Office Conflict: Part 5 - Friday

Story by Ghosty on SoFurry

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#5 of Office Conflict

This story and all characters within are the property of the user Ghosty on SoFurry (Ghostwolf36 on Furaffinity)

Do not copy or redistribute this work in any way!

This story involves strong sexual themes, if you are not comfortable with such themes in your reading please leave this page now. Further themes will be explored in later chapters.

Enjoy your reading and please leave comments.


Lisa pulled up to her office building and parked her car. She sat in silence for a little while before looking at the dashboard clock. Five-to-Six in the morning; Lisa could barely believe she had gotten up so early just to fulfil a purpose that now seemed to escape her. She wasn't sure if she was chasing a fantasy of her own or simply accepting her co-workers superiority over her before he decided if he was quitting or not.

The day was young, still dark and quiet; it offered her some anonymity that she was grateful for; even though she knew the only people she was likely to run into were James and perhaps the security guards, even then they rarely ever came into the main buildings on the complex.

Stepping out of her silver Camero she brushed herself down and tossed her hair before heading to her meeting with James. She had chosen a red top that tied at the front with black and gold palm leaves printed on it, a pair of tight blue jeans, a pair of leopard printed high heels and her collar. She pulled her leather jacket, a spare red tank-top and purse off of the back seat of her car and readied herself for James' 'lesson.'

As she entered the building, she couldn't help but feel very alone. Without the usual sounds of life in the office the whole building felt so much bigger than normal and with so few lights on, she felt a more on guard than usual. The only sound she was aware of when she moved was the click of her heels on the tiled flooring; the quiet echoes of her movements unsettled her greatly as she made it to the elevator.

Arriving at the basement was no better. Only the emergency lights were on and she knew that only the server technicians had the keys for the light switch box. She wondered for a moment if James had struck some kind of bargain with one of the technicians for the use of his keys as he would be at work early.

She stepped slowly and carefully down the dimly lit corridor and passed several closed office doors on her way to the server room. As she approached the door, she found it closed and wondered if she had perhaps arrived before James. Slowly the husky opened the server room door and peered in. She was greeted by the sight of numerous flickering LED lights of white, red, blue and green. "James?" She called out cautiously. "James, are you here?"

Lisa entered the large room and though it was full of hot electronic equipment the air conditioning kept the room with a fine chill to it; she felt the fur on the back of her arms and tail bristle with the cool air flowing through the room. After a few minutes of carefully treading through the server room, she found the row of desks that belonged to the technicians who would likely be working there if anything went wrong. She lay her jacket, tank-top and purse down on one of the desks before taking a few more cautious steps to look around some large server stacks.

With a loud squeal Lisa found herself being pulled behind one of the servers; a lock tight grip snared one of her wrists and pulled her ever onwards. Before she knew what was happening Lisa found herself pressed against a cold stone wall with a warm body pressing against her back and strong paws pressing her own paws flat against the walls. "Morning Lisa." James growled softly in the husky's ear.

Lisa's heart was racing faster than she could ever remember. "Damn it James you just scared the shit out of me!" She barked as her shock subsided. She suddenly felt her paws lifted above her head and pressed back to the wall as James lowered a paw and slipped it over her stomach.

"No offence Lisa, but that was the point." He growled deeply but softly.

The husky stiffened at his words. "What do you mean?" She whispered, uncertain if she really wanted to know the answer.

"You see, we've had some fun, you've been humiliated; you've taken some abuse, and suffered a lot of shame. Would you agree?" Lisa nodded. "Well I think we've covered everything except one."

"What's that?" She said trembling as his paw began to trail up her body and cup her breast.

"I think you've had it so easy in work that you've never really known fear. Fear of losing it all; your career, your livelihood, your dignity; everything!" He growled heavily in her ear.

"Your not going to rape me, are you James?" There was an apparent quiver her voice as she spoke.

James let a sinister chuckle reverberate in his throat. "No Lisa I'm not going to rape you. After all I know you've wanted me for a while now and I see no good in raping you as you're already willing to oblige me. I'm not that type of guy anyway."

"Then what's all this for?"

"I need you to know exactly the same fear at some of your former employees felt." He growled. Lisa froze; knowing exactly what he meant. Some of the employees in different teams had been dismissed by way of blackmail from some of the senior management and Lisa had been involved on at least two occasions.

After a moment of letting his statement sink in James sharply turned the husky female to face him. Cast in the dim light of the server LED's James couldn't help feel a little sorry for Lisa, he knew what was coming next and decided to try and ease the burden. His paw gently stroked down her cheek and he gave her a genuine affectionate smile. "Damn Lisa, you look beautiful." He whispered softly and lightly kissed her lips.

Lisa was uncertain of what just happened; everything James had just said had been in an attempt to scare her but now he was telling her how beautiful she was? She was more than a little confused. Taking a moment she looked him over; it was hard for her to admit but even in the dimly lit room there was still something about how he stood, how he held her or smiled at her that she found incredibly noble; even if the long shadows cast him in a sinister image. "What are you getting at with all this James?" She asked firmly trying to get some clarity from him.

James sighed. "Alright Lisa. I told you on Tuesday I had pictures of what was happening in your office didn't I?"

The husky nodded. "You kept it up over the week didn't you?"

James nodded. "I did, but I didn't do it out of malice Lisa, I needed you to learn this lesson more than the others."


"Because you helped ruin some good people's lives and I think you need to know the full consequences in your situation."

Lisa shuddered and rested back against the wall. "This has all been about you blackmailing me hasn't it?" James nodded impassively. "So what are my options?" She said flatly and slowly wrapped her arms around her waist.

"It's simple Lisa. Somewhere on one of these servers is a hard drive that I installed some time ago for personal projects. After I found out what you did and were doing to bully your way over your teams, I kept an eye on your activities and stored all my reports for just this purpose. I knew someday your pushing was going to go too far and I needed a counter-weight to bring you back in line because no-one else would."

"You just want rid of me don't you?" She said flatly, trying to mask her anger.

"Not really." His response made Lisa's head snap back up and her eyes locked to his. "You see I learned a lot about you this week, you're not the cold hearted, frigid boss I mistook you for. You just needed to let go of everything you had control of for a time. You even saw the change yourself." Lisa nodded and turned away from the wolf, wanting to hide herself for being so transparent. "How did it feel to let go of the responsibility for a while?"

Lisa drew a raspy breath. "It felt good. I felt free; accepted even."

James smiled and softly stroked down the back of her arms. "Good. Because I want you to let go of the total control you had over the teams, you made a good start yesterday but you need to do more. We still need direction and focus from you, but we need breathing space and the right tasks dealt with by the right people. Let us work for you and not feel like we're being dictated to."

"Is that it?" Lisa said in surprise as she turned back to face the wolf again. "You just want me to loosen up my management style?"

"That and one more thing." He growled softly. Lisa raised an eyebrow as she waited for a response. "I get to have you anyway I want, right now. No questions, no complaints; I take you, however I want you. I'll give you the hard disk, all the hard copies for destruction."

"What, and that's it? We go back to work like none of this ever happened?" Lisa growled unhappy with how things seemed to be playing out.

James held a neutral expression. "That depends on you Lisa. If you want me to stay to work for you, take the deal; if you want to go further afterward or just walk away, I'll leave that to you."

"Ok, so what's the bad side of the deal?" Lisa grumbled.

"If you don't take it you can resign and I'll say nothing more about it. Or if you decide to try and stay on I'll present my evidence to the board of directors and the legal team before I leave. I'll probably do a bit of jail time for gross misconduct and illegal surveillance, but on the other side I come out clean except for a jail sentence; that I can live with; how about you?"

Lisa lunged at James and forced him back against the wall. "Alright damn it I'll take the deal." She snarled ferociously, but even as she did, James felt her strength sap away from her. She slumped against him and sniffed back her tears. "Just don't black ball me through the system; don't send me to jail." She pleaded.

James wrapped his arms around the weeping husky and held her tight for several minutes to comfort her. "I won't." The wolf whispered softly in her ear and gently stroked her hair.

After a short while Lisa stepped back from him and dried her eyes. "So how are we going to do this James?"

The wolf smiled at her and gently pressed her back against the wall. "Like this." He whispered as he untied the knot at the front of Lisa's top. She turned her head away, barely able to look at the wolf as his paws gently ran over her body and slowly peeled back her formerly tied top. James watched her carefully as he unfastened the front clasp to her bra that she had neatly camouflaged beneath her clothing; he saw disappointment in her eyes and he couldn't blame her. He had barely given a subtle hit to her the previous day about what was to come; he wondered if perhaps he should have said more.

"James." Lisa said softly, her voice barely rising above the gentle hum of the servers fan units.

James stepped back a little and let his paws slide to her hips. "What is it?" He said with a soft growl.

"Can I have something from you first?" She said with a measure of hope in her tone. With a gentle stroke of his fingers along her chin James turned her head back to his. They stood muzzle to muzzle for a long moment before Lisa spoke again. "I need to know if you want me for more than just this game." James stared at her for a moment considering if he should say anything or not. "Well?" She asked a little more desperately. Their eyes locked as James held her in suspense; without a word James gave her a small smile and a subtle nod of his head.

The gesture was all Lisa needed; in less than a heartbeat she flung her arms around the wolf's neck and pulled him close, her mouth meeting his in a deep kiss. She clawed lightly at his back and shoulders through his shirt as he pressed her back against the wall and in return she raised her thigh to rub against his. James decided to indulge her moment of lust; he was getting his way regardless of the situation and he rather liked the passion she showed towards him in spite of all he had put her through.

With a swift move of his paws, James grabbed Lisa's backside and hoisted her up while keeping her against the wall; instinctively her legs wrapped around his waist and she clung onto him tighter. Lisa's breathing deepened as they remained locked in a passionate kiss and gave deep pleasurable moans as she felt James' claws firmly dig into her jeans and flesh. Reluctantly, she broke their kiss and took a deep breath before resting her head on the wolf's shoulder. "Damn it, I should have told you how I felt about you months ago." She purred huskily.

James chuckled to himself "And miss out on all the fun we've had this week; are you sure?"

Lisa lightly swatted his back and gave a half snorted laugh. "Well I'm glad you've been having fun." She said with a hit of sarcasm.

"Oh come on, you didn't enjoy every minute of trying to get my attention yesterday? Or driving the other guys wild and making the girls jelous?" James chuckled as he pulled his head back to look at the husky in his grasp.

Lisa bit her bottom lip and gave the wolf a cheeky smile. "Yeah, I will admit that was fun, but I enjoyed being with you more at lunch."

James ground his crotch against hers firmly, making her moan deeply as the seams of her jeans pressed tightly against her nether regions. "The walk around the floor, or the time in your office?" James said with a wry smile.

Lisa gripped him firmly with her legs and ground her crotch back at him firmly. "What do you think handsome?" She purred deeply as she slid her paws to his cheeks and kissed him lovingly.

They ground against each other for long minutes, enjoying the heat of the moment, tails wagging wildly at each touch and kiss. Almost reluctantly, James eased Lisa back to her feet, stepped back and pulled the leash out of his pocket, before holding the clip up to Lisa. "Ready to play some more?" He growled softly. Lisa nodded and shrugged off her top and bra, then opened her jeans teasingly, exposing the top of a black thong.

"Ready when you are... Sir." She said playfully, as she began expecting things to be far more heated than they had been previously. With a dull click, James attached the leash to her collar and gave it a gentle tug; she only took a second and fell into character, her paws slipping to her crotch and her fingers interlocking as she dipped her head and looked up at the wolf with innocent yet playful eyes.

"Feel like some breakfast?" James said with a wide grin. Lisa nodded and slowly got to her knees as James unfastened his jeans and pulled his already firm cock free from his clothing. Lisa licked her lips slowly then edged closer to the wolf, breathing hotly down his shaft before gingerly letting the tip of her tongue slide along his length.

With a soft murr to herself Lisa opened her mouth and took James' cock fully in a slow motion. In a gesture of approval James reached down and firmly rubbed Lisa's ear, making her lean into his paw while she sucked firmly on the wolf's flesh.

Long minutes passed in the dark room as James toyed with Lisa, occasionally tugging firmly on the leash and guiding her head with his paw, making the husky take him deep in her throat. She gagged several times and after pulling back she had begged him not to do it again, only for James to remind her that she agreed to let him have his way. After that she sighed and relaxed as she got used to the idea that she really was his toy to please him for now; deep down inside, she relished the thought.

Pulling her from his shaft briefly, James held his cock up and tugged Lisa back into place. The hint was far from subtle as her nose was scant millimetres from his balls. With barely a second thought she began lapping and sucking at his large orbs. James lightly scratched behind her ear in approval and spoke softly. "I think it's about time I got you out of those jeans now."

Lisa lay back looking at once both playful and vulnerable. She kicked off her heels quickly and flexed her toes, which James noticed she had painted her claws a striking dark red. "Passion's colour definitely suits you." He growled lustfully. Lisa gently bit her bottom lip and slowly pushed the waist of her jeans off of her broad hips, fully exposing her small black thong. James chuckled to himself as he watched. "You were ready for this weren't you?" Lisa just nodded and gave him a playful wink in reply.

James knelt in front of the prone husky and began to remove her jeans the rest of the way, tossing them carelessly to the side as Lisa teasingly kicked off the last of the heavy material and lightly rested her soft footpads on the timber wolf's chest. He smiled and gently stroked the top of her feet and ankles. "Bet you never imagined we'd be here like this, did you?"

Lisa laughed at his remark and pressed a little more firmly against his chest with her feet. "No I didn't, but you certainly have a way of making it seem more appealing."

"Glad I could change your perspective." James said softly before gently placing the leash in Lisa's mouth then getting up and removing his clothes. Lisa flirted with the idea of removing the leash and using it as an improvised whip to spank herself and James on the backside; but as James finished undressing he commanded her to come to his side; without thinking she obeyed. Letting the idea pass she readied herself for what James's next actions might be.

James took the leash as she crawled next to him and guided her to one of the large server stacks. He instructed her to press herself to it while remaining on her knees; Lisa did as she was told and awaited his next move. Pausing for a moment to look her over, James smiled happily and knelt behind her, gently brushing her tail aside as he lined his tip up along her slit. He growled softly in her ear "Your already wet Lisa. Were you looking forward to this that much?" The husky tried to hide her face, but before she could she felt her co-worker's shaft slide slowly into her warm, wet slit.

With a shuddering breath Lisa gripped the cold metal shell of the server, the brushed metal sending a racing chill through her body as her nipples grazed the surface. The shivers more than attracted James' attention; his paws swiftly made their way from her hips to her breasts, his firm caress a welcome distraction from the chill of the metal surface.

"No foreplay today James?" She said with a sultry glance over her shoulder at the wolf.

With a sharp tug of the leash she arched back against the wolf and felt his warm breath pass over her chest. "Is that a complaint?" He growled softly.

Lisa whined softly as she felt her nipple being pinched sharply. "No, but I was getting used to the build up."

James chuckled "Your an adrenaline junkie when it comes to sex aren't you? The riskier it gets the more turned on you are."

There was a brief pause in their motions before Lisa answered. "Yes." She panted. "I can't think straight now, you've changed me James."

"I didn't change you Lisa." The wolf growled so softly it was barely above a whisper. "I just changed the rules." Lisa was hard pressed to find an argument against his statement; everything he had done had been a change from what would be considered normal behaviour in their work place, not that she hadn't or wasn't enjoying it now.

With a firm thrust James pushed Lisa back against the server and gripped her waist as he began thrusting deeply into her slit. He was glad that he had taken the time to make sure the server room would be clear for this; an inopportune arrival of one of the server crew now would have been disastrous for both of them, but a little bribe and knowing the right people had guaranteed the server room's silence and lack of extra activity for at least another two hours. The moans Lisa was giving him and the enthusiasm with which she took to her role now made all his planning worth it.

He pressed her more firmly against the cool metal casing and leaned into her again, bucking his hips firmly and driving his shaft in and out of her moist tunnel. His paws began to roam again, grasping at her backside and breasts, her hips and stomach, her thighs and tail. The husky murred softly in pleasure and with a hushed whisper encouraged him to take her fully. The thought played in his mind, but he wasn't ready to tie with her just yet.

"How much do you want it?" He said in a breathy voice before gently biting the tip of her ear.

Lisa whined loudly as she answered "I want it, I want it so much. I want you James. Take me!" She bucked back firmly trying to get more of him inside her; she knew it was too soon for his knot to be swollen yet but the sensation of being fully penetrated burned at the edge of her senses

James softly kissed her neck above the collar and received a soft purr of delight as his reward; he realized he had perhaps underestimated just how strong the husky's feelings for him had really been. He pushed his cock in deeper still and Lisa let a throaty moan escape her mouth; though he was careful to mind his own body; if he kept up his motions at his current rate he would knot her, and he didn't want to risk that just yet.

With a whimper of disappointment, Lisa felt James pull free of her. "I thought you wanted me." She whined softly, but no sooner had she finished than she found herself being turned around and kissed wildly. Their kiss lasted several long moments and when they broke, Lisa saw the passion in his eyes, and the glint of something more going on in his mind. With a gentle tug of the leash and swift instruction Lisa lay on her back and spread her legs for the wolf; the sight was more than a little inviting.

James smiled and gazed at her. "More ladies could do with a figure like yours Lisa." He stated playfully.

"You think I'm sexy?" She purred happily as James crawled over her.

"Hips and thighs like yours are to die for Lisa." He said with a wide grin on his muzzle. "Too many girls just want to be thin and not embrace what they have. You have a very womanly figure; it's something to be proud of."

Lisa blushed and hid her face with her paws as her tail wagged wildly. "Flatterer." She yipped shyly.

"You love it." He growled softly then moved her paws aside and kissed her again. They wrapped themselves up in each other, James sliding back inside the husky's slit and taking advantage of his yet to inflate knot. He pushed in deeply and rolled Lisa on top of him; she yipped in both surprise and delight at the sudden change in position and bucked her hips wildly, feeling him touch her most sensitive areas as he ground his groin hard against hers.

A soft howl escaped Lisa's muzzle as James' motions became faster and more determined. Looking down on the wolf she smiled to herself; she knew she was in the controlling position, but James was the one with the power. It was a liberating feeling she enjoyed as she tossed and played with her hair and breasts. James was deeply aware of her change in personality but gave no hint of his knowledge as he ploughed into the curvy husky's warm tunnel again and again.

Lisa felt herself fall forward as James gave the leash a gentle yet firm tug. Unwilling to stop, she bucked and bounced her hips feeling the wolf's cock rub against her sensitive inner walls continuously. "Ready for your reward?" James said with a low growl in Lisa's ear that made her quiver in anticipation.

"Yes Sir." She panted.

Slowly, James rolled Lisa off of his shaft and ordered her back to her knees as he began to firmly massage his member. Lisa's eyes widened as she saw his knot inflate in his paw. Secretly she had wanted him to tie with her and make their relationship something more; she guessed the wolf had other plans. "Drink it all down like a good girl." James huffed with a warm smile on his muzzle.

Barely waiting a second, Lisa leaned closer and took her colleagues cock deep in her mouth; feeling his fleshy knot brush against her teeth. Closing her mouth gently around him, she began sucking his cock and savouring the taste of her own fluids and the taste of his flesh as a rush of thick cum flooded her mouth and slid down her throat with a succession of heavy swallows.

Sitting back after a moment; Lisa cleaned the edges of her mouth with her thumb before turning her gaze back up towards James. Her eyes were wide and hungry for more but the wolf just smiled and shook his head. "Did I take it all out of you?"

James gave her a playful wink. "As much as I'd love to continue this all day Lisa, The technicians will be here in a little while. We've got time to clean up, get dressed and head up to the office before anyone arrives and suspects anything."

With a heavy sigh Lisa felt her shoulders sag. "Pity, I was enjoying that."

James chuckled. "I know you were."

The wolf and husky dressed themselves once more and shared a gentle embrace before they began to clean the area they had occupied to mask their scents. They had barely finished and boarded the elevator when James saw the second elevator descending. Joking about their narrow escape as they arrived at their office level, Lisa offered James coffee in her office and a chance to talk things through further. James declined; he placed his paws on her shoulders and explained how their early arrival would suspicious enough and they had to keep things quiet. Reluctantly, Lisa agreed and headed for her office as James turned towards his cubical.

* * *

The day had been busy in the office and staff had been hard pushed to recall a day when they had been more productive. Projects had either been completed early or were so close to completion the various sector managers, including Lisa had allowed their teams to finish early for the weekend.

Sitting at her desk and twirling a James' letter of resignation about her fingers; Lisa considered the events of the week and wondered if anything would ever be the same again. Her train of thought was interrupted by a knock at her office door. "Come in." She called out. James stepped in with a friendly smile and nodded towards the letter in her paws. "I believe this is yours." She said softly.

James chuckled. "Actually I'd like you to hold on to it for a little while longer."

The husky's eyes went wide with shock and she fought to keep tears from building in her eyes. "But I thought..."

Holding up his paw, James eased the tension with soft words. "I just want you to hold it until tomorrow. Bring it to my place and I'll trade you all the data I collected for the letter."

Lisa eyed the wolf curiously. "Your place?"

James nodded. "It's going to take a little time to get the drive out tonight and deleting all the system files connected to it; but I'll have it for you tomorrow evening."

Laying the letter back on the desk, Lisa leaned forward. "What time do I need to be there?" She purred softly.

A smile of affection passed between the wolf and husky before James spoke again. "Just before seven if you can." He dropped a small card with his address written on it to her desk and smiled.

"Alright, I'll be there." Lisa said with a grin as she tried to anticipate the wolf's next move.

James smiled and turned to leave. "See you then Lisa." He said with a soft growl.