Failed Containment: Chapter 20 - Are Your Eyes Open Yet?

Story by Grub on SoFurry

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#20 of Failed Containment

I've been suffering severe writers block lately, so I decided to do something different for the next upload to sort of get the creative juices flowing again. I decided to do a story about why the Facility and the Protectorate exist. Exactly what kind of things were out there in the world that would run rampant if the Facility did not deal with them.

EDIT- Cleared up some of the clumsiness over the SWAT team designations.

"Is my hair straight?" asked a busty Siamese cat as she brushed a few strands of her one-hundred and thirty four dollar haircut from her face. Satisfied, she gave a nod and smiled. "Good."' The burly camera bull nodded as well, "You're on in five, four..." he silently ticked off the last three counts on his fingers, and then motioned for the Siamese to continue.

"This is Alison Wells, reporting to you live from the Hilton Hotel here in Hartford, Connecticut." The Siamese said with a wide smile toward the camera. Helicopters shined spotlights over the building while red and blue flashed from the assembled fleet of police cars. They had all the entrances and exits to the building covered and occasional bouts of gunfire were heard coupled with flashes of light emanating periodically from inside the building.

"Mass panic and gripping horror has swept the neighborhood here in Hartford County, as police have blockaded the hotel behind me in an effort to subdue what is being reported as a mass murderer. Dozens are confirmed dead with who knows how many more bodies could turn up in this bloodbath? Whether this is the work of a lone madman or a group of them is currently unknown, but I am told the conflict is brutal. As you can see, what appear to be muzzle flashes can occasionally be seen through the windows as firefights erupts on the seventh floor..." Alison paused for a second, "Actually, I have just been informed that they are explosions caused from what they are guessing to be improvised explosive devices. More on this story as it dev-"

The reporter was cut off by the loud explosion that emanated from the side of the building. Shards of glass and chunks of concrete rained down, causing everyone to duck for cover. A multitude of bodies crashed to the ground in a shower of carnage and gore, crushing cars and people alike. In the crater left in the side of the building was a venerable river of blood, trickling down the side of the building. A shadow figure could briefly be seen heading deeper into the building before a cackling, unnerving laugh emanated. Barely an audible sound, it verged just on the edge of hearing, but it sent a chill down the spines of everyone present all the same.

Below the hole in the building, as the massive trickle of blood ran down the side, it branched and arced in seemingly impossible ways, before spelling out a clear message for all to see.



"All right, Bravo Squad, move out." came the signal over the radio. Sarah Frost pressed the butt of her Special Weapons and Tactics standard issue MP5 submachine gun into her shoulder, the weight of it was reassuring.

"Can we please stop for a minute?" said the loris to her right, brushing his sweaty bangs out from behind his visor. Bravo squad had been assigned to clear floors seven through nine of the hotel before Delta Squad took over the higher floors. After Alpha and Foxtrot squad had cleared the first six, they'd set to their task of inspecting and clearing each room of the floors, and they were nearing their final floor before they had to rest. However, the elevator was out of order, and the walking up stairs and clearing floors while encumbered with weapons, floodlights, body armor, and standard issue tactical gear was taking its toll on all of them. Sarah shook her head, "We've been two floors, Jackson."

"Yeah, but this armor is killin-" "Quiet!" came the sharp bark from the team leader. "Something's up ahead." "What is it?" said another member of the team. "I don't know... a red... a red light of some sort. Coming out of the next floor." "I thought the power was cut." "It is. Team, weapons ready. Brace yourselves for hostile contact." SWAT Team Bravo collectively readied their weapons and entered the door to Floor 9.


The following transcript is the record of File 633 Alpha- Transmission Recording of First Contact with Hostile Entity 2036-"Clarity". Specimen Contact with dispatched SWAT Team Bravo at 315 Trumbull Street Hartford, CT 06103 at 20:36m 14s.

Transcript legend: B1: - Bravo 1, Sergeant Clarent Rogers B2: - Bravo 2, Private Ryan Jennings B3: - Bravo 3, Private Norman Jackson B4: - Bravo 4, Private Sarah Frost BC: - Base Command. Established command site outside of the building. HE2036- Hostile Entity 2036

B1: "Entering Floor 9 of the building. Base Com, [colliquial term for Base Command] there's this red light flooding the whole floor. Its... I can't tell where it's coming from." B3: "Creepy as shit..." B2: "Calm down. " BC: "Advance into the floor, Bravo Team. Keep us posted. Outside surveilance reveals no red light." B1: "I'm telling you, it's all over the pl-"

At this point the audio transmission cuts out, replaced by a laughter confirmed to belong to HE2036. When audio resumes, there are various expletives being shouted from members of Bravo Team.

B1: "What the hell is going on!?" B3: "The door shut behind us!" B2: "What door?" B4: "THE DOOR TO THE FUCKING STAIRWELL. The way back down is fucking shut!" B1: "Jackson. Breaching shotgun."

A shot is heard, confirmed to be a TESAR Disintegrator round fired from Bravo Three's M26 Modular Accessory Shotgun.

B3: "No dice. Door's sealed shut." B4: "But that's just a regular door! Shoot it again!"

Another TESAR round is fired.

B4: "What the fuck? The door's not budging!" B1: "Basecom, there is some wierd shit going on here. The door to the stairwell isn't opening to breaching rounds. Request advised, over." BC: "Bravo team, advance to the stairwell in the next corridor. We're sending backup."

At this point in the transmission, Facility personnel had arrived on site posing as Federal Beaureu of Investigation agents Counter-Terrorism division under the guise of intercetping a known terrorist cult. Facility personnel dismissed the SWAT reinforcements in favor of awaiting the arrival of Tactical Response Team Rho - "Uninvited Guests" The following is a record of the transmissions recieved by Bravo Team, all recorded as KIA after contact with HE2036.

B3: "Who the fuck is laughing?" B1: "Keep your eyes peeled and stick together." B2: "What's with those red circles on the wall?" B4: "That looks like blood. Stay away from it." B1: "Frost's right. Don't touch anything. Let's just meet our backup. If you see the son of a bitch, take him down. No wandering off on your ow-"

A wet splashing sound is heard over the radio. Bravo One's voice cuts out, followed by more laughter.

B1: [Unintelligible screaming, gunfire.] B2: "Basecom! Come in! We have lost Bravo One!" BC: "Bravo Two, this is Basecom. What is your status?" B3: "It came through the wall! IT CAME THROUGH THE FUCKING WALL!" B2: "Shut the fuck up, Jackson!" [Brief pause. The sound of Bravo Two inhaling.] "Basecom, I don't know what the fuck is going on, but the walls are covered in blood. This thing... I don't know. It came OUT of the blood in the wall, grabbed Rogers, and disappeared back INTO the blood. What the FUCK?"

[Radio static]

B2: "Basecom?" BC: "Bravo two, come back. Have you seen any bodies?" B2: "None yet. No casualties. Just... blood everywhere." BC: "Advance to rendezvous point, Bravo Team." B2: "Roger, Basecom. Let's move guys. Frost, watch our six."

[Radio silence for approximately three minutes.]

B2: "Basecom. We have a problem." BC: "Go ahead, Bravo Two." B2: "I've found the bodies." B3: "Oh god..." [The sound of Bravo Three retching. A wet splash, presumably vomit.] B4: "All of the eyes..." B2: "Shut up, you two. Basecom. All of these bodies are covered in cuts, and their eyes are gouged out." B1: "Are your eyes open, yet?"

[Radio static, broken by periodic screaming and gunfire.]

B2: "OPEN FIRE! OPEN FIRE! TAKE THIS SON OF A BITCH D-" B4: "HIS EYES! What happened to his eyes!?"

[Laughter confirmed to belong to HE2036. Bravo Two screaming, cut short by a gurgling sound and a wet splash.]

B3: "BRAVO TWO, NO!" [Submachine gun fire] B4: "KILL THE MOTHERF-" B3: "Frag out!" [An explosion is head, presumably a SWAT standard issue Model 67 anti-personnel Fragmentation Grenade.]

B3: "Bravo Four?" [Wet splash. Radio silence.] B3: "Bravo Four?!" [Thumping and heavy breathing, presumably Bravo Three running along the corridor. A door is opened and closed.]

B3: "Basecom." [Labored breathing. Voice is barely an audible whisper.] "I'm in room 914. Please send backup. One and two are dead. Oh god, he was holding four by the neck and dragged her into the wall. Into the wall! Please god, help me. Get me out of this." [Laughter confirmed to belong to HE2036. Radio static.]

B4: "-eliver us from ev-" [Radio static] B3: "HE CAN SEE M-" [Radio static] B3: "-NO FUCKING EYES BUT HE C-" [Radio static] B3: "Are your eyes open yet?"


Blood. That's all Sarah Frost could remember. The smell of blood. Everything was covered in blood. A red haze of a sticky coppery scent. They were dead, they were all dead. Their eyes removed from their skulls while they still screamed.

The suspect stood roughly seven feet tall, give or take a few inches at first glance. He was a wolf. Black fur covered his body, but it was ill-kempt. Matted with blood and other fluids, his fur was a slick mess that dripped down when he moved. His fangs were sharp and pointed, his breath stinking of rotted meat and blood. The worst part about it were his eyes. They were gone, gouged out. Whether he did it himself or whether somthing else was the cause, the wolf's eyes were hollow, scabbed pits of black. Or at least, that's what Sarah thought. She couldn't ascribe the pinpoint of red in their center to anything logical. All she knew was that staring into his eyes were like gazing down a long tunnel, and at the end of the tunnel was a fire. Maybe his eyes were the road to hell. Sarah was sure she'd soon find out.

The wolf held her aloft by the neck, his claws digging into her neck. The pain lanced through her spine at every twitch of her assailant. "Little kitty... so lost in the world... how you scurry about blindly. How could you not? Your eyes aren't even open yet, hmhmhmhmhmhmhm..."

Sarah strained to try and breathe, but she hung limply in the wolf's grasp. She'd struggled at first, trying every escape she'd ever learned in the academy, but it was to no avail. The wolf held her tight with some unprecedented strength. It was then he tossed her bodily into the wall. They were in an empty room in the hotel. He'd pulled her in as he ambushed her team. The wolf seemingly had the ability to phase though the walls, leaving behind pools of blood. She'd tried to escape back to her team but the doors wouldn't budge. She was trapped in the room until another spray of blood brought the wolf back in. He'd been grinning toothily, holding a clawfull of bloody eyes. The eyes of her teammates. She'd vomitted right then.

"Shhhh, sweet one. Their eyes are open now. No longer are they constricted by what they can see. Far too long has our conciousness been slave to the perceptions of these insignificant balls of jelly!" He'd clenched his fist, and the eyes squelched through his claws, dripping vitrious humor onto the floor. Sarah retched again. "They see now! They see!" the wolf continued to blather when Sarah spotted her gun on the floor. "They see they see they see they see! Hah haha! Hahahaha!"

The wolf cackled maniacally as Sarah dove for her gun. She took aim and squeezed the trigger. The muzzle flashed red, and with a wet splatter, blood was painting the walls. The side of the wolf's face has been blown clean through, the red light of his left eye snuffed out by the blood flowing out of his shattered cheekbones.

"My god is kind to me, haha!" he laughed. He grabbed the end of the submachine gun, and Sarah squeezed again. More lead filled the air, and more blood was sprayed, covering the room in a fine red mist. But the wolf did not drop. Blood ran from his sides, viscera slopping messily to the floor, but he paid it no mind. "Poor little girl. So blind. So lost..." he ripped the gun from the liongirl, and threw it out the window. The glass shattered and clinked to the ground as the eviscerated wolf stood over Sarah. "Come." he said. "Let us show the world what it is blind to."

He grabbed Sarah's arm and dragged her out onto the balcony. The wolf threw her against the railing before bellowing out to the assembled masses. The police force, the fire department, the ambulances, reporters, and gathered throngs of terrified passersby.

"Attention to the blind masses!" he yelled. "This is your wakeup call! Wake up! Open your eyes to that which is hidden from you! I want you to see! I want you to join me! Cast off your fetters, and no longer will you be constrained by the blindfold! Walk in the true light of the darkness that the contented dreamers are afraid of! It is they who place the mask in front of you! They who prevent you from seeing beyond the masquerade! Learn to see without seeing, and you too will come to understanding that which I have labored to show you! WATCH! I SAY! DAMN YOU ALL! WATCH!"

The black wolf shoved the liongirl over, pulling and tearing at her like a ragdoll. He ripped off her clothes, and her underwear beneath that. Her shirt was shipped open, the tattered remains of her uniform and white undershirt hanging as loose, bloody scraps from her shoulders. He dug a claw into the creases of her bottom, and ripped downward. His sharp nail scratched painfully against her tailhole, and the sound of ripping fabric was heard as his claw caight her underwear as well. He pulled at the rip, ribbing her underwear beneath it, her clothes opening to reveal her shame to the world.

Cameras and pictures flashed as the liongirl was made to bend over the railing. She tried to resist, but the wolf's strength was overpowering.

"Grab the railing, so that everyone can see your face!" he demanded. When she refused, he grabbed her wrists and placed them on the rails, so that she was facing out toward the throng. A breezy wind blew, causing her nipples to erect in the chilly night. The spotlights were blinding, and all she could manage to utter was a weak "No... don't... please. Anything but..."

"Silence!" he demanded. "We have an audience! We must show them!" It was then that the bullets started flying. Snipers positioned in various places took shots. Half a dozen bullets zipped through the air and splattered wolf brains all over the side of the building. They entered his skull and exited in splashes of blood and grey matter, but the wolf did not stop. Red light shone through the hole blow clear through his temples, illuminating the wolf and the lion with a hellish light, but the wolf did not drop. He laughed his eerie, demented laugh for all to hear. "ARE YOUR EYES OPEN YET!?"

His claws placed themselves on Sarah's round ass, and spread her open. "Wonderful..." he growled. "Yes, you will serve nicely..." he muttered before giving her rump a squeeze, to which Sarah shivered with fear of his touch. One of his hands left her behind to stroke his own sheath. His cock was blood red, and not just because it was covered in blood. He stroked his paw along his canine member until it was fully erect, still bellowing to the crowd as more bullets caught him through various places, each shot from a trained sniper wary not to hit the liongirl.

"WATCH!" the wolf bellowed agian, "SEE HOW IMPOTENT YOUR MASK IS AGAINST THE REALITY OF YOUR SITUATION! THOSE OF YOU WHO HIDE BEHIND THE MASK! POWERLESS AGAINST THE REAL! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" It was then the wolf slammed his cock into the liongirl, the blood serving to make the entry slick and easy. He penetrated her as easily as he'd killed her friends. Sarah screamed out, but not out of pain. Out of shame, out of shock, out of the sheer horror of her situation. She'd watched the wolf crush her friend's eyes, and she couldn't even muster up enough resistance to make her assailant uncomfortable. He fucked her as sloppily and messily as if she'd wanted it. She screamed again with the horror that she was enjoying it. Her thoughts started to bleed, a red haze entering her mind, blocking out everything but the pleasure.

"Scream for them, yes..." the wolf exclaimed. "Let them watch, for it is all they can do until they cast off the chains rooted into their skulls.... SCREAM FOR THEM!" he cackled again as he rammed his canine cock into her. She tried to scream again, but this time, it was corrupted into a moan as the wolf fucked her mercilessly. Her nether regions were spread wide by his bloody cock, ramming deep into places she'd never felt touched. Indeed, her own juices mixed with the blood of her companions, streaming down her leg in a pink froth.

"Let your eyes open, yes." the wolf said again, whispering tenderly to the liongirl. "You've been chosen for something great." Sarah tried to protest. She tried to stop it. But every time her mind attempted to communicate this desire to her body, her thoughts were enveloped by a warm, red light. The light wanted her to see, wanted her to understand. She just needed to relax, and accept it. She was scared, and lost. The light would make her understand. It would shine through the darkness of her mind and illuminate the truth. All she had to do... was close her physial eyes, and her mind would see. The light understood she was scared, and it would protect her. The red light... it was good...

The wolf growled with delight as he took her, despite his countless bullet wounds. Sarah felt the heat from his cock intensify, she felt she was being fucked with a soft lavastone, the heat almost burning as he violated her again and again. His cock would pull out, giving just enough time for the heat sensation to dull before it was rammed deep again, heating her from the inside out.

Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her very core being massaged by the wolf's cock. She felt his claws dig into her hips as his tempo increased, and she soon felt his swelling knot being pressed against her lower lips. She almost cried out in protest, but the wolf gave a hefty thrust and the knot slid past her entrance. Any resistance she felt was not matched by her body. She felt the knot swell inside her, tying her to the black wolf, and cried out in orgasm instead. The wolf howled when he heard her cry, a scalding warmth spilling out inside her, flooding her vagina and spurting into her womb. Her stomach felt hot, and she broke out in a sweat. She screamed out in another orgasm, a sound with all the terror left from it. There was nothing but pleasure. She understood now. Her eyes were open.

Sarah Frost's eyes glazed over, and she looked out at the horrified crowd. The wolf's cock was still inside her, the knot pulsing with heat, still stretching her to the bounds of pleasure. She dreamily smiled over at the people, a contrast to the predatory look of the bullet-hole riddled wolf. Sarah took a deep breath, her thighs dripping with their conjoined orgasm. She wore the happiest smile she'd ever worn as she addressed the crowd. She spoke the words emblazoned in blood on the building's side.

"Are your eyes open yet?"

Failed Containment: Chapter 21 - Blackout Protocol

_Years before..._ A black van emblazoned with a red letter F rolled up to the monastery located in rural Rome in the dead of night. James Massey, a grey wolf, and Alan Carson, a white ram, exited the van. "I dunno, Jim." the ram said as he closed the...

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Failed Containment: Chapter 19- Experimentation

The clack of keys filled the surgical suite as a brown otter stood typing at a computer terminal. "Protein Synthesis Trial Pi-X-437 set to commence at..." Doctor Tepid looked up from the monitor and brushed a strand of her brown hair out of her...

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Failed Containment: Chapter 18 - Trigger Happy

Overseer Tabitha walked along the Science Wing of Site 24 with Julian close on her heels. Her steps were hurried, her expression grim. Angry. Fierce. The pantheress hurried along the whitewashed corridors and passed into a room labeled "Weapon's...

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