments, choosing instead to wave cutely at the crowd and mouth near tearful thank-yous to her friends.

I had spent almost no time with her since we had only one class together. Despite that, the few times we had interacted stuck out in my mind. She was such a joy to be around -- endlessly cheerful and enthusiastic -- and even though many found her tomboy beauty to be a turn-off, I had always found it oddly alluring. The problem was that between her lack of social life and my overwhelming one, there had never been time for us to be anything more than classmates.

Simple and androgynous, her dress epitomized her style, and in it she was more stunning than I had ever seen her. The principal had to tell me twice to look away from her and face the crowd. After a golden plastic crown was placed between my ears and a glittery tiara between hers, we both took a bow. The swift motion sent the crown tumbling down my muzzle; I caught and replaced it with a flourish to the congenial laughs of my classmates. With a wink and wry smile to the crowd, I took my queen's paw and together we made our way to the center of the dance floor for our inaugural dance.

A slow love song begun to play as I placed my paws on my queen's hips and she draped hers around my neck. Her scent was as curious and exotic as ever, and it only added to the growing swarm of butterflies in my stomach as I smiled into her sparkling eyes. I finally managed to break the silence, and we went on and on about how surprised we were that, with so many incredible classmates that deserved it just as much as we did, we had been the ones crowned.

The rest of prom joined us on the dance floor halfway through the song, and when it came to an end we were surrounded and congratulated by good friends and classmates alike. Many of my football buddies elbowed me in the side and whispered about how hot they thought my queen was, and offered a number of lewd suggestions for later that night that made me laugh. From there my vixen queen and I danced, talked at length for the first time, and presided over whatever amusing games and events the prom committee had dreamed up as we laughed and held paws.

We had both come stag to prom. I had recently broken up with yet another eager cheerleader that I had agreed to go out with. Just like with all my other ex-girlfriends I was never really into the relationship, and both of us eventually realized that all we really had in common was popularity. As for my queen, as far as I knew she had never dated anyone. I had no idea how she felt about me, but I was glad I hadn't come with anyone.

We must have posed for several thousand pictures in front of a themed backdrop. Even still, we both chuckled and blushed when the photographer told us to act like we actually liked each other. I wrapped my paws around her waist and rested my muzzle between her ears. The photographer loved it and told us to hold the pose as the flash on his camera flickered like a strobe-light. My usually cool demeanor nearly faltered as I took several nervous breaths and my heart raced while I stood there holding her so close. My queen's complex and arousing scent coupled with the feel of her firm curves under my paws was making my sheath swell. My tapered tip was straining against my then sticky underwear, and I spoke a silent prayer that she wouldn't notice and think me a perv, but my scent might have given away my arousal regardless.

The night finally came to an end, and as our friends made their way to their cars, shouting the locations of after-parties across the parking lot, we hugged and held each other close. Our breath misted in the cold night air, but it probably wasn't why neither of us wanted to let go. When we finally did, we stared into each other's eyes, and I hoped she saw the same longing in my eyes that I thought I saw in hers. I started rambling about what a fantastic night it had been, managing to stumble over almost all the words. The smile she gave me was disarming, leaving my tail wagging furiously, but it faded as she half-heartedly said how it was getting late and how she should probably be getting home.

The time had come and my heart was racing. I had been frantically struggling all night with how to ask the question. Fighting uphill against the rush of fear-riddled adrenaline, I managed to work up the courage to blurt out a shaky request for her to join me for late-night coffee at my parents' cabin on the coast. She became very nervous and uncomfortable, and I was certain she was going to turn me down. I tried, but I couldn't have been very successful at not letting my disappointment show. I stared at the asphalt and began mumbling something about how it was alright, and that I would see her in class next week, but she grabbed both my paws and held them tightly in hers and I went silent looking into her searching eyes. She asked me very seriously if I was sure. I told her that of course I was sure, and that I really liked her a lot. For a moment she looked like she might cry, then wrapped her paws around and squeezed me hard enough that it almost hurt and whispered that she liked me too.

My parents had insisted on paying for a limo even though I didn't have a date. At the time I balked, feeling it was a waste of money and a little embarrassing showing up alone in a limo, but in the end I was really glad I let them do it. I held the door for my queen, then slid in alongside her, and we were quickly on our way to my parent's cabin. As the driver silently carted us to our destination, my queen rested her head on my chest and wrapped her paws around me. I wrapped my paws around her and we nuzzled together, our eyes closed as my heart raced and my stomach knotted with excitement. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have the one girl in high school that I actually liked in my arms tonight. It was everything I could do to not let my paws stray as I slipped from my sheath again while I held her close. I was preeing so badly I worried it was going to leak right through my tux pants, but if I had and she noticed, she didn't seem to mind.

After the limo driver dropped us off, we both waived goodbye after thanking him. I took my queen's paw in mine and lead her up a flight of carved stone steps to the cabin. I pointed out the converted seaman's lamp and a few other interesting features of the cabin while trying to surreptitiously readjust myself when she looked away. I had come all the way out of my sheath, and my damned inconvenient knot was swelling quickly, ridding me of any hope of hiding my arousal when we curled up again. I unlocked the front door of the cabin, flipped on the lights, and ushered my queen inside, taking the opportunity to check out her firm rump and fluffy tail. I had always been a tail guy, and hers was amazing. I looked up to see her smiling back at me. I think she caught me and even noticed my obvious bulge. How embarrassing.

This early in the Spring the nights were cold, so I started a fire in the hearth as my queen peered through the large glass back door and out onto the ocean. Once the fire crackled to life with a bright heat, I took my queen out onto the creaky wooden deck to watch the moonlit waves slowly roll in. I wrapped my paws around her waist and she rested her paws on top of mine. We offered each other our warmth against the cool sea breeze as we watched together in silence. She pressed herself back against me, and I let out a small whimper as her tail and rump pressed tightly against my sensitive wolfhood, coaxing out another spurt of pree. Panting slightly, I licked my muzzle and swallowed before awkwardly suggesting that we would stay warmer if we curled up together on the couch. She said that sounded perfect.

I took off my tux jacket, then joined my queen on the couch in front of the fire. With our paws wrapped around each other we began nuzzling, and slowly the tips of our muzzles edged closer to each other. When our black noses touched, we rubbed them together, breathing in each other's scent. With an effort that took all my courage, I pressed my muzzle to hers and kissed my queen.

When I felt her kiss back my heart nearly leapt out of my chest. We kissed again and again, our breaths quickening with each long, passionate locking of our muzzles. As we kissed, I ran a paw along her muzzle and across her cheek. She whimpered cutely, emboldening me further as I leaked more still. I ran my paws over the curves of her dress, feeling the soft fur and muscle beneath. When my paw started to sneak up her thigh and under her dress, she took it in hers and placed it back on her hip. I was never this forward, but something about her made controlling my desires feel like trying to pull down the moon.

I pulled my vixen into my lap, pressing our bodies together, our tongues quickly following suit. She felt so strong and lithe in my paws, and as the air around us filled with the mingling scent of our shared arousal, I couldn't resist my desire to let my paws explore her body. She whimpered into another kiss, but pulled my paws back around her waist. I couldn't help but whine in return, unable to think of anything I had ever wanted more than to experience every inch of her.

All thought was abandoned, however, when I felt her soft, strong paw rub against and squeeze at the bulge in my pants. The wonderful sensation ended suddenly, and when I opened my eyes I saw her staring at her paw. When she saw me looking she showed it to me, and with a single sniff I could tell it was my pree. When I saw the large wet spot between my legs my ears shot back in embarrassment, but she lifted my lowered muzzle back up to hers and kissed me, whispering that she thought it was really hot.

I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it aside, but as I went to embrace my vixen she looked apprehensive, her tail-tip flickering behind her. I asked what was wrong, and she said she was nervous. I told her I was too and she smiled, but I could still see the worry in her eyes. It pained me greatly, but through whimpers I asked if she wanted to stop. She bit her lip for a moment, but then shook her head and rushed into my arms, nuzzling my naked furry chest and under-muzzle before she pressed her muzzle to mine again.

Her lusty scent returned as strongly as mine did, its mysteriously arousing bouquet leaving me throbbing. I felt her paw return to stroke my bulge, and was then joined by the other. Slowly, she undid the button and unzipped my pants as I watched, scared, but yearning for her to continue. She murred deeply when, as she pealed opened my pants, the heated scent of my musky, pree-soaked underwear rose up around us. She slipped her fingers inside my underwear and slid them along the inside of the elastic band before looking up at me nervously. My tongue lolled, and my breaths were labored like I was running for the endzone, but I managed to nod.

I lifted myself up as she tugged off my pants and underwear, leaving me fully naked, my knot swollen and wolfhood leaking a thick stream of pree down my shaft and sheath. Sitting there as she looked me over, I hoped I wasn't too small, and that my abs were muscled enough for her. All doubt, and thought for that matter, was stripped from me when she reached out her long tongue and lapped up along my wolfhood, matting her muzzle tip with my copious pree. My eyes unfocused and my muzzle fell open as I sucked in a sharp, stuttering breath. She was incredible.

As she suckled my dripping tip and slid my length in and out of her muzzle, I wanted to feel her wet folds against my paw or muzzle to return the pleasure. I slid my paw up along her thigh and under her dress again, but she closed her legs and tugged down her dress, whimpering. Gently, I tugged them apart again, whispering that it was alright, that I wanted her to share in what I was feeling. She whimpered more between heavy nostril pants, but as I thrust instinctively against her muzzle, she slowly relaxed and spread her legs for me, allowing me to slide my paw under her dress. She squeezed my swollen knot and slid her tongue along my wolfhood, her paw caressing my heavy fursac as I rested my paw on the front of her panties, but what I felt there caused me to pull my paw away in a sudden jerk.

My vixen's eyes shot open and panic painted her face as she released my throbbing wolfhood and pulled away, moving to the far side of the couch. Instead of soft, wet folds leaking through her silk panties, I had felt a swollen sheath. I looked to her, confused, but she quickly turned away, looking frightened and on the cusp of crying as she curled up and held herself. She closed her eyes and held her face in her paws as I just stared at her with no idea of what to do or say.

Before I knew what I was doing I was on all fours, rubbing my nose against her panties as I wagged and leaked on the couch cushions. Her ears shot forward and she twitched violently, clearly confused as she looked down at me. I didn't know why, but I didn't care what my vixen had between her legs, and strangely I felt her having a sheath like me made it better. She wiped away a few tears, then hugged my neck tight enough that I had to tap her to let go. I probably should have comforted her more, but all I could think of was kissing her again, so I did, and she pressed her muzzle to mine with twice the vigor.

Slowly I reached both paws under her dress and met no resistance as I slid off her panties, releasing her thick, dripping foxhood. I pulled her to me and stroked her length, finding it very natural, as she stroked mine. Guided only by raw desire, our hearts pounded as we explored each other, kissing passionately. Clasping her tight rump in my strong paws, I pulled her into my lap and pressed our dripping lengths together. I stroked her tail with one paw as I stroked us together with the other, our mixed pree matting my paw fur. I needed my vixen closer, I needed to be inside her. I pulled her close and lifted her, letting my throbbing wolfhood slip under her tail. Whimpering as I rubbed my leaking tip against her tailhole, I looked into her eyes, searching for approval. I could tell she was scared too, but gave a sheepish nod and whispered for me to be gentle as she pressed her muzzle back to mine and slowly lowered herself onto my shaft.

As I slid snuggly inside her tight rump, I though I was going to cum instantly, but managed somehow to hold back. She winced and whimpered a bit as she took me, but finally came to rest, panting hard, on top of my swollen knot. I had never been inside anyone before, but I couldn't imagine having anyone more perfect than her to be my first, and I hoped she felt the same.

The hot scent of our musky desire clouded my senses, drowning them in pleasure as I bred my vixen. I stroked her foxhood like it was my own as we kissed, her claws digging into my fur as she thrust against my soft paw pads and rocked back against my wolfhood. With each deep thrust I raced toward orgasm as she pressed her tailhole down onto my knot, stretching herself wider each time until, with clenched teeth and a loud moan, my knot slipped inside her and we were one.

Tied with my vixen, I moaned and whined, thrusting into her with feral abandon. My whole body tensed and shuddered violently as I emptied my fursac inside her, filling her with hot torrents of wolf cum. As I yelped and squirmed in ecstasy, she barked and gasped for air as she soaked my muzzle and chestfur with thick white strands of sticky fox cum. Tied and spent, we collapsed together in a sticky, panting heap of matted fur. I squeezed my vixen as tightly as I could and lapped against her muzzle, wishing as hard as I could that this perfect moment would never end. She licked and kissed back, and together we laid there for hours as one. It was the best night of my life.