One Very Special Christmas

Story by justmerg on SoFurry

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Author's Note: Alright people. This is a step away from usual stories of mine. Little drama and no action. Its really only a lemon. But its one I've enjoyed writing. Especially considering it involves my two favorite furs. I hope you enjoy.

One Very Special Christmas

Its such a generic setting. A two-story, white house set upon a small hill, settled in the entrance to a neighborhood on the far end of town. Most consider it unimpressive but to the owners, it was paradise on earth. Their safe haven from people who didn't like furries. Said owners are a strange and quiet bunch when in public. In private though, they can act like regular teenagers.

First, there is Kara, a Lucario, and to people into furs, a vision of beauty. Compared to a normal Lucario though, she has a couple oddities about her. One is that the usual Lucario spikes on her chest and hands don't exist. Two, she has a much more human-like figure about her. She still has her digitigrade legs but her chest and hips are very human, giving her a bit of an hourglass figure. She has a hyper, lovely

Next is Kara and her mate's son Richelu. Mostly called Richy for short, he is a human/Lucario hybrid. His Pokemon traits dominate him mostly, resulting in him being mistaken as a purebred Lucario. His only real human trait are his hands. Also like his mother, he has no steel spikes.

Third, there is Rena, a Renamon. In her mate's eyes, she was the perfect vision of beauty. A little on the leggy side, but her figure was perfect and a gently, loving personality topped it all off. She was the first and foremost love and her and Kara's mate.

Finally, there was Richard, more commonly called Rich. He is mated to Kara and Rena and is Richelu's father. Originally a human, he became a nine-tailed fox morph after an incident involving him and Rena a long time ago. A caring and loving personality and his strong convictions drew both women to him.

From the beginning, it was only Rena he loved. He was great friends with Kara but didn't ever see her as more than that. But as Rena grew to know Kara even more, and their relationship deepened, she had to remind Rich of one eventual fact: he was no longer all human. He was part animal and sometimes animals took more than one mate. Eventually he did take Kara as his second mate and Richelu was born.

Right now, it was a couple weeks before Christmas and the family was setting up for the holiday season. Rich and Richelu were outside hanging the lights on the house while Kara and Rena were setting up the tree.

"Finally! Our favorite time of year is here again!" Kara nearly squealed as she bounced around the tree with a strand of lights in paw.

Rena just giggled at her friend and adopted sister.

"Kara, if you keep spinning around like that, you're gonna be the Christmas tree."

True enough, Kara had her legs wrapped up to her knees and it was a miracle that she had not fallen over already. Rena helped Kara untangle herself, giggling a little more at her sister.

"You don't seem to be as happy this year, Rena." Kara said, resuming her prancing but being careful not to get wrapped up again.

Rena was following behind her, placing ornaments where the lights were already placed.

"I'm just tired sis. I couldn't sleep well last night. Wasn't able to get comfortable."

"Well go lay down. I can take care of this." Kara stopped her prancing, looking mildly concerned for her sister.

"Don't worry, Kara. I'm fine. Really."

Kara gave her a quick hug and, just as quickly, resumed her prancing around the tree.

Outside, Rich was finishing putting up the lights. Richy had left a few moments ago to go pick up his girlfriend. As long as they've known her, Alexandra had practically become a part of the family. After putting in the final staple on the lights, Rich packed everything up and returned it all to its rightful place in the garage. He peeled off his jacket after entering the warmth of the house. When he entered the living room, the tree had already been finished and Kara was hanging stockings on the mantle. Strangely, Rena was nowhere to be seen.

Rich smiled at the opportunity and sneaked up behind his blue and black bipedal jackal, wrapping his arms around her waist. Not missing a beat, Kara smiled, leaned back against her mate and licked his cheek.

"Hey there sweetness." Rich said, placing a tender kiss on her head.

"What do you think of the decorations?"

"They look great, baby. And you look like you've had a lot of fun doing it."

Kara spun on the spot and sealed her muzzle with his, pressing close against him. They let their tongues dance in passion as he held her tight and close to him. After the need for air separated them, Rich gently pushed Kara to the couch.

"Close your eyes, baby."

Kara smiled and did as she was asked, quietly giggling. All she was able to hear were shades being drawn, a couple of clicks and a pop, and maybe cloth hitting the floor. Then came silence except for a little crackling. When she opened her eyes, she let out a quiet gasp. The room was lit by the lights on the Christmas tree and a small fire in the fireplace. Her eyes lit up as she surveyed the scene but she quickly became drawn to the sight of her nude mate in front of her. She gave a seductive smile and began removing her clothes but Rich only let her get as far as her shirt.

Once again they sealed muzzles and let their tongues dance as one of Rich's hands slid up her back to the clasp of her bra and the other under her dress, caressing her thighs and resting on her butt. Kara giggled and settled her rear end into her mate's hand as the other undid her clasp and let free her sizable C-cup breasts. He reached around and cupped one of those lush mounds and nipped at her neck, causing her to crane her neck and moan a little. While he nipped, Rich allowed his other hand to follow the path of the other up her leg. Unzipping the side of her skirt and removing the offending garment, Rich revealed a black lace thong already soaked with feminine juices, revealing how horny this had made her. He smirked and trailed a finger up the front of the fabric, causing Kara to writhe beneath him. Rich pulled off the lacy cover, revealing Kara's slick folds and leaned down to give them a good lick. In a surprise move, Kara placed both of her hands on the back of his head and forced his muzzle into her snatch. Greedily he slurped at the treasure before him, the sweet flavor eliminating his desire to move.

Kara moaned loudly as her multi-taled mate licked away at her sex, making her go from moaning to near-howling. To add to her pleasure, Rich reached up with a hand and begin toying with her clit. Thumbing and licking on it to heighten her already elevated level of pleasure. Soon, Kara could no longer take it and her legs seized up as she howled her pleasure to the world. Rich was struggling for breath but in no mood to complain as his mate soaked his muzzle with femjuice. All the while he made sure to never stop eating her out, making her orgasm last even longer than what she was used to. Soon though, she started coming down and her legs unlocked, allowing Rich to come up and breathe a little. After catching his breath, he crawled his way up his lovely lady's body, planting kisses all over along the way. He reached her muzzle and planted a kiss on her, giving Kara a taste of herself and she had to admit that she did have a sweet taste.

She smiled seductively and wrapped her legs around her mate's hips. Rich slowly grinded his hard fox-cock into her folds, carefully teasing her and not entering. But Kara soon had enough of that and she started to pull him into her with her legs.

"Don't tease me like that, baby. You know how I get."

"I know. And that's why I do it." He slowly drove himself home and hilted her, both moaning in pleasure and Rich taking the opportunity to kiss her again. They stayed like that for a moment, enjoying being fully connected with each other and sharing their passion in a kiss. Soon though, their needs took over and Rich's hips began moving again, bucking into the wet folds enveloping his cock. They finally split apart, moaning and panting as they started out slow.

Though it started as lovemaking, lust soon made it to be purely about fucking each other. Rich took charge and started to pick up his pace, making hard and deep thrusts into his mate's snatch. Kara soon had enough of being on bottom though. IN a surprise move, she basically shoved Rich onto his back and started riding him. This allowed Rich no more control over the situation and he was forced to let Kara do the major work. While she was above him, he took the opportunity to grope her butt and breasts, drawing gasps of pleasure from Kara. Eventually though, Rich managed to regain control, drawing on Kara's secret submissive side. He managed to get her to go to her hands and knees and he laid over her back, arms locked tightly around her midsection as he pounded away at her from behind. She silently loved when it happened like this and had to force herself not to slam her hips back into his to meet his thrusts.

It continued on just like this for what seemed like hours. Whether for one hour or for more, it took a long time for Rich to announce that he was close to finishing. Kara said nothing, mind too overridden by pleasure to care. Rich's knot had formed and with a good couple thrusts, he lodged it into Kara's wet love tunnel. The extra stretch for Kara drove her over the edge first. Her convulsions pulled Rich over with her and they both howled their finish to the world. Kara collapsed onto the couch and Rich on top of her, both happily satisfied and content in the arms of one they love.

Rich was the one to recover to the world of the real out of the cloud of lust that had taken both of them. Knowing that he and Kara were stuck together for a while and that their son would be returning soon, he grabbed a blanket and covered them both. Kara looked over her shoulder and gave Rich's muzzle a little lick.

"Thank you. That was fun." She said with a content smile.

"Likewise, baby." He leaned down and kissed her cheek and they settled in for an extended stay on the couch.

As he had expected, Richy returned with Alexandra not too much later. Kara had fallen asleep by now and Rich was just laying there, gently caressing her.

"Giving someone their gift early, dad?" Richy teased.

"Not really. Just a spur of the moment thing. Hi Alexandra."

"Hi. And I'll keep asking. Please just call me Alex." she giggled, quite used to coming over and seeing him like this with one of his two mates. For a human, she had adapted to being around a fur family with no problems.

Richy and Alex retreated upstairs to Richy's room. Rich finally found himself able to exit Kara and he did so with great care not to wake her. The motion itself making Kara give off a small, lusty moan. He was able to do it though. He carefully climbed off of the couch and gave Kara another kiss before putting on his pants and going in search of Rena.

For her part, Rena had helped Kara finish the decorations and had taken her sister's advice to lay down. She had heard everything going on downstairs. She had heard Richy leave. She heard Rich come in and heard the mating. Even though it was still a little before Thanksgiving and Christmas, Rena found herself hard pressed to be joyful of anything. She knew why but she was quiet about it for fear of hurting her sister's feelings. She loved her sister and nephew dearly but it was her nephew that was causing these feelings. Kara came into Rich's life after Rena but she was the one that got a child. And not for lack of trying on Rena and Rich's part. It was something that they desperately wanted for a long time but were never able to achieve. She had prayed to the Digital God Fanglongmon for so long but it continually felt like she was ignored or her prayers were never answered. She rolled over onto her side and drew her knees up to her chest. One more time she would pray. And if it didn't help, she would believe that it wasn't meant to be. She began to pray her heart out.

Rich went upstairs and found Rena curled up in their bed. Quietly he entered the room, stopping only for a second when he thought her heard her mumbling. Rena noticed his entrance.

"Come on over, Rich." She said without looking.

Rich just looked at her for a second before slipping under the covers behind her.

"Is everything alright, Rena? I hadn't seen you since I went outside to work on the lights."

"I'm fine, Rich. I'm just tired is all. I didn't sleep well last night."

Rich didn't believe her on that count but he decided not to press the issue. She had closed off their mental bond and she didn't feel like telling him what really was wrong, he knew not to push it. Instead he just wrapped his arms around her midsection and pulled her close to him, resting his chin on her shoulder. Rena sighed and curled on herself a little more but still relaxed a bit in the embrace of her love. A little tear ran down her cheek but she kept silent and began to fall asleep. Rich, not wanting to leave his first love alone, just held her and rocked her quietly until they were both asleep.

One month later

Christmas time had finally arrived and the family had gathered around the tree once again. Alexandra was there as well, celebrating while her parents had other plans. A large and beautiful breakfast was had and then came everyone's favorite part: the presents. Everyone had their stocking filled to bursting and they all got gifts of all shapes and sizes. Undoubtedly, the biggest and most expensive gift was for Alexandra. He second family had shocked her entirely by getting her the exact car she had wanted, down to the paint job, the interior and the stereo. She was so happy she broke down in tears and embraced all of her other family and practically tackled Richy in a kiss. Despite Rena's disappointment over being ignored again by the Digi-God, she still found herself having the best time in the world.

Kara and Rena were both treated to expensive jewelry and chocolates of all sorts. Richy was gifted a brand new computer with the most up-to-date gaming available. And Rich was given all manner of clothes, covered in his personal designs but acquired by his girls.

After the presents were all handed out and put away and the wrapping cleaned up, the family all gathered around a warm fireplace fire to watch a couple of Christmas specials. Little did they know that a few would turn to many and time flew by as they drank hot cocoa and snuggled together. Before they knew it though, time had passed by and it was time for their dinner reservations. Rich had planned ahead and reserved tables at their favorite restaurant in town. The family loaded up and let Alexandra test drive her new car.

The night peacefully wore on. A few glasses of wine were had, though a few too many in the case of Kara who would be regretting it the next morning. As with breakfast, nobody left hungry. In fact, they left more stuffed than ever before. Alexandra drove them all back home, Kara making everyone almost die of laughter on the trip back. She was a funny drunk.

When they arrived home, Richy and Rich struggled a sleeping Kara upstairs to bed then separated to their respective partners. Rich had no doubt in his mind that his son would be consummating his relationship. He thought it was about time since she was already considered family.

Downstairs, Rena sat on the couch, warming her paws by the fire, waiting for Rich to come back. She finally resolved to tell him what had been bothering her for a while and get it off her chest, seeing how it wasn't going to change. The sudden feeling of paws wrapping around her made her jump a little.

"You've been absent, baby. I don't like it."

"I need to talk to you about that. I've been depressed lately. And jealous."

"Of what, Rena? And why haven't you told me yet?"

"Because I was hoping it would resolve itself. But I have the feeling it won't."

"What is it dear. Talk to me."

"I wanted a child. I'm jealous of my sister. I'm jealous because I was in your life first. I was your first mate. And your first child wasn't with me. I don't blame you either. I just don't know why we can't have a child."

"I don't know either, baby. I want a child with you too. Its not for lack of trying that we don't have one." Rich rests a hand on her belly and his head against her's. "Rena, I love you. I want a child with you. Though I want nothing more than to be with you."

"One last time, Rich. Lets try one last time. Maybe my prayer will be answered yet."

Rich leaned in a planted the most passionate kiss on her lips, locking their muzzles together. Without hesitation, they began peeling away each others' clothes until they were bare to the world. Rena straddled his hips, finally separating from their kiss with lidded eyes. Rich let his hands roam over her yellow-furred body, his hands coming to rest on her well-toned behind. Rena's hands meanwhile had found something to play with in front of her as she felt up Rich's sheath and orbs. Rich's hands played with Rena's bare butt, the feeling quickly arousing the fox as her ass was a particularly untouched area. Rena returned the affection by quickly coaxing Rich out of his sheath, his foxy member quickly swelling to its full attention. Rich lifted Rena up and she wrapped her legs around him, his tip prodding at her entrance.

"Please, Rich, make me pregnant. Father a child with me." She prayed wrapping her arms around his neck.

He nodded and slowly lowered her onto his shaft, quieting her moan with another kiss. Continually, he lifted and lowered her, determined to make this about pure love instead of sex. He let it go on like this for a little while but soon his arms began tiring and he laid her on her back and began bucking into her. One hand found her modest chest and began playing with it, fondling, squeezing and teasing the sensitive mounds of flesh.

Rena began squirming beneath him, moaning like she was in heat. Her desire for a child overrode her mind and she began bucking hard back against him. Rich noticed this fervor and cupped her face in his hands, looking her dead in the eyes. This seemed to calm her down some and Rich continued making love to his first and true love. Finally, the couple began to feel Rich's knot swelling.

"Rena, I'm so close."

"Fill me, Rich. Please. I want this. I want you child."

Rich sealed their muzzles together once again and forced his knot home. His furry sac unleashing all it had into Rena's waiting love tunnel. Rena hugged herself tightly to her mate and didn't let him go even after their orgasms had died down. No words were spoken as they stared into each others' eyes, Rich rested his head against her's and Rena held herself close to her love. They drifted off into slumber, silently hoping and praying that they had succeeded this time.

Thankfully they had. Fanglongmon had heard and realized the true desire of Rena. He considered it to be his Christmas gift to the fated couple. Altering Rena's structure, he changed the one part of her that needed to be changed in order to give her her greatest desire. The Digital dragon smiled at the thought.

A couple months later, Rena had her prayers answered. Rich and Kara were standing over their bed where Rena lay resting. The fox had just finished giving birth to her and Rich's first child. Rena smiled down at the sleeping bundle in her arms and Rich happily watched as Rena nursed their daughter.

"Have you come up with a name yet, sis?" Kara asked quietly.

"I have. With Rich's help of course."

"She's our little beauty. We've decided to call her Syreena."

"Syreena..." Rena smiled and reached up to pull Rich down into a passionate kiss. A kiss with such passion that hadn't been felt by either since their first kiss years ago.