Merge - 07 - Training

Story by Monion on SoFurry

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#8 of Merge

And now we get to the part that explains why I really have this story marked as adult. If you don't like male on male action of any sort (real or imagined), you're probably best to skip to the part that starts "After finishing his shower". Yay shower scenes :D

Up to now, Matt's been swept up in events all by himself, with no real chance to take control of his destiny. But that changes with a little help from his friends. Now's the time to focus his efforts in a way that will make him thrive, rather than just survive.

Matt woke up earlier than usual, the sun just barely peeking over the horizon. The husky stretched, then threw off the sheets as he swung his legs out of the bed and to the floor. The friction against the wounds on his legs caused him to whimper a little.

Kael was sound asleep, the kangaroo a snoring lump under his green sheets. Matt glanced over at his roommate and smile briefly lit his muzzle. 'I'm glad he can help me now. We've known each other for so long, it was really hard to do this without him.' He grabbed a towel from his closet, checking the calendar by the door at the same time. 'Sunday, eh? I should get some homework done.'

The husky donned a bathrobe and headed to the showers. Kael and Matt shared a public washroom with about sixteen other furs, both male and female. The co-ed dorm made for interesting times, and to Matt it felt like a big family. Given that, he also felt a little weird knowing furs in the dorm were hooking up all the time. Well, it'd be less weird if he couldn't hear his neighbor going at it every other night through the walls.

The bathroom itself was like one you'd find at a gym, minus the lockers. Some toilet stalls, a bank of sinks and mirrors by the door, and three showers replete with plastic shower curtains. Thankfully it was early enough that no one else was in the bathroom. On a Sunday, it would be a couple hours yet before anyone would be up and about, fighting for shower time.

Matt wrinkled his nose as he approached. Judging by the lingering scent, someone had some fun the night before, and clearly didn't clean as well as they thought. The husky shook his head wryly.

After he turned the water to a nice hot stream, Matt disrobed and stepped in. The heat felt wonderful to the husky's aching muscles as he rubbed down his grey-blue fur and took note of all of his battle wounds. His paw pad was healing pretty well, but the sapphire shards had cut deep enough that it was certainly going to scar. The burn mark on the back of his shoulder was also healing well, and the miscellaneous other scrapes and bruises had either scabbed over or had disappeared. The bar'lgura's claw marks on the back of his legs were still fresh and painful, but thanks to Kael's quick action and Kazar's healing drought, Matt wouldn't need stitches. It would also scar, though.

'Good thing I don't want to be a model.'

Matt rubbed some shampoo through his fur and hair on the top of his head, his paws gently massaging his scalp. The husky let out a small moan as his paws wandered to his ears. It felt like an eternity since he had last had this much time to shower, and this much time to himself.

'Kael's my best friend and all, but these dorm rooms are terrible for private time. And it's just going to get worse with this whole passing out and going to Ameranth thing. Jay and I have been taking it pretty slow, but I wonder if we'll be able to take it any further.'

Once his hair and head were rinsed, Matt brought his paw down to clean his stomach and privates, and between the handling and thinking of his sexy cougar, he felt his sheath get weighty. He gripped it lightly and brought his other paw down to his white-furred balls and applied a light pressure. The husky moaned again, a little more loudly.

'Oh, yeah. Definitely need more private time,' he thought as he squeezed again. The tapered tip peeked out of his sheath, the red of his skin bright against the white of his fur. The hot, steamy water pounded against his back. 'And definitely want to take it further with Jay.'

The husky was slowly stroking his erection, feeling it fill with blood, lengthening and hardening in his paw. The roughness of his pads felt good in contrast to the slick water, and Matt's canines dug into his black lips as he bit back another moan. His tail was wagging vigorously, despite being wet and heavy.

'I wonder what his dick is like? I hear cats have barbs. I wonder if it'd be painful? Or if it'd feel awesome.'

Matt's tongue rolled from his maw as he began to pant slightly. Leaning back, the water poured over his face and front briefly, giving him a mouthful of hot liquid before he was flush against the wall. He stopped massaging his ears and let his free paw wander down his chest, rubbing his fur slowly. His paw pads felt so good on his dick, and he could feel his knot begin to inflate.

'He's got such a cute butt,' Matt huffed deep breaths as he fantasized about his boyfriend. He could feel his balls tingle as his paw sped up, fingers bouncing off his thickening knot. The water from the shower was mixing with copious pre he was leaking, letting his paw glide across the red skin.

"Oh, Jay," the husky moaned quietly. His ears were as erect as well, listening for anyone walking into the bathroom. But even if they did, Matt was too far gone to stop. He whimpered, he growled, and he panted. His paw was a blur and his brain was numb with the pleasure. "Jay, let me tie with you. I wanna tie, I...gonna shoot, Jay."

The husky bit down on his lip again as he moaned loudly. He took his free paw and squeezed his knot, stroked his cock twice more, then felt his knees buckle as he shot across the shower stall. He pushed against the wall in a desperate bid to stay standing, but slowly slid down the plastic-covered wall as his cum painted the floor in front of him.

His tail touched the tiles and he sat, panting, the water still running over him as he held his paws in place. The shower washed away the physical traces of the husky's fantasy. A few minutes later - how many exactly, Matt couldn't tell - the satisfying haze lifted from his mind and he pushed himself off the floor.

He made very sure that the stall was spotless, and washed himself down one more time for good measure. Despite the previous occupant's indiscretions, Matt knew that if he was caught he'd be on cleanup duty for a week, and would rather not be.

'Wow, did I ever need that! Yeah, definitely need some quality kitty time!'

After finishing his shower and taking some time in the stand-up dryer, Matt headed back to the room. He was surprised to see Kael awake and on his computer.

"Dude! I signed us up for a self-defense course!" The 'roo was bouncing in his seat, grinning from long ear to long ear.


Kael laughed, "You think I was gonna let you have all the fun, man? Plus I ought to be there, just in case, since I already asked Laura and she can't make it."

The husky nodded in response, understanding. "So, uh, what kind of defense course?"

"It's a course on the bo."

"Like a bow and arrow? There aren't exactly bows just lying around waiting for me to pick up," Matt stated sarcastically, throwing his arms into the air.

"No, moron," Kael rolled his eyes. "A bo is a staff. It's Japanese."

"Oh, well, that's cool then."

"It starts today at one, so I hope you're ready, dude."

"My leg hasn't healed all the way yet! I limp! See?" Matt demonstrated, walking and dragging his leg behind him in an exaggerated limp.

"Dude, don't be melodramatic. It'll be a blast, you'll see!"

"At least it isn't too far from our residence. Let me get some homework done, and then we can go hit each other with sticks."

* * * * *

Chris stood in front of the bathroom mirror and flexed, his gloved paws in tight fists. His biceps bulged, which made the tall moose grin widely, his flat teeth bright white against his brown fur. After relaxing his pose, he took a couple of swings at his image in the mirror as he danced on his hooves.

"Geez, Chris, get over ya self!" Chris turned to see his friend Darrel, a short white hare with long ears pointed in the moose's direction. The hare was toweling himself off, having showered after their workout. "Always lookin' in the mirror like that. Maybe ya should get over that husky and date your paw!"

The moose stuck his tongue out at his friend. "Maybe I should. Seems he's dating some cat or another anyhow. What good are these muscles if they don't get me the boys?" Chris took one final swing at the mirror, then peeled off his gloves and threw them in his gym bag.

"What do ya see in him anyhow? Seems like a screw-up, and he's pudgy." Darrel poked Chris in the stomach, his finger bouncing off of Chris' abs. "Sexy moose like ya? Could have any guy ya wanted." The hare waggled his eyebrows, before laughing and turning away. He shook his ball of fluff of a tail and leered over his shoulder, all buck teeth with his mad grin.

Chris shook his head, "Not happening, Darrel. Seems like you need to get over yourself!" The hare rolled his eyes theatrically as he slipped on his clothes. "Matt's not a screw-up, he just has a sleeping disorder. He's pretty smart, you know," Chris stated matter-of-factly, his big arms crossed over his chest.

The hare shrugged. "Whatever, big fur on campus! You keep on chasin' him, and I'll chase some tail elsewhere! At least one of us will be gettin' laid." The moose shook his head again, slowly this time, as his friend left the change room.

After changing into some clothes himself, Chris wandered out into the kinesiology complex. He liked this area of the campus on weekends. While the rest of campus was quiet, furs here were working hard on their bodies, and the moose took very good care of his. As he wandered towards the parking lot, he saw a grey-blue furred husky sitting with a, well, Chris couldn't really be charitable here, fat kangaroo. And the pair weren't really sitting. The 'roo was leaning back on a bench, his heels on the ground and his big feet pointing straight up, while the husky was actually laying on the low concrete wall behind the bench, his paws on his chest.

As the moose approached the pair, he overheard their conversation.

"Dude, I hurt." The rotund 'roo was staring intently at his feet, his arms limp at his sides.

The husky laughed, not a deep laugh, but not a high pitched one either. A genuine laugh from his belly. Hearing the dog chortle made the corners of Chris' long muzzle turn up in a small smile. "We've only just started! I think all those days in front of the computer are wearing on you!" The 'roo just grimaced in response.

"Hey Matt!" Chris called out once he was a few feet away. "What're you guys up to here on a Sunday?"

The husky scooted off the concrete wall to his feet. His ears were pointing at the moose and his tongue was lolling between breaths. Chris noticed his tail was wagging slowly. "Not too much! We were just in a self-defense course," Matt said proudly.

Chris gave Matt and the kangaroo a high-five each. "Cool. I was just in the gym with the boxing bag. So, this your roomie?"

"Yeah, dude. My name's Kael. Let me guess: tall; muscular; antlers; this must be Chris, right?"

Chris watched the husky as his tail drooped just a little. The moose thought he also saw the insides of the husky's ears flush red.

"Uh, yeah, this is my friend Chris. We've taken a couple math courses together." Matt's muzzle turned down so he was staring at his friends' feet.

The moose couldn't watch the husky be embarrassed too long, so he put his arm around Matt's shoulder and pulled him into a half hug. "Matt's a good guy, Kael, I hope you don't give him too hard a time!"

"Funny," the 'roo responded, "I was gonna say the same thing to you, man."

Matt extricated himself from Chris' arm and sat on the bench beside Kael. "He's been my friend for years. Kael always gives me a hard time. It'd be weird if he didn't!" he said with a barked laugh.

"Speaking of giving you a hard time, dude." Kael said quietly, knowing that Matt would pick up the sound better than the moose would. "Chris, dating anyone?" the 'roo state more loudly.

Matt glared at the kangaroo, his ears sweeping all the way back and laying against his head. Chris just chuckled, his deep voice resonating in his chest. The moose cocked his head to the side, his antlers touching his broad shoulder.

"Nah, nobody. You guys?"

The husky nodded at his roomie before leaning back and yawning.

"Me either, but dude here ran into his date literally." Kael tilted his head to the side, pointing at Matt with it. "Straight out of a bad rom com movie. Walking outside, bam, gets knocked off his feet. Next thing you know they're off to the coffee shop."

"Really? Matt's never talked much about dating. Guess I've never really asked." The moose was melancholy, the kangaroo having hit a sore spot. He was pretty sure Kael had picked up on it, too, but Matt looked like he was passing out.

"Kael, sleepy time..." the husky whispered as his body began to lean. Shortly after, it gave out and Kael found himself with his roommate snoring on his shoulder.


"Uh, yeah, man," Kael answered. The kangaroo's paws were fidgeting, and his feet were tapping the floor. "Not much to do except wait 'til he wakes up."

Chris shrugged, "That kinda sucks."

Kael shrugged back. "Yeah. Dude, you should go home, this could be a while."

"I've carried him back to your dorm a couple times already. I can do it again."

"You sure, man? It's a bit out of the way for you, right?"

"Nah, its fine. I got him. It'll be easier for you both rather than waiting out here." Chris stepped forward, slid his paws under Matt, and lifted the drowsing dog into a fireman's carry. "Though I do seem to carry him home a lot."

Kael smirked as he stood. "And none of the benefits of carrying him over the threshold, eh?"

"Yeah, I get it, you know that I'm crushing on Matt. And I know he's dating somebody. What's the deal?"

The kangaroo stopped for a moment, his green eyes staring into Chris' blue ones. "You know, I'm not sure I had an angle. Matt talked about you a lot, dude. And I mean a lot. And yet he's way too shy to make any sort of move on his own, usually, you know? So I figured, confident fur like you should've made a move ages ago."

Chris shifted Matt slightly on his shoulder, nudging the husky in the arm with his muzzle. "I...he did? Really?"

Kael began moving back towards the dorms again. "Yeah. It was some sort of unspoken agreement. Matt whined about you and not having the balls to ask you out, and I got to whine about Lau...a girl. And now Jay showed up and I can't bitch anymore. Seriously, man, it's terrible."

The moose snorted. "Can't be happy for your friend?"

"I'm happy for him, but it's hard to be because I know it won't work out in the end. There's...too many complications."

Chris' heart jumped to his throat, just for a moment. "Complications? Like the narcolepsy?"

Kael sighed. "Something like that. I can't really say. Anyhow, we should get Matt into bed, he's probably going to feel that when he wakes up." The kangaroo pointed at the moose carrying the husky over his shoulder, bent in half over Chris' massive frame. Chris just smiled.

* * * * *

"I see you have been busy in our world, Matthew," Rhisanth's gravelly voice floated through the darkness. Matt opened his eyes to see the elderly lion looking over the husky's tattered blue tunic and ripped brown breeches. "Let us fix those," the mage said as he waved his staff over the young husky. Matt held his breath as he watched the rips mend themselves, broken threads reattaching themselves and weaving back into the whole mesh of the cloth.

"Thanks," Matt mumbled, not looking directly at Rhisanth's smiling face. "I'm sorry for running off like that the other day."

The white-clad mage nodded and stroked his mane, thinking. "I believe part of it may have been my fault. There is much you should know that you do not. We shall remedy this. Ask away, young Matthew."

The husky's jaw dropped and his eyebrows shot up. 'I should make these count.'

"What is the prophecy? I mean, what does it say, exactly?"

Rhisanth sat beside Matt in the golden grass of the Galdovian Plains and laid his staff across his lap. "The prophecy is something that has been handed down since not long after the Cycle of Destinies ended, nearly fifteen hundred years ago.

"When all is converging 'gain, and darkness returns once more, Heroes from the other side shall stand guard the open door."

"That's it?" Matt blinked. "Nothing else?"

"I am afraid not."

The husky began to laugh hysterically, rolling in the grass yipping and barking until his sides hurt, tears streaming down his face. "I...can't...breathe!" Matt choked out between giggles. Rhisanth watched impassively until the husky had finally composed himself. After taking a deep breath, Matt heaved a sigh. "That really isn't much."

The lion shook his head, his fangs bared. "No, it is not, yet it is our only hope. All of our auguries state that the darkness in Lucent's visions is the darkness that the prophecy speaks of."

"'Darkness returns once more, heroes from the other side...'" Matt repeatedly it slowly to himself. "Wait a moment, the prophecy says heroes, plural, but I'm just one fur. It can't just be me."

"Very observant, young Matthew," Rhisanth smiled sadly. "And I still believe that you will not be alone in the end."

"Who on earth could the prophecy be talking about?"

"Who on Earth, indeed..."

Matt looked at the elderly mage carefully. The lion's shoulders were slumped a little, and his eyes looked empty, staring at nothing in particular. Suddenly, the husky remembered something the enigmatic dark jaguar had mentioned not long back. "Kazar mentioned that there were more of me at one point. Do you have any idea what he could have meant?"

The lion growled slightly, but then slumped even further, looking defeated. "I'm very sorry, Matthew, I do not think either of us are ready to discuss that yet..." The husky wondered at this, and felt very, very curious, but very scared at the same time.

Matt decided to change the subject. "So what's the deal with Lucent? Are you two related?"

Rhisanth growled again, but this time answered the question. "Leader of the Azure Order and the Council in its entirety. He is...well, he was my brother. Whoever, or whatever, Lucent is now, no vestiges of my brother's personality remains."

Jaw slack again, Matt was shocked. "Uh, wow. So is he taken over by some evil spirit or something?"

"I do not know. It is doubtful that whatever has taken him is outright evil, as Lucent in his current form has done much good for Ameranth, and the Council. Lucent's protections are too great; I cannot pierce the veil surrounding him." Rhisanth grabbed his staff and used it as leverage as he stood up. "Do not repeat this to anyone, Matthew. It is my burden to bear and as long as Lucent proves capable, there is no reason to be concerned."

The husky shook his head slowly. "Sure, uh, no problem, I guess."

'From one depressing subject to the next.' Matt thought morosely. "So am I going to get any sort of formal training, or are we going to keep doing this ad hoc training? I'm starting to think this whole learn as you go thing is getting kind of dangerous already."

The lion had straightened out, his face smiling serenely once again. "You will get formal training, young Matthew, and I think you may be quite surprised at who is to be your tutor."

"A request of mine, which I didn't expect him to grant," a voice hissed from behind Matt. The husky spun around to find himself nearly muzzle-to-muzzle with Kazar. The dark jaguar's yellow eyes narrowed as the black-clad mage took a step back.

"Why would you help me? I thought you didn't believe in the prophecy." Matt challenged, his ears leaning back slightly.

Kazar laughed, that hissy, wheezing laughter which sent chills up Matt's spine. "I don't." Both the lion and the husky looked at Kazar with amazement. "As I've said before, you have great potential and talent, pup, and with proper training you could be a very powerful mage. An ally in our battle against the encroaching darkness is still an ally. Prophecy or no, I think it is prudent to have you trained."

Rhisanth coughed a little. "I take it Lucent has no idea that you are training young Matthew?"

"I would imagine the head of the Council will be quite aware shortly. Very little goes on that he doesn't know about." The dark jaguar chuckled slightly. "I care not for your brother's decree that we will not help the pup. I don't think he will go against my decision though." Rhisanth's mane and tail stood straight up, and Kazar snickered again. "Don't worry, Rhisanth, your secret is safe with me. I agree with your assessment of the situation."

Matt watched the two magi eye each other. The husky shifted nervously from foot to foot, his tail dropping to reach the ground. 'I wonder if Kazar is training me because he thinks it'll help everyone, or to use me...'

Both magi turned to Matt just as he finished his thought. The lion smiled while the jaguar looked pensive. It was the husky's turn to brush down his ruffled fur. 'I wonder if they can read my thoughts.' He felt as if his stomach were in his throat, like when a rollercoaster had started careening down the first hill of a ride.

"I believe we have some training to do," Kazar stated, staring intensely at Rhisanth. The lion turned to Matt, smiled slightly, bowed, and then closed his eyes as he disappeared in a flash of light.

"Um, so what's first?" the husky asked after blinking away Rhisanth's bright exit.

The black-clad mage eyed the young male carefully. "You are quite observant for your age, pup." The husky's feet had begun to shuffle back and forth again, seemingly of their own will. "I will be honest with you, since you're liable to figure it out on your own, or most of it, and I'd rather you not work at cross purposes or let this distract you from your training. Yes, I am doing this for personal gain, though my reasons before were just as accurate as well."

Matt sighed in relief. "Well, fine, whatever. Just don't expect me to participate in any takeover plots or something. Or summon any more demons."

"I had no such intention. I figured you for too stubborn to be swayed into anything you didn't want to do." Kazar hissed with laughter.

"Stubborn?" Matt barked. "I guess so." The young husky ran his paw through his blue hair and let it slide down to the back of his neck.

Kazar brought Matt out of his reverie by coughing slightly. "Now, pup, we shall begin."

* * * * *

'And so my training began in earnest. Classes during the day, martial arts training during the evening, magical training during the night. My "narcolepsy" seemed to have put itself on hold for now, and that made life so much easier. My grades improved, and I began to get into better physical shape because of my training.

'So did Kael, for that matter. He was at my side throughout it all, and I'm grateful for his friendship and protection, even if he was a know-it-all jerk on occasion. Laura was told about everything, and she helped out when she wasn't working, or studying. If Kael wasn't there, Laura was.

'Jay and I tried to see each other as often as we could get away with, but with spring turning into summer, final exams kind of ate into that time hardcore. It was pretty much just weekends, and even then a few of them were just over the phone. Jay's super sweet about it all, but I get the feeling he wants to take it further much faster. Hell, so do I, but explaining I got cut across my arm because Kazar felt like giving me a lesson on how much damage ice shrapnel can do was likely going to be a bit much to believe still. And I think I was holding myself back from the relationship because of that. It was hard when Kael wasn't in that part of my life, and I was having troubles finding a good time to bring Jay into it too.

'And Chris. Oh, Chris. I wish I had known he was crushing on me as much as I was crushing on him. But we both screwed that up. He was a little distant in class, but I thought he was still a good friend, so I kept talking with him until the awkwardness just sort of went away. His family is from further north, and he left town for the summer to live with them. I made him promise to come visit over the summer, though.

'Kael and I got jobs at the university library over the summer. Didn't have to move out of the dorms, and the job was close by making it easy if I ever did have a "narcoleptic" attack. Plus it was a pretty easy job. Well, as long as students weren't having sex in the stacks. Cleaning THAT sucked. Worse than being on bathroom duty in the dorms if you got caught being...indiscreet.

'Three months passed since Kazar had started training me. He was firm, but actually pretty fair. He was quick to praise when I did well, and quick to lecture when I screwed up. Rhisanth showed up from time to time, and even gave me a weapon: a staff with different gems embedded in the shaft. Apparently it was a pretty common weapon for magi who moved on from apprenticeship, as the different color gems made it easy to use for foci.

'Classes were over, my magical training was turning out pretty well, and I was getting better at actually using the staff as a weapon. My friends and boyfriend were around, and things were pretty close to normal for a university student. Well, until about the start of July. That's when things started to get really odd...'