Justin and Ken - First Meeting

Story by KepKep on SoFurry

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OMFG, my first adult story, run for cover! XD

It was just a little something I've whipped up over the past few months. Took me a day or two to make it. Took me the rest of the time to edit it. ^^; I doubt anyone would really read it, since it's over 11 pages and about 6,500 words. Still though, I'm proud of it. Read it if you wish. ^^

A lot of my old friends keep asking me about Ken and I. How is he in bed? Is the rumor about bears true? Did you get with him because he's a successful businessman? One: to say he's amazing would be doing him an injustice. Two: yes, the rumor is true at least with him. And three: no, though it makes him a little sexier in a suit. Though the number one question I always hear every single time is "How did a small guy like you get such a big man?" Well, I'll tell you just like I told everyone else.

Work. Not his work, mine. He came to visit the strip club ten years ago. I wasn't even in my twenties when I started there. Illegal, yes, but I brought in good business. So I was told, anyway. Of course, when you're a teenage white fox that's living on his own and needs money, you kinda learn to go with the assets you already have. It suited me just fine though; helped me pay for my own apartment for several years. Though, it wasn't till I was in my early twenties when I met Ken.

I was going under the name "Sapphire" for about a year at the time. The boss said she "liked the color of my eyes, and so will the patrons." I couldn't help but feel a little made fun of at the time, but the name sort of stuck. After a while, I was the most popular at the club. Men and women wanted me around non-stop, pushed people out of the way to get front row seats to my performances. I doubt there were very many that weren't mesmerized by my slim butt swaying in a bright blue thong. But when that big bear came along, he almost immediately claimed it as his.

I remember the night I first met him. I watched him sitting next to the stage, kinda glum looking and slowly sipping his beer. At first glance, I couldn't believe that a guy like him would be sitting in a bar like this. I'd thought he'd be at his work, with how he was dressed, or with a woman maybe. But looks are always deceiving, I guess. But in the end, I found myself performing my usual routine, swinging around a poll in nothing but a G-string.

I looked into his eyes, and they seemed sadder than the rest of him. Something bad must've happened to make a man like him feel this depressed. I felt a little sorry for him, so maybe that was why I performed a little more for him than I usually do. But it wasn't like he wasn't enjoying it, as a smile finally slid across his brown face. I remember getting a little bolder, sitting on my knees and spreading them widely. His head perked up as he pushed his beer away. I let my fingers glide against my slim belly and small chest, playing with my nipple a little.

"So...what's a big guy like you doing here?" I asked in a soothing voice. Technically I was never supposed to talk with my customers, but what harm is there in small talk? "I 'was' trying to drown my sorrows with alcohol, but you're doing a much better job helping me feel better." His voice back then was just as deep as it was now. It still sends a shiver down my spine when I hear it. "I wouldn't figure a man like you favored a small skinny boy like me." I roll over, rubbing my butt and shaking it towards him. Even then he had a fondness for my ass, he told me. "Why don't you get that small body of yours down here so I can show you?" I knew he was just simply flirting, but I couldn't help but want to take his offer at the time. He had a way getting people to do what he wanted. I turned around again, lying on my back as my head draped off the side of the stage. "I don't know about that, but I could offer you a private dance." I reached out and poked his hard chest. "Mmm I'd like that." His growl, always a lustful sign from him.

I led him upstairs to a private room, one I almost always used. As I pulled the curtain, he sat down in the big comfy chair and I let my magic begin. I sat my small behind into his lap, grinding smoothly against his dress pants. I remember being surprised at not just how he had a boner right away, but how big the bulge was and how much it throbbed in such a confined space. He must not've had any sex in a while, the poor guy. But I had to ignore it for now and just continued my play, rubbing my body over every inch of him. He returned the gesture with a rub to my snow-white leg.

Now normally this is when I was supposed to slap him across the face and tell him to get out. But I almost always allowed someone to break the "No touching" rule, if they seemed decent enough to me. I knew it would get me in trouble one of these days, but since there were no cameras in the rooms I might as well. After all they pay good money, why not let them have a little fun?

But for some reason, his touch wasn't a forceful "I want you" grab. It was gentler, caressing my hip. And his eyes changed from sadness to a longing as he stared directly into mine. I gently kissed his nose and smiled at him. Maybe he was a nice guy after all.

I continued grinding against him and shaking my ass for him as I let him continue to touch me. His hands were rough, but they caressed me gently from my hips and to my chest. His big bear paws cupped each side of my chest, massaging it gently. I don't ever remember blushing that much in my life, or how much I enjoyed my chest being rubbed. This definitely wasn't this guy's first time. But is it his first time with a guy? I can't really tell, but he was good at it. I wouldn't mind dancing for this guy more often.

But sadly, his time was up. But he didn't leave disappointed, and he paid me handsomely for it. Though as he left the club, he turned to smile at me and wave. It felt a little awkward to be sure, but I'm glad I could help him get over whatever happened tonight.

After that night, I began seeing him around a lot at the club. Sometimes even asking for me specifically for nights in a row. Not that I minded though. But after a while, he started saying that he started making some small talk with me. He asked me how my day was, how I've been and the like. It's not something you expect from a customer. Especially one that came in just for a drink and a dance. But I started talking to him a lot more, before and after dancing for him. And those eyes didn't hold that sadness I first saw. It was a strange look, almost like a longing need for something. At the time, I didn't think much of it. It couldn't have been me, I thought to myself.

Boy, how wrong I was. How dead wrong.

One night, he came in pretty early. Extremely, like at the start of my shift. I know it's not hard to ask anyone about someone's hours, but it was still pretty strange. He came up to me and smiled a little, though from the clenched pockets he was having a tough time not touching me. At first, I thought maybe this would be the consequence of letting it happen. But he never reached out for me. He simply asked if we could talk a little while we shared a drink. So naturally, I agreed.

At the time, I didn't have much to say. I mean, I was about to go to work, but he wanted me to be next to him and talk. I didn't mind one bit; he was great to listen to. And he wasn't a bad looker either. And that voice still, that booming and powerful voice. I was beginning to like him, but now I was slowly becoming enamored with him.

"...Sapphire? Are you alright" "Huh? oh yeah, yeah I'm fine. I was just listening to you." I was bullshitting and I think he knew too. Then, a sort of awkward silence fell in between us.

"Hey..." His voice was quiet, as I looked at him through the corner of my eye. "Would you...like to go out sometime?" I gagged a little on my energy drink as my heart stopped for a long second. Did he actually just ask me to go out on a date? Not only was it the most random thing ever, but this was really against the rules here. Not just for me, but for him as well. We could both get kicked out of here if anyone found out. But...he's so wonderful. So charming, and was never an asshole to me. So maybe... "I have tomorrow off. When did you wanna be picked up?"

And so there I was, sitting on the stairs to my apartment building in the nicest outfit I could scrounge. A deep blue button-up shirt with a white v-neck underneath, along with black dress pants that I haven't worn since I graduated from high school. Though compared to him when he got there, of course I felt underdressed. Then again, I hardly ever saw him out of a business suit. He opened the door for me and let me slide along the leather seat of his car.

And god, the places he took me. He took me out to a fancy dinner at Skylight, a high class restaurant that sat in one of the tallest buildings in the city. Wall to wall glass surrounded the place, the sunlight glistening across the towers. We talked up a storm over dinner, though I always seem to catch myself staring into those big dark brown eyes. Something about them made me fumble with my tongue for the first time in ages. He just laughed about it as I blushed a little.

Then we walked around the bustling city, simply talking and windowshopping around the stores that I knew I could never possibly afford in years. I laid against his thick arm, my arms wrapped around it the whole time as he smiled down at me. I got a couple of strange looks, but I was a small white fox with a big brown muscular bear. All they could do was stare at me. I didn't care, and neither did he. I think he liked the fact that I clung to him as much as I did.

Then he took me to a park, walking through the cool night air as green leaves swirled past us. I was tempted numerous times to reach out for his hand, but I wasn't sure a big man like him was ready for something like that yet. Then, we ended our walk by sitting on bench under the white speckled night sky. I remember laying my head on his shoulder, staring up at him. I know I've looked at him before, but I never realized what a beautiful, masculine face he had. And that smile made my heart melt. It was then I was starting to fall for him.

"So, how'd you like tonight?" He asked down at me. "The best night of my life." I smiled up at him. "It really was. I've never been taken on a date like this." "Good. Because I have one last thing to top it off." My ears perked as I stared intently. "...but unfortunately it's at my house. You wouldn't mind...coming back with me, do you?"

Was he seriously asking me to come back home with him? Did he want what I was thinking he wanted? My face flushed a soft red and looked away bashfully. I had such a wonderful night, how was I gonna say no to him now? I simply nodded yes, and before I even knew it, I was with him in his home.

I looked around, and I couldn't believe he had the whole place to himself. It wasn't a mansion or anything, but the place was huge. A giant living room, a great looking kitchen and dining room. I could only imagine what the rest looked like as I followed him blindly, not knowing I was walking into the bear's den. He stripped off his jacket and threw it on the bed, then started reaching for his tie. My heart throbbed violently against my chest as my hands clasped together. I knew then what he was wanting, but how could I refuse? Truth was, I couldn't. And I wouldn't let myself, for some reason. He was more enrapturing that I had initially pegged him. It was like I almost wanted him now.

I slowly started stripping down to just my pants, throwing my clothes on his bed as well. I walked up behind him as he was going to his dresser, wrapping my arms around his belly as my face pressed against his back. "Sapphire? What're you-" "Mmm...you're so warm." My hands ran up his belly and to his chest, gripping gently as I nuzzle into his back. "Sapphire...you shouldn't..." His breathing suddenly got a little deeper, but his hands gently held mine in place. "But I want to. Don't you?" My fingers found their way to his nipples on each pec, gently pinching them. "Well of course. Ever since I got to know you." His hands gripped mine a little harder, his chest heaved against my palms. It was flattering to hear that. "So you like me a lot?" My fingers ran in circles around his chest. "As much as I like you?" Then he quickly turned his body around and held me close to his body. I looked up into his face, and he had a different look in his eyes. It looked to me like a fiery need and passion. "I don't just like you Sapphire. I really wanted you." I could feel his big paw run up my back to the back of my head. "You've really helped me out ever since that first day I saw you." "What do you-" "That first day, I just got over a divorce settlement. I caught my wife in my bed with another man. Though I suppose she had good reason to." An awkward silence fell over the room, it felt like it sucked the air out of the room. "She...caught me at the club once." I had a hard time thinking. A hard time processing what I had just been told. But I knew I couldn't imagine what sort of turmoil he had went through in his mind. But even more so, it was the fact that he admitted that I was a major help to him. I never knew I had such an impact on his life over such a short time. "I...I just don't know what to say." I reached up to his shoulders, rubbing them gently. "But...I'm glad I could help you, even if I was just providing a service for you." "It's not just that." His fingers played with my hair, still staring at me with those big brown eyes. "You talked with me, you wanted to help me feel better. And that was all I needed." "I just knew you needed some pepping up. No one deserves to look as sad as you did." "But now though...I want to see you more. A lot more." His muscles got tighter, his chest began to heave as he started breathing through his mouth. "I...Saph-" My fingers pressed against his lips to stop him. "My name's not 'Sapphire'. It's Justin." I smiled happily. I knew what he wanted, so I'm sure he understood my hint. "I..." His teeth squeezed his lips as a giant smile grazed his muzzle. "I'm Kenneth. You can call me Ken."

And before even a second passed, our lips suddenly locked hard.

Our bodies suddenly melded, my smaller frame against his giant build as our mouths and tongues worked triple overtime on each other. My arms tried to wrap around his wide body as his easily held me tight to his warm hulk of muscle. I could feel him pushing me into the foot of the bed, as my arms braced against it, pushing away our clothes from the immediate area. My hands eventually left the bed as I grabbed his white button-up shirt, pulling the buttons out one by one as he shed his shoulders from the confining clothing, our mouths not even missing a beat.

Eventually, his shirt found it's way down to the floor. But I wasn't going to be satisfied with that. I pulled away from those skilled lips and tongue as I worked mine down his chest. I never thought I would be fond of his muscular and chubby body, but it was wonderful and it made him look amazing. I kissed and licked all over his body, until I sat on my knees, my nose barely even reaching what was between his legs. I reached up, fiddling with the belt and the button until I manage to pull it down. And to my surprise, his manhood flung right out. The mere sight of it took my breath away; it looked to be past seven inches and five inches around, sitting in a thick bush of pubic hair with a nice pair of balls to tie it together. My heart stopped as I felt myself staring at it.

"Surprised, Justin?" "Um...In a way. I mean I figured it was big but...to actually see it. It's amazing." "Yeah, it's impressive, isn't it?" He reached down, gently stroking it with just two fingers as a drop of pre dribbling out. "My wife only ever felt this once and never appreciated it." "That's a shame." I reached up and fondled his huge heavy sac. "Tools like these should always need attention." "Glad you think so."

I couldn't hold back anymore. I opened my mouth as wide as I could, stretching my maw as far as I could and wrapped my lips around his thick head. If my cock didn't spring to life yet, it just did now. I knew I could never be able to suck it all, but I would love to do as much as I could with this. Kenneth seemed to appreciate it at least, as his loud groans and hands planting on the bed showed me as much. My mouth slowly started taking on his length as much as it could, his head easily hitting the back of my throat as his shaft filled my mouth. His wife must've been a total bitch to not love the cock on this man.

"Oh my god...you feel so good..." Kenneth started rocking his hips back and forth, fucking my mouth slowly but letting me feel every inch I could. My back pressed against the side of the bed as I reached up to rub his belly, his legs, his butt; anywhere I could touch, I touched him. I thought he was amazing before, but he was a sex beast now and I was loving every second of it.

His hips kept grinding as much as they could, fucking my mouth as his cock filled it up . I could feel the sticky pre coating my mouth and my throat. The tent in my pants was becoming unbearable now. I tried to reach down to undo them, but I was too focused on pleasuring Ken to do much about it. But I guess, in some way, he could sense my need. He gently pulled his hips away, slipping it from my mouth. "Be careful...we've got a long night to go." His voice was so deep and sultry, it shook my whole body. "Why don't you sit up on the bed here?" But not even before I could stand, he bent over and picked me up by my butt. He laid me down on my back, legs up in the air and stripped me of my pants. "Mmmm...purple boxers huh?" I blushed a little. "Yeah. I like the color." "You got good taste." And with that he pulls them off of me, leaving me naked with a hard boner in my lap. And he smiled at me with a big toothy white grin.

Kenneth then reached his big hand out, wrapping a couple of fingers around my throbbing leaking member and started to stroke it slowly. Man even if his paws were way bigger than mine, they certainly knew how to make me feel good. I bucked my hips up into his big brown hand as they teased my smaller shaft. Of course, I didn't expect him to suck on me, since we all knew I would be bottoming for him. But again, he seemed to blow me away.

All of a sudden, I feel a soothing warmth and moistness surround my throbbing member. I look down and there he was, mouth around me with his nose in my crotch. I open my mouth to protest, but all that came out as a long moan shuddering from my lips. I could feel the vibrations of his lustful growl from his mouth and through my dick, sending shivers through me. How a married man knew how to pleasure another man right where it made him melt, I'll never know. But he did just that, and I wanted him even more.

Before I realized it, his turn was over. He hovered over me, that big smile still on his face as he crawled up the bed. Instinctively, my small white body slithered backwards as if I was trying to run away. I watch his big bear paws kick his pants off his ankles as that gigantic body crawled ever closer. Eventually my back hit against the big soft pillows, my heart pounding inside my chest as he crawled closer to me on his hands and knees.

"You look nervous Justin." His big paw reached out and touched my chest. "Is this your first?" "No, it's just..." My words kept fumbling, my mind froze. "Everything is moving so fast. We went out together earlier, and now...here I am, in your bed." "Do you want me to stop then? I will if you're not comfortable." All of a sudden my hands lurched out to hold his that held my chest. "No no no, it's not that at all. I'm just worried that it makes me look like...I kinda forced you into it." "Justin, this isn't anything that I didn't want to do. To be honest, for once in my life, I'm truly enjoying myself with someone." My hand gripped his giant paw a little tighter. "Wow...I didn't know..." Before I could even finish my thought, he moved closer. My spine felt like it was on ice, every strand of hair I had stood on end. Until finally, he kissed me. Not the make-out kind we had earlier. It was more of a gentle, loving type of kiss. I may not be a virgin, but God almighty I'll remember that kiss to the day I die.

His lips pulled away from mine, a small drip parting from our mouths as his kiss reinvigorated me. I looked at him, than I looked down, seeing our hardened shafts throbbing and needing for release. Than I finally looked back up at him, took a deep breath. "Please Ken..."

With a smile, he sat back as I pulled my legs into my chest, exposing my hole to him. I knew it was going be rough, but Ken proved that I wasn't there just to please him. I watched him take his fingers, slurping them around inside his mouth before rubbing them against my hole. I remembered shivering, my hole tightening in reflex as he slowly started to inch his way inside me. My hands clenched my legs, trying to not whimper too much. I know he was trying to loosen me up, but I don't think even a horse would be enough.

I could feel his digits thrust and twist gently inside of me, unsure of how he could've possibly stuffed them inside me. My ass kept trying to clench on him, but I was starting to realize that he was too big for me to do it. And if this is just his fingers, god only knows what his cock was going to do to me. But the thought of his big and thick manhood plowing into me didn't raise a worry of pain. I actually wanted it, even if I was gonna be sore in the morning, or maybe for the next month.

Then all of a sudden, a shot rang through my entire body as a loud and somewhat girlish gasp escaped my throat. I had no idea what just happened, but that felt way better than anything I've felt back there. I looked down at him, panting and biting my lip as he just grinned up at me. "You're a noisy little thing, aren't ya?" He said, with a low growl trailing at the end. I couldn't help but blush and nod in response. "Y-yeah. I...I can stop, if it bothers you..." Whatever he did to me, it turned my mind to mush. I could hardly think straight. "Oh no. In fact..." I felt a second shot trail from the base of my spine to my head, making every muscle I had clench as another moan pushed through my lips. I hear a deep chuckle come from him as he looks down at me. "It's a nice and welcome change."

Then he continued playing around inside of me, the bolts of pleasure surging through my body with such rapid fire that I was blinded by it. I couldn't do anything but pant and squirm for him, even moaning his name a couple of times. It's pretty slutty of me to do that on our first time, I know. But Ken just somehow pushed all the right buttons on me. Every little thing he did made me sweat and my own shaft leak onto my stomach. "Ah! K-Ken...stop...please." I managed to somehow squeeze out the words through the whole ordeal. "Why? Am I hurting you?" Ken asked, sounding genuinely concerned, though not enough to take his fingers out of me. "No, I'm just...really close from...all that." To be honest, he had no idea how close I was to blowing my load over me from just that, and not even touching myself once. All he did was grin as he gently pulled his fingers out, making me grunt from the sudden emptiness. "You're pretty much loosened up now. Well, loose enough." "Please, go slow...you're just so-" "I know cutie, don't worry."

I saw him spread his legs out and pull my hips up to him, my lower back nestled in between his leg. I could feel that warm thick member rubbing against my backside, making me shiver and squirm. I watched him reach in between his legs, fondling that still hard cock and rubbing his dripping head on my loosened entrance. I didn't know what he was waiting for, like if he wanted me to beg or something. I had enough with teasing and foreplay at this point.

But then I suddenly felt him push himself inside me. Fuck, it felt like someone trying to shove a baseball bat into me. I may have yelped a little, but I was trying hard to not let it get to me. After all, it was what I wanted. And after what felt like long minutes of excruciating pain, I felt him hilt in me completely. After all the pain had slowly faded away, I started to enjoy it. I had never felt so...full in my life. I looked up at Ken and he was gritting his teeth, but still grinning. "God...you're tighter than I thought you would be." I couldn't really say anything back, other than a couple of whimpers. My fingers clenched his sheets so tight, while my shaft was harder than it has ever been. It almost felt painful to feel it throb as hard as it was. Ken looked down at me, holding my legs in the crook of his elbows as he slowly started to pull back. I thought he was trying to be a little gentle with me by slowly picking up pace. But then, he slammed himself back in, making my eyes shoot wide and moan loud.

"Mmm I'm sorry. " He said, with a low soft growl, leaning down to kiss my forehead. "I just really wanted to hear that again. It fucking turns me on." "You didn't have to...do that to get me to moan." I say in between gasps. "You're just...so damn big." "You never had anyone as big as me?" he says as he pulls back again. I was expecting another hard thrust, but he gently slid back in. "Ooohhh...not even close." Now you may think that, because I'm a fox, I've had plenty of things back there. Truth is, I've only ever had two guys. And they were good, at least I originally thought. Now, both of them together couldn't even compare to Ken. He may have been the third, but he is the best by far. His skill was amazing, his size was incredible. Everything about him made my head spin.

After a few slow and gentle thrusts, I could feel him start to pick up speed. My upper body writhed around, moaning happily for him to egg him on further. I could feel my hole stretched to its limit, unable to clench down on him to give him as much pleasure as he was giving me. But he kept going, growling and grunting as his hips continued to connect with mine, telling me how good I felt.

Eventually, I felt him let go of my legs, letting them dangle off of his thighs. I tried to ask what he was doing, but the minute I opened my mouth he sank his tongue into it. Any words I had in my mind had been torn from it; all I could do was kiss him back as best I could, my muffled moaning mouth causing his to vibrate. How could his wife not love this man? A hulking mass of bear, romantic and lustful like no one I've ever known. I could only think of how much of a bitch she must've been to not want him.

But my thoughts were interrupted when his hips hit my body hard, causing me to yelp out loud, almost borderline of screaming. In pleasure, of course. I could hear him growl deep from his chest, his arms holding his body up like huge pillars. "That's right. Yell for your bear." Was I delirious, or did he just say "my" bear? I couldn't help but flush a deep red as I did what he commanded, moaning as loud as my throat could allow without someone sending the police. I reach up and grab his shoulders, looking up at him when I could. Those eyes sent shivers down my spine. They were mixed with lust, confidence and another emotion that I couldn't quite place. My hands clenched on his upper body, almost fearing he was going to let me go.

"Oh god, fuck me Ken!" I yelled, begging him for more. His white toothy grin widened as I felt his giant arms slither behind me. Then he leaned back, sitting cross legged underneath me as he impaled me on his stallion-like cock. My arms and legs wrapped around his giant frame the best they could, moaning in his ear as my fingers clenched the brown fur and muscle in his back. His breaths became shallow, huffing and puffing as his own hands caressed my much smaller body. His chest heaved with every breath as he wiggled his hips up into me. And to top it all of, my already leaking cock was rubbing against his belly, the bristly fur touching every sensitive spot I had. I couldn't hold back anymore.

I rear my head and yell out as loud as I possibly could. My cock throbs hard as splurts of white cum shoot up to my chin and chest. My fingers tighten even more and my toes curl, as my body breaks past the peak of any pleasure I had ever known. But as I was orgasming between us, I could feel him fuck me even harder, grunts becoming faster and faster as he holds me tight to his warm body. Then all of a sudden, a loud roar reverberated in my ears, his body tensing into a solid brick wall. Then I felt his warm seed wash over inside of me, spilling out of my ravaged hole with what couldn't fit.

I was finally coming down from probably the best climax I ever had. Everything was a haze in my head, my eyes blinded by the immense bliss and satisfaction. I couldn't help but fall limp into his body, panting heavily as he grunted and forced the rest of his ursine cum into me. Finally a low and satisfied growl came from him, gently rocking forward to lay me back down into the bed.

"God...that was..." Ken couldn't finish his sentence before my lips came to meet his, gently sucking on his mouth to show how satisfied he made me. "That was the best lovin' I've had...in my life." I panted with a smile on my face, his coming around when I exclaimed how great it was. "I hope I didn't hurt you." "No, you didn't. But..." "But what, Justin?" "I...Ken, you've gotta be...the best man I've ever met." He smiled as he kissed me again, as tender as if he was kissing a rose. "Well...do you think you can handle more?" He said in a whisper, his big burly hands rubbing my body. "I just can't get enough of you."

And with a nod, we kept going. Didn't even sleep until the break of dawn.

I remember waking up, my body sore and heavy. My first conscious thought that maybe last night was all a dream. I woke up to a bare bed, the milky glaze still distorting everything. It was when I wiped it all away, that I was just about convinced that it all wasn't a dream. The warm sunlight bathed the bed that was obviously lovestained throughout the whole night. I sighed happily, realizing that everything really did happen. And it couldn't have happened with a better man. Speaking of which...

"Hey there Justin." I looked to the door, seeing him naked and holding something in his hand. "Did you sleep well?" I gave a small nod. "Are you alright Ken?" "After the night we had, I'm more worried about you." He chuckled. "Don't be. I told you that you were the best I have ever had." "Good, I'm glad to hear it." He came closer to the bed, sitting next to me. I took notice that the thing in his hand was a box. "...What're you holding?" "This..." He held the box up to me. "Was what I wanted to give you last night." Immediately I flushed a bright red. "But...wasn't all that...?" I was mystified. I thought the sex we had was what he wanted to give me last night? "Heh well I thought we could've waited. Least until I gave you this." "So...what is it?" I looked a little closer at the box. No name, no symbol, nothing. Just a simple blue felt box. "It's a present for you. A special present." That's it. I had to open it now.

My paw trembled as I grabbed the lid, gently pulling it off as I felt the insides rub together. By the time I popped the lid, I gasped and felt a tear forming in the corner of my eye. I reached in and picked up a necklace, with a diamond-cut bright blue sapphire glistening in the sun. I was utterly speechless. I gently pick up the stone, fitting gently in the center of my palm. "But...why?" I looked toward Ken, still feeling the tear starting to gush. "Because you're special. And...I was kinda hoping..." I tilt my head in curiosity. "If we could...see each other more. Outside of the club." "You mean...dating?" "No, dating sounds too...soft. I would like to be a couple." "Ken, you and I barely know each other." "Didn't stop the both of us from making love last night." My mouth couldn't help but drop. "Making...love?" "Yeah." He confidently said. "The one time with my wife, it wasn't love. It's just fucking a limp body. But you...I couldn't even describe it." "Honestly Ken, it was the same for me. I just...didn't know you thought that." It was then I understood that look I saw in his eye, the one detail I couldn't place. It was because I never thought he would feel that way.

I looked down at the sapphire in my hand. Maybe someone would think it ironic, "Sapphire wearing a sapphire." Maybe somebody would look at it as bribery. But now that I knew...I couldn't help but turn his head and kiss him, showing him the affection he gave me last night. His paw gently held the side of my head, caressing my cheek as he kissed back. Before too long, I pulled my lips away, giving a soft sigh. "I would love to belong to you." I saw wide smile crease his face, taking the paw that held the special gem. "You sure? I don't wanna force..." "You're not forcing me to anything. And if someone thinks I'm a slut, then fine. But I think we can make it work." I give a devilish smile, and a gentle wink. "And I don't know about your wife, but I think I can do a better job giving attention to my man." He grins and reaches to pull me closer. "Your man huh? I love the sound of it."