The Taming of Mitchell Anick, Episode 5.

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#5 of The Taming of Mitchell Anick

A new chapter to one of my older stories, hope you all like it.

As usual, votes, comments and faves are all very much welcome should you feel the story deserves them!

The Taming Of Mitchell Anick.

The following story will contain the use of Violence, Bad Language, and Gay Furry Sex. If you are not old enough to read such material or the material offends you in anyway then read on no further.

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PART: 5.

Having just been released from prison has two different effects for both me and Rick, for me, I just walk calmly towards Mace's new car, tail wagging as I go, for Rick once he exits the prison transport he stands there and takes in a deep lungful of air closely followed by another.

"You know Manick, it feels so good to finally be able to breathe free, fresh air, I mean sure we had air when we were in the exercise yard but it was always polluted with cigarette smoke and sweat, plus we only got a few minutes of that"

After his rediscovering of fresh air, the Doberman walks towards the Detectives car, a 2012 Ford GT.

"Wow, I know I have been behind bars for ten years, but I didn't think that cars would change so much in that time, before I was given my invitation to stay at her majesty's hotel for criminals, I thought I was the business having a brand new Subaru Impreza, but this is a whole new ball game"

I pull the lever on the passenger side seat and it slides forward to allow access to the rear seats, Rick tries to fit his bulky frame inside but fails miserably, and so me being slightly smaller I get into the back seat and allow Rick to sit in the front passenger seat.

Mace climbs into the driver's seat, and from my vantage point I get the perfect view of his beautifully rounded and plump ass, I say a silent prayer.

"Oh lord please tell me that this beauty of a Rottweiler is gay, available and wants me, I promise I will never commit another crime, heck if you want me to I will even go to Church on Sunday's, just please give me this one gift, that is all I ask"

I'm brought out of my daydream by the sound of Mace's voice.

"Hello, earth calling Mitchell, come in Mitchell"

_ _I blush heavily as I come back to my senses, Mace notices that my attention is back in the here and now and continues.

"Right, first things first, before we head home I know you will both be starving, because let's face it, prison food should itself be put on trial for being cruel and sadistic and a crime against fur kind, so how about we gorge out on fast food, and then go to a bar and have a celebration drink, hehe, of course I will only have the one as it wouldn't be good for my career if I was to get stopped for DWI"

With that said Mace fires up the engine and we make our way to the local drive through. The drive through has a counter inside and we decide to sit at a table to eat our meals, Mace stands at the counter to place our orders while Rick and I find an empty table to sit at, as we walk around the restaurant I see many eyes staring at Rick, well I guess seeing a Doberman dressed in clothes that were hip ten years ago is a little worthy of a stare. Rick also notices the stares and I can see his top lip beginning to curl and so I put my arm around him to keep him focused.

"Take it easy Rick, you just got out of the slammer, you don't want a one way ticket back inside, besides, once you get back on your footpaws you will be just as trendy as they are"

We find an empty table and take a seat, Rick sits on the opposite side of the table to me, and he then giggles a little.

"Hey Mitchell, you might want to scoot up the seat a little so that your boyfriend can take a seat and you can get a better view of his butt"

I give Rick's leg a gentle kick under the table; he then sticks his tongue out at me. I slide a little further up the bench seat and then I space out again, deep in thought.

"Man who would have thought it, most gay guys struggle to find their right partner, some never do, and yet here I am with my pick of two fucking sexy assed guys, a Doberman that I'm pretty sure would jump into my pants if given the opportunity, and a Rottweiler who I have no idea how his pendulum swings"

Again I'm so deep in thought that I don't notice Mace has arrived back at the table with our meals, I'm only brought out of my daydream again as Rick begins to speak to Mace.

"Well Mace, it seems like Mitchell has spaced out again, mind you though it is hardly surprising, I mean he is probably daydreaming about his boyfriend"

My head turns sharply towards Rick and I bare my teeth a little and give a soft growl, and then my ears fold flat against my skull as the questioning begins to start, in a slightly disappointed voice Mace begins to speak.

"Oh so Manick, you erm....have a boyfriend huh? Mind if I ask who it is?"

Before I can open my muzzle Rick jumps in first.

"Some Detective you are Mace, wake up and smell the musk, Mitchell's tail only wags for one guy here, and that guy is you"

I scoot further up the bench seat until I am squished into the corner, I then cower down as much as possible, right now I would swap being here for being back in prison, back in an isolation cell with the key having been thrown away.

There is now an eerie silence from both Mace and Rick as they sit there staring at me, Rick then speaks again.

"Well I'm going to take my meal and eat it outside at one of the picnic tables; it seems I'm not doing so well in a crowded restaurant"

Rick picks up his food and heads outside to one of the vacant picnic tables, leaving just me and Mace sitting together. Finally the silence is broken.

"Mitchell was Rick joking or do you have a thing for me?"

I hang my head and let out a large sigh, and then I make my reply.

"I'm sorry Mace, but yes, Rick is right I do have a thing for you, I just wish that Rick had kept his muzzle shut because I know that you are a highly decorated Detective and wouldn't be seen dead having a boyfriend like me, I mean hell you are as straight as they come. So now you know I will take whatever violence you have stored up because after all I deserve it, oh and just to give you more of a reason to hit me, I checked your ass out as you got into the car, and just before I die I just want to say that if things were different and you were gay, I would so be giving your ass some action"

I then close my eyes and wait for the crushing and deadly blows to reign down on my body, but all I feel is a soft and gentle paw rubbing my leg, I venture to slowly open my eyes, my vision clears and I see a now very close Rottweiler looking at me with a weak and wistful smile.

"Oh Mitchell, why the hell didn't you say something to me sooner?"

My voice begins to break up and tears begin to flow from my eyes as I make my solemn reply.

"Well think about it Mace, a distinguished cop such as yourself being hit on by a common criminal such as me, now that is pretty preposterous, but the thought that you might even want me is even more out of this world, I mean yes on the outside I'm a cuddly Husky, but under the fur I am trash, an armed robber no less, I feel so ashamed to even be seen in public"

In full view of the restaurant patrons Mace leans down and kisses me on the muzzle.

"You are also a hero to three, me being one of them. True you have done some pretty stupid stuff during your lifetime, but you have never actually physically hurt anyone, oh yes, mentally and financially it is true you have hurt quite a few, but you have undergone two stays in prison, and worst of all, you have been brutally raped, and yet you save the guy who raped you from a fire. Beneath that silky fur beats a heart of gold and I would be an idiot if I didn't grab me a piece of that gold"

The restaurant is rife with quiet murmurs and whispers which Mace hears; he stands and turns to address the restaurant.

"Yes you heard it right Detective Mace Smith is gay, and I have fallen in love with an ex-convict that saved my life; Mr. Mitchell Anick has paid his debt to society in more ways than one so deal with it people"

I sit there dumbfounded, my muzzle agape as I take in the fact that Mace has just stood up in a crowded fast food restaurant and announced that he is gay and in love with me, Mace then looks at me with a beaming smile on his face.

"Okay sweetheart, grab your bag of food and we'll head home where the three of us can talk in more privacy"

In all honesty I didn't need telling twice, but fear and nerves have made my legs refuse to work, Mace chuckles a little and then taps the window to attract Rick's attention. The Doberman heads into the restaurant and then stands next to Mace.

"Okay Rick, will you pick up the food bags and carry them to the car please, because I got me an important package to carry"

Rick collects the other two bags with a smile on his face and holds them in his paws next to his own half finished food bag, he then heads out to the car while Mace proceeds to lift me up in his oh so strong arms. We head back out to the car, once we arrive Mace stands me back on my own footpaws while he unlocks the car doors.

We arrive at the home of Mace Smith, a modest three storey house that has obviously been well maintained.

"Well boys, this is it, my bachelor pad, I know that it doesn't look like much but it is home enough for three guys"

We all get out of the car and head towards the main entrance of the house. Mace unlocks the sliding French Doors that lead straight into the living area, inside the living room is sparsely but tastefully decorated, a huge plasma screen TV dominates the room, to the left of the TV is a brightly lit aquarium filled with many species of fish, none of which I can even name, there is a PS3 resting on a shelf just to the right of the TV and Rick instantly locks onto it.

"Oh I'm glad that they still have Playstation 2 around, at least that is something I can enjoy from my past"

I give a slight snicker.

"Sorry Rick, but that would be a Playstation 3, there are not many of the old consoles around anymore"

Rick gently hangs his head and whimpers.

"No PS2 oh man and I was so close to completing some of the games that I had"

Mace gently places a paw on Rick's shoulder.

"Don't worry Rick, you will soon get into PS3 and you will then wonder why you were whimpering"

The sliding doors are closed and the three of us sit on the couch and finish our meals in complete privacy and silence, but one thing is for sure, very soon there will be a lot of talking to be done.

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