Tails of the Night (Part one)

Story by Xylaphet on SoFurry

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Most people believe in some sort of tall-tale. They say things of Vampires, Werewolves, and some call them the "Creatures of the Night". For me, I do believe in what most say about it. People call me crazy, "that weird old person" they call me. But I don't call them the creatures of the night, I call them something else, something with meaning. I call them, the Tails of the Night.

To start off our story, the time is 11:52. And our friend Xarksies is walking down a sidewalk to his friend Betholma's house. Xarksies was alone, accompanied only by the bitter coldness of the winter snow.

"Ah, shit. It's too cold to walk around the sidewalk this late." Xarksies said to himself. He took out his phone and looked at the time and the temperature, it was 11:56 P.M. and 14 drgrees below freezing. "Well why don't I look at the bright side, at least I'm almost there. Damnit, why does Betholma have to live so far away?"

After about 10 more minutes of trecherous walking, he finally arrived ar Betholma's house. He walked up the many steps, knocked on the door, and waited patiently. Just as he was getting comterable, the door swung open.

"Hey Xarksies," Betholma said smiling greatly. "Thought you wern't going to show up." Betholma was my dream guy. I knew that he was gay, and I've caught him staring at me a few times in the past. I've just never got the courage to ask him out yet though. Betholma is a light brown and dark brown wolf with random black spots all over his body. And this is the first time I have been inside his house, I just saw it in the distane while we were driving down the road sometimes, we usually go to my house a usual hangout spot, we're really good friends. We first met back in 8th grade when two poeple were pushing him around, he was the new kid everyone hated. I was very popular, and nobody messed with me. So, I walked up to him, and said "Hey, you two jackasses, leave my friend alone!" They ran off scared, and I helped Betholma up off the ground, our eyes met, and he said "Thanks, I would've been done for without you." I fell for him even since that day.

When we first entered his house, we had to go through the garage, then in through the kitchen. He showed me around, the living room, his room, the bathroom, and all the nessisities. Then we sat on the couch that was in the living room, and got comfterable.

"Hey, want to watch that movie you've been talking about watching?" Betholma asked, his tail was slowley wagging.

"Sure, let's." As they were sitting there, Xarksies put his arm around Betholma's side. Betholma put his head on Xarksies' shoulder, and Xarksies put his head on Betholma's head. The feeling Xarksies felt was undescribable, it felt like they were in a magical dream, where they were invincible with each others company. They turned on the movie, and snuggled up to one another. They stayed like this for the ramainder of the movie.

After the movie ended, they talked for a while longer, then they went out to Betholma's car, and Xarksies drove home. Betholma then put his hand on Xarksies leg, and Xarksies then began to grow bigger and bigger. Finally getting to Xarksies' house, they said there goodbyes, and Xarksies went into his house, and made his way to his room. He checked his phone, and saw that it was now 3:47 A.M. He then got undressed, and got into bed. He couldn't help but think of Betholma, and began to silently cry. He grabbed his stuffed wolf, thet reselbled Betholma, and cried even louder. His only wish was that the stuffed wolf turned into Betholma, and he was there, hugging him back.